blob: ef1ef1452830369a29afec3586c5cd6e259d00fe [file] [log] [blame]
"pipelineElements": [
"appId": "org.apache.streampipes.processors.pattern-detection.flink.absence",
"type": "Data Processor",
"name": "Absence",
"description": "Detects whether an event does not arrive within a specified time after the occurrence of another event.",
"dockerHubLink": "",
"githubLink": ""
"appId": "org.apache.streampipes.processors.aggregation.flink.aggregation",
"type": "Data Processor",
"name": "Aggregation",
"description": "Performs different aggregation functions",
"dockerHubLink": "",
"githubLink": ""
"appId": "org.apache.streampipes.processors.pattern-detection.flink.and",
"type": "Data Processor",
"name": "And",
"description": "Detects whether an event co-occurs with another event within a given time.",
"dockerHubLink": "",
"githubLink": ""
"appId": "",
"type": "Adapter",
"name": "Apache Kafka",
"description": "Consumes messages from an Apache Kafka broker",
"dockerHubLink": "",
"githubLink": ""
"appId": "",
"type": "Adapter",
"name": "Apache Pulsar",
"description": "Consumes messages from an Apache Pulsar broker",
"dockerHubLink": "",
"githubLink": ""
"appId": "org.apache.streampipes.processors.transformation.flink.processor.boilerplate",
"type": "Data Processor",
"name": "Boilerplate Removal",
"description": "Removes boilerplate and extract fulltext from HTML",
"dockerHubLink": "",
"githubLink": ""
"appId": "org.apache.streampipes.processors.transformation.jvm.booloperator.counter",
"type": "Data Processor",
"name": "Boolean Counter",
"description": "Increases a counter on each change of a boolean value",
"dockerHubLink": "",
"githubLink": ""
"appId": "org.apache.streampipes.processors.transformation.jvm.booloperator.inverter",
"type": "Data Processor",
"name": "Boolean Inverter",
"description": "Inverts the boolean value of the selected field",
"dockerHubLink": "",
"githubLink": ""
"appId": "org.apache.streampipes.processors.transformation.jvm.booloperator.timer",
"type": "Data Processor",
"name": "Boolean Timer",
"description": "Measures how long a boolean measure does not change",
"dockerHubLink": "",
"githubLink": ""
"appId": "org.apache.streampipes.processors.transformation.jvm.processor.booloperator.state",
"type": "Data Processor",
"name": "Boolean To State",
"description": "Transforms boolean properties into a string state property",
"dockerHubLink": "",
"githubLink": ""
"appId": "org.apache.streampipes.sinks.brokers.jvm.bufferrest",
"type": "Data Sink",
"name": "Buffered REST Publisher",
"description": "Once a given amount of events is reached, events are posted to the given REST interface.",
"dockerHubLink": "",
"githubLink": ""
"appId": "org.apache.streampipes.processors.transformation.jvm.csvmetadata",
"type": "Data Processor",
"name": "CSV Metadata Enricher",
"description": "Enriches an event with additional fields from a",
"dockerHubLink": "",
"githubLink": ""
"appId": "org.apache.streampipes.processors.transformation.jvm.duration-value",
"type": "Data Processor",
"name": "Calculate Duration",
"description": "Calculates the time between two timestamps.",
"dockerHubLink": "",
"githubLink": ""
"appId": "org.apache.streampipes.processors.textmining.jvm.chunker",
"type": "Data Processor",
"name": "Chunker (English)",
"description": "Segments given tokens of a text into different chunks",
"dockerHubLink": "",
"githubLink": ""
"appId": "org.apache.streampipes.connect.adapters.coindesk",
"type": "Adapter",
"name": "Coindesk Bitcoin Price",
"description": "The current bitcoin price from the Coindesk API.",
"dockerHubLink": "",
"githubLink": ""
"appId": "org.apache.streampipes.processors.filters.jvm.compose",
"type": "Data Processor",
"name": "Compose",
"description": "Merges two event streams",
