blob: 84b839f900e1b138940c5968e3fdea992b8d860e [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* <p>
* <p>
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.apache.storm.scheduler.resource.strategies.scheduling.sorter;
import org.apache.storm.Config;
import org.apache.storm.metric.StormMetricsRegistry;
import org.apache.storm.networktopography.DNSToSwitchMapping;
import org.apache.storm.scheduler.Cluster;
import org.apache.storm.scheduler.ExecutorDetails;
import org.apache.storm.scheduler.INimbus;
import org.apache.storm.scheduler.IScheduler;
import org.apache.storm.scheduler.SchedulerAssignment;
import org.apache.storm.scheduler.SupervisorDetails;
import org.apache.storm.scheduler.Topologies;
import org.apache.storm.scheduler.TopologyDetails;
import org.apache.storm.scheduler.WorkerSlot;
import org.apache.storm.scheduler.resource.RasNodes;
import org.apache.storm.scheduler.resource.ResourceAwareScheduler;
import org.apache.storm.scheduler.resource.TestUtilsForResourceAwareScheduler;
import org.apache.storm.scheduler.resource.normalization.NormalizedResourceRequest;
import org.apache.storm.scheduler.resource.normalization.NormalizedResourcesExtension;
import org.apache.storm.scheduler.resource.normalization.ResourceMetrics;
import org.apache.storm.scheduler.resource.strategies.scheduling.BaseResourceAwareStrategy;
import org.apache.storm.scheduler.resource.strategies.scheduling.DefaultResourceAwareStrategy;
import org.apache.storm.scheduler.resource.strategies.scheduling.GenericResourceAwareStrategy;
import org.apache.storm.scheduler.resource.strategies.scheduling.ObjectResourcesItem;
import org.apache.storm.topology.TopologyBuilder;
import org.junit.Assert;
import org.junit.jupiter.api.Test;
import org.junit.jupiter.api.extension.ExtendWith;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.LinkedList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.TreeMap;
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicInteger;
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicLong;
import static org.apache.storm.scheduler.resource.TestUtilsForResourceAwareScheduler.*;
import static org.junit.Assert.assertEquals;
import static org.junit.Assert.assertFalse;
import static org.junit.Assert.assertNotEquals;
import static org.junit.Assert.assertNotNull;
import static org.junit.Assert.assertTrue;
public class TestNodeSorterHostProximity {
private static final Logger LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger(TestNodeSorterHostProximity.class);
private static final int CURRENT_TIME = 1450418597;
protected Class getDefaultResourceAwareStrategyClass() {
return DefaultResourceAwareStrategy.class;
private Config createClusterConfig(double compPcore, double compOnHeap, double compOffHeap,
Map<String, Map<String, Number>> pools) {
Config config = TestUtilsForResourceAwareScheduler.createClusterConfig(compPcore, compOnHeap, compOffHeap, pools);
config.put(Config.TOPOLOGY_SCHEDULER_STRATEGY, getDefaultResourceAwareStrategyClass().getName());
return config;
private static class TestDNSToSwitchMapping implements DNSToSwitchMapping {
private final Map<String, String> hostToRackMap;
private final Map<String, List<String>> rackToHosts;
public TestDNSToSwitchMapping(Map<String, SupervisorDetails>... racks) {
Set<String> seenHosts = new HashSet<>();
Map<String, String> hostToRackMap = new HashMap<>();
Map<String, List<String>> rackToHosts = new HashMap<>();
for (int rackNum = 0; rackNum < racks.length; rackNum++) {
String rack = String.format("rack-%03d", rackNum);
for (SupervisorDetails sup : racks[rackNum].values()) {
hostToRackMap.put(sup.getHost(), rack);
String host = sup.getHost();
if (!seenHosts.contains(host)) {
rackToHosts.computeIfAbsent(rack, rid -> new ArrayList<>()).add(host);
this.hostToRackMap = Collections.unmodifiableMap(hostToRackMap);
this.rackToHosts = Collections.unmodifiableMap(rackToHosts);
* Use the "rack-%03d" embedded in the name of the supervisor to determine the rack number.
* @param supervisorDetailsCollection
public TestDNSToSwitchMapping(Collection<SupervisorDetails> supervisorDetailsCollection) {
Set<String> seenHosts = new HashSet<>();
Map<String, String> hostToRackMap = new HashMap<>();
Map<String, List<String>> rackToHosts = new HashMap<>();
for (SupervisorDetails supervisorDetails: supervisorDetailsCollection) {
String rackId = supervisorIdToRackName(supervisorDetails.getId());
hostToRackMap.put(supervisorDetails.getHost(), rackId);
String host = supervisorDetails.getHost();
if (!seenHosts.contains(host)) {
rackToHosts.computeIfAbsent(rackId, rid -> new ArrayList<>()).add(host);
this.hostToRackMap = Collections.unmodifiableMap(hostToRackMap);
this.rackToHosts = Collections.unmodifiableMap(rackToHosts);
public Map<String, String> resolve(List<String> names) {
return hostToRackMap;
public Map<String, List<String>> getRackToHosts() {
return rackToHosts;
* Test whether strategy will choose correct rack.
