blob: 2b546e30a12c95091e880bdfba778868e34a6009 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
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* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
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* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
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package backtype.storm.topology;
import backtype.storm.Config;
import backtype.storm.generated.*;
import backtype.storm.grouping.CustomStreamGrouping;
import backtype.storm.grouping.PartialKeyGrouping;
import backtype.storm.tuple.Fields;
import backtype.storm.utils.Utils;
import org.json.simple.JSONValue;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Map;
* TopologyBuilder exposes the Java API for specifying a topology for Storm to execute. Topologies are Thrift structures in the end, but since the Thrift API is
* so verbose, TopologyBuilder greatly eases the process of creating topologies. The template for creating and submitting a topology looks something like:
* <pre>
* TopologyBuilder builder = new TopologyBuilder();
* builder.setSpout(&quot;1&quot;, new TestWordSpout(true), 5);
* builder.setSpout(&quot;2&quot;, new TestWordSpout(true), 3);
* builder.setBolt(&quot;3&quot;, new TestWordCounter(), 3).fieldsGrouping(&quot;1&quot;, new Fields(&quot;word&quot;)).fieldsGrouping(&quot;2&quot;, new Fields(&quot;word&quot;));
* builder.setBolt(&quot;4&quot;, new TestGlobalCount()).globalGrouping(&quot;1&quot;);
* Map conf = new HashMap();
* conf.put(Config.TOPOLOGY_WORKERS, 4);
* StormSubmitter.submitTopology(&quot;mytopology&quot;, conf, builder.createTopology());
* </pre>
* Running the exact same topology in local mode (in process), and configuring it to log all tuples emitted, looks like the following. Note that it lets the
* topology run for 10 seconds before shutting down the local cluster.
* <pre>
* TopologyBuilder builder = new TopologyBuilder();
* builder.setSpout(&quot;1&quot;, new TestWordSpout(true), 5);
* builder.setSpout(&quot;2&quot;, new TestWordSpout(true), 3);
* builder.setBolt(&quot;3&quot;, new TestWordCounter(), 3).fieldsGrouping(&quot;1&quot;, new Fields(&quot;word&quot;)).fieldsGrouping(&quot;2&quot;, new Fields(&quot;word&quot;));
* builder.setBolt(&quot;4&quot;, new TestGlobalCount()).globalGrouping(&quot;1&quot;);
* Map conf = new HashMap();
* conf.put(Config.TOPOLOGY_WORKERS, 4);
* conf.put(Config.TOPOLOGY_DEBUG, true);
* LocalCluster cluster = new LocalCluster();
* cluster.submitTopology(&quot;mytopology&quot;, conf, builder.createTopology());
* Utils.sleep(10000);
* cluster.shutdown();
* </pre>
* <p>
* The pattern for TopologyBuilder is to map component ids to components using the setSpout and setBolt methods. Those methods return objects that are then used
* to declare the inputs for that component.
* </p>
public class TopologyBuilder {
private Map<String, IRichBolt> _bolts = new HashMap<String, IRichBolt>();
private Map<String, IRichSpout> _spouts = new HashMap<String, IRichSpout>();
private Map<String, ComponentCommon> _commons = new HashMap<String, ComponentCommon>();
// private Map<String, Map<GlobalStreamId, Grouping>> _inputs = new HashMap<String, Map<GlobalStreamId, Grouping>>();
private Map<String, StateSpoutSpec> _stateSpouts = new HashMap<String, StateSpoutSpec>();
public StormTopology createTopology() {
Map<String, Bolt> boltSpecs = new HashMap<String, Bolt>();
Map<String, SpoutSpec> spoutSpecs = new HashMap<String, SpoutSpec>();
for (String boltId : _bolts.keySet()) {
IRichBolt bolt = _bolts.get(boltId);
ComponentCommon common = getComponentCommon(boltId, bolt);
boltSpecs.put(boltId, new Bolt(ComponentObject.serialized_java(Utils.javaSerialize(bolt)), common));
for (String spoutId : _spouts.keySet()) {
IRichSpout spout = _spouts.get(spoutId);
ComponentCommon common = getComponentCommon(spoutId, spout);
spoutSpecs.put(spoutId, new SpoutSpec(ComponentObject.serialized_java(Utils.javaSerialize(spout)), common));
return new StormTopology(spoutSpecs, boltSpecs, new HashMap<String, StateSpoutSpec>());
* Define a new bolt in this topology with parallelism of just one thread.
