blob: ddd5e03f58b5043c46415a1e484b35b74edef474 [file] [log] [blame]
;; Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
;; or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
;; distributed with this work for additional information
;; regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
;; to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
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(:use [clojure test])
(:require [backtype.storm.daemon [nimbus :as nimbus]])
(:import [org.apache.thrift TException]
[ ImpersonationAuthorizer]
[ Inet4Address])
(:import [org.apache.thrift.transport TTransportException])
(:import [java.nio ByteBuffer])
(:import [ Principal AccessController])
(:import [ Subject])
(:import [ InetAddress])
(:import [backtype.storm Config])
(:import [backtype.storm.generated AuthorizationException])
(:import [backtype.storm.utils NimbusClient])
(:import [ SimpleWhitelistAuthorizer SimpleACLAuthorizer])
(:import [ AuthUtils ThriftServer ThriftClient ShellBasedGroupsMapping
ReqContext SimpleTransportPlugin KerberosPrincipalToLocal ThriftConnectionType])
(:use [backtype.storm util config])
(:use [backtype.storm.daemon common])
(:use [backtype.storm testing])
(:import [backtype.storm.generated Nimbus Nimbus$Client Nimbus$Iface StormTopology SubmitOptions
KillOptions RebalanceOptions ClusterSummary TopologyInfo Nimbus$Processor]))
(defn mk-principal [name]
(reify Principal
(equals [this other]
(= name (.getName other)))
(getName [this] name)
(toString [this] name)
(hashCode [this] (.hashCode name))))
(defn mk-subject [name]
(Subject. true #{(mk-principal name)} #{} #{}))
(def nimbus-timeout (Integer. 120))
(defn nimbus-data [storm-conf inimbus]
(let [forced-scheduler (.getForcedScheduler inimbus)]
{:conf storm-conf
:inimbus inimbus
:authorization-handler (mk-authorization-handler (storm-conf NIMBUS-AUTHORIZER) storm-conf)
:submitted-count (atom 0)
:storm-cluster-state nil
:submit-lock (Object.)
:heartbeats-cache (atom {})
:downloaders nil
:uploaders nil
:uptime (uptime-computer)
:validator nil
:timer nil
:scheduler nil
(defn dummy-service-handler
([conf inimbus auth-context]
(let [nimbus-d (nimbus-data conf inimbus)
topo-conf (atom nil)]
(reify Nimbus$Iface
(^void submitTopologyWithOpts [this ^String storm-name ^String uploadedJarLocation ^String serializedConf ^StormTopology topology
^SubmitOptions submitOptions]
(if (not (nil? serializedConf)) (swap! topo-conf (fn [prev new] new) (from-json serializedConf)))
(nimbus/check-authorization! nimbus-d storm-name @topo-conf "submitTopology" auth-context))
(^void killTopology [this ^String storm-name]
(nimbus/check-authorization! nimbus-d storm-name @topo-conf "killTopology" auth-context))
(^void killTopologyWithOpts [this ^String storm-name ^KillOptions options]
(nimbus/check-authorization! nimbus-d storm-name @topo-conf "killTopology" auth-context))
(^void rebalance [this ^String storm-name ^RebalanceOptions options]
(nimbus/check-authorization! nimbus-d storm-name @topo-conf "rebalance" auth-context))
(activate [this storm-name]
(nimbus/check-authorization! nimbus-d storm-name @topo-conf "activate" auth-context))
(deactivate [this storm-name]
(nimbus/check-authorization! nimbus-d storm-name @topo-conf "deactivate" auth-context))
(uploadNewCredentials [this storm-name creds]
(nimbus/check-authorization! nimbus-d storm-name @topo-conf "uploadNewCredentials" auth-context))
(beginFileUpload [this])
(^void uploadChunk [this ^String location ^ByteBuffer chunk])
(^void finishFileUpload [this ^String location])
(^String beginFileDownload [this ^String file]
(nimbus/check-authorization! nimbus-d nil nil "fileDownload" auth-context)
(^ByteBuffer downloadChunk [this ^String id])
(^String getNimbusConf [this])
(^String getTopologyConf [this ^String id])
(^StormTopology getTopology [this ^String id])
(^StormTopology getUserTopology [this ^String id])
(^ClusterSummary getClusterInfo [this])
(^TopologyInfo getTopologyInfo [this ^String storm-id]))))
([conf inimbus]
(dummy-service-handler conf inimbus nil)))
(defn launch-server [server-port login-cfg aznClass transportPluginClass serverConf]
(let [conf1 (merge (read-storm-config)
NIMBUS-HOST "localhost"
conf2 (if login-cfg (merge conf1 {"" login-cfg}) conf1)
conf (if serverConf (merge conf2 serverConf) conf2)
nimbus (nimbus/standalone-nimbus)
service-handler (dummy-service-handler conf nimbus)
server (ThriftServer.