public void testMultipleRacks() {
final Map<String, SupervisorDetails> supMap = new HashMap<>();
final int numRacks = 1;
final int numSupersPerRack = 10;
final int numPortsPerSuper = 4;
final int numZonesPerHost = 1;
final double numaResourceMultiplier = 1.0;
int rackStartNum = 0;
int supStartNum = 0;
final Map<String, SupervisorDetails> supMapRack0 = genSupervisorsWithRacksAndNuma(
numRacks, numSupersPerRack, numZonesPerHost, numPortsPerSuper, rackStartNum++, supStartNum,
400, 8000, Collections.emptyMap(), numaResourceMultiplier);
//generate another rack of supervisors with less resources
supStartNum += numSupersPerRack;
final Map<String, SupervisorDetails> supMapRack1 = genSupervisorsWithRacksAndNuma(
numRacks, numSupersPerRack, numZonesPerHost, numPortsPerSuper, rackStartNum++, supStartNum,
200, 4000, Collections.emptyMap(), numaResourceMultiplier);
//generate some supervisors that are depleted of one resource
supStartNum += numSupersPerRack;
final Map<String, SupervisorDetails> supMapRack2 = genSupervisorsWithRacksAndNuma(
numRacks, numSupersPerRack, numZonesPerHost, numPortsPerSuper, rackStartNum++, supStartNum,
0, 8000, Collections.emptyMap(), numaResourceMultiplier);
//generate some that has a lot of memory but little of cpu
supStartNum += numSupersPerRack;
final Map<String, SupervisorDetails> supMapRack3 = genSupervisorsWithRacksAndNuma(
numRacks, numSupersPerRack, numZonesPerHost, numPortsPerSuper, rackStartNum++, supStartNum,
10, 8000 * 2 + 4000, Collections.emptyMap(),numaResourceMultiplier);
//generate some that has a lot of cpu but little of memory
supStartNum += numSupersPerRack;
final Map<String, SupervisorDetails> supMapRack4 = genSupervisorsWithRacksAndNuma(
numRacks, numSupersPerRack, numZonesPerHost, numPortsPerSuper, rackStartNum++, supStartNum,
400 + 200 + 10, 1000, Collections.emptyMap(), numaResourceMultiplier);
//Generate some that have neither resource, to verify that the strategy will prioritize this last
//Also put a generic resource with 0 value in the resources list, to verify that it doesn't affect the sorting
supStartNum += numSupersPerRack;
final Map<String, SupervisorDetails> supMapRack5 = genSupervisorsWithRacksAndNuma(
numRacks, numSupersPerRack, numZonesPerHost, numPortsPerSuper, rackStartNum++, supStartNum,
0.0, 0.0, Collections.singletonMap("gpu.count", 0.0), numaResourceMultiplier);
Config config = createClusterConfig(100, 500, 500, null);
INimbus iNimbus = new INimbusTest();
//create test DNSToSwitchMapping plugin
TestDNSToSwitchMapping testDNSToSwitchMapping =
new TestDNSToSwitchMapping(supMapRack0, supMapRack1, supMapRack2, supMapRack3, supMapRack4, supMapRack5);
//generate topologies
TopologyDetails topo1 = genTopology("topo-1", config, 8, 0, 2, 0, CURRENT_TIME - 2, 10, "user");
TopologyDetails topo2 = genTopology("topo-2", config, 8, 0, 2, 0, CURRENT_TIME - 2, 10, "user");
Topologies topologies = new Topologies(topo1, topo2);
Cluster cluster = new Cluster(iNimbus, new ResourceMetrics(new StormMetricsRegistry()), supMap, new HashMap<>(), topologies, config);
List<String> supHostnames = new LinkedList<>();
for (SupervisorDetails sup : supMap.values()) {
Map<String, List<String>> rackToHosts = testDNSToSwitchMapping.getRackToHosts();
NodeSorterHostProximity nodeSorter = new NodeSorterHostProximity(cluster, topo1, BaseResourceAwareStrategy.NodeSortType.DEFAULT_RAS);
List<ObjectResourcesItem> sortedRacks =, false)
String rackSummaries =
.map(x -> String.format("Rack %s -> scheduled-cnt %d, min-avail %f, avg-avail %f, cpu %f, mem %f",, nodeSorter.getScheduledExecCntByRackId().getOrDefault(, new AtomicInteger(-1)).get(),
x.minResourcePercent, x.avgResourcePercent,
Assert.assertEquals(rackSummaries + "\n# of racks sorted", 6, sortedRacks.size());
Iterator<ObjectResourcesItem> it = sortedRacks.iterator();
Assert.assertEquals(rackSummaries + "\nrack-000 should be ordered first since it has the most balanced set of resources", "rack-000",;
Assert.assertEquals(rackSummaries + "\nrack-001 should be ordered second since it has a balanced set of resources but less than rack-000", "rack-001",;
Assert.assertEquals(rackSummaries + "\nrack-004 should be ordered third since it has a lot of cpu but not a lot of memory", "rack-004",;
Assert.assertEquals(rackSummaries + "\nrack-003 should be ordered fourth since it has a lot of memory but not cpu", "rack-003",;
Assert.assertEquals(rackSummaries + "\nrack-002 should be ordered fifth since it has not cpu resources", "rack-002",;
Assert.assertEquals(rackSummaries + "\nRack-005 should be ordered sixth since it has neither CPU nor memory available", "rack-005",;
* Test whether strategy will choose correct rack.
public void testMultipleRacksWithFavoritism() {
final Map<String, SupervisorDetails> supMap = new HashMap<>();
final int numRacks = 1;
final int numSupersPerRack = 10;
final int numPortsPerSuper = 4;
final int numZonesPerHost = 2;
int rackStartNum = 0;
int supStartNum = 0;
final Map<String, SupervisorDetails> supMapRack0 = genSupervisorsWithRacksAndNuma(
numRacks, numSupersPerRack, numZonesPerHost, numPortsPerSuper, rackStartNum++, supStartNum,
400, 8000, Collections.emptyMap(), 1.0);
//generate another rack of supervisors with less resources
supStartNum += numSupersPerRack;
final Map<String, SupervisorDetails> supMapRack1 = genSupervisorsWithRacksAndNuma(
numRacks, numSupersPerRack, numZonesPerHost, numPortsPerSuper, rackStartNum++, supStartNum,
200, 4000, Collections.emptyMap(), 1.0);
//generate some supervisors that are depleted of one resource
supStartNum += numSupersPerRack;
final Map<String, SupervisorDetails> supMapRack2 = genSupervisorsWithRacksAndNuma(
numRacks, numSupersPerRack, numZonesPerHost, numPortsPerSuper, rackStartNum++, supStartNum,
0, 8000, Collections.emptyMap(), 1.0);
//generate some that has a lot of memory but little of cpu
supStartNum += numSupersPerRack;
final Map<String, SupervisorDetails> supMapRack3 = genSupervisorsWithRacksAndNuma(
numRacks, numSupersPerRack, numZonesPerHost, numPortsPerSuper, rackStartNum++, supStartNum,
10, 8000 * 2 + 4000, Collections.emptyMap(), 1.0);
//generate some that has a lot of cpu but little of memory
supStartNum += numSupersPerRack;
final Map<String, SupervisorDetails> supMapRack4 = genSupervisorsWithRacksAndNuma(
numRacks, numSupersPerRack, numZonesPerHost, numPortsPerSuper, rackStartNum++, supStartNum,
400 + 200 + 10, 1000, Collections.emptyMap(), 1.0);
Config config = createClusterConfig(100, 500, 500, null);
INimbus iNimbus = new INimbusTest();
//create test DNSToSwitchMapping plugin
