blob: 87e4d6773f95489d1d32e99b87e5537d0147a8ff [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
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* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
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* under the License.
package org.apache.stratos.autoscaler.status.checker;
import org.apache.commons.logging.Log;
import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory;
import org.apache.stratos.autoscaler.AutoscalerContext;
import org.apache.stratos.autoscaler.NetworkPartitionContext;
import org.apache.stratos.autoscaler.PartitionContext;
import org.apache.stratos.autoscaler.applications.ApplicationHolder;
import org.apache.stratos.autoscaler.applications.topic.ApplicationBuilder;
import org.apache.stratos.autoscaler.grouping.topic.ClusterStatusEventPublisher;
import org.apache.stratos.autoscaler.monitor.AbstractClusterMonitor;
import org.apache.stratos.autoscaler.monitor.cluster.ClusterMonitor;
import org.apache.stratos.messaging.domain.applications.*;
import org.apache.stratos.messaging.domain.topology.Cluster;
import org.apache.stratos.messaging.domain.topology.ClusterStatus;
import org.apache.stratos.messaging.domain.topology.Service;
import org.apache.stratos.messaging.message.receiver.topology.TopologyManager;
import java.util.Map;
* This will be used to evaluate the status of a group
* and notify the interested parties about the status changes.
public class StatusChecker {
private static final Log log = LogFactory.getLog(StatusChecker.class);
private StatusChecker() {
public static StatusChecker getInstance() {
//TODO synchronized
return Holder.INSTANCE;
* Calculating whether the cluster has all min instances as active and send the
* ClusterActivatedEvent.
* @param clusterId id of the cluster
public void onMemberStatusChange(final String clusterId) {
Runnable group = new Runnable() {
public void run() {
ClusterMonitor monitor = (ClusterMonitor) AutoscalerContext.getInstance().getMonitor(clusterId);
boolean clusterActive = false;
if (monitor != null) {
clusterActive = clusterActive(monitor);
}"Status checker running for [cluster] " + clusterId +
" the status [clusterActive] " + clusterActive);
// if active then notify upper layer
if (clusterActive) {
//send event to cluster status topic
monitor.getServiceId(), monitor.getClusterId());
Thread groupThread = new Thread(group);
public void onMemberTermination(final String clusterId) {
Runnable group = new Runnable() {
public void run() {
ClusterMonitor monitor = (ClusterMonitor) AutoscalerContext.getInstance().getMonitor(clusterId);
boolean clusterMonitorHasMembers = clusterMonitorHasMembers(monitor);
boolean clusterActive = clusterActive(monitor);
try {
TopologyManager.acquireReadLockForCluster(monitor.getServiceId(), monitor.getClusterId());
Service service = TopologyManager.getTopology().getService(monitor.getServiceId());
Cluster cluster;
String appId = monitor.getAppId();
if (service != null) {
cluster = service.getCluster(monitor.getClusterId());
if (cluster != null) {
try {
Application application = ApplicationHolder.getApplications().getApplication(appId);
if (!clusterMonitorHasMembers && cluster.getStatus() == ClusterStatus.Terminating) {
if (application.getStatus() == ApplicationStatus.Terminating) {
ClusterStatusEventPublisher.sendClusterTerminatedEvent(appId, monitor.getServiceId(),
} else {
ClusterStatusEventPublisher.sendClusterResetEvent(appId, monitor.getServiceId(),