(Nimbus$Processor. service-handler)
(.addShutdownHook (Runtime/getRuntime) (Thread. (fn [] (.stop server))))
(.start (Thread. #(.serve server)))
(wait-for-condition #(.isServing server))
server ))
(defmacro with-server [args & body]
`(let [server# (launch-server ~@args)]
(.stop server#)
(deftest kerb-to-local-test
(let [kptol (KerberosPrincipalToLocal. )]
(.prepare kptol {})
(is (= "me" (.toLocal kptol (mk-principal "me@realm"))))
(is (= "simple" (.toLocal kptol (mk-principal "simple"))))
(is (= "someone" (.toLocal kptol (mk-principal "someone/host@realm"))))))
(deftest Simple-authentication-test
(let [a-port (available-port)]
(with-server [a-port nil nil "" nil]
(let [storm-conf (merge (read-storm-config)
client (NimbusClient. storm-conf "localhost" a-port nimbus-timeout)
nimbus_client (.getClient client)]
(.activate nimbus_client "security_auth_test_topology")
(.close client))
(let [storm-conf (merge (read-storm-config)
"" "test/clj/backtype/storm/security/auth/jaas_digest.conf"
(testing "(Negative authentication) Server: Simple vs. Client: Digest"
(is (thrown-cause? org.apache.thrift.transport.TTransportException
(NimbusClient. storm-conf "localhost" a-port nimbus-timeout))))))))
(deftest negative-whitelist-authorization-test
(let [a-port (available-port)]
(with-server [a-port nil
"backtype.storm.testing.SingleUserSimpleTransport" nil]
(let [storm-conf (merge (read-storm-config)
{STORM-THRIFT-TRANSPORT-PLUGIN "backtype.storm.testing.SingleUserSimpleTransport"})
client (NimbusClient. storm-conf "localhost" a-port nimbus-timeout)
nimbus_client (.getClient client)]
(testing "(Negative authorization) Authorization plugin should reject client request"
(is (thrown-cause? AuthorizationException
(.activate nimbus_client "security_auth_test_topology"))))
(.close client)))))
(deftest positive-whitelist-authorization-test
(let [a-port (available-port)]
(with-server [a-port nil
"backtype.storm.testing.SingleUserSimpleTransport" {SimpleWhitelistAuthorizer/WHITELIST_USERS_CONF ["user"]}]
(let [storm-conf (merge (read-storm-config)
{STORM-THRIFT-TRANSPORT-PLUGIN "backtype.storm.testing.SingleUserSimpleTransport"})
client (NimbusClient. storm-conf "localhost" a-port nimbus-timeout)
nimbus_client (.getClient client)]
(testing "(Positive authorization) Authorization plugin should accept client request"
(.activate nimbus_client "security_auth_test_topology"))
(.close client)))))
(deftest simple-acl-user-auth-test
(let [cluster-conf (merge (read-storm-config)
{NIMBUS-ADMINS ["admin"]
authorizer (SimpleACLAuthorizer. )
admin-user (mk-subject "admin")
supervisor-user (mk-subject "supervisor")
user-a (mk-subject "user-a")
user-b (mk-subject "user-b")]
(.prepare authorizer cluster-conf)
(is (= true (.permit authorizer (ReqContext. user-a) "submitTopology" {})))
(is (= true (.permit authorizer (ReqContext. user-b) "submitTopology" {})))
(is (= true (.permit authorizer (ReqContext. admin-user) "submitTopology" {})))
(is (= false (.permit authorizer (ReqContext. supervisor-user) "submitTopology" {})))
(is (= true (.permit authorizer (ReqContext. user-a) "fileUpload" nil)))