TestDNSToSwitchMapping testDNSToSwitchMapping =
new TestDNSToSwitchMapping(supMapRack0, supMapRack1, supMapRack2, supMapRack3, supMapRack4);
Config t1Conf = new Config();
final List<String> t1FavoredHostNames = Arrays.asList("host-41", "host-42", "host-43");
t1Conf.put(Config.TOPOLOGY_SCHEDULER_FAVORED_NODES, t1FavoredHostNames);
final List<String> t1UnfavoredHostIds = Arrays.asList("host-1", "host-2", "host-3");
t1Conf.put(Config.TOPOLOGY_SCHEDULER_UNFAVORED_NODES, t1UnfavoredHostIds);
//generate topologies
TopologyDetails topo1 = genTopology("topo-1", t1Conf, 8, 0, 2, 0, CURRENT_TIME - 2, 10, "user");
Config t2Conf = new Config();
t2Conf.put(Config.TOPOLOGY_SCHEDULER_FAVORED_NODES, Arrays.asList("host-31", "host-32", "host-33"));
t2Conf.put(Config.TOPOLOGY_SCHEDULER_UNFAVORED_NODES, Arrays.asList("host-11", "host-12", "host-13"));
TopologyDetails topo2 = genTopology("topo-2", t2Conf, 8, 0, 2, 0, CURRENT_TIME - 2, 10, "user");
Topologies topologies = new Topologies(topo1, topo2);
Cluster cluster = new Cluster(iNimbus, new ResourceMetrics(new StormMetricsRegistry()), supMap, new HashMap<>(), topologies, config);
List<String> supHostnames = new LinkedList<>();
for (SupervisorDetails sup : supMap.values()) {
Map<String, List<String>> rackToHosts = testDNSToSwitchMapping.getRackToHosts();
NodeSorterHostProximity nodeSorter = new NodeSorterHostProximity(cluster, topo1, BaseResourceAwareStrategy.NodeSortType.DEFAULT_RAS);
List<ObjectResourcesItem> sortedRacks =, false)
String rackSummaries =
.map(x -> String.format("Rack %s -> scheduled-cnt %d, min-avail %f, avg-avail %f, cpu %f, mem %f",, nodeSorter.getScheduledExecCntByRackId().getOrDefault(, new AtomicInteger(-1)).get(),
x.minResourcePercent, x.avgResourcePercent,
Iterator<ObjectResourcesItem> it = sortedRacks.iterator();
// Ranked first since rack-000 has the most balanced set of resources
Assert.assertEquals("rack-000 should be ordered first", "rack-000",;
// Ranked second since rack-1 has a balanced set of resources but less than rack-0
Assert.assertEquals("rack-001 should be ordered second", "rack-001",;
// Ranked third since rack-4 has a lot of cpu but not a lot of memory
Assert.assertEquals("rack-004 should be ordered third", "rack-004",;
// Ranked fourth since rack-3 has alot of memory but not cpu
Assert.assertEquals("rack-003 should be ordered fourth", "rack-003",;
//Ranked last since rack-2 has not cpu resources
Assert.assertEquals("rack-00s2 should be ordered fifth", "rack-002",;
* Test if hosts are presented together regardless of resource availability.
* Supervisors are created with multiple Numa zones in such a manner that resources on two numa zones on the same host
* differ widely in resource availability.
public void testMultipleRacksWithHostProximity() {
final Map<String, SupervisorDetails> supMap = new HashMap<>();
final int numRacks = 1;
final int numSupersPerRack = 12;
final int numPortsPerSuper = 4;
final int numZonesPerHost = 3;
final double numaResourceMultiplier = 0.4;
int rackStartNum = 0;
int supStartNum = 0;
final Map<String, SupervisorDetails> supMapRack0 = genSupervisorsWithRacksAndNuma(
numRacks, numSupersPerRack, numZonesPerHost, numPortsPerSuper, rackStartNum++, supStartNum,
400, 8000, Collections.emptyMap(), numaResourceMultiplier);
//generate another rack of supervisors with less resources
supStartNum += numSupersPerRack;
final Map<String, SupervisorDetails> supMapRack1 = genSupervisorsWithRacksAndNuma(
numRacks, numSupersPerRack, numZonesPerHost, numPortsPerSuper, rackStartNum++, supStartNum,
200, 4000, Collections.emptyMap(), numaResourceMultiplier);
//generate some supervisors that are depleted of one resource
supStartNum += numSupersPerRack;
final Map<String, SupervisorDetails> supMapRack2 = genSupervisorsWithRacksAndNuma(
numRacks, numSupersPerRack, numZonesPerHost, numPortsPerSuper, rackStartNum++, supStartNum,
0, 8000, Collections.emptyMap(), numaResourceMultiplier);
//generate some that has a lot of memory but little of cpu
supStartNum += numSupersPerRack;
final Map<String, SupervisorDetails> supMapRack3 = genSupervisorsWithRacksAndNuma(
numRacks, numSupersPerRack, numZonesPerHost, numPortsPerSuper, rackStartNum++, supStartNum,
10, 8000 * 2 + 4000, Collections.emptyMap(),numaResourceMultiplier);
//generate some that has a lot of cpu but little of memory
supStartNum += numSupersPerRack;
final Map<String, SupervisorDetails> supMapRack4 = genSupervisorsWithRacksAndNuma(
numRacks, numSupersPerRack, numZonesPerHost, numPortsPerSuper, rackStartNum++, supStartNum,
400 + 200 + 10, 1000, Collections.emptyMap(), numaResourceMultiplier);
Config config = createClusterConfig(100, 500, 500, null);
INimbus iNimbus = new INimbusTest();
//create test DNSToSwitchMapping plugin
TestDNSToSwitchMapping testDNSToSwitchMapping =
new TestDNSToSwitchMapping(supMapRack0, supMapRack1, supMapRack2, supMapRack3, supMapRack4);
Config t1Conf = new Config();
final List<String> t1FavoredHostNames = Arrays.asList("host-41", "host-42", "host-43");
t1Conf.put(Config.TOPOLOGY_SCHEDULER_FAVORED_NODES, t1FavoredHostNames);
final List<String> t1UnfavoredHostIds = Arrays.asList("host-1", "host-2", "host-3");
t1Conf.put(Config.TOPOLOGY_SCHEDULER_UNFAVORED_NODES, t1UnfavoredHostIds);
//generate topologies
TopologyDetails topo1 = genTopology("topo-1", t1Conf, 8, 0, 2, 0, CURRENT_TIME - 2, 10, "user");
Config t2Conf = new Config();
t2Conf.put(Config.TOPOLOGY_SCHEDULER_FAVORED_NODES, Arrays.asList("host-31", "host-32", "host-33"));
t2Conf.put(Config.TOPOLOGY_SCHEDULER_UNFAVORED_NODES, Arrays.asList("host-11", "host-12", "host-13"));
TopologyDetails topo2 = genTopology("topo-2", t2Conf, 8, 0, 2, 0, CURRENT_TIME - 2, 10, "user");
Topologies topologies = new Topologies(topo1, topo2);
Cluster cluster = new Cluster(iNimbus, new ResourceMetrics(new StormMetricsRegistry()), supMap, new HashMap<>(), topologies, config);
INodeSorter nodeSorter = new NodeSorterHostProximity(cluster, topo1);
Set<String> seenHosts = new HashSet<>();
String prevHost = null;
List<String> errLines = new ArrayList();
Map<String, String> nodeToHost = new RasNodes(cluster).getNodeIdToHostname();
for (String nodeId: nodeSorter.sortAllNodes()) {
String host = nodeToHost.getOrDefault(nodeId, "no-host-for-node-" + nodeId);
errLines.add(String.format("\tnodeId:%s, host:%s", nodeId, host));
if (!host.equals(prevHost) && seenHosts.contains(host)) {
String err = String.format("Host %s for node %s is out of order:\n\t%s", host, nodeId, String.join("\n\t", errLines));;
prevHost = host;
* Racks should be returned in order of decreasing capacity.
