blob: c1eacd671599e11bdd9646f3e13b2ea727f29f57 [file] [log] [blame]
;; Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
;; or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
;; distributed with this work for additional information
;; regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
;; to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
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(:use [clojure test])
(:require [org.apache.storm.daemon [drpc :as drpc]])
(:import [org.apache.storm.generated AuthorizationException
DRPCExecutionException DistributedRPC$Processor
(:import [org.apache.storm Config])
(:import [ ReqContext SingleUserPrincipal ThriftServer ThriftConnectionType])
(:import [org.apache.storm.utils DRPCClient])
(:import [org.apache.storm.drpc DRPCInvocationsClient])
(:import [java.util.concurrent TimeUnit])
(:import [ Subject])
(:use [org.apache.storm util config log])
(:use [org.apache.storm.daemon common])
(:use [org.apache.storm testing]))
(defn launch-server [conf drpcAznClass transportPluginClass login-cfg client-port invocations-port]
(let [conf (if drpcAznClass (assoc conf DRPC-AUTHORIZER drpcAznClass) conf)
conf (if transportPluginClass (assoc conf STORM-THRIFT-TRANSPORT-PLUGIN transportPluginClass) conf)
conf (if login-cfg (assoc conf "" login-cfg) conf)
conf (assoc conf DRPC-PORT client-port)
conf (assoc conf DRPC-INVOCATIONS-PORT invocations-port)
service-handler (drpc/service-handler conf)
handler-server (ThriftServer. conf
(DistributedRPC$Processor. service-handler)
invoke-server (ThriftServer. conf
(DistributedRPCInvocations$Processor. service-handler)
(.addShutdownHook (Runtime/getRuntime) (Thread. (fn [] (.stop handler-server) (.stop invoke-server))))
(log-message "storm conf:" conf)
(log-message "Starting DRPC invocation server ...")
(.start (Thread. #(.serve invoke-server)))
(wait-for-condition #(.isServing invoke-server))
(log-message "Starting DRPC handler server ...")
(.start (Thread. #(.serve handler-server)))
(wait-for-condition #(.isServing handler-server))
[handler-server invoke-server]))
(defmacro with-server [args & body]
`(let [[handler-server# invoke-server#] (launch-server ~@args)]
(log-message "Stopping DRPC servers ...")
(.stop handler-server#)
(.stop invoke-server#)
(deftest deny-drpc-test
(let [client-port (available-port)
invocations-port (available-port (inc client-port))
storm-conf (read-storm-config)]
(with-server [storm-conf ""
nil nil client-port invocations-port]
(let [drpc (DRPCClient. storm-conf "localhost" client-port)
drpc_client (.getClient drpc)
invocations (DRPCInvocationsClient. storm-conf "localhost" invocations-port)
invocations_client (.getClient invocations)]
(is (thrown? AuthorizationException (.execute drpc_client "func-foo" "args-bar")))
(is (thrown? AuthorizationException (.fetchRequest invocations_client nil)))
(.close drpc)
(.close invocations)))))
(deftest deny-drpc-digest-test
(let [client-port (available-port)
invocations-port (available-port (inc client-port))
storm-conf (read-storm-config)]
(with-server [storm-conf ""
client-port invocations-port]
(let [conf (merge storm-conf {STORM-THRIFT-TRANSPORT-PLUGIN ""
"" "test/clj/org/apache/storm/security/auth/jaas_digest.conf"})
drpc (DRPCClient. conf "localhost" client-port)
drpc_client (.getClient drpc)
invocations (DRPCInvocationsClient. conf "localhost" invocations-port)
invocations_client (.getClient invocations)]
(is (thrown? AuthorizationException (.execute drpc_client "func-foo" "args-bar")))
(is (thrown? AuthorizationException (.fetchRequest invocations_client nil)))
(.close drpc)
(.close invocations)))))
(defmacro with-simple-drpc-test-scenario
[[strict? alice-client bob-client charlie-client alice-invok charlie-invok] & body]
`(let [client-port# (available-port)
invocations-port# (available-port (inc client-port#))
storm-conf# (merge (read-storm-config)
DRPC-AUTHORIZER-ACL-FILENAME "drpc-simple-acl-test-scenario.yaml"
(with-server [storm-conf#
client-port# invocations-port#]
(let [~alice-client (DRPCClient.