(is (= true (.permit authorizer (ReqContext. user-b) "fileUpload" nil)))
(is (= true (.permit authorizer (ReqContext. admin-user) "fileUpload" nil)))
(is (= false (.permit authorizer (ReqContext. supervisor-user) "fileUpload" nil)))
(is (= true (.permit authorizer (ReqContext. user-a) "getNimbusConf" nil)))
(is (= true (.permit authorizer (ReqContext. user-b) "getNimbusConf" nil)))
(is (= true (.permit authorizer (ReqContext. admin-user) "getNimbusConf" nil)))
(is (= false (.permit authorizer (ReqContext. supervisor-user) "getNimbusConf" nil)))
(is (= true (.permit authorizer (ReqContext. user-a) "getClusterInfo" nil)))
(is (= true (.permit authorizer (ReqContext. user-b) "getClusterInfo" nil)))
(is (= true (.permit authorizer (ReqContext. admin-user) "getClusterInfo" nil)))
(is (= false (.permit authorizer (ReqContext. supervisor-user) "getClusterInfo" nil)))
(is (= false (.permit authorizer (ReqContext. user-a) "fileDownload" nil)))
(is (= false (.permit authorizer (ReqContext. user-b) "fileDownload" nil)))
(is (= true (.permit authorizer (ReqContext. admin-user) "fileDownload" nil)))
(is (= true (.permit authorizer (ReqContext. supervisor-user) "fileDownload" nil)))
(is (= true (.permit authorizer (ReqContext. user-a) "killTopology" {TOPOLOGY-USERS ["user-a"]})))
(is (= false (.permit authorizer (ReqContext. user-b) "killTopology" {TOPOLOGY-USERS ["user-a"]})))
(is (= true (.permit authorizer (ReqContext. admin-user) "killTopology" {TOPOLOGY-USERS ["user-a"]})))
(is (= false (.permit authorizer (ReqContext. supervisor-user) "killTopolgy" {TOPOLOGY-USERS ["user-a"]})))
(is (= true (.permit authorizer (ReqContext. user-a) "uploadNewCredentials" {TOPOLOGY-USERS ["user-a"]})))
(is (= false (.permit authorizer (ReqContext. user-b) "uploadNewCredentials" {TOPOLOGY-USERS ["user-a"]})))
(is (= true (.permit authorizer (ReqContext. admin-user) "uploadNewCredentials" {TOPOLOGY-USERS ["user-a"]})))
(is (= false (.permit authorizer (ReqContext. supervisor-user) "uploadNewCredentials" {TOPOLOGY-USERS ["user-a"]})))
(is (= true (.permit authorizer (ReqContext. user-a) "rebalance" {TOPOLOGY-USERS ["user-a"]})))
(is (= false (.permit authorizer (ReqContext. user-b) "rebalance" {TOPOLOGY-USERS ["user-a"]})))
(is (= true (.permit authorizer (ReqContext. admin-user) "rebalance" {TOPOLOGY-USERS ["user-a"]})))
(is (= false (.permit authorizer (ReqContext. supervisor-user) "rebalance" {TOPOLOGY-USERS ["user-a"]})))
(is (= true (.permit authorizer (ReqContext. user-a) "activate" {TOPOLOGY-USERS ["user-a"]})))
(is (= false (.permit authorizer (ReqContext. user-b) "activate" {TOPOLOGY-USERS ["user-a"]})))
(is (= true (.permit authorizer (ReqContext. admin-user) "activate" {TOPOLOGY-USERS ["user-a"]})))
(is (= false (.permit authorizer (ReqContext. supervisor-user) "activate" {TOPOLOGY-USERS ["user-a"]})))
(is (= true (.permit authorizer (ReqContext. user-a) "deactivate" {TOPOLOGY-USERS ["user-a"]})))
(is (= false (.permit authorizer (ReqContext. user-b) "deactivate" {TOPOLOGY-USERS ["user-a"]})))
(is (= true (.permit authorizer (ReqContext. admin-user) "deactivate" {TOPOLOGY-USERS ["user-a"]})))
