blob: 613a7c0724f84990723af700ce0e8c0f2e10f12f [file] [log] [blame]
using System.Collections;
using System.Web.UI;
using Nexus.Core.Helpers;
using Nexus.Core.Profile;
namespace Nexus.Web
public interface IViewControl
/// <summary>
/// Set Labels and TextBoxes to an empty string
/// to ensure inappropriate values are not carried over.
/// </summary>
void ResetControls();
/// <summary>
/// User profile, which includes user ID and Locale.
/// </summary>
IProfile Profile { get; set; }
IViewHelper GetHelperFor(string command);
IViewHelper Execute(string command);
void Bind(ControlCollection controls, IDictionary dictionary);
void Bind(IDictionary dictionary);
void ExecuteBind(ControlCollection controls, IViewHelper helper);
void ExecuteBind(IViewHelper helper);
IViewHelper ExecuteBind(ControlCollection controls, string command);
IViewHelper ExecuteBind(string command);
void ReadExecute(IViewHelper helper, bool nullIfEmpty);
void ReadExecute(IViewHelper helper);
IViewHelper Read(string command, bool nullIfEmpty);
IViewHelper Read(string command);
IViewHelper ReadExecute(string command, bool nullIfEmpty);
IViewHelper ReadExecute(string command);
IViewHelper ReadExecute(ControlCollection collection, string command, bool nullIfEmpty);
IViewHelper ReadExecute(ControlCollection collection, string command);
IViewHelper Read(string command, IDictionary criteria, bool nullIfEmpty);
IViewHelper ReadExecute(string command, IDictionary criteria, bool nullIfEmpty);
IViewHelper ReadExecute(string command, IDictionary criteria);