(merge storm-conf# {""
~bob-client (DRPCClient.
(merge storm-conf# {""
~charlie-client (DRPCClient.
(merge storm-conf# {""
~alice-invok (DRPCInvocationsClient.
(merge storm-conf# {""
~charlie-invok (DRPCInvocationsClient.
(merge storm-conf# {""
(.close ~alice-client)
(.close ~bob-client)
(.close ~charlie-client)
(.close ~alice-invok)
(.close ~charlie-invok)))))))
(deftest drpc-per-function-auth-strict-test
(with-simple-drpc-test-scenario [true alice-client bob-client charlie-client alice-invok charlie-invok]
(let [drpc-timeout-seconds DRPC-TIMEOUT-SEC]
(testing "Permitted user can execute a function in the ACL"
(let [func "jump"
exec-ftr (future (.execute alice-client func "some args"))
id (atom "")
expected "Authorized DRPC"]
(with-timeout drpc-timeout-seconds TimeUnit/SECONDS
(while (empty? @id)
(reset! id
(-> charlie-invok (.fetchRequest func) .get_request_id)))
(.result charlie-invok @id expected)
(is (= expected (.get exec-ftr drpc-timeout-seconds TimeUnit/SECONDS))))))
(testing "execute fails when function is not in ACL"
(is (thrown-cause? AuthorizationException
(.execute alice-client "jog" "some args"))))
(testing "fetchRequest fails when function is not in ACL"
(is (thrown-cause? AuthorizationException
(.fetchRequest charlie-invok "jog"))))
(testing "authorized user can fail a request"
(let [func "jump"
exec-ftr (future (.execute alice-client func "some args"))
id (atom "")]
(with-timeout drpc-timeout-seconds TimeUnit/SECONDS
(while (empty? @id)
(reset! id
(-> charlie-invok (.fetchRequest func) .get_request_id)))
(.failRequest charlie-invok @id)
(is (thrown-cause? DRPCExecutionException
(.get exec-ftr drpc-timeout-seconds TimeUnit/SECONDS))))))
(testing "unauthorized invocation user is denied returning a result"
(let [func "jump"
exec-ftr (future (.execute bob-client func "some args"))
id (atom "")
expected "Only Authorized User can populate the result"]
(with-timeout drpc-timeout-seconds TimeUnit/SECONDS
(while (empty? @id)
(reset! id
(-> charlie-invok (.fetchRequest func) .get_request_id)))
(is (thrown-cause? AuthorizationException
(.result alice-invok @id "not the expected result")))
(.result charlie-invok @id expected)
(is (= expected (.get exec-ftr drpc-timeout-seconds TimeUnit/SECONDS))))))
(testing "unauthorized invocation user is denied failing a request"
(let [func "jump"
exec-ftr (future (.execute alice-client func "some args"))
id (atom "")]
(with-timeout drpc-timeout-seconds TimeUnit/SECONDS
(while (empty? @id)
(reset! id
(-> charlie-invok (.fetchRequest func) .get_request_id)))
(is (thrown-cause? AuthorizationException
(.failRequest alice-invok @id)))
(.failRequest charlie-invok @id))))
(testing "unauthorized invocation user is denied fetching a request"
(let [func "jump"
exec-ftr (future (.execute bob-client func "some args"))
id (atom "")
expected "Only authorized users can fetchRequest"]
(Thread/sleep 1000)
(is (thrown-cause? AuthorizationException
(-> alice-invok (.fetchRequest func) .get_request_id)))
(with-timeout drpc-timeout-seconds TimeUnit/SECONDS
(while (empty? @id)
(reset! id
(-> charlie-invok (.fetchRequest func) .get_request_id)))
(.result charlie-invok @id expected)
(is (= expected (.get exec-ftr drpc-timeout-seconds TimeUnit/SECONDS)))))))))
(deftest drpc-per-function-auth-non-strict-test
(with-simple-drpc-test-scenario [false alice-client bob-client charlie-client alice-invok charlie-invok]