"dockerHubLink": "",
"githubLink": ""
"appId": "org.apache.streampipes.sinks.databases.jvm.couchdb",
"type": "Data Sink",
"name": "CouchDB",
"description": "Stores events in an Apache CouchDB database.",
"dockerHubLink": "",
"githubLink": ""
"appId": "org.apache.streampipes.processors.aggregation.flink.count",
"type": "Data Processor",
"name": "Count Aggregation",
"description": "Performs an aggregation based on a given event property and outputs the number of occurrences.",
"dockerHubLink": "",
"githubLink": ""
"appId": "org.apache.streampipes.processors.transformation.jvm.count-array",
"type": "Data Processor",
"name": "Count Array",
"description": "Counts the size of list items.",
"dockerHubLink": "",
"githubLink": ""
"appId": "org.apache.streampipes.processors.geo.jvm.jts.processor.latLngToGeo",
"type": "Data Processor",
"name": "Creates JTS Point",
"description": "Creates a JTS Point from Latitude and Longitude values",
"dockerHubLink": "",
"githubLink": ""
"appId": "org.apache.streampipes.processors.changedetection.jvm.cusum",
"type": "Data Processor",
"name": "Cusum",
"description": "",
"dockerHubLink": "",
"githubLink": ""
"appId": "org.apache.streampipes.sinks.internal.jvm.dashboard",
"type": "Data Sink",
"name": "Dashboard Sink",
"description": "Visualizes data streams in the StreamPipes dashboard",
"dockerHubLink": "",
"githubLink": ""
"appId": "org.apache.streampipes.sinks.internal.jvm.datalake",
"type": "Data Sink",
"name": "Data Lake",
"description": "Stores events in the StreamPipes data lake.",
"dockerHubLink": "",
"githubLink": ""
"appId": "org.apache.streampipes.processors.geo.jvm.processor.distancecalculator",
"type": "Data Processor",
"name": "Distance Calculator",
"description": "Calculates the distance between two geo points",
"dockerHubLink": "",
"githubLink": ""
"appId": "org.apache.streampipes.processors.geo.jvm.jts.processor.setEPSG",
"type": "Data Processor",
"name": "EPSG Code",
"description": "Adds a corresponding EPSG Code to the Geo-Event",
"dockerHubLink": "",
"githubLink": ""
"appId": "org.apache.streampipes.sinks.databases.ditto",
"type": "Data Sink",
"name": "Eclipse Ditto",
"description": "Publishes events to Eclipse Ditto.",
"dockerHubLink": "",
"githubLink": ""
"appId": "org.apache.streampipes.sinks.databases.flink.elasticsearch",
"type": "Data Sink",
"name": "Elasticsearch",
"description": "Stores data in an elasticsearch cluster",
"dockerHubLink": "",
"githubLink": ""
"appId": "",
"type": "Data Sink",
"name": "Email Notification",
"description": "Email service to send notifications emails",
"dockerHubLink": "",
"githubLink": ""
"appId": "org.apache.streampipes.processors.aggregation.flink.eventcount",
"type": "Data Processor",
"name": "Event Counter",
"description": "Counts the number of events within a time window.",
"dockerHubLink": "",
"githubLink": ""
"appId": "org.apache.streampipes.processors.aggregation.flink.rate",
"type": "Data Processor",
"name": "Event Rate",
"description": "Computes current event rate. Output is a number representing events per second.",
"dockerHubLink": "",
"githubLink": ""
"appId": "org.apache.streampipes.processors.transformation.flink.field-converter",
"type": "Data Processor",
"name": "Field Converter",
"description": "Converts a string value to a number data type",
"dockerHubLink": "",
"githubLink": ""
"appId": "org.apache.streampipes.processors.transformation.flink.fieldhasher",
"type": "Data Processor",
"name": "Field Hasher",
"description": "Hashes the value of a field using various hash functions.",
"dockerHubLink": "",
"githubLink": ""
"appId": "org.apache.streampipes.processors.transformation.flink.field-mapper",
"type": "Data Processor",
"name": "Field Mapper",