* @param id the id of this component. This id is referenced by other components that want to consume this bolt's outputs.
* @param bolt the bolt
* @return use the returned object to declare the inputs to this component
public BoltDeclarer setBolt(String id, IRichBolt bolt) {
return setBolt(id, bolt, null);
* Define a new bolt in this topology with the specified amount of parallelism.
* @param id the id of this component. This id is referenced by other components that want to consume this bolt's outputs.
* @param bolt the bolt
* @param parallelism_hint the number of tasks that should be assigned to execute this bolt. Each task will run on a thread in a process somewhere around
* the cluster.
* @return use the returned object to declare the inputs to this component
public BoltDeclarer setBolt(String id, IRichBolt bolt, Number parallelism_hint) {
initCommon(id, bolt, parallelism_hint);
_bolts.put(id, bolt);
return new BoltGetter(id);
* Define a new bolt in this topology. This defines a basic bolt, which is a simpler to use but more restricted kind of bolt. Basic bolts are intended for
* non-aggregation processing and automate the anchoring/acking process to achieve proper reliability in the topology.
* @param id the id of this component. This id is referenced by other components that want to consume this bolt's outputs.
* @param bolt the basic bolt
* @return use the returned object to declare the inputs to this component
public BoltDeclarer setBolt(String id, IBasicBolt bolt) {
return setBolt(id, bolt, null);
* Define a new bolt in this topology. This defines a basic bolt, which is a simpler to use but more restricted kind of bolt. Basic bolts are intended for
* non-aggregation processing and automate the anchoring/acking process to achieve proper reliability in the topology.
* @param id the id of this component. This id is referenced by other components that want to consume this bolt's outputs.
* @param bolt the basic bolt
* @param parallelism_hint the number of tasks that should be assigned to execute this bolt. Each task will run on a thread in a process somwehere around
* the cluster.
* @return use the returned object to declare the inputs to this component
public BoltDeclarer setBolt(String id, IBasicBolt bolt, Number parallelism_hint) {
return setBolt(id, new BasicBoltExecutor(bolt), parallelism_hint);
* Define a new spout in this topology.
* @param id the id of this component. This id is referenced by other components that want to consume this spout's outputs.
* @param spout the spout
public SpoutDeclarer setSpout(String id, IRichSpout spout) {
return setSpout(id, spout, null);
* Define a new spout in this topology with the specified parallelism. If the spout declares itself as non-distributed, the parallelism_hint will be ignored
* and only one task will be allocated to this component.
* @param id the id of this component. This id is referenced by other components that want to consume this spout's outputs.
* @param parallelism_hint the number of tasks that should be assigned to execute this spout. Each task will run on a thread in a process somwehere around
* the cluster.
* @param spout the spout
public SpoutDeclarer setSpout(String id, IRichSpout spout, Number parallelism_hint) {
initCommon(id, spout, parallelism_hint);
_spouts.put(id, spout);
return new SpoutGetter(id);
public void setStateSpout(String id, IRichStateSpout stateSpout) {
setStateSpout(id, stateSpout, null);
public void setStateSpout(String id, IRichStateSpout stateSpout, Number parallelism_hint) {
// TODO: finish
private void validateUnusedId(String id) {
if (_bolts.containsKey(id)) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Bolt has already been declared for id " + id);
if (_spouts.containsKey(id)) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Spout has already been declared for id " + id);
if (_stateSpouts.containsKey(id)) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("State spout has already been declared for id " + id);
private ComponentCommon getComponentCommon(String id, IComponent component) {
ComponentCommon ret = new ComponentCommon(_commons.get(id));
OutputFieldsGetter getter = new OutputFieldsGetter();
return ret;
private void initCommon(String id, IComponent component, Number parallelism) {
ComponentCommon common = new ComponentCommon();
common.set_inputs(new HashMap<GlobalStreamId, Grouping>());
if (parallelism != null) {