public void testMultipleRacksOrderedByCapacity() {
final Map<String, SupervisorDetails> supMap = new HashMap<>();
final int numRacks = 1;
final int numSupersPerRack = 10;
final int numPortsPerSuper = 4;
final int numZonesPerHost = 1;
final double numaResourceMultiplier = 1.0;
int rackStartNum = 0;
int supStartNum = 0;
final Map<String, SupervisorDetails> supMapRack0 = genSupervisorsWithRacksAndNuma(
numRacks, numSupersPerRack, numZonesPerHost, numPortsPerSuper, rackStartNum++, supStartNum,
600, 8000 - rackStartNum, Collections.emptyMap(), numaResourceMultiplier);
supStartNum += numSupersPerRack;
final Map<String, SupervisorDetails> supMapRack1 = genSupervisorsWithRacksAndNuma(
numRacks, numSupersPerRack, numZonesPerHost, numPortsPerSuper, rackStartNum++, supStartNum,
500, 8000 - rackStartNum, Collections.emptyMap(), numaResourceMultiplier);
supStartNum += numSupersPerRack;
final Map<String, SupervisorDetails> supMapRack2 = genSupervisorsWithRacksAndNuma(
numRacks, numSupersPerRack, numZonesPerHost, numPortsPerSuper, rackStartNum++, supStartNum,
400, 8000 - rackStartNum, Collections.emptyMap(), numaResourceMultiplier);
supStartNum += numSupersPerRack;
final Map<String, SupervisorDetails> supMapRack3 = genSupervisorsWithRacksAndNuma(
numRacks, numSupersPerRack, numZonesPerHost, numPortsPerSuper, rackStartNum++, supStartNum,
300, 8000 - rackStartNum, Collections.emptyMap(),numaResourceMultiplier);
supStartNum += numSupersPerRack;
final Map<String, SupervisorDetails> supMapRack4 = genSupervisorsWithRacksAndNuma(
numRacks, numSupersPerRack, numZonesPerHost, numPortsPerSuper, rackStartNum++, supStartNum,
200, 8000 - rackStartNum, Collections.emptyMap(), numaResourceMultiplier);
// too small to hold topology
supStartNum += numSupersPerRack;
final Map<String, SupervisorDetails> supMapRack5 = genSupervisorsWithRacksAndNuma(
numRacks, numSupersPerRack, numZonesPerHost, numPortsPerSuper, rackStartNum++, supStartNum,
100, 8000 - rackStartNum, Collections.singletonMap("gpu.count", 0.0), numaResourceMultiplier);
Config config = createClusterConfig(100, 500, 500, null);
INimbus iNimbus = new INimbusTest();
//create test DNSToSwitchMapping plugin
TestDNSToSwitchMapping testDNSToSwitchMapping =
new TestDNSToSwitchMapping(supMapRack0, supMapRack1, supMapRack2, supMapRack3, supMapRack4, supMapRack5);
//generate topologies
TopologyDetails topo1 = genTopology("topo-1", config, 8, 0, 2, 0, CURRENT_TIME - 2, 10, "user");
TopologyDetails topo2 = genTopology("topo-2", config, 8, 0, 2, 0, CURRENT_TIME - 2, 10, "user");
Topologies topologies = new Topologies(topo1, topo2);
Cluster cluster = new Cluster(iNimbus, new ResourceMetrics(new StormMetricsRegistry()), supMap, new HashMap<>(), topologies, config);
NodeSorterHostProximity nodeSorter = new NodeSorterHostProximity(cluster, topo1);
List<ObjectResourcesItem> sortedRacks =, false)
String rackSummaries = sortedRacks
.map(x -> String.format("Rack %s -> scheduled-cnt %d, min-avail %f, avg-avail %f, cpu %f, mem %f",, nodeSorter.getScheduledExecCntByRackId().getOrDefault(, new AtomicInteger(-1)).get(),
x.minResourcePercent, x.avgResourcePercent,
NormalizedResourceRequest topoResourceRequest = topo1.getApproximateTotalResources();
String topoRequest = String.format("Topo %s, approx-requested-resources %s", topo1.getId(), topoResourceRequest.toString());
Iterator<ObjectResourcesItem> it = sortedRacks.iterator();
Assert.assertEquals(topoRequest + "\n\t" + rackSummaries + "\nRack-000 should be ordered first since it has the largest capacity", "rack-000",;
Assert.assertEquals(topoRequest + "\n\t" + rackSummaries + "\nrack-001 should be ordered second since it smaller than rack-000", "rack-001",;
Assert.assertEquals(topoRequest + "\n\t" + rackSummaries + "\nrack-002 should be ordered third since it is smaller than rack-001", "rack-002",;
Assert.assertEquals(topoRequest + "\n\t" + rackSummaries + "\nrack-003 should be ordered fourth since it since it is smaller than rack-002", "rack-003",;
Assert.assertEquals(topoRequest + "\n\t" + rackSummaries + "\nrack-004 should be ordered fifth since it since it is smaller than rack-003", "rack-004",;
Assert.assertEquals(topoRequest + "\n\t" + rackSummaries + "\nrack-005 should be ordered last since it since it is has smallest capacity", "rack-005",;
* Schedule two topologies, once with special resources and another without.
