blob: 26384f42ee152b4807ad3e7fbd2834b11603a48a [file] [log] [blame]
* Example for async bolt. Receives sentence and breaks it into words.
var storm = require('./storm');
var BasicBolt = storm.BasicBolt;
function SplitSentenceBolt() {;
SplitSentenceBolt.prototype = Object.create(BasicBolt.prototype);
SplitSentenceBolt.prototype.constructor = SplitSentenceBolt;
SplitSentenceBolt.prototype.process = function(tup, done) {
var self = this;
// Here setTimeout is not really needed, we use it to demonstrate asynchronous code in the process method:
setTimeout(function() {
var words = tup.values[0].split(" ");
words.forEach(function(word) {
self.emit({tuple: [word], anchorTupleId:}, function(taskIds) {
self.log(word + ' sent to task ids - ' + taskIds);
}, 5000)
new SplitSentenceBolt().run();