} else {
Map conf = component.getComponentConfiguration();
if (conf != null)
_commons.put(id, common);
protected class ConfigGetter<T extends ComponentConfigurationDeclarer> extends BaseConfigurationDeclarer<T> {
String _id;
public ConfigGetter(String id) {
_id = id;
public T addConfigurations(Map conf) {
if (conf != null && conf.containsKey(Config.TOPOLOGY_KRYO_REGISTER)) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Cannot set serializations for a component using fluent API");
String currConf = _commons.get(_id).get_json_conf();
_commons.get(_id).set_json_conf(mergeIntoJson(parseJson(currConf), conf));
return (T) this;
protected class SpoutGetter extends ConfigGetter<SpoutDeclarer> implements SpoutDeclarer {
public SpoutGetter(String id) {
protected class BoltGetter extends ConfigGetter<BoltDeclarer> implements BoltDeclarer {
private String _boltId;
public BoltGetter(String boltId) {
_boltId = boltId;
public BoltDeclarer fieldsGrouping(String componentId, Fields fields) {
return fieldsGrouping(componentId, Utils.DEFAULT_STREAM_ID, fields);
public BoltDeclarer fieldsGrouping(String componentId, String streamId, Fields fields) {
return grouping(componentId, streamId, Grouping.fields(fields.toList()));
public BoltDeclarer globalGrouping(String componentId) {
return globalGrouping(componentId, Utils.DEFAULT_STREAM_ID);
public BoltDeclarer globalGrouping(String componentId, String streamId) {
return grouping(componentId, streamId, Grouping.fields(new ArrayList<String>()));
public BoltDeclarer shuffleGrouping(String componentId) {
return shuffleGrouping(componentId, Utils.DEFAULT_STREAM_ID);
public BoltDeclarer shuffleGrouping(String componentId, String streamId) {
return grouping(componentId, streamId, Grouping.shuffle(new NullStruct()));
public BoltDeclarer localOrShuffleGrouping(String componentId) {
return localOrShuffleGrouping(componentId, Utils.DEFAULT_STREAM_ID);
public BoltDeclarer localOrShuffleGrouping(String componentId, String streamId) {
return grouping(componentId, streamId, Grouping.local_or_shuffle(new NullStruct()));
public BoltDeclarer localFirstGrouping(String componentId) {
return localFirstGrouping(componentId, Utils.DEFAULT_STREAM_ID);
public BoltDeclarer localFirstGrouping(String componentId, String streamId) {
return grouping(componentId, streamId, Grouping.localFirst(new NullStruct()));
public BoltDeclarer noneGrouping(String componentId) {
return noneGrouping(componentId, Utils.DEFAULT_STREAM_ID);
public BoltDeclarer noneGrouping(String componentId, String streamId) {
return grouping(componentId, streamId, Grouping.none(new NullStruct()));
public BoltDeclarer allGrouping(String componentId) {
return allGrouping(componentId, Utils.DEFAULT_STREAM_ID);
public BoltDeclarer allGrouping(String componentId, String streamId) {
return grouping(componentId, streamId, Grouping.all(new NullStruct()));
public BoltDeclarer directGrouping(String componentId) {
return directGrouping(componentId, Utils.DEFAULT_STREAM_ID);
public BoltDeclarer directGrouping(String componentId, String streamId) {
return grouping(componentId, streamId, NullStruct()));
private BoltDeclarer grouping(String componentId, String streamId, Grouping grouping) {
_commons.get(_boltId).put_to_inputs(new GlobalStreamId(componentId, streamId), grouping);
return this;
public BoltDeclarer partialKeyGrouping(String componentId, Fields fields) {
return customGrouping(componentId, new PartialKeyGrouping(fields));
public BoltDeclarer partialKeyGrouping(String componentId, String streamId, Fields fields) {
return customGrouping(componentId, streamId, new PartialKeyGrouping(fields));
public BoltDeclarer customGrouping(String componentId, CustomStreamGrouping grouping) {
return customGrouping(componentId, Utils.DEFAULT_STREAM_ID, grouping);
public BoltDeclarer customGrouping(String componentId, String streamId, CustomStreamGrouping grouping) {
return grouping(componentId, streamId, Grouping.custom_serialized(Utils.javaSerialize(grouping)));
public BoltDeclarer grouping(GlobalStreamId id, Grouping grouping) {
return grouping(id.get_componentId(), id.get_streamId(), grouping);
private static Map parseJson(String json) {
if (json == null)
return new HashMap();
return (Map) JSONValue.parse(json);
private static String mergeIntoJson(Map into, Map newMap) {
Map res = new HashMap(into);
if (newMap != null)
return JSONValue.toJSONString(res);