* There are enough special resources to hold one topology with special resource ("my.gpu").
* If the sort order is incorrect, scheduling will not succeed.
public void testAntiAffinityWithMultipleTopologies() {
INimbus iNimbus = new INimbusTest();
Map<String, SupervisorDetails> supMap = genSupervisorsWithRacks(1, 40, 66, 0, 0, 4700, 226200, new HashMap<>());
HashMap<String, Double> extraResources = new HashMap<>();
extraResources.put("my.gpu", 1.0);
supMap.putAll(genSupervisorsWithRacks(1, 40, 66, 1, 0, 4700, 226200, extraResources));
Config config = new Config();
config.putAll(createGrasClusterConfig(88, 775, 25, null, null));
IScheduler scheduler = new ResourceAwareScheduler();
scheduler.prepare(config, new StormMetricsRegistry());
TopologyDetails tdSimple = genTopology("topology-simple", config, 1,
5, 100, 300, 0, 0, "user", 8192);
//Schedule the simple topology first
Topologies topologies = new Topologies(tdSimple);
Cluster cluster = new Cluster(iNimbus, new ResourceMetrics(new StormMetricsRegistry()), supMap, new HashMap<>(), topologies, config);
NodeSorterHostProximity nodeSorter = new NodeSorterHostProximity(cluster, tdSimple);
for (ExecutorDetails exec : tdSimple.getExecutors()) {
List<ObjectResourcesItem> sortedRacks = StreamSupport
.stream(nodeSorter.getSortedRacks().spliterator(), false)
String rackSummaries = StreamSupport
.stream(sortedRacks.spliterator(), false)
.map(x -> String.format("Rack %s -> scheduled-cnt %d, min-avail %f, avg-avail %f, cpu %f, mem %f",, nodeSorter.getScheduledExecCntByRackId().getOrDefault(, new AtomicInteger(-1)).get(),
x.minResourcePercent, x.avgResourcePercent,
NormalizedResourceRequest topoResourceRequest = tdSimple.getApproximateTotalResources();
String topoRequest = String.format("Topo %s, approx-requested-resources %s", tdSimple.getId(), topoResourceRequest.toString());
Assert.assertEquals(rackSummaries + "\n# of racks sorted", 2, sortedRacks.size());
Assert.assertEquals(rackSummaries + "\nFirst rack sorted", "rack-000", sortedRacks.get(0).id);
Assert.assertEquals(rackSummaries + "\nSecond rack sorted", "rack-001", sortedRacks.get(1).id);
scheduler.schedule(topologies, cluster);
TopologyBuilder builder = topologyBuilder(1, 5, 100, 300);
builder.setBolt("gpu-bolt", new TestBolt(), 40)
.addResource("my.gpu", 1.0)
TopologyDetails tdGpu = topoToTopologyDetails("topology-gpu", config, builder.createTopology(), 0, 0,"user", 8192);
//Now schedule GPU but with the simple topology in place.
topologies = new Topologies(tdSimple, tdGpu);
cluster = new Cluster(cluster, topologies);
NodeSorterHostProximity nodeSorter = new NodeSorterHostProximity(cluster, tdGpu);
for (ExecutorDetails exec : tdGpu.getExecutors()) {
String comp = tdGpu.getComponentFromExecutor(exec);
List<ObjectResourcesItem> sortedRacks = StreamSupport
.stream(nodeSorter.getSortedRacks().spliterator(), false).collect(Collectors.toList());
String rackSummaries =
.map(x -> String.format("Rack %s -> scheduled-cnt %d, min-avail %f, avg-avail %f, cpu %f, mem %f",, nodeSorter.getScheduledExecCntByRackId().getOrDefault(, new AtomicInteger(-1)).get(),
x.minResourcePercent, x.avgResourcePercent,
NormalizedResourceRequest topoResourceRequest = tdSimple.getApproximateTotalResources();
String topoRequest = String.format("Topo %s, approx-requested-resources %s", tdSimple.getId(), topoResourceRequest.toString());
Assert.assertEquals(rackSummaries + "\n# of racks sorted", 2, sortedRacks.size());
if (comp.equals("gpu-bolt")) {
Assert.assertEquals(rackSummaries + "\nFirst rack sorted for " + comp, "rack-001", sortedRacks.get(0).id);
Assert.assertEquals(rackSummaries + "\nSecond rack sorted for " + comp, "rack-000", sortedRacks.get(1).id);
} else {
Assert.assertEquals(rackSummaries + "\nFirst rack sorted for " + comp, "rack-000", sortedRacks.get(0).id);
Assert.assertEquals(rackSummaries + "\nSecond rack sorted for " + comp, "rack-001", sortedRacks.get(1).id);
scheduler.schedule(topologies, cluster);
Map<String, SchedulerAssignment> assignments = new TreeMap<>(cluster.getAssignments());
assertEquals(2, assignments.size());
Map<String, Map<String, AtomicLong>> topoPerRackCount = new HashMap<>();
for (Map.Entry<String, SchedulerAssignment> entry: assignments.entrySet()) {
SchedulerAssignment sa = entry.getValue();
Map<String, AtomicLong> slotsPerRack = new TreeMap<>();
for (WorkerSlot slot : sa.getSlots()) {
String nodeId = slot.getNodeId();
String rack = supervisorIdToRackName(nodeId);
slotsPerRack.computeIfAbsent(rack, (r) -> new AtomicLong(0)).incrementAndGet();
}"{} => {}", entry.getKey(), slotsPerRack);
topoPerRackCount.put(entry.getKey(), slotsPerRack);
Map<String, AtomicLong> simpleCount = topoPerRackCount.get("topology-simple-0");
//Because the simple topology was scheduled first we want to be sure that it didn't put anything on
// the GPU nodes.
assertEquals(1, simpleCount.size()); //Only 1 rack is in use
assertFalse(simpleCount.containsKey("r001")); //r001 is the second rack with GPUs
assertTrue(simpleCount.containsKey("r000")); //r000 is the first rack with no GPUs
//We don't really care too much about the scheduling of topology-gpu-0, because it was scheduled.