} else {"Cluster has non terminated [members] and in the [status] "
+ cluster.getStatus().toString());
/*if(!clusterActive && !(cluster.getStatus() == ClusterStatus.Inactive ||
cluster.getStatus() == ClusterStatus.Terminating)) {
monitor.getServiceId(), clusterId);
} finally {
} finally {
TopologyManager.releaseReadLockForCluster(monitor.getServiceId(), monitor.getClusterId());
Thread groupThread = new Thread(group);
private boolean clusterActive(AbstractClusterMonitor monitor) {
boolean clusterActive = false;
for (NetworkPartitionContext networkPartitionContext : monitor.getNetworkPartitionCtxts().values()) {
//minimum check per partition
for (PartitionContext partitionContext : networkPartitionContext.getPartitionCtxts().values()) {
if (partitionContext.getMinimumMemberCount() == partitionContext.getActiveMemberCount()) {
clusterActive = true;
} else if (partitionContext.getActiveMemberCount() > partitionContext.getMinimumMemberCount()) {"cluster already activated...");
clusterActive = true;
} else {
clusterActive = false;
return clusterActive;
return clusterActive;
private boolean clusterMonitorHasMembers(AbstractClusterMonitor monitor) {
boolean hasMember = false;
for (NetworkPartitionContext networkPartitionContext : monitor.getNetworkPartitionCtxts().values()) {
//minimum check per partition
for (PartitionContext partitionContext : networkPartitionContext.getPartitionCtxts().values()) {
if (partitionContext.getNonTerminatedMemberCount() > 0) {
hasMember = true;
return hasMember;
return hasMember;
* @param clusterId
* @param partitionId is to decide in which partition has less members while others have active members
public void onMemberFaultEvent(final String clusterId, final String partitionId) {
Runnable group = new Runnable() {
public void run() {
ClusterMonitor monitor = (ClusterMonitor) AutoscalerContext.getInstance().getMonitor(clusterId);
boolean clusterInActive = getClusterInActive(monitor, partitionId);
String appId = monitor.getAppId();
if (clusterInActive) {
//if the monitor is dependent, temporarily pausing it
if (monitor.isDependent()) {
//send cluster In-Active event to cluster status topic
ClusterStatusEventPublisher.sendClusterInActivateEvent(appId, monitor.getServiceId(), clusterId);
} else {
boolean clusterActive = clusterActive(monitor);
if (clusterActive) {
ClusterStatusEventPublisher.sendClusterActivatedEvent(appId, monitor.getServiceId(), clusterId);
Thread groupThread = new Thread(group);
private boolean getClusterInActive(AbstractClusterMonitor monitor, String partitionId) {
boolean clusterInActive = false;
for (NetworkPartitionContext networkPartitionContext : monitor.getNetworkPartitionCtxts().values()) {
for (PartitionContext partition : networkPartitionContext.getPartitionCtxts().values()) {
if (partitionId.equals(partition.getPartitionId()) &&
partition.getActiveMemberCount() <= partition.getMinimumMemberCount()) {
clusterInActive = true;
return clusterInActive;
return clusterInActive;
* @param idOfChild
* @param groupId
* @param appId
public void onChildStatusChange(final String idOfChild, final String groupId,
final String appId) {
updateChild(idOfChild, groupId, appId);
private void updateChild(final String idOfChild, final String groupId, final String appId) {
Runnable group = new Runnable() {
public void run() {
try {
ParentComponent component;
if (groupId.equals(appId)) {
//it is an application
component = ApplicationHolder.getApplications().
} else {
//it is a group
component = ApplicationHolder.getApplications().