"description": "Replaces one or more field with a new field and computes a hash value of these fields",
"dockerHubLink": "",
"githubLink": ""
"appId": "org.apache.streampipes.processors.transformation.flink.field-renamer",
"type": "Data Processor",
"name": "Field Renamer",
"description": "Replaces the runtime name of an event property with a custom defined name.",
"dockerHubLink": "",
"githubLink": ""
"appId": "org.apache.streampipes.protocol.set.file",
"type": "Adapter",
"name": "File Set",
"description": "Reads the content from a local file.",
"dockerHubLink": "",
"githubLink": ""
"appId": "",
"type": "Adapter",
"name": "File Stream",
"description": null,
"dockerHubLink": "",
"githubLink": ""
"appId": "org.apache.streampipes.connect.adapters.flic.mqtt",
"type": "Adapter",
"name": "Flic MQTT",
"description": "Connect a Flic Smart Button over MQTT",
"dockerHubLink": "",
"githubLink": ""
"appId": "org.apache.streampipes.processors.siddhi.frequency",
"type": "Data Processor",
"name": "Frequency Calculation",
"description": "Calculates the frequency of the event stream",
"dockerHubLink": "",
"githubLink": ""
"appId": "org.apache.streampipes.processors.siddhi.frequencychange",
"type": "Data Processor",
"name": "Frequency Change",
"description": "Detects when the frequency of the event stream changes",
"dockerHubLink": "",
"githubLink": ""
"appId": "org.apache.streampipes.connect.adapters.gdelt",
"type": "Adapter",
"name": "GDELT",
"description": "Global Database of Society",
"dockerHubLink": "",
"githubLink": ""
"appId": "org.apache.streampipes.processor.imageclassification.jvm.generic-image-classification",
"type": "Data Processor",
"name": "Generic Image Classification",
"description": "Classification Description (Generic Model)",
"dockerHubLink": "",
"githubLink": ""
"appId": "org.apache.streampipes.processor.geo.jvm.geocoding",
"type": "Data Processor",
"name": "Google Maps Geocoder",
"description": "Geocodes a placename to a latitude/longitude combination",
"dockerHubLink": "",
"githubLink": ""
"appId": "",
"type": "Adapter",
"name": "HTTP Server",
"description": "Receives events from an external application and forwards them to StreamPipes.",
"dockerHubLink": "",
"githubLink": ""
"appId": "org.apache.streampipes.protocol.set.http",
"type": "Adapter",
"name": "HTTP Set",
"description": "Regularly poll an HTTP endpoint",
"dockerHubLink": "",
"githubLink": ""
"appId": "",
"type": "Adapter",
"name": "HTTP Stream",
"description": "Continuously fetched events from an HTTP REST endpoint.",
"dockerHubLink": "",
"githubLink": ""
"appId": "",
"type": "Adapter",
"name": "IEX Cloud News",
"description": "Fetches news for a given company (10 news / minutes maximum)",
"dockerHubLink": "",
"githubLink": ""
"appId": "org.apache.streampipes.connect.adapters.iex.stocks",
"type": "Adapter",
"name": "IEX Cloud Stock Quotes",
"description": "Live stock data provided by the IEXCloud API",
"dockerHubLink": "",
"githubLink": ""
"appId": "org.apache.streampipes.connect.adapters.iss",
"type": "Adapter",
"name": "ISS Location",
"description": "Current Location of the International Space Station (ISS)",
"dockerHubLink": "",
"githubLink": ""
"appId": "org.apache.streampipes.processor.imageclassification.jvm.image-cropper",
"type": "Data Processor",
"name": "Image Cropper",
"description": "Crops an image based on given bounding box coordinates",
"dockerHubLink": "",
"githubLink": ""
"appId": "org.apache.streampipes.processor.imageclassification.jvm.image-enricher",
"type": "Data Processor",
"name": "Image Enricher",
"description": "Enriches an image with a bounding box of given coordinates",
"dockerHubLink": "",
"githubLink": ""
"appId": "org.apache.streampipes.connect.adapters.image.set",
"type": "Adapter",