* Free one-fifth of WorkerSlots.
private void freeSomeWorkerSlots(Cluster cluster) {
Map<String, SchedulerAssignment> assignmentMap = cluster.getAssignments();
for (SchedulerAssignment schedulerAssignment: assignmentMap.values()) {
int i = 0;
List<WorkerSlot> slotsToKill = new ArrayList<>();
for (WorkerSlot workerSlot: schedulerAssignment.getSlots()) {
if (i % 5 == 0) {
* If the topology is too large for one rack, it should be partially scheduled onto the next rack (and next rack only).
public void testFillUpRackAndSpilloverToNextRack() {
INimbus iNimbus = new INimbusTest();
double compPcore = 100;
double compOnHeap = 775;
double compOffHeap = 25;
int topo1NumSpouts = 1;
int topo1NumBolts = 5;
int topo1SpoutParallelism = 100;
int topo1BoltParallelism = 200;
final int numRacks = 3;
final int numSupersPerRack = 10;
final int numPortsPerSuper = 6;
final int numZonesPerHost = 1;
final double numaResourceMultiplier = 1.0;
int rackStartNum = 0;
int supStartNum = 0;
long compPerRack = (topo1NumSpouts * topo1SpoutParallelism + topo1NumBolts * topo1BoltParallelism) * 4/5; // not enough for topo1
long compPerSuper = compPerRack / numSupersPerRack;
double cpuPerSuper = compPcore * compPerSuper;
double memPerSuper = (compOnHeap + compOffHeap) * compPerSuper;
double topo1MaxHeapSize = memPerSuper;
final String topoName1 = "topology1";
Map<String, SupervisorDetails> supMap = genSupervisorsWithRacksAndNuma(
numRacks, numSupersPerRack, numZonesPerHost, numPortsPerSuper, rackStartNum, supStartNum,
cpuPerSuper, memPerSuper, Collections.emptyMap(), numaResourceMultiplier);
TestDNSToSwitchMapping testDNSToSwitchMapping = new TestDNSToSwitchMapping(supMap.values());
Config config = new Config();
config.putAll(createGrasClusterConfig(compPcore, compOnHeap, compOffHeap, null, null));
config.put(Config.TOPOLOGY_SCHEDULER_STRATEGY, GenericResourceAwareStrategy.class.getName());
IScheduler scheduler = new ResourceAwareScheduler();
scheduler.prepare(config, new StormMetricsRegistry());
TopologyDetails td1 = genTopology(topoName1, config, topo1NumSpouts,
topo1NumBolts, topo1SpoutParallelism, topo1BoltParallelism, 0, 0, "user", topo1MaxHeapSize);
//Schedule the topo1 topology and ensure it fits on 2 racks
Topologies topologies = new Topologies(td1);
Cluster cluster = new Cluster(iNimbus, new ResourceMetrics(new StormMetricsRegistry()), supMap, new HashMap<>(), topologies, config);
scheduler.schedule(topologies, cluster);
Set<String> assignedRacks = cluster.getAssignedRacks(td1.getId());
assertEquals("Racks for topology=" + td1.getId() + " is " + assignedRacks, 2, assignedRacks.size());
* Rack with low resources should be used to schedule an executor if it has other executors for the same topology.
* <li>Schedule topo1 on one rack</li>
* <li>unassign some executors</li>
* <li>schedule another topology to partially fill up rack1</li>
* <li>Add another rack and schedule topology 1 remaining executors again</li>
* <li>scheduling should utilize all resources on rack1 before before trying next rack</li>
public void testPreferRackWithTopoExecutors() {
INimbus iNimbus = new INimbusTest();
double compPcore = 100;
double compOnHeap = 775;
double compOffHeap = 25;
int topo1NumSpouts = 1;
int topo1NumBolts = 5;
int topo1SpoutParallelism = 100;
int topo1BoltParallelism = 200;
int topo2NumSpouts = 1;
int topo2NumBolts = 5;
int topo2SpoutParallelism = 10;
int topo2BoltParallelism = 20;
final int numRacks = 3;
final int numSupersPerRack = 10;
final int numPortsPerSuper = 6;
final int numZonesPerHost = 1;
final double numaResourceMultiplier = 1.0;
int rackStartNum = 0;
int supStartNum = 0;
long compPerRack = (topo1NumSpouts * topo1SpoutParallelism + topo1NumBolts * topo1BoltParallelism
+ topo2NumSpouts * topo2SpoutParallelism); // enough for topo1 but not topo1+topo2
long compPerSuper = compPerRack / numSupersPerRack;
double cpuPerSuper = compPcore * compPerSuper;
double memPerSuper = (compOnHeap + compOffHeap) * compPerSuper;
double topo1MaxHeapSize = memPerSuper;
double topo2MaxHeapSize = memPerSuper;
final String topoName1 = "topology1";
final String topoName2 = "topology2";
Map<String, SupervisorDetails> supMap = genSupervisorsWithRacksAndNuma(
numRacks, numSupersPerRack, numZonesPerHost, numPortsPerSuper, rackStartNum, supStartNum,
cpuPerSuper, memPerSuper, Collections.emptyMap(), numaResourceMultiplier);
TestDNSToSwitchMapping testDNSToSwitchMapping = new TestDNSToSwitchMapping(supMap.values());
Config config = new Config();
config.putAll(createGrasClusterConfig(compPcore, compOnHeap, compOffHeap, null, null));
config.put(Config.TOPOLOGY_SCHEDULER_STRATEGY, GenericResourceAwareStrategy.class.getName());
IScheduler scheduler = new ResourceAwareScheduler();
scheduler.prepare(config, new StormMetricsRegistry());
TopologyDetails td1 = genTopology(topoName1, config, topo1NumSpouts,
topo1NumBolts, topo1SpoutParallelism, topo1BoltParallelism, 0, 0, "user", topo1MaxHeapSize);
//Schedule the topo1 topology and ensure it fits on 1 rack
Topologies topologies = new Topologies(td1);
Cluster cluster = new Cluster(iNimbus, new ResourceMetrics(new StormMetricsRegistry()), supMap, new HashMap<>(), topologies, config);
scheduler.schedule(topologies, cluster);
Set<String> assignedRacks = cluster.getAssignedRacks(td1.getId());
assertEquals("Racks for topology=" + td1.getId() + " is " + assignedRacks, 1, assignedRacks.size());
TopologyBuilder builder = topologyBuilder(topo2NumSpouts, topo2NumBolts, topo2SpoutParallelism, topo2BoltParallelism);
TopologyDetails td2 = topoToTopologyDetails(topoName2, config, builder.createTopology(), 0, 0,"user", topo2MaxHeapSize);
//Now schedule GPU but with the simple topology in place.
