blob: 5991063a9bc8088df426a501ce09d77adb1033f3 [file] [log] [blame]
Apache Stratos Installation
Standalone Mode
1. The directory containing this INSTALL file will be the root and it will be
treated as Carbon home directory and let it be CARBON_HOME.
2. All the shell scripts and .bat files are available in CARBON_HOME/bin directory.
3. To start SC one can use either or in all *nix
system & stratos.bat file on Windows operating systems.
4. Either of the following commands can be used to start Stratos-Manager
i) ./ {console|start|stop|restart|status|dump|version}
ii) stratos.bat {start|stop|version}
Usage: [command] [system-properties]
--debug <port> Start the server in remote debugging mode.
port: The remote debugging port.
--start Start Carbon as a Unix daemon in the background
--stop Stop the Carbon Unix daemon
--restart Restart the Carbon Unix daemon
--cleanRegistry Clean registry space. [CAUTION] All Registry data will be lost.
--version What version of the product are you running?
-DhttpPort=<httpPort> Overrides the HTTP port defined in the catalina-server.xml file
-DhttpsPort=<httpsPort> Overrides the HTTPS port defined in the catalina-server.xml file
-DosgiConsole=[port] Start Carbon with Equinox OSGi console.
If the optional 'port' parameter is provided, a telnet port will be opened
Start Carbon with OSGi debugging enabled.
If the optional 'options-file is provided, the OSGi debug options will be loaded from it.
-Dsetup Clean the Registry & other configuration, recreate DB, re-populate the configuration, and start Carbon
-DserverRoles=<roles> A comma separated list of roles. Used in deploying cApps
-Dcarbon.use.registry.repo Use registry based repository.
-DdisableHttpLog Disable HTTP access logging
-DapplyPatches Use this system property when there are patches to be applied/reverted to/from the system.
Drop the patches to $CARBON_HOME/repository/componenets/patches directory and restart the system with this property.
When you want to revert a patch, delete it from the patches directory and restart the system with this property
-DworkerNode=true This is required in clustered setups with master and worker nodes, not applicable for Stratos Controller.
System Requirements
1. Minimum memory - 1 GB
2. Processor - Pentium 800MHz or equivalent at minimum
3. JDK - 1.6.x (1.6.0_24 onwards recommended for production)
4. The Management Console requires you to enable Javascript of the Web browser,
with MS IE 6 and 7. In addition to JavaScript, ActiveX should also be enabled
with IE. This can be achieved by setting your security level to
medium or lower.
On Windows Server 2003, it is not allowed to go below the medium security
level in Internet Explorer 6.x and the default medium security setting with
IE does not allow sufficient level of JS or ActiveX enablement for the
management console to run.
Please refer below link for more information: