blob: ac3bbea1746f6a41939af69005ca19f48c72d241 [file] [log] [blame]
;; Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
;; or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
;; distributed with this work for additional information
;; regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
;; to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
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(ns storm.trident.integration-test
(:use [clojure test])
(:require [backtype.storm [testing :as t]])
(:import [storm.trident.testing Split CountAsAggregator StringLength TrueFilter
(:import [storm.trident.state StateSpec])
(:import [storm.trident.operation.impl CombinerAggStateUpdater])
(:use [storm.trident testing])
(:use [backtype.storm util]))
(deftest test-memory-map-get-tuples
(t/with-local-cluster [cluster]
(with-drpc [drpc]
(bind topo (TridentTopology.))
(bind feeder (feeder-spout ["sentence"]))
(bind word-counts
(-> topo
(.newStream "tester" feeder)
(.each (fields "sentence") (Split.) (fields "word"))
(.groupBy (fields "word"))
(.persistentAggregate (memory-map-state) (Count.) (fields "count"))
(.parallelismHint 6)
(-> topo
(.newDRPCStream "all-tuples" drpc)
(.stateQuery word-counts (fields "args") (TupleCollectionGet.) (fields "word" "count"))
(.project (fields "word" "count")))
(with-topology [cluster topo]
(feed feeder [["hello the man said"] ["the"]])
(is (= #{["hello" 1] ["said" 1] ["the" 2] ["man" 1]}
(into #{} (exec-drpc drpc "all-tuples" "man"))))
(feed feeder [["the foo"]])
(is (= #{["hello" 1] ["said" 1] ["the" 3] ["man" 1] ["foo" 1]}
(into #{} (exec-drpc drpc "all-tuples" "man")))))))))
(deftest test-word-count
(t/with-local-cluster [cluster]
(with-drpc [drpc]
(bind topo (TridentTopology.))
(bind feeder (feeder-spout ["sentence"]))
(bind word-counts
(-> topo
(.newStream "tester" feeder)
(.each (fields "sentence") (Split.) (fields "word"))
(.groupBy (fields "word"))
(.persistentAggregate (memory-map-state) (Count.) (fields "count"))
(.parallelismHint 6)
(-> topo
(.newDRPCStream "words" drpc)
(.each (fields "args") (Split.) (fields "word"))
(.groupBy (fields "word"))
(.stateQuery word-counts (fields "word") (MapGet.) (fields "count"))
(.aggregate (fields "count") (Sum.) (fields "sum"))
(.project (fields "sum")))
(with-topology [cluster topo]
(feed feeder [["hello the man said"] ["the"]])
(is (= [[2]] (exec-drpc drpc "words" "the")))
(is (= [[1]] (exec-drpc drpc "words" "hello")))
(feed feeder [["the man on the moon"] ["where are you"]])
(is (= [[4]] (exec-drpc drpc "words" "the")))
(is (= [[2]] (exec-drpc drpc "words" "man")))
(is (= [[8]] (exec-drpc drpc "words" "man where you the")))
;; this test reproduces a bug where committer spouts freeze processing when
;; there's at least one repartitioning after the spout
(deftest test-word-count-committer-spout
(t/with-local-cluster [cluster]
(with-drpc [drpc]
(bind topo (TridentTopology.))
(bind feeder (feeder-committer-spout ["sentence"]))
(.setWaitToEmit feeder false) ;;this causes lots of empty batches
(bind word-counts
(-> topo
(.newStream "tester" feeder)
(.parallelismHint 2)
(.each (fields "sentence") (Split.) (fields "word"))
(.groupBy (fields "word"))
(.persistentAggregate (memory-map-state) (Count.) (fields "count"))
(.parallelismHint 6)
(-> topo
(.newDRPCStream "words" drpc)
(.each (fields "args") (Split.) (fields "word"))
(.groupBy (fields "word"))
(.stateQuery word-counts (fields "word") (MapGet.) (fields "count"))
(.aggregate (fields "count") (Sum.) (fields "sum"))
(.project (fields "sum")))
(with-topology [cluster topo]
(feed feeder [["hello the man said"] ["the"]])
(is (= [[2]] (exec-drpc drpc "words" "the")))
(is (= [[1]] (exec-drpc drpc "words" "hello")))
(Thread/sleep 1000) ;; this is necessary to reproduce the bug where committer spouts freeze processing
(feed feeder [["the man on the moon"] ["where are you"]])
(is (= [[4]] (exec-drpc drpc "words" "the")))
(is (= [[2]] (exec-drpc drpc "words" "man")))
(is (= [[8]] (exec-drpc drpc "words" "man where you the")))
(feed feeder [["the the"]])
(is (= [[6]] (exec-drpc drpc "words" "the")))
(feed feeder [["the"]])
(is (= [[7]] (exec-drpc drpc "words" "the")))
(deftest test-count-agg
(t/with-local-cluster [cluster]
(with-drpc [drpc]
(bind topo (TridentTopology.))
(-> topo
(.newDRPCStream "numwords" drpc)
(.each (fields "args") (Split.) (fields "word"))
(.aggregate (CountAsAggregator.) (fields "count"))
(.parallelismHint 2) ;;this makes sure batchGlobal is working correctly
(.project (fields "count")))
(with-topology [cluster topo]
(doseq [i (range 100)]
(is (= [[1]] (exec-drpc drpc "numwords" "the"))))
(is (= [[0]] (exec-drpc drpc "numwords" "")))
(is (= [[8]] (exec-drpc drpc "numwords" "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8")))
(deftest test-split-merge
(t/with-local-cluster [cluster]
(with-drpc [drpc]
(bind topo (TridentTopology.))
