blob: 6597a95f7e122d40764abfce1a9f35d6ce345978 [file] [log] [blame]
import React, { FC } from 'react';
import PageSection from '../PageSection';
import TwoColumnFeatureSection from '../TwoColumnFeatureSection';
import Subsection from '../Subsection';
const LovedByDevelopers = (props) => (
<PageSection sectionTitle={"First-class developer support"} sectionSubtitle={"Easy to customize & extend"}
<p className={"text-center"}>Apache StreamPipes is a great platform for developers: Implement custom adapters,
data processors or sinks and install them at runtime.<br/> Use StreamPipes Functions to define processing
logic based on real-time IIoT data.<br/> Or use the client libraries, available in Java and Python, to
interact with live and historical data in an easy way.
<Subsection title={"Add your own extensions with the Software Development Kit"}>
<p className={"text-left"}>It is easy to extend StreamPipes. Whether you need connectivity to a proprietary
data source, want to
implement your custom-tailored algorithm as a pipeline element or need a new interface to your third party
system: Simply use the SDK to extend the functionality of StreamPipes.</p>
<p className={"text-left"}>
With its microservice architecture at its core, you can install your extensions at any time without the
need to restart the whole system.
<a href="/docs/extend-tutorial-data-processors" className="sp-button sp-button-medium sp-button-blue"><i
className="fas fa-hand-point-right"></i> Tutorial: SDK</a>
<img className="d-block w-100 mt-2 mb-2" src={"/img/screenshots/sdk-data-processor.png"} alt={"Online ML"}/>
<img className="d-block w-100 mt-2 mb-2" src={"/img/screenshots/python-client.png"} alt={"Online ML"}/>
<Subsection title={"Interact with StreamPipes through our client libraries"}>
<p className={"text-left"}>
StreamPipes includes Java and Python libraries which allow you to interact with StreamPipes
<p className={"text-left"}>
You can modify the pipeline lifecycle, receive live data from all connected sources in a unified API, and
Data Scientists love the possibility to extract historical data directly into Pandas data frames for
in-depth analysis.
<p className={"text-left"}>And of course, you can also just use the provided REST interface!</p>
<a href="/docs/docs/python" className="sp-button sp-button-medium sp-button-blue"><i
className="fas fa-hand-point-right"></i> Python Client</a>
<Subsection title={"Seamlessly integrate AI & Machine Learning"}>
<p className={"text-left"}>
Our Python client includes an integration with the OnlineML library River, so that you can get started
with your custom anomaly detection and other ML features with just a few lines of code.
<p className={"text-left"}>
But you can also integrate other ML models, and play back the results in form of a new data stream to
<a href="/docs/docs/python/latest/tutorials/4-using-online-machine-learning-on-a-streampipes-data-stream" className="sp-button sp-button-medium sp-button-blue"><i
className="fas fa-hand-point-right"></i> Online ML with StreamPipes</a>
<img className="d-block w-100 mt-2 mb-2" src={"/img/screenshots/python-onlineml.png"} alt={"Online ML"}/>
<img className="d-block w-100 mt-2 mb-2" src={"/img/screenshots/streampipes-custom-ui.png"} alt={"Online ML"}/>
<Subsection title={"Customized User Interfaces"}>
<p className={"text-left"}>
As a software platform that targets the Industrial IoT, we know that many applications require their own user interface, for instance, to assist maintenance personnel or to visualize machine behaviour.
<p className={"text-left"}>
The default user interface of StreamPipes can be extended with additional views by an integrated microfrontend framework.
<p className={"text-left"}>
A Typescript client library and an API to access platform features help you to build your custom IIoT solution with much less programming effort.
export default LovedByDevelopers;