"name": "Image Upload (Set)",
"description": "",
"dockerHubLink": "",
"githubLink": ""
"appId": "",
"type": "Adapter",
"name": "Image Upload (Stream)",
"description": "",
"dockerHubLink": "",
"githubLink": ""
"appId": "org.apache.streampipes.sinks.databases.jvm.influxdb",
"type": "Data Sink",
"name": "InfluxDB",
"description": "Stores events in an InfluxDB.",
"dockerHubLink": "",
"githubLink": ""
"appId": "org.apache.streampipes.connect.adapters.influxdb.set",
"type": "Adapter",
"name": "InfluxDB Set Adapter",
"description": "Creates a data set for an InfluxDB measurement",
"dockerHubLink": "",
"githubLink": ""
"appId": "",
"type": "Adapter",
"name": "InfluxDB Stream Adapter",
"description": "Creates a data stream for an InfluxDB measurement",
"dockerHubLink": "",
"githubLink": ""
"appId": "org.apache.streampipes.sinks.databases.jvm.iotdb",
"type": "Data Sink",
"name": "IoTDB",
"description": "Stores events in a IoTDB database.",
"dockerHubLink": "",
"githubLink": ""
"appId": "org.apache.streampipes.sinks.brokers.jvm.jms",
"type": "Data Sink",
"name": "JMS Publisher",
"description": "Publishes events to a JMS topic",
"dockerHubLink": "",
"githubLink": ""
"appId": "org.apache.streampipes.sinks.brokers.jvm.kafka",
"type": "Data Sink",
"name": "Kafka Publisher",
"description": "Publish events to Apache Kafka",
"dockerHubLink": "",
"githubLink": ""
"appId": "org.apache.streampipes.processors.textmining.flink.languagedetection",
"type": "Data Processor",
"name": "Language Detection",
"description": "Detects the language of a written text.",
"dockerHubLink": "",
"githubLink": ""
"appId": "org.apache.streampipes.processors.textmining.jvm.languagedetection",
"type": "Data Processor",
"name": "Language Detection",
"description": "Detects the language of a given text",
"dockerHubLink": "",
"githubLink": ""
"appId": "",
"type": "Adapter",
"name": "MQTT",
"description": null,
"dockerHubLink": "",
"githubLink": ""
"appId": "org.apache.streampipes.connect.adapters.simulator.machine",
"type": "Adapter",
"name": "Machine Data Simulator",
"description": "Publishes various simulated machine sensor data",
"dockerHubLink": "",
"githubLink": ""
"appId": "org.apache.streampipes.processors.enricher.flink.processor.math.mathop",
"type": "Data Processor",
"name": "Math",
"description": "Performs calculations on event properties (+, -, *, /, %)",
"dockerHubLink": "",
"githubLink": ""
"appId": "org.apache.streampipes.processors.transformation.jvm.booloperator.timekeeping",
"type": "Data Processor",
"name": "Measure Time Between Two Sensors",
"description": "Requires two booleans and measures the time between two signals",
"dockerHubLink": "",
"githubLink": ""
"appId": "org.apache.streampipes.processors.transformation.flink.measurement-unit-converter",
"type": "Data Processor",
"name": "Measurement Unit Converter",
"description": "Converts a unit of measurement to another one",
"dockerHubLink": "",
"githubLink": ""
"appId": "org.apache.streampipes.processors.filters.jvm.enrich",
"type": "Data Processor",
"name": "Merge Two Streams",
"description": "One data stream is enriched by the values of the other",
"dockerHubLink": "",
"githubLink": ""
"appId": "org.apache.streampipes.sinks.databases.jvm.mysql",
"type": "Data Sink",
"name": "MySQL Database",
"description": "Stores events in a MySQL database.",
"dockerHubLink": "",
"githubLink": ""
"appId": "org.apache.streampipes.connect.adapters.mysql.set",
"type": "Adapter",
"name": "MySQL Set Adapter",
"description": "Creates a data set from an SQL table",
"dockerHubLink": "",
"githubLink": ""
"appId": "",
"type": "Adapter",
"name": "MySql Stream Adapter",
"description": "Creates a data stream for a SQL table",
"dockerHubLink": "",
"githubLink": ""