(is (= false (.permit authorizer (ReqContext. supervisor-user) "deactivate" {TOPOLOGY-USERS ["user-a"]})))
(is (= true (.permit authorizer (ReqContext. user-a) "getTopologyConf" {TOPOLOGY-USERS ["user-a"]})))
(is (= false (.permit authorizer (ReqContext. user-b) "getTopologyConf" {TOPOLOGY-USERS ["user-a"]})))
(is (= true (.permit authorizer (ReqContext. admin-user) "getTopologyConf" {TOPOLOGY-USERS ["user-a"]})))
(is (= false (.permit authorizer (ReqContext. supervisor-user) "getTopologyConf" {TOPOLOGY-USERS ["user-a"]})))
(is (= true (.permit authorizer (ReqContext. user-a) "getTopology" {TOPOLOGY-USERS ["user-a"]})))
(is (= false (.permit authorizer (ReqContext. user-b) "getTopology" {TOPOLOGY-USERS ["user-a"]})))
(is (= true (.permit authorizer (ReqContext. admin-user) "getTopology" {TOPOLOGY-USERS ["user-a"]})))
(is (= false (.permit authorizer (ReqContext. supervisor-user) "getTopology" {TOPOLOGY-USERS ["user-a"]})))
(is (= true (.permit authorizer (ReqContext. user-a) "getUserTopology" {TOPOLOGY-USERS ["user-a"]})))
(is (= false (.permit authorizer (ReqContext. user-b) "getUserTopology" {TOPOLOGY-USERS ["user-a"]})))
(is (= true (.permit authorizer (ReqContext. admin-user) "getUserTopology" {TOPOLOGY-USERS ["user-a"]})))
(is (= false (.permit authorizer (ReqContext. supervisor-user) "getUserTopology" {TOPOLOGY-USERS ["user-a"]})))
(is (= true (.permit authorizer (ReqContext. user-a) "getTopologyInfo" {TOPOLOGY-USERS ["user-a"]})))
(is (= false (.permit authorizer (ReqContext. user-b) "getTopologyInfo" {TOPOLOGY-USERS ["user-a"]})))
(is (= true (.permit authorizer (ReqContext. admin-user) "getTopologyInfo" {TOPOLOGY-USERS ["user-a"]})))
(is (= false (.permit authorizer (ReqContext. supervisor-user) "getTopologyInfo" {TOPOLOGY-USERS ["user-a"]})))
(deftest simple-acl-nimbus-users-auth-test
(let [cluster-conf (merge (read-storm-config)
{NIMBUS-ADMINS ["admin"]
NIMBUS-USERS ["user-a"]})
authorizer (SimpleACLAuthorizer. )
admin-user (mk-subject "admin")
supervisor-user (mk-subject "supervisor")
user-a (mk-subject "user-a")
user-b (mk-subject "user-b")]
(.prepare authorizer cluster-conf)
(is (= true (.permit authorizer (ReqContext. user-a) "submitTopology" {})))
(is (= false (.permit authorizer (ReqContext. user-b) "submitTopology" {})))
(is (= true (.permit authorizer (ReqContext. admin-user) "fileUpload" nil)))
(is (= true (.permit authorizer (ReqContext. supervisor-user) "fileDownload" nil)))))
(deftest shell-based-groups-mapping-test
(let [cluster-conf (read-storm-config)
groups (ShellBasedGroupsMapping. )
user-name (System/getProperty "")]
(.prepare groups cluster-conf)
(is (<= 0 (.size (.getGroups groups user-name))))
(is (= 0 (.size (.getGroups groups "userDoesNotExist"))))
(is (= 0 (.size (.getGroups groups nil))))))
(deftest simple-acl-same-user-auth-test
(let [cluster-conf (merge (read-storm-config)
{NIMBUS-ADMINS ["admin"]
authorizer (SimpleACLAuthorizer. )
admin-user (mk-subject "admin")]
(.prepare authorizer cluster-conf)
(is (= true (.permit authorizer (ReqContext. admin-user) "submitTopology" {})))
