blob: 88a5a1134a96f247b8e8419bc81e583e5e29eb94 [file] [log] [blame]
actionErrors.errors=Cannot process ActionErrors instance of class {0}
actionMessages.errors=Cannot process ActionMessages instance of class {0}
computeURL.forward=Cannot retrieve ActionForward named {0}
computeURL.specifier=You must specify exactly one of "forward", "href", "page" or "action"
lookup.access=Invalid access looking up property {0} of bean {1}
lookup.bean.any=Cannot find bean {0} in any scope
lookup.bean=Cannot find bean {0} in scope {1}
lookup.method=No getter method for property {0} of bean {1}
lookup.scope=Invalid bean scope {0} thrown by getter for property {0} of bean {1}
message.bundle=Cannot find message resources under key {0}
parameters.multi=Cannot cast to Map for name={0} property={1} scope={2} error: {0}