(bind drpc-stream (-> topo (.newDRPCStream "splitter" drpc)))
(bind s1
(-> drpc-stream
(.each (fields "args") (Split.) (fields "word"))
(.project (fields "word"))))
(bind s2
(-> drpc-stream
(.each (fields "args") (StringLength.) (fields "len"))
(.project (fields "len"))))
(.merge topo [s1 s2])
(with-topology [cluster topo]
(is (t/ms= [[7] ["the"] ["man"]] (exec-drpc drpc "splitter" "the man")))
(is (t/ms= [[5] ["hello"]] (exec-drpc drpc "splitter" "hello")))
(deftest test-multiple-groupings-same-stream
(t/with-local-cluster [cluster]
(with-drpc [drpc]
(bind topo (TridentTopology.))
(bind drpc-stream (-> topo (.newDRPCStream "tester" drpc)
(.each (fields "args") (TrueFilter.))))
(bind s1
(-> drpc-stream
(.groupBy (fields "args"))
(.aggregate (CountAsAggregator.) (fields "count"))))
(bind s2
(-> drpc-stream
(.groupBy (fields "args"))
(.aggregate (CountAsAggregator.) (fields "count"))))
(.merge topo [s1 s2])
(with-topology [cluster topo]
(is (t/ms= [["the" 1] ["the" 1]] (exec-drpc drpc "tester" "the")))
(is (t/ms= [["aaaaa" 1] ["aaaaa" 1]] (exec-drpc drpc "tester" "aaaaa")))
(deftest test-multi-repartition
(t/with-local-cluster [cluster]
(with-drpc [drpc]
(bind topo (TridentTopology.))
(bind drpc-stream (-> topo (.newDRPCStream "tester" drpc)
(.each (fields "args") (Split.) (fields "word"))
(.aggregate (CountAsAggregator.) (fields "count"))
(with-topology [cluster topo]
(is (t/ms= [[2]] (exec-drpc drpc "tester" "the man")))
(is (t/ms= [[1]] (exec-drpc drpc "tester" "aaa")))
(deftest test-stream-projection-validation
(t/with-local-cluster [cluster]
(bind feeder (feeder-committer-spout ["sentence"]))
(bind topo (TridentTopology.))
;; valid projection fields will not throw exceptions
(bind word-counts
(-> topo
(.newStream "tester" feeder)
(.each (fields "sentence") (Split.) (fields "word"))
(.groupBy (fields "word"))
(.persistentAggregate (memory-map-state) (Count.) (fields "count"))
(.parallelismHint 6)
(bind stream (-> topo
(.newStream "tester" feeder)))
;; test .each
(is (thrown? IllegalArgumentException
(-> stream
(.each (fields "sentence1") (Split.) (fields "word")))))
;; test .groupBy
(is (thrown? IllegalArgumentException
(-> stream
(.each (fields "sentence") (Split.) (fields "word"))
(.groupBy (fields "word1")))))
;; test .aggregate
(is (thrown? IllegalArgumentException
(-> stream
(.each (fields "sentence") (Split.) (fields "word"))
(.groupBy (fields "word"))
(.aggregate (fields "word1") (Count.) (fields "count")))))
;; test .project
(is (thrown? IllegalArgumentException
(-> stream
(.project (fields "sentence1")))))
;; test .partitionBy
(is (thrown? IllegalArgumentException
(-> stream
(.partitionBy (fields "sentence1")))))
;; test .partitionAggregate
(is (thrown? IllegalArgumentException
(-> stream
(.each (fields "sentence") (Split.) (fields "word"))
(.partitionAggregate (fields "word1") (Count.) (fields "count")))))
;; test .persistentAggregate
(is (thrown? IllegalArgumentException
(-> stream
(.each (fields "sentence") (Split.) (fields "word"))
(.groupBy (fields "word"))
(.persistentAggregate (StateSpec. (MemoryMapState$Factory.)) (fields "non-existent") (Count.) (fields "count")))))
;; test .partitionPersist
(is (thrown? IllegalArgumentException
(-> stream
(.each (fields "sentence") (Split.) (fields "word"))
(.groupBy (fields "word"))
(.partitionPersist (StateSpec. (MemoryMapState$Factory.))
(fields "non-existent")
(CombinerAggStateUpdater. (Count.))
(fields "count")))))
;; test .stateQuery
(with-drpc [drpc]
(is (thrown? IllegalArgumentException
(-> topo
(.newDRPCStream "words" drpc)
(.each (fields "args") (Split.) (fields "word"))
(.groupBy (fields "word"))
(.stateQuery word-counts (fields "word1") (MapGet.) (fields "count"))))))
;; (deftest test-split-merge
;; (t/with-local-cluster [cluster]
;; (with-drpc [drpc]
;; (letlocals
;; (bind topo (TridentTopology.))
;; (bind drpc-stream (-> topo (.newDRPCStream "splitter" drpc)))
;; (bind s1
;; (-> drpc-stream
;; (.each (fields "args") (Split.) (fields "word"))
;; (.project (fields "word"))))
;; (bind s2
;; (-> drpc-stream
;; (.each (fields "args") (StringLength.) (fields "len"))
;; (.project (fields "len"))))
;; (.merge topo [s1 s2])
;; (with-topology [cluster topo]
;; (is (t/ms= [[7] ["the"] ["man"]] (exec-drpc drpc "splitter" "the man")))
;; (is (t/ms= [[5] ["hello"]] (exec-drpc drpc "splitter" "hello")))
;; )))))