(is (= true (.permit authorizer (ReqContext. admin-user) "fileUpload" nil)))
(is (= true (.permit authorizer (ReqContext. admin-user) "getNimbusConf" nil)))
(is (= true (.permit authorizer (ReqContext. admin-user) "getClusterInfo" nil)))
(is (= true (.permit authorizer (ReqContext. admin-user) "fileDownload" nil)))
(is (= true (.permit authorizer (ReqContext. admin-user) "killTopology" {TOPOLOGY-USERS ["user-a"]})))
(is (= true (.permit authorizer (ReqContext. admin-user) "uploadNewCredentials" {TOPOLOGY-USERS ["user-a"]})))
(is (= true (.permit authorizer (ReqContext. admin-user) "rebalance" {TOPOLOGY-USERS ["user-a"]})))
(is (= true (.permit authorizer (ReqContext. admin-user) "activate" {TOPOLOGY-USERS ["user-a"]})))
(is (= true (.permit authorizer (ReqContext. admin-user) "deactivate" {TOPOLOGY-USERS ["user-a"]})))
(is (= true (.permit authorizer (ReqContext. admin-user) "getTopologyConf" {TOPOLOGY-USERS ["user-a"]})))
(is (= true (.permit authorizer (ReqContext. admin-user) "getTopology" {TOPOLOGY-USERS ["user-a"]})))
(is (= true (.permit authorizer (ReqContext. admin-user) "getUserTopology" {TOPOLOGY-USERS ["user-a"]})))
(is (= true (.permit authorizer (ReqContext. admin-user) "getTopologyInfo" {TOPOLOGY-USERS ["user-a"]})))
(deftest positive-authorization-test
(let [a-port (available-port)]
(with-server [a-port nil
"" nil]
(let [storm-conf (merge (read-storm-config)
client (NimbusClient. storm-conf "localhost" a-port nimbus-timeout)
nimbus_client (.getClient client)]
(testing "(Positive authorization) Authorization plugin should accept client request"
(.activate nimbus_client "security_auth_test_topology"))
(.close client)))))
(deftest deny-authorization-test
(let [a-port (available-port)]
(with-server [a-port nil
"" nil]
(let [storm-conf (merge (read-storm-config)
Config/NIMBUS_HOST "localhost"
Config/NIMBUS_TASK_TIMEOUT_SECS nimbus-timeout})
client (NimbusClient/getConfiguredClient storm-conf)
nimbus_client (.getClient client)]
(testing "(Negative authorization) Authorization plugin should reject client request"
(is (thrown-cause? AuthorizationException
(.activate nimbus_client "security_auth_test_topology"))))
(.close client)))))
(deftest digest-authentication-test
(let [a-port (available-port)]
(with-server [a-port
"" nil]
(let [storm-conf (merge (read-storm-config)
"" "test/clj/backtype/storm/security/auth/jaas_digest.conf"
client (NimbusClient. storm-conf "localhost" a-port nimbus-timeout)
nimbus_client (.getClient client)]
(testing "(Positive authentication) valid digest authentication"
(.activate nimbus_client "security_auth_test_topology"))
(.close client))
(let [storm-conf (merge (read-storm-config)
client (NimbusClient. storm-conf "localhost" a-port nimbus-timeout)
nimbus_client (.getClient client)]
(testing "(Negative authentication) Server: Digest vs. Client: Simple"
(is (thrown-cause? org.apache.thrift.transport.TTransportException
(.activate nimbus_client "security_auth_test_topology"))))
(.close client))
(let [storm-conf (merge (read-storm-config)
"" "test/clj/backtype/storm/security/auth/jaas_digest_bad_password.conf"
(testing "(Negative authentication) Invalid password"