Map<String, ClusterDataHolder> clusterIds = component.getClusterDataMap();
Map<String, Group> groups = component.getAliasToGroupMap();
updateChildStatus(appId, idOfChild, groups, clusterIds, component);
} finally {
Thread groupThread = new Thread(group);
* This will use to calculate whether all children of a particular component is active by travesing Top
* @param appId
* @param id
* @param groups
* @param clusterData
* @param parent
* @return
private boolean updateChildStatus(String appId, String id, Map<String, Group> groups,
Map<String, ClusterDataHolder> clusterData, ParentComponent parent) {
ClusterStatus clusterStatus;
GroupStatus groupStatus;
boolean childFound = false;
boolean clusterFound = false;
for (ClusterDataHolder clusterDataHolder : clusterData.values()) {
if (clusterDataHolder.getClusterId().equals(id)) {
clusterFound = true;
}"cluster found: " + clusterFound);
if (clusterFound || groups.containsKey(id)) {
childFound = true;
clusterStatus = getClusterStatus(clusterData);
groupStatus = getGroupStatus(groups);
try {
Application application = ApplicationHolder.getApplications().getApplication(appId);
if (groups.isEmpty() && getAllClusterInSameState(clusterData, ClusterStatus.Active) ||
clusterData.isEmpty() && getAllGroupInSameState(groups, GroupStatus.Active) ||
getAllClusterInSameState(clusterData, ClusterStatus.Active) &&
getAllGroupInSameState(groups, GroupStatus.Active)) {
//send activation event
if (parent instanceof Application) {
//send application activated event"sending app activate: " + appId);
} else if (parent instanceof Group) {
//send activation to the parent"sending group activate: " + parent.getUniqueIdentifier());
ApplicationBuilder.handleGroupActivatedEvent(appId, parent.getUniqueIdentifier());
} else if (groups.isEmpty() && getAllClusterInSameState(clusterData, ClusterStatus.Terminated) ||
clusterData.isEmpty() && getAllGroupInSameState(groups, GroupStatus.Terminated) ||
getAllClusterInSameState(clusterData, ClusterStatus.Terminated) &&
getAllGroupInSameState(groups, GroupStatus.Terminated)) {
//send the terminated event
if (parent instanceof Application) {
//validating the life cycle
if (application.getStatus().equals(ApplicationStatus.Terminating)) {"sending app terminated: " + appId);
} else {"[Application] " + appId + " is in the [status] " +
application.getStatus().toString() + ". Hence not sending terminated event");
} else if (parent instanceof Group) {
//send activation to the parent"sending group created : " + parent.getUniqueIdentifier());
ApplicationBuilder.handleGroupTerminatedEvent(appId, parent.getUniqueIdentifier());
} else if (groups.isEmpty() && getAllClusterInSameState(clusterData, ClusterStatus.Created) ||
clusterData.isEmpty() && getAllGroupInSameState(groups, GroupStatus.Created) ||
getAllClusterInSameState(clusterData, ClusterStatus.Created) &&
getAllGroupInSameState(groups, GroupStatus.Created)) {
if (parent instanceof Application) {"[Application] " + appId + "couldn't change to Created, since it is" +
"already in " + application.getStatus().toString());
} else if (parent instanceof Group) {
//send activation to the parent"sending group created : " + parent.getUniqueIdentifier());
ApplicationBuilder.handleGroupCreatedEvent(appId, parent.getUniqueIdentifier());
} else if (groups.isEmpty() && getAllClusterInActive(clusterData) ||
clusterData.isEmpty() && getAllGroupInActive(groups) ||
getAllClusterInActive(clusterData) && getAllGroupInActive(groups)) {
//send the in activation event
if (parent instanceof Application) {
//send application activated event
log.warn("Application can't be in in-active : " + appId);
} else if (parent instanceof Group) {
//send activation to the parent"sending group in-active: " + parent.getUniqueIdentifier());
ApplicationBuilder.handleGroupInActivateEvent(appId, parent.getUniqueIdentifier());
} else {
log.warn("Clusters/groups not found in this [component] " + appId);
} finally {
return childFound;
} else {
log.warn("There is no child found in the [group/cluster] " + id + " found in the " +
"[component]" + parent.getUniqueIdentifier());
return childFound;
private boolean getAllGroupInActive(Map<String, Group> groups) {
boolean groupStat = false;
