blob: aa94735f876ca1385fab84113242e572567702da [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
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* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
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* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.apache.storm.daemon.nimbus;
import com.codahale.metrics.CachedGauge;
import com.codahale.metrics.DerivativeGauge;
import com.codahale.metrics.Histogram;
import com.codahale.metrics.Meter;
import com.codahale.metrics.MetricRegistry;
import com.codahale.metrics.MetricSet;
import com.codahale.metrics.SlidingTimeWindowReservoir;
import com.codahale.metrics.Timer;
import java.nio.ByteBuffer;
import java.nio.channels.Channels;
import java.nio.channels.WritableByteChannel;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.Comparator;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Map.Entry;
import java.util.NavigableMap;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit;
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicBoolean;
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicLong;
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicReference;
import java.util.function.Function;
import java.util.function.UnaryOperator;
import java.util.regex.Matcher;
import java.util.regex.Pattern;
import org.apache.storm.Config;
import org.apache.storm.Constants;
import org.apache.storm.DaemonConfig;
import org.apache.storm.StormTimer;
import org.apache.storm.blobstore.AtomicOutputStream;
import org.apache.storm.blobstore.BlobStore;
import org.apache.storm.blobstore.BlobStoreAclHandler;
import org.apache.storm.blobstore.InputStreamWithMeta;
import org.apache.storm.blobstore.KeySequenceNumber;
import org.apache.storm.blobstore.LocalFsBlobStore;
import org.apache.storm.callback.DefaultWatcherCallBack;
import org.apache.storm.cluster.ClusterStateContext;
import org.apache.storm.cluster.ClusterUtils;
import org.apache.storm.cluster.DaemonType;
import org.apache.storm.cluster.IStormClusterState;
import org.apache.storm.daemon.DaemonCommon;
import org.apache.storm.daemon.Shutdownable;
import org.apache.storm.daemon.StormCommon;
import org.apache.storm.generated.AlreadyAliveException;
import org.apache.storm.generated.Assignment;
import org.apache.storm.generated.AuthorizationException;
import org.apache.storm.generated.BeginDownloadResult;
import org.apache.storm.generated.Bolt;
import org.apache.storm.generated.BoltAggregateStats;
import org.apache.storm.generated.ClusterSummary;
import org.apache.storm.generated.CommonAggregateStats;
import org.apache.storm.generated.ComponentAggregateStats;
import org.apache.storm.generated.ComponentPageInfo;
import org.apache.storm.generated.ComponentType;
import org.apache.storm.generated.Credentials;
import org.apache.storm.generated.DebugOptions;
import org.apache.storm.generated.ErrorInfo;
import org.apache.storm.generated.ExecutorInfo;
import org.apache.storm.generated.ExecutorStats;
import org.apache.storm.generated.ExecutorSummary;
import org.apache.storm.generated.GetInfoOptions;
import org.apache.storm.generated.IllegalStateException;
import org.apache.storm.generated.InvalidTopologyException;
import org.apache.storm.generated.KeyAlreadyExistsException;
import org.apache.storm.generated.KeyNotFoundException;
import org.apache.storm.generated.KillOptions;
import org.apache.storm.generated.LSTopoHistory;
import org.apache.storm.generated.ListBlobsResult;
import org.apache.storm.generated.LogConfig;
import org.apache.storm.generated.LogLevel;
import org.apache.storm.generated.LogLevelAction;
import org.apache.storm.generated.Nimbus.Iface;
import org.apache.storm.generated.Nimbus.Processor;
import org.apache.storm.generated.NimbusSummary;
import org.apache.storm.generated.NodeInfo;
import org.apache.storm.generated.NotAliveException;
import org.apache.storm.generated.NumErrorsChoice;
import org.apache.storm.generated.OwnerResourceSummary;
import org.apache.storm.generated.ProfileAction;
import org.apache.storm.generated.ProfileRequest;
import org.apache.storm.generated.ReadableBlobMeta;
import org.apache.storm.generated.RebalanceOptions;
import org.apache.storm.generated.SettableBlobMeta;
import org.apache.storm.generated.SpecificAggregateStats;
import org.apache.storm.generated.SpoutAggregateStats;
import org.apache.storm.generated.SpoutSpec;
import org.apache.storm.generated.StormBase;
import org.apache.storm.generated.StormTopology;
import org.apache.storm.generated.SubmitOptions;
import org.apache.storm.generated.SupervisorAssignments;
import org.apache.storm.generated.SupervisorInfo;
import org.apache.storm.generated.SupervisorPageInfo;
import org.apache.storm.generated.SupervisorSummary;
import org.apache.storm.generated.SupervisorWorkerHeartbeat;
import org.apache.storm.generated.SupervisorWorkerHeartbeats;
import org.apache.storm.generated.TopologyActionOptions;
import org.apache.storm.generated.TopologyHistoryInfo;
import org.apache.storm.generated.TopologyInfo;
import org.apache.storm.generated.TopologyInitialStatus;
import org.apache.storm.generated.TopologyPageInfo;
import org.apache.storm.generated.TopologyStatus;
import org.apache.storm.generated.TopologySummary;
import org.apache.storm.generated.WorkerMetricPoint;
import org.apache.storm.generated.WorkerMetrics;
import org.apache.storm.generated.WorkerResources;
import org.apache.storm.generated.WorkerSummary;
import org.apache.storm.logging.ThriftAccessLogger;
import org.apache.storm.metric.ClusterMetricsConsumerExecutor;
import org.apache.storm.metric.StormMetricsRegistry;
import org.apache.storm.metric.api.DataPoint;
import org.apache.storm.metric.api.IClusterMetricsConsumer;
import org.apache.storm.metric.api.IClusterMetricsConsumer.ClusterInfo;
import org.apache.storm.metricstore.AggLevel;
import org.apache.storm.metricstore.Metric;
import org.apache.storm.metricstore.MetricStore;
import org.apache.storm.metricstore.MetricStoreConfig;
