blob: 6e091e34f5007f34d34627b7861c9505990ca33a [file] [log] [blame]
;; Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
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(ns storm.trident.state-test
(:use [clojure test])
(:require [backtype.storm [testing :as t]])
(:import [storm.trident.operation.builtin Count])
(:import [storm.trident.state OpaqueValue])
(:import [storm.trident.state CombinerValueUpdater])
(:import [ TransactionalMap OpaqueMap])
(:import [storm.trident.testing MemoryBackingMap])
(:use [storm.trident testing])
(:use [backtype.storm util]))
(defn single-get [map key]
(-> map (.multiGet [[key]]) first))
(defn single-update [map key amt]
(-> map (.multiUpdate [[key]] [(CombinerValueUpdater. (Count.) amt)]) first))
(deftest test-opaque-value
(let [opqval (OpaqueValue. 8 "v1" "v0")
upval0 (.update opqval 8 "v2")
upval1 (.update opqval 9 "v2")
(is (= "v1" (.get opqval nil)))
(is (= "v1" (.get opqval 100)))
(is (= "v1" (.get opqval 9)))
(is (= "v0" (.get opqval 8)))
(let [has-exception (try
(.get opqval 7) false
(catch Exception e true))]
(is (= true has-exception)))
(is (= "v0" (.getPrev opqval)))
(is (= "v1" (.getCurr opqval)))
;; update with current
(is (= "v0" (.getPrev upval0)))
(is (= "v2" (.getCurr upval0)))
(not (identical? opqval upval0))
;; update
(is (= "v1" (.getPrev upval1)))
(is (= "v2" (.getCurr upval1)))
(not (identical? opqval upval1))
(deftest test-opaque-map
(let [map (OpaqueMap/build (MemoryBackingMap.))]
(.beginCommit map 1)
(is (= nil (single-get map "a")))
;; tests that intra-batch caching works
(is (= 1 (single-update map "a" 1)))
(is (= 3 (single-update map "a" 2)))
(.commit map 1)
(.beginCommit map 1)
(is (= nil (single-get map "a")))
(is (= 2 (single-update map "a" 2)))
(.commit map 1)
(.beginCommit map 2)
(is (= 2 (single-get map "a")))
(is (= 5 (single-update map "a" 3)))
(is (= 6 (single-update map "a" 1)))
(.commit map 2)
(deftest test-transactional-map
(let [map (TransactionalMap/build (MemoryBackingMap.))]
(.beginCommit map 1)
(is (= nil (single-get map "a")))
;; tests that intra-batch caching works
(is (= 1 (single-update map "a" 1)))
(is (= 3 (single-update map "a" 2)))
(.commit map 1)
(.beginCommit map 1)
(is (= 3 (single-get map "a")))
;; tests that intra-batch caching has no effect if it's the same commit as previous commit
(is (= 3 (single-update map "a" 1)))
(is (= 3 (single-update map "a" 2)))
(.commit map 1)
(.beginCommit map 2)
(is (= 3 (single-get map "a")))
(is (= 6 (single-update map "a" 3)))
(is (= 7 (single-update map "a" 1)))
(.commit map 2)