"appId": "org.apache.streampipes.sinks.brokers.jvm.nats",
"type": "Data Sink",
"name": "NATS Publisher",
"description": "Publish events to NATS broker",
"dockerHubLink": "",
"githubLink": ""
"appId": "org.apache.streampipes.connect.adapters.netio.mqtt",
"type": "Adapter",
"name": "NETIO MQTT M2M",
"description": "Connect a NETIO power plugs over MQTT",
"dockerHubLink": "",
"githubLink": ""
"appId": "",
"type": "Adapter",
"name": "NETIO http JSON",
"description": "Connect a NETIO REST power plug",
"dockerHubLink": "",
"githubLink": ""
"appId": "org.apache.streampipes.connect.adapters.nswaustralia.trafficcamera",
"type": "Adapter",
"name": "NSW Traffic Cameras",
"description": "Traffic camera images produced by NSW Australia",
"dockerHubLink": "",
"githubLink": ""
"appId": "org.apache.streampipes.processors.textmining.jvm.namefinder",
"type": "Data Processor",
"name": "Name Finder",
"description": "Finds a name in given Tokens of one document",
"dockerHubLink": "",
"githubLink": ""
"appId": "org.apache.streampipes.sinks.internal.jvm.notification",
"type": "Data Sink",
"name": "Notification",
"description": "Publish a notification to the StreamPipes UI.",
"dockerHubLink": "",
"githubLink": ""
"appId": "org.apache.streampipes.processors.transformation.jvm.processor.state.labeler.number",
"type": "Data Processor",
"name": "Number Labeler",
"description": "Adds a label based on a user defined rule to a sensor time-series",
"dockerHubLink": "",
"githubLink": ""
"appId": "org.apache.streampipes.processors.filters.jvm.numericalfilter",
"type": "Data Processor",
"name": "Numerical Filter",
"description": "Numerical Filter Description",
"dockerHubLink": "",
"githubLink": ""
"appId": "org.apache.streampipes.processors.siddhi.numericalfilter",
"type": "Data Processor",
"name": "Numerical Filter (Siddhi)",
"description": "Numerical Filter based on CEP engine Siddhi",
"dockerHubLink": "",
"githubLink": ""
"appId": "org.apache.streampipes.processors.filters.jvm.numericaltextfilter",
"type": "Data Processor",
"name": "Numerical Text Filter",
"description": "Filters numerical and text values.",
"dockerHubLink": "",
"githubLink": ""
"appId": "org.apache.streampipes.connect.adapters.opcua",
"type": "Adapter",
"name": "OPC UA",
"description": "Reads values from an OPC-UA server",
"dockerHubLink": "",
"githubLink": ""
"appId": "org.apache.streampipes.sinks.databases.jvm.opcua",
"type": "Data Sink",
"name": "OPC-UA",
"description": "Writes values in an OPC-UA server",
"dockerHubLink": "",
"githubLink": ""
"appId": "org.apache.streampipes.sinks.notifications.jvm.onesignal",
"type": "Data Sink",
"name": "OneSignal",
"description": "Send Push Message to OneSignal-Application",
"dockerHubLink": "",
"githubLink": ""
"appId": "org.apache.streampipes.connect.adapters.plc4x.modbus",
"type": "Adapter",
"name": "PLC4X MODBUS",
"description": "Connect directly to your MODBUS PLC",
"dockerHubLink": "",
"githubLink": ""
"appId": "org.apache.streampipes.connect.adapters.plc4x.s7",
"type": "Adapter",
"name": "PLC4X S7",
"description": "Connect directly to your PLC",
"dockerHubLink": "",
"githubLink": ""
"appId": "org.apache.streampipes.processors.textmining.jvm.partofspeech",
"type": "Data Processor",
"name": "Part of Speech (English)",
"description": "Takes in a stream of tokens and appends a tag at the end of the word corresponding to the part of speech",
"dockerHubLink": "",
"githubLink": ""
"appId": "org.apache.streampipes.processors.pattern-detection.flink.peak-detection",
"type": "Data Processor",
"name": "Peak Detection",
"description": "Detect peaks in time series data",
"dockerHubLink": "",
"githubLink": ""
"appId": "org.apache.streampipes.sinks.databases.jvm.postgresql",
"type": "Data Sink",
"name": "PostgreSQL",