import org.apache.storm.nimbus.AssignmentDistributionService;
import org.apache.storm.nimbus.DefaultTopologyValidator;
import org.apache.storm.nimbus.ILeaderElector;
import org.apache.storm.nimbus.ITopologyActionNotifierPlugin;
import org.apache.storm.nimbus.ITopologyValidator;
import org.apache.storm.nimbus.IWorkerHeartbeatsRecoveryStrategy;
import org.apache.storm.nimbus.NimbusInfo;
import org.apache.storm.nimbus.WorkerHeartbeatsRecoveryStrategyFactory;
import org.apache.storm.scheduler.Cluster;
import org.apache.storm.scheduler.DefaultScheduler;
import org.apache.storm.scheduler.ExecutorDetails;
import org.apache.storm.scheduler.INimbus;
import org.apache.storm.scheduler.IScheduler;
import org.apache.storm.scheduler.SchedulerAssignment;
import org.apache.storm.scheduler.SchedulerAssignmentImpl;
import org.apache.storm.scheduler.SupervisorDetails;
import org.apache.storm.scheduler.SupervisorResources;
import org.apache.storm.scheduler.Topologies;
import org.apache.storm.scheduler.TopologyDetails;
import org.apache.storm.scheduler.WorkerSlot;
import org.apache.storm.scheduler.blacklist.BlacklistScheduler;
import org.apache.storm.scheduler.multitenant.MultitenantScheduler;
import org.apache.storm.scheduler.resource.ResourceAwareScheduler;
import org.apache.storm.scheduler.resource.ResourceUtils;
import org.apache.storm.scheduler.resource.normalization.NormalizedResourceRequest;
import org.apache.storm.scheduler.resource.normalization.ResourceMetrics;
import org.apache.storm.stats.ClientStatsUtil;
import org.apache.storm.stats.StatsUtil;
import org.apache.storm.thrift.TException;
import org.apache.storm.utils.BufferInputStream;
import org.apache.storm.utils.ConfigUtils;
import org.apache.storm.utils.LocalState;
import org.apache.storm.utils.ObjectReader;
import org.apache.storm.utils.ReflectionUtils;
import org.apache.storm.utils.RotatingMap;
import org.apache.storm.utils.ServerConfigUtils;
import org.apache.storm.utils.ServerUtils;
import org.apache.storm.utils.SimpleVersion;
import org.apache.storm.utils.Time;
import org.apache.storm.utils.TimeCacheMap;
import org.apache.storm.utils.TupleUtils;
import org.apache.storm.utils.Utils;
import org.apache.storm.utils.Utils.UptimeComputer;
import org.apache.storm.utils.VersionInfo;
import org.apache.storm.utils.WrappedAlreadyAliveException;
import org.apache.storm.utils.WrappedAuthorizationException;
import org.apache.storm.utils.WrappedIllegalStateException;
import org.apache.storm.utils.WrappedInvalidTopologyException;
import org.apache.storm.utils.WrappedNotAliveException;
import org.apache.storm.validation.ConfigValidation;
import org.apache.storm.zookeeper.AclEnforcement;
import org.apache.storm.zookeeper.ClientZookeeper;
import org.apache.storm.zookeeper.Zookeeper;
import org.json.simple.JSONValue;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
public class Nimbus implements Iface, Shutdownable, DaemonCommon {
public static final List<ACL> ZK_ACLS = Arrays.asList(ZooDefs.Ids.CREATOR_ALL_ACL.get(0));
public static final SimpleVersion MIN_VERSION_SUPPORT_RPC_HEARTBEAT = new SimpleVersion("2.0.0");
private static final Logger LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger(Nimbus.class);
// Metrics
private final Meter submitTopologyWithOptsCalls;
private final Meter submitTopologyCalls;
private final Meter killTopologyWithOptsCalls;
private final Meter killTopologyCalls;
private final Meter rebalanceCalls;
private final Meter activateCalls;
private final Meter deactivateCalls;
private final Meter debugCalls;
private final Meter setWorkerProfilerCalls;
private final Meter getComponentPendingProfileActionsCalls;
private final Meter setLogConfigCalls;
private final Meter uploadNewCredentialsCalls;
private final Meter beginFileUploadCalls;
private final Meter uploadChunkCalls;
private final Meter finishFileUploadCalls;
private final Meter downloadChunkCalls;
private final Meter getNimbusConfCalls;
private final Meter getLogConfigCalls;
private final Meter getTopologyConfCalls;
private final Meter getTopologyCalls;
private final Meter getUserTopologyCalls;
private final Meter getClusterInfoCalls;
private final Meter getLeaderCalls;
private final Meter isTopologyNameAllowedCalls;
private final Meter getTopologyInfoWithOptsCalls;
private final Meter getTopologyInfoCalls;
private final Meter getTopologyPageInfoCalls;
private final Meter getSupervisorPageInfoCalls;
private final Meter getComponentPageInfoCalls;
private final Meter getOwnerResourceSummariesCalls;
private final Meter shutdownCalls;
private final Meter processWorkerMetricsCalls;
private final Meter mkAssignmentsErrors;
private final Meter sendAssignmentExceptions; // used in
private final Timer fileUploadDuration;
private final Timer schedulingDuration;
//Scheduler histogram
private final Histogram numAddedExecPerScheduling;
private final Histogram numAddedSlotPerScheduling;
private final Histogram numRemovedExecPerScheduling;
private final Histogram numRemovedSlotPerScheduling;
private final Histogram numNetExecIncreasePerScheduling;
private final Histogram numNetSlotIncreasePerScheduling;
// END Metrics
private static final String STORM_VERSION = VersionInfo.getVersion();
public static List<ACL> getNimbusAcls(Map<String, Object> conf) {
List<ACL> acls = null;
if (Utils.isZkAuthenticationConfiguredStormServer(conf)) {
acls = ZK_ACLS;
return acls;
public static final Subject NIMBUS_SUBJECT = new Subject();
static {
NIMBUS_SUBJECT.getPrincipals().add(new NimbusPrincipal());
private static final TopologyStateTransition NOOP_TRANSITION = (arg, nimbus, topoId, base) -> null;
private static final TopologyStateTransition INACTIVE_TRANSITION = (arg, nimbus, topoId, base) -> Nimbus.make(TopologyStatus.INACTIVE);
private static final TopologyStateTransition ACTIVE_TRANSITION = (arg, nimbus, topoId, base) -> Nimbus.make(TopologyStatus.ACTIVE);
private static final TopologyStateTransition REMOVE_TRANSITION = (args, nimbus, topoId, base) -> {"Killing topology: {}", topoId);