topologies = new Topologies(td1, td2);
cluster = new Cluster(cluster, topologies);
scheduler.schedule(topologies, cluster);
assignedRacks = cluster.getAssignedRacks(td1.getId(), td2.getId());
assertEquals("Racks for topologies=" + td1.getId() + "/" + td2.getId() + " is " + assignedRacks, 2, assignedRacks.size());
// topo2 gets scheduled on its own rack because it is empty and available
assignedRacks = cluster.getAssignedRacks(td2.getId());
assertEquals("Racks for topologies=" + td2.getId() + " is " + assignedRacks, 1, assignedRacks.size());
// now unassign topo2, expect only one rack to be in use; free some slots and reschedule topo1 some topo1 executors
assignedRacks = cluster.getAssignedRacks(td2.getId());
assertEquals("After unassigning topology " + td2.getId() + ", racks for topology=" + td2.getId() + " is " + assignedRacks,
0, assignedRacks.size());
assignedRacks = cluster.getAssignedRacks(td1.getId());
assertEquals("After unassigning topology " + td2.getId() + ", racks for topology=" + td1.getId() + " is " + assignedRacks,
1, assignedRacks.size());
assertFalse("Topology " + td1.getId() + " should be fully assigned before freeing slots", cluster.needsSchedulingRas(td1));
assertTrue("Topology " + td1.getId() + " should need scheduling after freeing slots", cluster.needsSchedulingRas(td1));
// then reschedule executors
scheduler.schedule(topologies, cluster);
// only one rack should be in use by topology1
assignedRacks = cluster.getAssignedRacks(td1.getId());
assertEquals("After reassigning topology " + td2.getId() + ", racks for topology=" + td1.getId() + " is " + assignedRacks,
1, assignedRacks.size());
* Assign and then clear out a rack to host list mapping in cluster.networkTopography.
* Expected behavior is that:
* <li>the rack without hosts does not show up in {@link NodeSorterHostProximity#getSortedRacks()}</li>
* <li>all the supervisor nodes still get returned in {@link NodeSorterHostProximity#sortAllNodes()} ()}</li>
* <li>supervisors on cleared rack show up under {@link DNSToSwitchMapping#DEFAULT_RACK}</li>
* <p>
* Force an usual condition, where one of the racks is still passed to LazyNodeSortingIterator with
* an empty list and then ensure that code is resilient.
* </p>
void testWithImpairedClusterNetworkTopography() {
INimbus iNimbus = new INimbusTest();
double compPcore = 100;
double compOnHeap = 775;
double compOffHeap = 25;
int topo1NumSpouts = 1;
int topo1NumBolts = 5;
int topo1SpoutParallelism = 100;
int topo1BoltParallelism = 200;
final int numSupersPerRack = 10;
final int numPortsPerSuper = 66;
long compPerRack = (topo1NumSpouts * topo1SpoutParallelism + topo1NumBolts * topo1BoltParallelism + 10);
long compPerSuper = compPerRack / numSupersPerRack;
double cpuPerSuper = compPcore * compPerSuper;
double memPerSuper = (compOnHeap + compOffHeap) * compPerSuper;
double topo1MaxHeapSize = memPerSuper;
final String topoName1 = "topology1";
int numRacks = 3;
Map<String, SupervisorDetails> supMap = genSupervisorsWithRacks(numRacks, numSupersPerRack, numPortsPerSuper,
0, 0, cpuPerSuper, memPerSuper, new HashMap<>());
TestDNSToSwitchMapping testDNSToSwitchMapping = new TestDNSToSwitchMapping(supMap.values());
Config config = new Config();
config.putAll(createGrasClusterConfig(compPcore, compOnHeap, compOffHeap, null, null));
config.put(Config.TOPOLOGY_SCHEDULER_STRATEGY, GenericResourceAwareStrategy.class.getName());
IScheduler scheduler = new ResourceAwareScheduler();
scheduler.prepare(config, new StormMetricsRegistry());
TopologyDetails td1 = genTopology(topoName1, config, topo1NumSpouts,
topo1NumBolts, topo1SpoutParallelism, topo1BoltParallelism, 0, 0, "user", topo1MaxHeapSize);
Topologies topologies = new Topologies(td1);
Cluster cluster = new Cluster(iNimbus, new ResourceMetrics(new StormMetricsRegistry()), supMap, new HashMap<>(), topologies, config);
Map<String, List<String>> networkTopography = cluster.getNetworkTopography();
assertEquals("Expecting " + numRacks + " racks found " + networkTopography.size(), numRacks, networkTopography.size());
assertTrue("Expecting racks count to be >= 3, found " + networkTopography.size(), networkTopography.size() >= 3);
// Impair cluster.networkTopography and set one rack to have zero hosts, getSortedRacks should exclude this rack.
// Keep, the supervisorDetails unchanged - confirm that these nodes are not lost even with incomplete networkTopography
String rackIdToZero = networkTopography.keySet().stream().findFirst().get();
impairClusterRack(cluster, rackIdToZero, true, false);
NodeSorterHostProximity nodeSorterHostProximity = new NodeSorterHostProximity(cluster, td1);
nodeSorterHostProximity.getSortedRacks().forEach(x -> assertNotEquals(, rackIdToZero));
// confirm that the above action has not lost the hosts and that they appear under the DEFAULT rack
Set<String> seenRacks = new HashSet<>();
nodeSorterHostProximity.getSortedRacks().forEach(x -> seenRacks.add(;
assertEquals("Expecting rack cnt to be still " + numRacks, numRacks, seenRacks.size());
assertTrue("Expecting to see default-rack=" + DNSToSwitchMapping.DEFAULT_RACK + " in sortedRacks",
// now check if node/supervisor is missing when sorting all nodes
Set<String> expectedNodes = supMap.keySet();
Set<String> seenNodes = new HashSet<>();
nodeSorterHostProximity.sortAllNodes().forEach( n -> seenNodes.add(n));
assertEquals("Expecting see all supervisors ", expectedNodes, seenNodes);
// Now fully impair the cluster - confirm no default rack
cluster = new Cluster(iNimbus, new ResourceMetrics(new StormMetricsRegistry()), supMap, new HashMap<>(), topologies, config);
cluster.setNetworkTopography(new TestDNSToSwitchMapping(supMap.values()).getRackToHosts());
impairClusterRack(cluster, rackIdToZero, true, true);
Set<String> seenRacks = new HashSet<>();
NodeSorterHostProximity nodeSorterHostProximity2 = new NodeSorterHostProximity(cluster, td1);
nodeSorterHostProximity2.getSortedRacks().forEach(x -> seenRacks.add(;
Map<String, Set<String>> rackIdToHosts = nodeSorterHostProximity2.getRackIdToHosts();
String dumpOfRacks = rackIdToHosts.entrySet().stream()
.map(x -> String.format("rack %s -> hosts [%s]", x.getKey(), String.join(",", x.getValue())))
assertEquals("Expecting rack cnt to be " + (numRacks - 1) + " but found " + seenRacks.size() + "\n\t" + dumpOfRacks,
numRacks - 1, seenRacks.size());
assertFalse("Found default-rack=" + DNSToSwitchMapping.DEFAULT_RACK + " in \n\t" + dumpOfRacks,
* Black list all nodes for a rack before sorting nodes.
