blob: fab05ea4ab0737e7b26c550a47c5213eef8b30a9 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
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* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
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import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap;
* Status changing
* @author version1: lixin version2: Longda
public class StatusTransition {
private final static Logger LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger(StatusTransition.class);
private NimbusData data;
private Map<String, Object> topologyLocks = new ConcurrentHashMap<String, Object>();
public StatusTransition(NimbusData data) { = data;
public <T> void transition(String topologyid, boolean errorOnNoTransition, StatusType changeStatus, T... args) throws Exception {
// lock outside
Object lock = topologyLocks.get(topologyid);
if (lock == null) {
lock = new Object();
topologyLocks.put(topologyid, lock);
if (data.getIsShutdown().get() == true) {"Nimbus is in shutdown, skip this event " + topologyid + ":" + changeStatus);
synchronized (lock) {
transitionLock(topologyid, errorOnNoTransition, changeStatus, args);
// update the lock times
topologyLocks.put(topologyid, lock);
* Changing status
* @param args -- will be used in the status changing callback
public <T> void transitionLock(String topologyid, boolean errorOnNoTransition, StatusType changeStatus, T... args) throws Exception {
// get ZK's topology node's data, which is StormBase
StormBase stormbase = data.getStormClusterState().storm_base(topologyid, null);
if (stormbase == null) {
LOG.error("Cannot apply event changing status " + changeStatus.getStatus() + " to " + topologyid + " because failed to get StormBase from ZK");
StormStatus currentStatus = stormbase.getStatus();
if (currentStatus == null) {
LOG.error("Cannot apply event changing status " + changeStatus.getStatus() + " to " + topologyid + " because topologyStatus is null in ZK");
// <currentStatus, Map<changingStatus, callback>>
Map<StatusType, Map<StatusType, Callback>> callbackMap = stateTransitions(topologyid, currentStatus);
// get current changingCallbacks
Map<StatusType, Callback> changingCallbacks = callbackMap.get(currentStatus.getStatusType());
if (changingCallbacks == null || changingCallbacks.containsKey(changeStatus) == false || changingCallbacks.get(changeStatus) == null) {
String msg =
"No transition for event: changing status:" + changeStatus.getStatus() + ", current status: " + currentStatus.getStatusType()
+ " topology-id: " + topologyid;;
if (errorOnNoTransition) {
throw new RuntimeException(msg);
Callback callback = changingCallbacks.get(changeStatus);
Object obj = callback.execute(args);
if (obj != null && obj instanceof StormStatus) {
StormStatus newStatus = (StormStatus) obj;
// update status to ZK
data.getStormClusterState().update_storm(topologyid, newStatus);"Successfully updated " + topologyid + " as status " + newStatus);
}"Successfully apply event changing status " + changeStatus.getStatus() + " to " + topologyid);
* generate status changing map
* @param topologyid
* @return Map<StatusType, Map<StatusType, Callback>> means Map<currentStatus, Map<changingStatus, Callback>>
private Map<StatusType, Map<StatusType, Callback>> stateTransitions(String topologyid, StormStatus currentStatus) {
* 1. Status: this status will be stored in ZK killed/inactive/active/rebalancing 2. action:
* monitor -- every Config.NIMBUS_MONITOR_FREQ_SECS seconds will trigger this only valid when current status is active inactivate -- client will trigger
* this action, only valid when current status is active activate -- client will trigger this action only valid when current status is inactive startup
* -- when nimbus startup, it will trigger this action only valid when current status is killed/rebalancing kill -- client kill topology will trigger
* this action, only valid when current status is active/inactive/killed remove -- 30 seconds after client submit kill command, it will do this action,