IStormClusterState state = nimbus.getStormClusterState();
Assignment oldAssignment = state.assignmentInfo(topoId, null);
notifySupervisorsAsKilled(state, oldAssignment, nimbus.getAssignmentsDistributer(), nimbus.getMetricsRegistry());
nimbus.getIdToExecutors().getAndUpdate(new Dissoc<>(topoId));
return null;
private static final TopologyStateTransition DO_REBALANCE_TRANSITION = (args, nimbus, topoId, base) -> {
nimbus.doRebalance(topoId, base);
return Nimbus.make(base.get_prev_status());
private static final TopologyStateTransition KILL_TRANSITION = (killTime, nimbus, topoId, base) -> {
int delay = 0;
if (killTime != null) {
delay = ((Number) killTime).intValue();
} else {
delay = ObjectReader.getInt(Nimbus.readTopoConf(topoId, nimbus.getTopoCache()).get(Config.TOPOLOGY_MESSAGE_TIMEOUT_SECS));
nimbus.delayEvent(topoId, delay, TopologyActions.REMOVE, null);
StormBase sb = new StormBase();
TopologyActionOptions tao = new TopologyActionOptions();
KillOptions opts = new KillOptions();
return sb;
private static final TopologyStateTransition REBALANCE_TRANSITION = (args, nimbus, topoId, base) -> {
RebalanceOptions rbo = ((RebalanceOptions) args).deepCopy();
int delay = 0;
if (rbo.is_set_wait_secs()) {
delay = rbo.get_wait_secs();
} else {
delay = ObjectReader.getInt(Nimbus.readTopoConf(topoId, nimbus.getTopoCache()).get(Config.TOPOLOGY_MESSAGE_TIMEOUT_SECS));
nimbus.delayEvent(topoId, delay, TopologyActions.DO_REBALANCE, null);
if (!rbo.is_set_num_executors()) {
StormBase sb = new StormBase();
TopologyActionOptions tao = new TopologyActionOptions();
return sb;
private static final TopologyStateTransition GAIN_LEADERSHIP_WHEN_KILLED_TRANSITION = (args, nimbus, topoId, base) -> {
int delay = base.get_topology_action_options().get_kill_options().get_wait_secs();
nimbus.delayEvent(topoId, delay, TopologyActions.REMOVE, null);
return null;
private static final TopologyStateTransition GAIN_LEADERSHIP_WHEN_REBALANCING_TRANSITION = (args, nimbus, topoId, base) -> {
int delay = base.get_topology_action_options().get_rebalance_options().get_wait_secs();
nimbus.delayEvent(topoId, delay, TopologyActions.DO_REBALANCE, null);
return null;
private static final Map<TopologyStatus, Map<TopologyActions, TopologyStateTransition>> TOPO_STATE_TRANSITIONS =
new ImmutableMap.Builder<TopologyStatus, Map<TopologyActions, TopologyStateTransition>>()
.put(TopologyStatus.ACTIVE, new ImmutableMap.Builder<TopologyActions, TopologyStateTransition>()
.put(TopologyActions.KILL, KILL_TRANSITION)
.put(TopologyStatus.INACTIVE, new ImmutableMap.Builder<TopologyActions, TopologyStateTransition>()
.put(TopologyActions.KILL, KILL_TRANSITION)
.put(TopologyStatus.KILLED, new ImmutableMap.Builder<TopologyActions, TopologyStateTransition>()
.put(TopologyActions.KILL, KILL_TRANSITION)
.put(TopologyStatus.REBALANCING, new ImmutableMap.Builder<TopologyActions, TopologyStateTransition>()
.put(TopologyActions.KILL, KILL_TRANSITION)
private static final List<String> EMPTY_STRING_LIST = Collections.unmodifiableList(Collections.emptyList());
private static final Set<String> EMPTY_STRING_SET = Collections.unmodifiableSet(Collections.emptySet());
private static final RotatingMap<String, Long> topologyCleanupDetected = new RotatingMap<>(2);
private static long topologyCleanupRotationTime = 0L;
private final Map<String, Object> conf;
private final NavigableMap<SimpleVersion, List<String>> supervisorClasspaths;
private final NimbusInfo nimbusHostPortInfo;
private final INimbus inimbus;
private final IAuthorizer impersonationAuthorizationHandler;
private final AtomicLong submittedCount;
private final IStormClusterState stormClusterState;
private final Object submitLock = new Object();
private final Object schedLock = new Object();
private final Object credUpdateLock = new Object();
private final HeartbeatCache heartbeatsCache;
private final AtomicBoolean heartbeatsReadyFlag;
private final IWorkerHeartbeatsRecoveryStrategy heartbeatsRecoveryStrategy;
private final TimeCacheMap<String, BufferInputStream> downloaders;
private final TimeCacheMap<String, WritableByteChannel> uploaders;
private final BlobStore blobStore;
private final TopoCache topoCache;
private final TimeCacheMap<String, BufferInputStream> blobDownloaders;
private final TimeCacheMap<String, OutputStream> blobUploaders;
private final TimeCacheMap<String, Iterator<String>> blobListers;
private final UptimeComputer uptime;
private final ITopologyValidator validator;
private final StormTimer timer;
private final IScheduler scheduler;
private final IScheduler underlyingScheduler;
//Metrics related
private final AtomicReference<Long> schedulingStartTimeNs = new AtomicReference<>(null);
private final AtomicLong longestSchedulingTime = new AtomicLong();
private final ILeaderElector leaderElector;
private final AssignmentDistributionService assignmentsDistributer;
private final AtomicReference<Map<String, String>> idToSchedStatus;
private final AtomicReference<Map<String, SupervisorResources>> nodeIdToResources;
private final AtomicReference<Map<String, TopologyResources>> idToResources;
private final AtomicReference<Map<String, Map<WorkerSlot, WorkerResources>>> idToWorkerResources;
private final Collection<ICredentialsRenewer> credRenewers;
private final Object topologyHistoryLock;
private final LocalState topologyHistoryState;
private final Collection<INimbusCredentialPlugin> nimbusAutocredPlugins;
private final ITopologyActionNotifierPlugin nimbusTopologyActionNotifier;
private final List<ClusterMetricsConsumerExecutor> clusterConsumerExceutors;
private final IGroupMappingServiceProvider groupMapper;
private final IPrincipalToLocal principalToLocal;
private final StormMetricsRegistry metricsRegistry;
private final ResourceMetrics resourceMetrics;
private final ClusterSummaryMetricSet clusterMetricSet;
private MetricStore metricsStore;
private IAuthorizer authorizationHandler;
//Cached CuratorFramework, mainly used for BlobStore.