for (Group group : groups.values()) {
if (group.getStatus() == GroupStatus.Inactive) {
groupStat = true;
return groupStat;
} else {
groupStat = false;
return groupStat;
private boolean getAllGroupInSameState(Map<String, Group> groups, GroupStatus status) {
boolean groupStat = false;
for (Group group : groups.values()) {
if (group.getStatus() == status) {
groupStat = true;
} else {
groupStat = false;
return groupStat;
return groupStat;
private boolean getAllClusterInActive(Map<String, ClusterDataHolder> clusterData) {
boolean clusterStat = false;
for (Map.Entry<String, ClusterDataHolder> clusterDataHolderEntry : clusterData.entrySet()) {
Service service = TopologyManager.getTopology().getService(clusterDataHolderEntry.getValue().getServiceType());
Cluster cluster = service.getCluster(clusterDataHolderEntry.getValue().getClusterId());
if (cluster.getStatus() == ClusterStatus.Inactive) {
clusterStat = true;
return clusterStat;
} else {
clusterStat = false;
return clusterStat;
private boolean getAllClusterInSameState(Map<String, ClusterDataHolder> clusterData,
ClusterStatus status) {
boolean clusterStat = false;
for (Map.Entry<String, ClusterDataHolder> clusterDataHolderEntry : clusterData.entrySet()) {
Service service = TopologyManager.getTopology().getService(clusterDataHolderEntry.getValue().getServiceType());
Cluster cluster = service.getCluster(clusterDataHolderEntry.getValue().getClusterId());
if (cluster.getStatus() == status) {
clusterStat = true;
} else {
clusterStat = false;
return clusterStat;
return clusterStat;
private GroupStatus getGroupStatus(Map<String, Group> groups) {
GroupStatus status = null;
boolean groupActive = true;
boolean groupTerminated = true;
boolean groupCreated = true;
for (Group group : groups.values()) {
if (group.getStatus() == GroupStatus.Active) {
groupActive = groupActive && true;
groupTerminated = false;
groupCreated = false;
} else if (group.getStatus() == GroupStatus.Inactive) {
status = GroupStatus.Inactive;
groupActive = false;
groupTerminated = false;
groupCreated = false;
} else if (group.getStatus() == GroupStatus.Terminated) {
groupActive = false;
groupCreated = false;
groupTerminated = groupTerminated && true;
} else if (group.getStatus() == GroupStatus.Created) {
groupActive = false;
groupTerminated = false;
groupCreated = groupCreated && true;
if (groups == null || groups != null && groups.isEmpty()) {
groupActive = false;
groupTerminated = false;
groupCreated = false;
if (groupActive) {
status = GroupStatus.Active;
} else if (groupTerminated) {
status = GroupStatus.Terminated;
} else if (groupCreated) {
status = GroupStatus.Created;
return status;
private ClusterStatus getClusterStatus(Map<String, ClusterDataHolder> clusterData) {
ClusterStatus status = null;
boolean clusterActive = true;
boolean clusterTerminated = true;
boolean clusterCreated = true;
for (Map.Entry<String, ClusterDataHolder> clusterDataHolderEntry : clusterData.entrySet()) {
Service service = TopologyManager.getTopology().getService(clusterDataHolderEntry.getValue().getServiceType());
Cluster cluster = service.getCluster(clusterDataHolderEntry.getValue().getClusterId());
if (cluster.getStatus() == ClusterStatus.Active) {
clusterActive = clusterActive && true;
clusterTerminated = false;
clusterCreated = false;
} else if (cluster.getStatus() == ClusterStatus.Inactive) {
status = ClusterStatus.Inactive;
clusterActive = false;
clusterTerminated = false;
clusterCreated = false;
} else if (cluster.getStatus() == ClusterStatus.Terminated) {
clusterActive = false;
clusterCreated = false;
clusterTerminated = clusterTerminated && true;
} else if (cluster.getStatus() == ClusterStatus.Created) {
clusterActive = false;
clusterTerminated = false;
clusterCreated = clusterCreated && true;
if (clusterData == null || clusterData != null && clusterData.isEmpty()) {
clusterActive = false;
clusterTerminated = false;
clusterCreated = false;
if (clusterActive) {
status = ClusterStatus.Active;
} else if (clusterTerminated) {
status = ClusterStatus.Terminated;
} else if (clusterCreated) {
status = ClusterStatus.Created;
return status;
private static class Holder {
private static final StatusChecker INSTANCE = new StatusChecker();