* only valid when current status is killed rebalance -- client submit rebalance command, only valid when current status is active/deactive do_rebalance
* -- 30 seconds after client submit rebalance command, it will do this action, only valid when current status is rebalance
Map<StatusType, Map<StatusType, Callback>> rtn = new HashMap<StatusType, Map<StatusType, Callback>>();
// current status is active
Map<StatusType, Callback> activeMap = new HashMap<StatusType, Callback>();
activeMap.put(StatusType.monitor, new ReassignTransitionCallback(data, topologyid));
activeMap.put(StatusType.inactivate, new InactiveTransitionCallback());
activeMap.put(StatusType.startup, null);
activeMap.put(StatusType.activate, null);
activeMap.put(StatusType.kill, new KillTransitionCallback(data, topologyid));
activeMap.put(StatusType.remove, null);
activeMap.put(StatusType.rebalance, new RebalanceTransitionCallback(data, topologyid, currentStatus));
activeMap.put(StatusType.do_rebalance, null);
activeMap.put(StatusType.done_rebalance, null);
activeMap.put(StatusType.update_topology, new UpdateTopologyTransitionCallback(data, topologyid, currentStatus));
rtn.put(, activeMap);
// current status is inactive
Map<StatusType, Callback> inactiveMap = new HashMap<StatusType, Callback>();
inactiveMap.put(StatusType.monitor, new ReassignTransitionCallback(data, topologyid, new StormStatus(StatusType.inactive)));
inactiveMap.put(StatusType.inactivate, null);
inactiveMap.put(StatusType.startup, null);
inactiveMap.put(StatusType.activate, new ActiveTransitionCallback());
inactiveMap.put(StatusType.kill, new KillTransitionCallback(data, topologyid));
inactiveMap.put(StatusType.remove, null);
inactiveMap.put(StatusType.rebalance, new RebalanceTransitionCallback(data, topologyid, currentStatus));
inactiveMap.put(StatusType.do_rebalance, null);
inactiveMap.put(StatusType.done_rebalance, null);
inactiveMap.put(StatusType.update_topology, null);
rtn.put(StatusType.inactive, inactiveMap);
// current status is killed
Map<StatusType, Callback> killedMap = new HashMap<StatusType, Callback>();
killedMap.put(StatusType.monitor, null);
killedMap.put(StatusType.inactivate, null);
killedMap.put(StatusType.startup, new KillTransitionCallback(data, topologyid));
killedMap.put(StatusType.activate, null);
killedMap.put(StatusType.kill, new KillTransitionCallback(data, topologyid));
killedMap.put(StatusType.remove, new RemoveTransitionCallback(data, topologyid));
killedMap.put(StatusType.rebalance, null);
killedMap.put(StatusType.do_rebalance, null);
killedMap.put(StatusType.done_rebalance, null);
killedMap.put(StatusType.update_topology, null);
rtn.put(StatusType.killed, killedMap);
// current status is under rebalancing
Map<StatusType, Callback> rebalancingMap = new HashMap<StatusType, Callback>();
StatusType rebalanceOldStatus =;
if (currentStatus.getOldStatus() != null) {
rebalanceOldStatus = currentStatus.getOldStatus().getStatusType();
// fix double rebalance, make the status always as rebalacing
if (rebalanceOldStatus == StatusType.rebalancing) {
rebalanceOldStatus =;
rebalancingMap.put(StatusType.monitor, null);
rebalancingMap.put(StatusType.inactivate, null);
rebalancingMap.put(StatusType.startup, new RebalanceTransitionCallback(data, topologyid, new StormStatus(rebalanceOldStatus)));
rebalancingMap.put(StatusType.activate, null);
rebalancingMap.put(StatusType.kill, null);
rebalancingMap.put(StatusType.remove, null);
rebalancingMap.put(StatusType.rebalance, new RebalanceTransitionCallback(data, topologyid, currentStatus));
rebalancingMap.put(StatusType.do_rebalance, new DoRebalanceTransitionCallback(data, topologyid, new StormStatus(rebalanceOldStatus)));
rebalancingMap.put(StatusType.done_rebalance, new DoneRebalanceTransitionCallback(data, topologyid));
rebalancingMap.put(StatusType.update_topology, null);
rtn.put(StatusType.rebalancing, rebalancingMap);
* @@@ just handling 4 kind of status, maybe add later
return rtn;