private final CuratorFramework zkClient;
//Cached topology -> executor ids, used for deciding timeout workers of heartbeatsCache.
private AtomicReference<Map<String, Set<List<Integer>>>> idToExecutors;
//May be null if worker tokens are not supported by the thrift transport.
private WorkerTokenManager workerTokenManager;
private boolean wasLeader = false;
public Nimbus(Map<String, Object> conf, INimbus inimbus, StormMetricsRegistry metricsRegistry) throws Exception {
this(conf, inimbus, null, null, null, null, null, metricsRegistry);
public Nimbus(Map<String, Object> conf, INimbus inimbus, IStormClusterState stormClusterState, NimbusInfo hostPortInfo,
BlobStore blobStore, ILeaderElector leaderElector, IGroupMappingServiceProvider groupMapper,
StormMetricsRegistry metricsRegistry) throws Exception {
this(conf, inimbus, stormClusterState, hostPortInfo, blobStore, null, leaderElector, groupMapper, metricsRegistry);
public Nimbus(Map<String, Object> conf, INimbus inimbus, IStormClusterState stormClusterState, NimbusInfo hostPortInfo,
BlobStore blobStore, TopoCache topoCache, ILeaderElector leaderElector, IGroupMappingServiceProvider groupMapper,
StormMetricsRegistry metricsRegistry)
throws Exception {
this.conf = conf;
this.metricsRegistry = metricsRegistry;
this.resourceMetrics = new ResourceMetrics(metricsRegistry);
this.submitTopologyWithOptsCalls = metricsRegistry.registerMeter("nimbus:num-submitTopologyWithOpts-calls");
this.submitTopologyCalls = metricsRegistry.registerMeter("nimbus:num-submitTopology-calls");
this.killTopologyWithOptsCalls = metricsRegistry.registerMeter("nimbus:num-killTopologyWithOpts-calls");
this.killTopologyCalls = metricsRegistry.registerMeter("nimbus:num-killTopology-calls");
this.rebalanceCalls = metricsRegistry.registerMeter("nimbus:num-rebalance-calls");
this.activateCalls = metricsRegistry.registerMeter("nimbus:num-activate-calls");
this.deactivateCalls = metricsRegistry.registerMeter("nimbus:num-deactivate-calls");
this.debugCalls = metricsRegistry.registerMeter("nimbus:num-debug-calls");
this.setWorkerProfilerCalls = metricsRegistry.registerMeter("nimbus:num-setWorkerProfiler-calls");
this.getComponentPendingProfileActionsCalls = metricsRegistry.registerMeter(
this.setLogConfigCalls = metricsRegistry.registerMeter("nimbus:num-setLogConfig-calls");
this.uploadNewCredentialsCalls = metricsRegistry.registerMeter("nimbus:num-uploadNewCredentials-calls");
this.beginFileUploadCalls = metricsRegistry.registerMeter("nimbus:num-beginFileUpload-calls");
this.uploadChunkCalls = metricsRegistry.registerMeter("nimbus:num-uploadChunk-calls");
this.finishFileUploadCalls = metricsRegistry.registerMeter("nimbus:num-finishFileUpload-calls");
this.downloadChunkCalls = metricsRegistry.registerMeter("nimbus:num-downloadChunk-calls");
this.getNimbusConfCalls = metricsRegistry.registerMeter("nimbus:num-getNimbusConf-calls");
this.getLogConfigCalls = metricsRegistry.registerMeter("nimbus:num-getLogConfig-calls");
this.getTopologyConfCalls = metricsRegistry.registerMeter("nimbus:num-getTopologyConf-calls");
this.getTopologyCalls = metricsRegistry.registerMeter("nimbus:num-getTopology-calls");
this.getUserTopologyCalls = metricsRegistry.registerMeter("nimbus:num-getUserTopology-calls");
this.getClusterInfoCalls = metricsRegistry.registerMeter("nimbus:num-getClusterInfo-calls");
this.getLeaderCalls = metricsRegistry.registerMeter("nimbus:num-getLeader-calls");
this.isTopologyNameAllowedCalls = metricsRegistry.registerMeter("nimbus:num-isTopologyNameAllowed-calls");
this.getTopologyInfoWithOptsCalls = metricsRegistry.registerMeter(
this.getTopologyInfoCalls = metricsRegistry.registerMeter("nimbus:num-getTopologyInfo-calls");
this.getTopologyPageInfoCalls = metricsRegistry.registerMeter("nimbus:num-getTopologyPageInfo-calls");
this.getSupervisorPageInfoCalls = metricsRegistry.registerMeter("nimbus:num-getSupervisorPageInfo-calls");
this.getComponentPageInfoCalls = metricsRegistry.registerMeter("nimbus:num-getComponentPageInfo-calls");
this.getOwnerResourceSummariesCalls = metricsRegistry.registerMeter(
this.shutdownCalls = metricsRegistry.registerMeter("nimbus:num-shutdown-calls");
this.processWorkerMetricsCalls = metricsRegistry.registerMeter("nimbus:process-worker-metric-calls");
this.mkAssignmentsErrors = metricsRegistry.registerMeter("nimbus:mkAssignments-Errors");
this.sendAssignmentExceptions = metricsRegistry.registerMeter(Constants.NIMBUS_SEND_ASSIGNMENT_EXCEPTIONS);
this.fileUploadDuration = metricsRegistry.registerTimer("nimbus:files-upload-duration-ms");
this.schedulingDuration = metricsRegistry.registerTimer("nimbus:topology-scheduling-duration-ms");