"description": "Stores events in a Postgres database.",
"dockerHubLink": "",
"githubLink": ""
"appId": "org.apache.streampipes.processors.filters.jvm.project",
"type": "Data Processor",
"name": "Projection",
"description": "Outputs a selectable subset of an input event type",
"dockerHubLink": "",
"githubLink": ""
"appId": "org.apache.streampipes.sinks.brokers.jvm.pulsar",
"type": "Data Sink",
"name": "Pulsar Publisher",
"description": "Publish events to Apache Pulsar",
"dockerHubLink": "",
"githubLink": ""
"appId": "org.apache.streampipes.processor.imageclassification.qrcode",
"type": "Data Processor",
"name": "QR Code Reader",
"description": "Detects a QR Code in an image",
"dockerHubLink": "",
"githubLink": ""
"appId": "",
"type": "Data Sink",
"name": "REST Publisher",
"description": "Posts events to a REST interface",
"dockerHubLink": "",
"githubLink": ""
"appId": "org.apache.streampipes.connect.adapters.ros",
"type": "Adapter",
"name": "ROS Bridge",
"description": "Connect Robots running on ROS.",
"dockerHubLink": "",
"githubLink": ""
"appId": "org.apache.streampipes.sinks.brokers.jvm.rabbitmq",
"type": "Data Sink",
"name": "RabbitMQ Publisher",
"description": "Forwards events to a RabbitMQ broker",
"dockerHubLink": "",
"githubLink": ""
"appId": "org.apache.streampipes.connect.adapters.simulator.randomdataset",
"type": "Adapter",
"name": "Random Data Simulator (Set)",
"description": "Publishes a bounded stream of random events",
"dockerHubLink": "",
"githubLink": ""
"appId": "org.apache.streampipes.connect.adapters.simulator.randomdatastream",
"type": "Adapter",
"name": "Random Data Simulator (Stream)",
"description": "Publishes a continuous stream of random events",
"dockerHubLink": "",
"githubLink": ""
"appId": "org.apache.streampipes.processors.filters.jvm.limit",
"type": "Data Processor",
"name": "Rate Limit",
"description": "This limits the number of events emitted based on a specified criterion such as time or number of events.",
"dockerHubLink": "",
"githubLink": ""
"appId": "org.apache.streampipes.processor.geo.jvm.reversegeocoding",
"type": "Data Processor",
"name": "Reverse Geocoder",
"description": "Finds the nearest place based on latitude and longitude",
"dockerHubLink": "",
"githubLink": ""
"appId": "org.apache.streampipes.processors.textmining.jvm.sentencedetection",
"type": "Data Processor",
"name": "Sentence Detection (English)",
"description": "Splits a text up in sentences",
"dockerHubLink": "",
"githubLink": ""
"appId": "org.apache.streampipes.processors.pattern-detection.flink.sequence",
"type": "Data Processor",
"name": "Sequence",
"description": "Detects a sequence of events.",
"dockerHubLink": "",
"githubLink": ""
"appId": "org.apache.streampipes.processors.siddhi.sequence",
"type": "Data Processor",
"name": "Sequence Detection",
"description": "Merges events from two event streams, when the top event arrives first and then the bottom event",
"dockerHubLink": "",
"githubLink": ""
"appId": "org.apache.streampipes.processors.transformation.jvm.processor.booloperator.edge",
"type": "Data Processor",
"name": "Signal Edge Filter",
"description": "Forwards the event when a signal edge is detected",
"dockerHubLink": "",
"githubLink": ""
"appId": "org.apache.streampipes.processors.geo.jvm.jts.processor.trajectory",
"type": "Data Processor",
"name": "Single Trajectory Creator",
"description": "Creates a trajectory from JTS point events",
"dockerHubLink": "",
"githubLink": ""
"appId": "org.apache.streampipes.processors.enricher.jvm.sizemeasure",
"type": "Data Processor",
"name": "Size Measure",
"description": "Measures the size of an event in Bytes, KB or MB",
"dockerHubLink": "",
"githubLink": ""
"appId": "org.apache.streampipes.connect.adapters.slack",