(let [drpc-timeout-seconds DRPC-TIMEOUT-SEC]
(testing "Permitted user can execute a function in the ACL"
(let [func "jump"
exec-ftr (future (.execute alice-client func "some args"))
id (atom "")
expected "Authorized DRPC"]
(with-timeout drpc-timeout-seconds TimeUnit/SECONDS
(while (empty? @id)
(reset! id
(-> charlie-invok (.fetchRequest func) .get_request_id)))
(.result charlie-invok @id expected)
(is (= expected (.get exec-ftr drpc-timeout-seconds TimeUnit/SECONDS))))))
(testing "DRPC succeeds for anyone when function is not in ACL"
(let [func "jog"
exec-ftr (future (.execute charlie-client func "some args"))
id (atom "")
expected "Permissive/No ACL Entry"]
(with-timeout drpc-timeout-seconds TimeUnit/SECONDS
(while (empty? @id)
(reset! id
(-> alice-invok (.fetchRequest func) .get_request_id)))
(.result alice-invok @id expected)
(is (= expected (.get exec-ftr drpc-timeout-seconds TimeUnit/SECONDS))))))
(testing "failure of a request is allowed when function is not in ACL"
(let [func "jog"
exec-ftr (future (.execute charlie-client func "some args"))
id (atom "")]
(with-timeout drpc-timeout-seconds TimeUnit/SECONDS
(while (empty? @id)
(reset! id
(-> alice-invok (.fetchRequest func) .get_request_id)))
(.failRequest alice-invok @id)
(is (thrown-cause? DRPCExecutionException
(.get exec-ftr drpc-timeout-seconds TimeUnit/SECONDS))))))
(testing "authorized user can fail a request"
(let [func "jump"
exec-ftr (future (.execute alice-client func "some args"))
id (atom "")]
(with-timeout drpc-timeout-seconds TimeUnit/SECONDS
(while (empty? @id)
(reset! id
(-> charlie-invok (.fetchRequest func) .get_request_id)))
(.failRequest charlie-invok @id)
(is (thrown-cause? DRPCExecutionException
(.get exec-ftr drpc-timeout-seconds TimeUnit/SECONDS))))))
(testing "unauthorized invocation user is denied returning a result"
(let [func "jump"
exec-ftr (future (.execute bob-client func "some args"))
id (atom "")
expected "Only Authorized User can populate the result"]
(with-timeout drpc-timeout-seconds TimeUnit/SECONDS
(while (empty? @id)
(reset! id
(-> charlie-invok (.fetchRequest func) .get_request_id)))
(is (thrown-cause? AuthorizationException
(.result alice-invok @id "not the expected result")))
(.result charlie-invok @id expected)
(is (= expected (.get exec-ftr drpc-timeout-seconds TimeUnit/SECONDS))))))
(testing "unauthorized invocation user is denied failing a request"
(let [func "jump"
exec-ftr (future (.execute alice-client func "some args"))
id (atom "")]
(with-timeout drpc-timeout-seconds TimeUnit/SECONDS
(while (empty? @id)
(reset! id
(-> charlie-invok (.fetchRequest func) .get_request_id)))
(is (thrown-cause? AuthorizationException
(.failRequest alice-invok @id)))
(.failRequest charlie-invok @id))))
(testing "unauthorized invocation user is denied fetching a request"
(let [func "jump"
exec-ftr (future (.execute bob-client func "some args"))
id (atom "")
expected "Only authorized users can fetchRequest"]
(Thread/sleep 1000)
(is (thrown-cause? AuthorizationException
(-> alice-invok (.fetchRequest func) .get_request_id)))
(with-timeout drpc-timeout-seconds TimeUnit/SECONDS
(while (empty? @id)
(reset! id
(-> charlie-invok (.fetchRequest func) .get_request_id)))
(.result charlie-invok @id expected)
(is (= expected (.get exec-ftr drpc-timeout-seconds TimeUnit/SECONDS)))))))))