this.numAddedExecPerScheduling = metricsRegistry.registerHistogram("nimbus:num-added-executors-per-scheduling");
this.numAddedSlotPerScheduling = metricsRegistry.registerHistogram("nimbus:num-added-slots-per-scheduling");
this.numRemovedExecPerScheduling = metricsRegistry.registerHistogram("nimbus:num-removed-executors-per-scheduling");
this.numRemovedSlotPerScheduling = metricsRegistry.registerHistogram("nimbus:num-removed-slots-per-scheduling");
this.numNetExecIncreasePerScheduling = metricsRegistry.registerHistogram("nimbus:num-net-executors-increase-per-scheduling");
this.numNetSlotIncreasePerScheduling = metricsRegistry.registerHistogram("nimbus:num-net-slots-increase-per-scheduling");
this.metricsStore = null;
try {
this.metricsStore = MetricStoreConfig.configure(conf, metricsRegistry);
} catch (Exception e) {
// the metrics store is not critical to the operation of the cluster, allow Nimbus to come up
LOG.error("Failed to initialize metric store", e);
if (hostPortInfo == null) {
hostPortInfo = NimbusInfo.fromConf(conf);
this.nimbusHostPortInfo = hostPortInfo;
if (inimbus != null) {
inimbus.prepare(conf, ServerConfigUtils.masterInimbusDir(conf));
this.inimbus = inimbus;
this.authorizationHandler = StormCommon.mkAuthorizationHandler((String) conf.get(DaemonConfig.NIMBUS_AUTHORIZER), conf);
this.impersonationAuthorizationHandler =
StormCommon.mkAuthorizationHandler((String) conf.get(DaemonConfig.NIMBUS_IMPERSONATION_AUTHORIZER), conf);
this.submittedCount = new AtomicLong(0);
if (stormClusterState == null) {
stormClusterState = makeStormClusterState(conf);
this.stormClusterState = stormClusterState;
this.heartbeatsCache = new HeartbeatCache();
this.heartbeatsReadyFlag = new AtomicBoolean(false);
this.heartbeatsRecoveryStrategy = WorkerHeartbeatsRecoveryStrategyFactory.getStrategy(conf);
this.downloaders = fileCacheMap(conf);
this.uploaders = fileCacheMap(conf);
this.blobDownloaders = makeBlobCacheMap(conf);
this.blobUploaders = makeBlobCacheMap(conf);
this.blobListers = makeBlobListCacheMap(conf);
this.uptime = Utils.makeUptimeComputer();
this.validator = ReflectionUtils
.newInstance((String) conf.getOrDefault(DaemonConfig.NIMBUS_TOPOLOGY_VALIDATOR, DefaultTopologyValidator.class.getName()));
this.timer = new StormTimer(null, (t, e) -> {
LOG.error("Error while processing event", e);
Utils.exitProcess(20, "Error while processing event");
this.underlyingScheduler = makeScheduler(conf, inimbus);
this.scheduler = wrapAsBlacklistScheduler(conf, underlyingScheduler, metricsRegistry);
this.zkClient = makeZKClient(conf);
this.idToExecutors = new AtomicReference<>(new HashMap<>());
if (blobStore == null) {
blobStore = ServerUtils.getNimbusBlobStore(conf, this.nimbusHostPortInfo, null);
this.blobStore = blobStore;
if (topoCache == null) {
topoCache = new TopoCache(blobStore, conf);
if (leaderElector == null) {
leaderElector = Zookeeper.zkLeaderElector(conf, zkClient, blobStore, topoCache, stormClusterState, getNimbusAcls(conf),
this.leaderElector = leaderElector;
this.topoCache = topoCache;
this.assignmentsDistributer = AssignmentDistributionService.getInstance(conf);
this.idToSchedStatus = new AtomicReference<>(new HashMap<>());
this.nodeIdToResources = new AtomicReference<>(new HashMap<>());
this.idToResources = new AtomicReference<>(new HashMap<>());
this.idToWorkerResources = new AtomicReference<>(new HashMap<>());
this.credRenewers = ClientAuthUtils.getCredentialRenewers(conf);
this.topologyHistoryLock = new Object();
this.topologyHistoryState = ServerConfigUtils.nimbusTopoHistoryState(conf);
this.nimbusAutocredPlugins = ClientAuthUtils.getNimbusAutoCredPlugins(conf);
this.nimbusTopologyActionNotifier = createTopologyActionNotifier(conf);
this.clusterConsumerExceutors = makeClusterMetricsConsumerExecutors(conf);
if (groupMapper == null) {
groupMapper = ClientAuthUtils.getGroupMappingServiceProviderPlugin(conf);
this.groupMapper = groupMapper;
this.principalToLocal = ClientAuthUtils.getPrincipalToLocalPlugin(conf);
// We don't use the classpath part of this, so just an empty list
this.supervisorClasspaths = Collections.unmodifiableNavigableMap(Utils.getConfiguredClasspathVersions(conf, EMPTY_STRING_LIST));
clusterMetricSet = new ClusterSummaryMetricSet(metricsRegistry);
private static StormBase make(TopologyStatus status) {
StormBase ret = new StormBase();
//The following are required for backwards compatibility with clojure code
return ret;
private static <T extends AutoCloseable> TimeCacheMap<String, T> fileCacheMap(Map<String, Object> conf) {
return new TimeCacheMap<>(ObjectReader.getInt(conf.get(DaemonConfig.NIMBUS_FILE_COPY_EXPIRATION_SECS), 600),