"type": "Adapter",
"name": "Slack",
"description": "Subscribes to a Slack channel",
"dockerHubLink": "",
"githubLink": ""
"appId": "org.apache.streampipes.sinks.notifications.jvm.slack",
"type": "Data Sink",
"name": "Slack Notification",
"description": "Slack bot to send notifications to Slack",
"dockerHubLink": "",
"githubLink": ""
"appId": "org.apache.streampipes.processor.geo.flink",
"type": "Data Processor",
"name": "Spatial Grid Enrichment",
"description": "Groups spatial events into cells of a given size",
"dockerHubLink": "",
"githubLink": ""
"appId": "org.apache.streampipes.processors.geo.jvm.processor.speed",
"type": "Data Processor",
"name": "Speed Calculator",
"description": "Calculates the speed of two latlng pairs in kilometers per hour",
"dockerHubLink": "",
"githubLink": ""
"appId": "org.apache.streampipes.processors.transformation.jvm.split-array",
"type": "Data Processor",
"name": "Split Array",
"description": "Outputs an event for each entry of a list.",
"dockerHubLink": "",
"githubLink": ""
"appId": "org.apache.streampipes.processors.transformation.jvm.processor.state.buffer",
"type": "Data Processor",
"name": "State Buffer",
"description": "Buffers a sensor values during a state",
"dockerHubLink": "",
"githubLink": ""
"appId": "org.apache.streampipes.processors.transformation.jvm.processor.state.labeler.buffer",
"type": "Data Processor",
"name": "State Buffer Labeler",
"description": "Adds a label based on a user defined rule to a sensor time-series",
"dockerHubLink": "",
"githubLink": ""
"appId": "org.apache.streampipes.processors.geo.jvm.processor.staticdistancecalculator",
"type": "Data Processor",
"name": "Static Distance Calculator",
"description": "Calculates the distance between a fixed location and a moving location",
"dockerHubLink": "",
"githubLink": ""
"appId": "org.apache.streampipes.processor.geo.jvm.staticgeocoding",
"type": "Data Processor",
"name": "Static Google Maps Geocoder",
"description": "Geocodes a fixed placename to lat/lng coordinates and",
"dockerHubLink": "",
"githubLink": ""
"appId": "org.apache.streampipes.processors.enricher.flink.processor.math.staticmathop",
"type": "Data Processor",
"name": "Static Math",
"description": "Performs calculation on an event property with a static value (+, -, *, /, %)",
"dockerHubLink": "",
"githubLink": ""
"appId": "org.apache.streampipes.processors.statistics.flink.statistics-summary",
"type": "Data Processor",
"name": "Statistics Summary",
"description": "Calculate simple descriptive summary statistics",
"dockerHubLink": "",
"githubLink": ""
"appId": "org.apache.streampipes.processors.siddhi.stop",
"type": "Data Processor",
"name": "Stream Stop Detection",
"description": "Triggers an event when the input data stream stops sending events",
"dockerHubLink": "",
"githubLink": ""
"appId": "org.apache.streampipes.processors.transformation.jvm.stringoperator.counter",
"type": "Data Processor",
"name": "String Counter",
"description": "Increases a counter on each change of a string value.",
"dockerHubLink": "",
"githubLink": ""
"appId": "org.apache.streampipes.processors.transformation.jvm.stringoperator.timer",
"type": "Data Processor",
"name": "String Timer",
"description": "Measures how long a string value does not change",
"dockerHubLink": "",
"githubLink": ""
"appId": "org.apache.streampipes.processors.transformation.jvm.processor.stringoperator.state",
"type": "Data Processor",
"name": "String To State",
"description": "Transforms string properties into a string state property",
"dockerHubLink": "",
"githubLink": ""
"appId": "org.apache.streampipes.processors.filters.jvm.merge",
"type": "Data Processor",
"name": "Synchronize Two Streams",
