blob: 84d94d3e3ef0fb68cb38888c183e639b2e2385e0 [file] [log] [blame]
package backtype.storm.serialization;
* Implement this interface to provide Storm with the ability to serialize and
* deserialize types besides the primitives that you want to put into tuples.
* <p>You must declare these new serializers in the configuration of either the cluster
* or the topology that will use these seralizations. Once you declare a serialization,
* Storm will make use of it automatically. See "topology.serializations" in
* {@link backtype.storm.Config} for more details.</p>
public interface ISerialization<T> {
* Returns whether this serialization can handle the given type.
public boolean accept(Class c);
* Serializes the provided object into the stream.
public void serialize(T object, DataOutputStream stream) throws IOException;
* Reads an object of the proper type off of the stream.
public T deserialize(DataInputStream stream) throws IOException;