(id, stream) -> {
try {
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new RuntimeException(e);
//Not symmetric difference. Performing A.entrySet() - B.entrySet()
private static <K, V> Map<K, V> mapDiff(Map<? extends K, ? extends V> first, Map<? extends K, ? extends V> second) {
Map<K, V> ret = new HashMap<>();
for (Entry<? extends K, ? extends V> entry : second.entrySet()) {
if (!entry.getValue().equals(first.get(entry.getKey()))) {
ret.put(entry.getKey(), entry.getValue());
return ret;
private static IScheduler wrapAsBlacklistScheduler(Map<String, Object> conf, IScheduler scheduler,
StormMetricsRegistry metricsRegistry) {
BlacklistScheduler blacklistWrappedScheduler = new BlacklistScheduler(scheduler);
blacklistWrappedScheduler.prepare(conf, metricsRegistry);
return blacklistWrappedScheduler;
private static IScheduler makeScheduler(Map<String, Object> conf, INimbus inimbus) {
String schedClass = (String) conf.get(DaemonConfig.STORM_SCHEDULER);
IScheduler scheduler = inimbus == null ? null : inimbus.getForcedScheduler();
if (scheduler != null) {"Using forced scheduler from INimbus {} {}", scheduler.getClass(), scheduler);
} else if (schedClass != null) {"Using custom scheduler: {}", schedClass);
scheduler = ReflectionUtils.newInstance(schedClass);
} else {"Using default scheduler");
scheduler = new DefaultScheduler();
return scheduler;
* Constructs a TimeCacheMap instance with a blob store timeout whose expiration callback invokes cancel on the value held by an expired
* entry when that value is an AtomicOutputStream and calls close otherwise.
* @param conf the config to use
* @return the newly created map
private static <T extends AutoCloseable> TimeCacheMap<String, T> makeBlobCacheMap(Map<String, Object> conf) {
return new TimeCacheMap<>(ObjectReader.getInt(conf.get(DaemonConfig.NIMBUS_BLOBSTORE_EXPIRATION_SECS), 600),
(id, stream) -> {
try {
if (stream instanceof AtomicOutputStream) {
((AtomicOutputStream) stream).cancel();
} else {
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new RuntimeException(e);
* Constructs a TimeCacheMap instance with a blobstore timeout and no callback function.
* @param conf the config to use
* @return the newly created TimeCacheMap
private static TimeCacheMap<String, Iterator<String>> makeBlobListCacheMap(Map<String, Object> conf) {
return new TimeCacheMap<>(ObjectReader.getInt(conf.get(DaemonConfig.NIMBUS_BLOBSTORE_EXPIRATION_SECS), 600));
private static ITopologyActionNotifierPlugin createTopologyActionNotifier(Map<String, Object> conf) {
String clazz = (String) conf.get(DaemonConfig.NIMBUS_TOPOLOGY_ACTION_NOTIFIER_PLUGIN);
ITopologyActionNotifierPlugin ret = null;
if (clazz != null && !clazz.isEmpty()) {
ret = ReflectionUtils.newInstance(clazz);
try {
} catch (Exception e) {
LOG.warn("Ignoring exception, Could not initialize {}", clazz, e);
ret = null;
return ret;
private static List<ClusterMetricsConsumerExecutor> makeClusterMetricsConsumerExecutors(Map<String, Object> conf) {
Collection<Map<String, Object>> consumers = (Collection<Map<String, Object>>) conf.get(
List<ClusterMetricsConsumerExecutor> ret = new ArrayList<>();
if (consumers != null) {
for (Map<String, Object> consumer : consumers) {
ret.add(new ClusterMetricsConsumerExecutor((String) consumer.get("class"), consumer.get("argument")));
return ret;
private static Subject getSubject() {
return ReqContext.context().subject();
static Map<String, Object> readTopoConf(String topoId, TopoCache tc) throws KeyNotFoundException,
AuthorizationException, IOException {
return tc.readTopoConf(topoId, getSubject());
static List<String> getKeyListFromId(Map<String, Object> conf, String id) {
List<String> ret = new ArrayList<>(3);
if (!ConfigUtils.isLocalMode(conf)) {
return ret;
public static int getVersionForKey(String key, NimbusInfo nimbusInfo,
CuratorFramework zkClient) throws KeyNotFoundException {
KeySequenceNumber kseq = new KeySequenceNumber(key, nimbusInfo);
return kseq.getKeySequenceNumber(zkClient);
private static StormTopology readStormTopology(String topoId, TopoCache tc) throws KeyNotFoundException, AuthorizationException,
IOException {
return tc.readTopology(topoId, getSubject());
private static Map<String, Object> readTopoConfAsNimbus(String topoId, TopoCache tc) throws KeyNotFoundException,
AuthorizationException, IOException {
return tc.readTopoConf(topoId, NIMBUS_SUBJECT);
private static StormTopology readStormTopologyAsNimbus(String topoId, TopoCache tc) throws KeyNotFoundException,
AuthorizationException, IOException {
return tc.readTopology(topoId, NIMBUS_SUBJECT);
* convert {topology-id -> SchedulerAssignment} to {topology-id -> {executor [node port]}}.