(is (thrown-cause? TTransportException
(NimbusClient. storm-conf "localhost" a-port nimbus-timeout)))))
(let [storm-conf (merge (read-storm-config)
"" "test/clj/backtype/storm/security/auth/jaas_digest_unknown_user.conf"
(testing "(Negative authentication) Unknown user"
(is (thrown-cause? TTransportException
(NimbusClient. storm-conf "localhost" a-port nimbus-timeout)))))
(let [storm-conf (merge (read-storm-config)
"" "test/clj/backtype/storm/security/auth/nonexistent.conf"
(testing "(Negative authentication) nonexistent configuration file"
(is (thrown-cause? RuntimeException
(NimbusClient. storm-conf "localhost" a-port nimbus-timeout)))))
(let [storm-conf (merge (read-storm-config)
"" "test/clj/backtype/storm/security/auth/jaas_digest_missing_client.conf"
(testing "(Negative authentication) Missing client"
(is (thrown-cause?
(NimbusClient. storm-conf "localhost" a-port nimbus-timeout))))))))
(deftest test-GetTransportPlugin-throws-RuntimeException
(let [conf (merge (read-storm-config)
{Config/STORM_THRIFT_TRANSPORT_PLUGIN "null.invalid"})]
(is (thrown-cause? RuntimeException (AuthUtils/GetTransportPlugin conf nil nil)))))
(defn mk-impersonating-req-context [impersonating-user user-being-impersonated remote-address]
(let [impersonating-principal (mk-principal impersonating-user)
principal-being-impersonated (mk-principal user-being-impersonated)
subject (Subject. true #{principal-being-impersonated} #{} #{})
req_context (ReqContext. subject)]
(.setRemoteAddress req_context remote-address)
(.setRealPrincipal req_context impersonating-principal)
(deftest impersonation-authorizer-test
(let [impersonating-user "admin"
user-being-impersonated (System/getProperty "")
groups (ShellBasedGroupsMapping.)
_ (.prepare groups (read-storm-config))
groups (.getGroups groups user-being-impersonated)
cluster-conf (merge (read-storm-config)
{Config/NIMBUS_IMPERSONATION_ACL {impersonating-user {"hosts" [ (.getHostName (InetAddress/getLocalHost))]
"groups" groups}}})
authorizer (ImpersonationAuthorizer. )
unauthorized-host ( "")
(.prepare authorizer cluster-conf)
;;non impersonating request, should be permitted.
(is (= true (.permit authorizer (ReqContext. (mk-subject "anyuser")) "fileUpload" nil)))
;;user with no impersonation acl should be reject
(is (= false (.permit authorizer (mk-impersonating-req-context "user-with-no-acl" user-being-impersonated (InetAddress/getLocalHost)) "someOperation" nil)))
;;request from hosts that are not authorized should be rejected, commented because
(is (= false (.permit authorizer (mk-impersonating-req-context impersonating-user user-being-impersonated unauthorized-host) "someOperation" nil)))
;;request to impersonate users from unauthroized groups should be rejected.
(is (= false (.permit authorizer (mk-impersonating-req-context impersonating-user "unauthroized-user" (InetAddress/getLocalHost)) "someOperation" nil)))
;;request from authorized hosts and group should be allowed.
(is (= true (.permit authorizer (mk-impersonating-req-context impersonating-user user-being-impersonated (InetAddress/getLocalHost)) "someOperation" nil)))))