"description": "Event streams are merged when events occur at the same time",
"dockerHubLink": "",
"githubLink": ""
"appId": "org.apache.streampipes.connect.adapters.ti",
"type": "Adapter",
"name": "TI Sensor Tag",
"description": null,
"dockerHubLink": "",
"githubLink": ""
"appId": "org.apache.streampipes.processors.transformation.jvm.taskduration",
"type": "Data Processor",
"name": "Task Duration",
"description": "Computes the time difference between two events",
"dockerHubLink": "",
"githubLink": ""
"appId": "org.apache.streampipes.sinks.notifications.jvm.telegram",
"type": "Data Sink",
"name": "Telegram Publisher",
"description": "Publisher to send notifications to a Telegram channel.",
"dockerHubLink": "",
"githubLink": ""
"appId": "org.apache.streampipes.processors.filters.jvm.textfilter",
"type": "Data Processor",
"name": "Text Filter",
"description": "Text Filter Description",
"dockerHubLink": "",
"githubLink": ""
"appId": "org.apache.streampipes.processors.filters.jvm.threshold",
"type": "Data Processor",
"name": "Threshold Detector",
"description": "When threshold rule is fulfilled true is appended",
"dockerHubLink": "",
"githubLink": ""
"appId": "org.apache.streampipes.processors.enricher.flink.timestamp",
"type": "Data Processor",
"name": "Timestamp Enricher",
"description": "Appends the current time in ms to the event payload",
"dockerHubLink": "",
"githubLink": ""
"appId": "org.apache.streampipes.processors.transformation.jvm.processor.timestampextractor",
"type": "Data Processor",
"name": "Timestamp Extractor",
"description": "Extracts a timestamp into its individual time fields.",
"dockerHubLink": "",
"githubLink": ""
"appId": "org.apache.streampipes.processors.textmining.jvm.tokenizer",
"type": "Data Processor",
"name": "Tokenizer (English)",
"description": "Segments a text into different tokens",
"dockerHubLink": "",
"githubLink": ""
"appId": "org.apache.streampipes.processors.transformation.jvm.transform-to-boolean",
"type": "Data Processor",
"name": "Transform to boolean",
"description": "Transforms a string or number to a boolean",
"dockerHubLink": "",
"githubLink": ""
"appId": "org.apache.streampipes.processors.siddhi.increase",
"type": "Data Processor",
"name": "Trend",
"description": "Detects the increase of a numerical field over a customizable time window. Example: A temperature value increases by 10 percent within 5 minutes.",
"dockerHubLink": "",
"githubLink": ""
"appId": "org.apache.streampipes.processors.enricher.flink.processor.trigonometry",
"type": "Data Processor",
"name": "Trigonometry Functions",
"description": "Performs Trigonometric functions on event properties",
"dockerHubLink": "",
"githubLink": ""
"appId": "org.apache.streampipes.processors.enricher.flink.processor.urldereferencing",
"type": "Data Processor",
"name": "URL Dereferencing",
"description": "Append the html page as a string to event",
"dockerHubLink": "",
"githubLink": ""
"appId": "org.apache.streampipes.processors.transformation.jvm.changed-value",
"type": "Data Processor",
"name": "Value Changed",
"description": "Outpus an event every time a specific field changes.",
"dockerHubLink": "",
"githubLink": ""
"appId": "org.apache.streampipes.connect.adapters.wikipedia.edit",
"type": "Adapter",
"name": "Wikipedia Edits",
"description": "Continuously publishes recent Wikipedia edits",
"dockerHubLink": "",
"githubLink": ""
"appId": "",
"type": "Adapter",
"name": "Wikipedia New Articles",
"description": "Continuously publishes articles created on Wikipedia",
"dockerHubLink": "",
"githubLink": ""
"appId": "org.apache.streampipes.processors.textmining.flink.wordcount",
"type": "Data Processor",
"name": "Word Count",
"description": "Counts words on continuous text-based streams",
"dockerHubLink": "",
"githubLink": ""