* @return {topology-id -> {executor [node port]}} mapping
private static Map<String, Map<List<Long>, List<Object>>> computeTopoToExecToNodePort(
Map<String, SchedulerAssignment> schedAssignments, List<String> assignedTopologyIds) {
Map<String, Map<List<Long>, List<Object>>> ret = new HashMap<>();
for (Entry<String, SchedulerAssignment> schedEntry : schedAssignments.entrySet()) {
Map<List<Long>, List<Object>> execToNodePort = new HashMap<>();
for (Entry<ExecutorDetails, WorkerSlot> execAndNodePort : schedEntry.getValue().getExecutorToSlot().entrySet()) {
ExecutorDetails exec = execAndNodePort.getKey();
WorkerSlot slot = execAndNodePort.getValue();
execToNodePort.put(exec.toList(), slot.toList());
ret.put(schedEntry.getKey(), execToNodePort);
for (String id : assignedTopologyIds) {
ret.putIfAbsent(id, null);
return ret;
private static int numUsedWorkers(SchedulerAssignment assignment) {
if (assignment == null) {
return 0;
return assignment.getSlots().size();
* Convert {topology-id -> SchedulerAssignment} to {topology-id -> {WorkerSlot WorkerResources}}. Make sure this can deal with other
* non-RAS schedulers later we may further support map-for-any-resources.
* @param schedAssignments the assignments
* @return The resources used per slot
private static Map<String, Map<WorkerSlot, WorkerResources>> computeTopoToNodePortToResources(
Map<String, SchedulerAssignment> schedAssignments) {
Map<String, Map<WorkerSlot, WorkerResources>> ret = new HashMap<>();
for (Entry<String, SchedulerAssignment> schedEntry : schedAssignments.entrySet()) {
ret.put(schedEntry.getKey(), schedEntry.getValue().getScheduledResources());
return ret;
private boolean auditAssignmentChanges(Map<String, Assignment> existingAssignments,
Map<String, Assignment> newAssignments) {
assert existingAssignments != null && newAssignments != null;
boolean anyChanged = existingAssignments.isEmpty() ^ newAssignments.isEmpty();
long numRemovedExec = 0;
long numRemovedSlot = 0;
long numAddedExec = 0;
long numAddedSlot = 0;
if (existingAssignments.isEmpty()) {
for (Entry<String, Assignment> entry : newAssignments.entrySet()) {
final Map<List<Long>, NodeInfo> execToPort = entry.getValue().get_executor_node_port();
final long count = new HashSet<>(execToPort.values()).size();"Assigning {} to {} slots", entry.getKey(), count);"Assign executors: {}", execToPort.keySet());
numAddedSlot += count;
numAddedExec += execToPort.size();
} else if (newAssignments.isEmpty()) {
for (Entry<String, Assignment> entry : existingAssignments.entrySet()) {
final Map<List<Long>, NodeInfo> execToPort = entry.getValue().get_executor_node_port();
final long count = new HashSet<>(execToPort.values()).size();"Removing {} from {} slots", entry.getKey(), count);"Remove executors: {}", execToPort.keySet());
numRemovedSlot += count;
numRemovedExec += execToPort.size();
} else {
MapDifference<String, Assignment> difference = Maps.difference(existingAssignments, newAssignments);
if (anyChanged = !difference.areEqual()) {
for (Entry<String, Assignment> entry : difference.entriesOnlyOnLeft().entrySet()) {
final Map<List<Long>, NodeInfo> execToPort = entry.getValue().get_executor_node_port();
final long count = new HashSet<>(execToPort.values()).size();"Removing {} from {} slots", entry.getKey(), count);"Remove executors: {}", execToPort.keySet());
numRemovedSlot += count;
numRemovedExec += execToPort.size();
for (Entry<String, Assignment> entry : difference.entriesOnlyOnRight().entrySet()) {
final Map<List<Long>, NodeInfo> execToPort = entry.getValue().get_executor_node_port();
final long count = new HashSet<>(execToPort.values()).size();"Assigning {} to {} slots", entry.getKey(), count);"Assign executors: {}", execToPort.keySet());
numAddedSlot += count;
numAddedExec += execToPort.size();
for (Entry<String, MapDifference.ValueDifference<Assignment>> entry : difference.entriesDiffering().entrySet()) {
final Map<List<Long>, NodeInfo> execToSlot = entry.getValue().rightValue().get_executor_node_port();
final Set<NodeInfo> slots = new HashSet<>(execToSlot.values());"Reassigning {} to {} slots", entry.getKey(), slots.size());"Reassign executors: {}", execToSlot.keySet());
final Map<List<Long>, NodeInfo> oldExecToSlot = entry.getValue().leftValue().get_executor_node_port();
long commonExecCount = 0;
Set<NodeInfo> commonSlots = new HashSet<>(execToSlot.size());
for (Entry<List<Long>, NodeInfo> execEntry : execToSlot.entrySet()) {
if (execEntry.getValue().equals(oldExecToSlot.get(execEntry.getKey()))) {
long commonSlotCount = commonSlots.size();
//Treat reassign as remove and add
numRemovedSlot += new HashSet<>(oldExecToSlot.values()).size() - commonSlotCount;
numRemovedExec += oldExecToSlot.size() - commonExecCount;
numAddedSlot += slots.size() - commonSlotCount;
numAddedExec += execToSlot.size() - commonExecCount;
LOG.debug("{} assignments unchanged: {}", difference.entriesInCommon().size(), difference.entriesInCommon().keySet());
numNetExecIncreasePerScheduling.update(numAddedExec - numRemovedExec);
numNetSlotIncreasePerScheduling.update(numAddedSlot - numRemovedSlot);
if (anyChanged) {"Fragmentation after scheduling is: {} MB, {} PCore CPUs", fragmentedMemory(), fragmentedCpu());
nodeIdToResources.get().forEach((id, node) -> {
final double availableMem = node.getAvailableMem();
if (availableMem < 0) {
LOG.warn("Memory over-scheduled on {}", id, availableMem);
final double availableCpu = node.getAvailableCpu();
