blob: d05875ca9008963cba4f68d50c37e77341e40570 [file] [log] [blame]
<%@ taglib uri="" prefix="logic" %>
<%@ taglib uri="" prefix="bean" %>
<%@ taglib uri="" prefix="tiles" %>
<%@ page import="java.util.Iterator" %>
<%-- Push component attributes in page context --%>
<tiles:importAttribute />
<logic:present name="title">
<th colspan=2>
<div align="left"><strong><bean:write name="title"/></strong></div>
<%-- Check if selected exist. --%>
<logic:notPresent name="selected" >
<% pageContext.setAttribute( "selected", "" ); %>
<%-- Prepare the links list to be iterated --%>
<bean:define id="links" name="links" type="java.util.List" scope="page" />
<% Iterator i = links.iterator(); %>
<%-- iterate on items list --%>
<%-- Normally, we should write something like this :
<logic:iterate id="item" name="items" type="java.lang.String" >
But, Struts doesn't declare the TEI class for iterate, and
some web container deal badly with the declared variable.
So, we use what follow instead.
<logic:iterate id="iterateItem" name="items" >
<bean:define id="item" name="iterateItem" type="java.lang.String" scope="page" />
<td width="10" valign="top" ></td>
<td valign="top" >
<%-- check if selected --%>
<logic:notEqual name="selected" value="<%=item%>">
<% // Compute link value
String link = (String);
if(link.startsWith("/") )
link = request.getContextPath() + link;
<font size="-1"><a href="<%=link%>"><%=item%></a></font>
<logic:equal name="selected" value="<%=item%>">
<font size="-1" color="fuchsia"><%=item%></font>
<%-- Following are some code example using this submenu
<tiles:insert page="/common/submenu.jsp" flush="true">
<tiles:put name="title" value="Main Menu" />
<tiles:putList name="items" >
<tiles:add value="Home" />
<tiles:add value="Edit Customer" />
<tiles:add value="Invoice" />
<tiles:putList name="links" >
<tiles:add value="index.jsp" />
<tiles:add value="invoice/index.jsp" />
<tiles:add value="invoice/index.jsp" />
<tiles:insert definition="mainSubMenu" flush="true">
<tiles:put name="selected" value="Home" />