blob: b2160f76e5bc29840fb0a66c6c5c9dfc84b015d7 [file] [log] [blame]
Apahe Stratos version 4.0.0-SNAPSHOT
14th January 2014
Welcome to the Apache Stratos 4.0.0-SNAPSHOT
Apache Stratos could be installed on a single node or on multiple nodes. When installing on
multiple nodes copy stratos_installer to each node and update configuration parameters in conf/setup.conf file accordingly.
How to Install
1. Install following prerequisites:
java -jdk1.6.x
2. Build Apache Stratos from source:
git clone
cd incubator-stratos
mvn clean install
3. Copy cloud controller, stratos manager, autoscaler and cli packages to a desired location (this will be identified as stratos-pack-path):
cp incubator-stratos/products/cloud-controller/modules/distribution/target/apache-stratos-cc-<version>.zip <stratos-pack-path>
cp incubator-stratos/products/stratos-manager/modules/distribution/target/apache-stratos-manager-<version>.zip <stratos-pack-path>
cp incubator-stratos/products/autoscaler/modules/distribution/target/apache-stratos-autoscaler-<version>.zip <stratos-pack-path>
4. Copy cep extensions jaf file to stratos-pack-path.
cp incubator-stratos/extensions/cep/stratos-cep-extension/target/org.apache.stratos.cep.extension-<version>.jar <stratos-pack-path>
5. Download WSO2 Message Broker binary distribution from and copy it to stratos-pack-path. Here you could use any preferred
message broker product which supports AMQP.
Message broker is used for communication of Stratos products,here we show how to use WSO2 MB for this.
6. Download WSO2 Complex Event Processor binary distribution from and copy it to stratos-pack-path.
7. Download MySql Java connector from and copy the jar file to stratos-pack-path.
8. Download andes client jar from and copy to stratos-pack-path.
9. Create and download keys from IaaSs and store them on a secure location.
10. If Apache Stratos being setup in multiple nodes open up the security rules in IaaSs for ports which are used in cloud controller, stratos manager, autoscaler,
WSO2 Message Broker and WSO2 Complex Event Processor as well as stratos_db_port, userstore_db_port ports (defined in ./conf/setup.conf file).
11. Either download pre-built cartridge images from Apache Stratos website or create your own cartridges. Please refer Apache Stratos documentation
for more information on creating cartridge images. For Amazon EC2, you could find pre-built PHP, MySQL and Tomcat cartridges published in Amazon EC2
AMI image repository.
12. Update ./conf/setup.conf and configure settings. If you run the stratos in a single node and for openstack, please update the following entries in the setup.conf
- setup_path ==> Folder path containing stratos_setup(stratos_installer)
- stratos_pack_path ==> Folder path containing stratos packages(all stratos packs + cep + mb)
- stratos_path ==> Folder which stratos will be installed (Eg: /opt )
- JAVA_HOME ==> java home
- host_user ==> A host user account for stratos
- mb_ip ==> Machine ip on which mb run
- cep_ip ==> Machine ip on which cep run
- cc_ip ==> Machine ip on which cc run
- as_ip ==> Machine ip on which auto scalar run
- sm_ip ==> Machine ip on which sc run
- puppet_ip ==> Machine ip on which puppet master run
- cep_artifacts_path ==> Folder path containing cep artifacts(STRATOS_SOURCE_ROOT/extensions/cep/artifacts)
- andes_client_jar ==> andes client jar file name
- mysql_connector_jar ==> mysql connector jar file name
- userstore_db_hostname ==> hostname or ip where mysql is running
- userstore_db_schema ==> "userstore": the name of the userstore database
- userstore_db_port ==> "3306": the port that mysql is running
- userstore_db_user ==> "root": the username of the mysql
- userstore_db_pass ==>"mysql": the password of the mysql user
For ec2 as IaaS
- openstack_provider_enabled ==> flase
- ec2_provider_enabled ==> true
- ec2_identity ==> "<ec2_identity>"
- ec2_credential ==> "<ec2_credential>"
- ec2_keypair_name ==> "<ec2_keypair_name>"
- ec2_owner_id ==> "<ec2_owner_id>"
- ec2_availability_zone ==> "<ec2_availability_zone>"
- ec2_security_groups ==> "<ec2_security_groups>"
For openstack as IaaS
- ec2_provider_enabled ==> false
- openstack_provider_enabled ==> true
- openstack_identity ==> "xxx:xxx" # Openstack project name:Openstack login user
- openstack_credential ==> "xxxxx" # Openstack login password
- openstack_jclouds_endpoint ==> "http://xxxxxxxxx:5000/v2.0"
13. Run as root to install.
sudo ./ -p "<product-list>"
<product-list> could be defined as "cc sm as mb cep" or any other combination according to the deployment configuration.
sudo ./ -p "all"
If you need to clean the setup run bellow command:
sudo ./ -u <mysql-username> -p <mysql-password>
Thanks for using Apache Stratos
Apache Stratos Team