blob: 5fc934eb708656a7f1b72d8a8e2adf6202e7552f [file] [log] [blame]
;; Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
;; or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
;; distributed with this work for additional information
;; regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
;; to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
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(ns org.apache.storm.pacemaker-state-factory-test
(:require [clojure.test :refer :all]
[conjure.core :refer :all]
[org.apache.storm.pacemaker [pacemaker-state-factory :as psf]])
(:import [org.apache.storm.generated
HBExecutionException HBNodes HBRecords
HBServerMessageType HBMessage HBMessageData HBPulse]
[org.apache.storm.cluster ClusterStateContext]
[org.mockito Mockito Matchers]))
(defn- string-to-bytes [string]
(byte-array (map int string)))
(defn- bytes-to-string [bytez]
(apply str (map char bytez)))
(defprotocol send-capture
(send [this something])
(check-captured [this])
(shutdown [this]))
(defn- make-send-capture [response]
(let [captured (atom nil)]
(reify send-capture
(send [this something] (reset! captured something) response)
(check-captured [this] @captured)
(shutdown [this] nil))))
(defmacro with-mock-pacemaker-client-and-state [client state conf response & body]
`(let [~client (make-send-capture ~response)]
(stubbing [psf/makeZKState nil
psf/clojurify-details {:time-secs 1056}
psf/is-connection-ready true
psf/makeClientPool (atom {"host" ~client})
psf/get-pacemaker-write-client ~client
psf/shutdown-rotate nil]
(let [~conf {"pacemaker.servers" ["host"]}
~state (psf/-mkState nil ~conf nil nil (ClusterStateContext.))]
(deftest pacemaker_state_set_worker_hb
(testing "set_worker_hb"
client state conf
(HBMessage. HBServerMessageType/SEND_PULSE_RESPONSE nil)
(.set_worker_hb state "/foo" (string-to-bytes "data") nil)
(let [sent (.check-captured client)
pulse (.get_pulse (.get_data sent))]
(is (= (.get_type sent) HBServerMessageType/SEND_PULSE))
(is (= (.get_id pulse) "/foo"))
(is (= (bytes-to-string (.get_details pulse)) "data")))))
(testing "set_worker_hb"
client state conf
(HBMessage. HBServerMessageType/SEND_PULSE nil)
(is (thrown? HBExecutionException
(.set_worker_hb state "/foo" (string-to-bytes "data") nil))))))
(deftest pacemaker_state_delete_worker_hb
(testing "delete_worker_hb"
client state conf
(HBMessage. HBServerMessageType/DELETE_PATH_RESPONSE nil)
(.delete_worker_hb state "/foo/bar")
(let [sent (.check-captured client)]
(is (= (.get_type sent) HBServerMessageType/DELETE_PATH))
(is (= (.get_path (.get_data sent)) "/foo/bar")))))
(testing "delete_worker_hb"
client state conf
(HBMessage. HBServerMessageType/DELETE_PATH nil)
(is (thrown? HBExecutionException
(.delete_worker_hb state "/foo/bar"))))))
(deftest pacemaker_state_get_worker_hb
(testing "get_worker_hb"
client state conf
(HBMessage. HBServerMessageType/GET_PULSE_RESPONSE
(doto (HBPulse.)
(.set_id "/foo")
(.set_details (string-to-bytes "some data")))))
(.get_worker_hb state "/foo" false)
(let [sent (.check-captured client)]
(is (= (.get_type sent) HBServerMessageType/GET_PULSE))
(is (= (.get_path (.get_data sent)) "/foo")))))
(testing "get_worker_hb - fail (bad response)"
client state conf
(HBMessage. HBServerMessageType/GET_PULSE nil)
(is (thrown? HBExecutionException
(.get_worker_hb state "/foo" false)))))
(testing "get_worker_hb - fail (bad data)"
client state conf
(HBMessage. HBServerMessageType/GET_PULSE_RESPONSE nil)
(is (thrown? HBExecutionException
(.get_worker_hb state "/foo" false))))))
(deftest pacemaker_state_get_worker_hb_children
(testing "get_worker_hb_children"
client state conf
(HBMessageData/nodes (HBNodes. [])))
(.get_worker_hb_children state "/foo" false)
(let [sent (.check-captured client)]
(is (= (.get_type sent) HBServerMessageType/GET_ALL_NODES_FOR_PATH))
(is (= (.get_path (.get_data sent)) "/foo")))))
(testing "get_worker_hb_children - fail (bad response)"
client state conf
(HBMessage. HBServerMessageType/DELETE_PATH nil)
(is (thrown? HBExecutionException
(.get_worker_hb_children state "/foo" false)))))
(testing "get_worker_hb_children - fail (bad data)"
client state conf
(HBMessage. HBServerMessageType/GET_ALL_NODES_FOR_PATH_RESPONSE nil)
(is (thrown? HBExecutionException
(.get_worker_hb_children state "/foo" false))))))
(deftest get_worker_hb_time_secs
(testing "get_worker_hb_time_secs"
(stubbing [psf/clojurify-details {:time-secs 1056}]
(let [list (psf/get-wk-hb-time-secs-pair #{"details"})]
(is (= list [[1056 "details"]]))))))