* Confirm that {@link NodeSorterHostProximity#sortAllNodes()} still works.
void testWithBlackListedHosts() {
INimbus iNimbus = new INimbusTest();
double compPcore = 100;
double compOnHeap = 775;
double compOffHeap = 25;
int topo1NumSpouts = 1;
int topo1NumBolts = 5;
int topo1SpoutParallelism = 100;
int topo1BoltParallelism = 200;
final int numSupersPerRack = 10;
final int numPortsPerSuper = 66;
long compPerRack = (topo1NumSpouts * topo1SpoutParallelism + topo1NumBolts * topo1BoltParallelism + 10);
long compPerSuper = compPerRack / numSupersPerRack;
double cpuPerSuper = compPcore * compPerSuper;
double memPerSuper = (compOnHeap + compOffHeap) * compPerSuper;
double topo1MaxHeapSize = memPerSuper;
final String topoName1 = "topology1";
int numRacks = 3;
Map<String, SupervisorDetails> supMap = genSupervisorsWithRacks(numRacks, numSupersPerRack, numPortsPerSuper,
0, 0, cpuPerSuper, memPerSuper, new HashMap<>());
TestDNSToSwitchMapping testDNSToSwitchMapping = new TestDNSToSwitchMapping(supMap.values());
Config config = new Config();
config.putAll(createGrasClusterConfig(compPcore, compOnHeap, compOffHeap, null, null));
config.put(Config.TOPOLOGY_SCHEDULER_STRATEGY, GenericResourceAwareStrategy.class.getName());
IScheduler scheduler = new ResourceAwareScheduler();
scheduler.prepare(config, new StormMetricsRegistry());
TopologyDetails td1 = genTopology(topoName1, config, topo1NumSpouts,
topo1NumBolts, topo1SpoutParallelism, topo1BoltParallelism, 0, 0, "user", topo1MaxHeapSize);
Topologies topologies = new Topologies(td1);
Cluster cluster = new Cluster(iNimbus, new ResourceMetrics(new StormMetricsRegistry()), supMap, new HashMap<>(), topologies, config);
Map<String, List<String>> networkTopography = cluster.getNetworkTopography();
assertEquals("Expecting " + numRacks + " racks found " + networkTopography.size(), numRacks, networkTopography.size());
assertTrue("Expecting racks count to be >= 3, found " + networkTopography.size(), networkTopography.size() >= 3);
Set<String> blackListedHosts = new HashSet<>();
List<SupervisorDetails> supArray = new ArrayList<>(supMap.values());
for (int i = 0 ; i < numSupersPerRack ; i++) {
blacklistHostsAndSortNodes(blackListedHosts, supMap.values(), cluster, td1);
String rackToClear = cluster.getNetworkTopography().keySet().stream().findFirst().get();
blackListedHosts = new HashSet<>(cluster.getNetworkTopography().get(rackToClear));
blacklistHostsAndSortNodes(blackListedHosts, supMap.values(), cluster, td1);
// Impair cluster by blacklisting some hosts
private void blacklistHostsAndSortNodes(
Set<String> blackListedHosts, Collection<SupervisorDetails> sups, Cluster cluster, TopologyDetails td1) {"blackListedHosts={}", blackListedHosts);
NodeSorterHostProximity nodeSorterHostProximity = new NodeSorterHostProximity(cluster, td1);
// confirm that the above action loses hosts
Set<String> allHosts = -> x.getHost()).collect(Collectors.toSet());
Set<String> seenRacks = new HashSet<>();
nodeSorterHostProximity.getSortedRacks().forEach(x -> seenRacks.add(;
Set<String> seenHosts = new HashSet<>();
nodeSorterHostProximity.getRackIdToHosts().forEach((k,v) -> seenHosts.addAll(v));
assertEquals("Expecting only blacklisted hosts removed", allHosts, blackListedHosts);
// now check if sortAllNodes still works
Set<String> expectedNodes =
.filter(x -> !blackListedHosts.contains(x.getHost()))
.map(x ->x.getId())
Set<String> seenNodes = new HashSet<>();
nodeSorterHostProximity.sortAllNodes().forEach( n -> seenNodes.add(n));
assertEquals("Expecting see all supervisors ", expectedNodes, seenNodes);
* Impair the cluster for a specified rackId.
* <li>making the host list a zero length</li>
* <li>removing supervisors for the hosts on the rack</li>
* @param cluster cluster to impair
* @param rackId rackId to clear
* @param clearNetworkTopography if true, then clear (but not remove) the hosts in list for the rack.
* @param clearSupervisorMap if true, then remove supervisors for the rack.
private void impairClusterRack(Cluster cluster, String rackId, boolean clearNetworkTopography, boolean clearSupervisorMap) {
Set<String> hostIds = new HashSet<>(cluster.getNetworkTopography().computeIfAbsent(rackId, k -> new ArrayList<>()));
if (clearNetworkTopography) {
cluster.getNetworkTopography().computeIfAbsent(rackId, k -> new ArrayList<>()).clear();
if (clearSupervisorMap) {
Set<String> supToRemove = new HashSet<>();
for (String hostId: hostIds) {
cluster.getSupervisorsByHost(hostId).forEach(s -> supToRemove.add(s.getId()));
Map<String, SupervisorDetails> supervisorDetailsMap = cluster.getSupervisors();
for (String supId: supToRemove) {