if (availableCpu < 0) {
LOG.warn("CPU over-scheduled on {}", id, availableCpu);
"Node Id: {} Total Mem: {}, Used Mem: {}, Available Mem: {}, Total CPU: {}, Used "
+ "CPU: {}, Available CPU: {}, fragmented: {}",
id, node.getTotalMem(), node.getUsedMem(), availableMem,
node.getTotalCpu(), node.getUsedCpu(), availableCpu, isFragmented(node));
return anyChanged;
private static List<List<Long>> changedExecutors(Map<List<Long>, NodeInfo> map, Map<List<Long>,
List<Object>> newExecToNodePort) {
HashMap<NodeInfo, List<List<Long>>> tmpSlotAssigned = map == null ? new HashMap<>() : Utils.reverseMap(map);
HashMap<List<Object>, List<List<Long>>> slotAssigned = new HashMap<>();
for (Entry<NodeInfo, List<List<Long>>> entry : tmpSlotAssigned.entrySet()) {
NodeInfo ni = entry.getKey();
List<Object> key = new ArrayList<>(2);
List<List<Long>> value = new ArrayList<>(entry.getValue());
value.sort(Comparator.comparing(a -> a.get(0)));
slotAssigned.put(key, value);
HashMap<List<Object>, List<List<Long>>> tmpNewSlotAssigned = newExecToNodePort == null ? new HashMap<>() :
HashMap<List<Object>, List<List<Long>>> newSlotAssigned = new HashMap<>();
for (Entry<List<Object>, List<List<Long>>> entry : tmpNewSlotAssigned.entrySet()) {
List<List<Long>> value = new ArrayList<>(entry.getValue());
value.sort(Comparator.comparing(a -> a.get(0)));
newSlotAssigned.put(entry.getKey(), value);
Map<List<Object>, List<List<Long>>> diff = mapDiff(slotAssigned, newSlotAssigned);
List<List<Long>> ret = new ArrayList<>();
for (List<List<Long>> val : diff.values()) {
return ret;
private static Set<WorkerSlot> newlyAddedSlots(Assignment old, Assignment current) {
Set<NodeInfo> oldSlots = new HashSet<>(old.get_executor_node_port().values());
Set<NodeInfo> niRet = new HashSet<>(current.get_executor_node_port().values());
Set<WorkerSlot> ret = new HashSet<>();
for (NodeInfo ni : niRet) {
ret.add(new WorkerSlot(ni.get_node(), ni.get_port_iterator().next()));
return ret;
private static Map<String, SupervisorDetails> basicSupervisorDetailsMap(IStormClusterState state) {
Map<String, SupervisorDetails> ret = new HashMap<>();
for (Entry<String, SupervisorInfo> entry : state.allSupervisorInfo().entrySet()) {
String id = entry.getKey();
SupervisorInfo info = entry.getValue();
ret.put(id, new SupervisorDetails(id, info.get_server_port(), info.get_hostname(),
info.get_scheduler_meta(), null, info.get_resources_map()));
return ret;
* NOTE: this can return false when a topology has just been activated. The topology may still be
private static boolean isTopologyActive(IStormClusterState state, String topoName) {
return state.getTopoId(topoName).isPresent();
private static boolean isTopologyActiveOrActivating(IStormClusterState state, String topoName) {
return isTopologyActive(state, topoName) || state.activeStorms().contains(topoName);
private static Map<String, Object> tryReadTopoConf(String topoId, TopoCache tc)
throws NotAliveException, AuthorizationException, IOException {
try {
return readTopoConfAsNimbus(topoId, tc);
//Was a try-cause but I looked at the code around this and key not found is not wrapped in runtime,
// so it is not needed
} catch (KeyNotFoundException e) {
if (topoId == null) {
throw new NullPointerException();
throw new WrappedNotAliveException(topoId);
private static void rotateTopologyCleanupMap(long deletionDelay) {
if (Time.currentTimeMillis() - topologyCleanupRotationTime > deletionDelay) {
topologyCleanupRotationTime = Time.currentTimeMillis();
private static long getTopologyCleanupDetectedTime(String topologyId) {
Long firstDetectedForDeletion = topologyCleanupDetected.get(topologyId);
if (firstDetectedForDeletion == null) {
firstDetectedForDeletion = Time.currentTimeMillis();
topologyCleanupDetected.put(topologyId, firstDetectedForDeletion);
return firstDetectedForDeletion;
* From a set of topologies that have been found to cleanup, return a set that has been detected for a minimum
* amount of time. Topology entries first detected less than NIMBUS_TOPOLOGY_BLOBSTORE_DELETION_DELAY_MS ago are
* ignored. The delay is to prevent a race conditions such as when a blobstore is created and when the topology
* is submitted. It is possible the Nimbus cleanup timer task will find entries to delete between these two events.
* <p>Tracked topology entries are rotated out of the stored map periodically.
* @param toposToClean topologies considered for cleanup
* @param conf the nimbus conf
* @return the set of topologies that have been detected for cleanup past the expiration time
static Set<String> getExpiredTopologyIds(Set<String> toposToClean, Map<String, Object> conf) {
Set<String> idleTopologies = new HashSet<>();
long topologyDeletionDelay = ObjectReader.getInt(
conf.get(DaemonConfig.NIMBUS_TOPOLOGY_BLOBSTORE_DELETION_DELAY_MS), 5 * 60 * 1000);
for (String topologyId : toposToClean) {
if (Math.max(0, Time.currentTimeMillis() - getTopologyCleanupDetectedTime(topologyId)) >= topologyDeletionDelay) {
return idleTopologies;
public static Set<String> topoIdsToClean(IStormClusterState state, BlobStore store, Map<String, Object> conf) {
Set<String> ret = new HashSet<>();
ret.addAll(Utils.OR(state.heartbeatStorms(), EMPTY_STRING_LIST));
ret.addAll(Utils.OR(state.errorTopologies(), EMPTY_STRING_LIST));
ret.addAll(Utils.OR(store.storedTopoIds(), EMPTY_STRING_SET));
ret.addAll(Utils.OR(state.backpressureTopologies(), EMPTY_STRING_LIST));
ret.addAll(Utils.OR(state.idsOfTopologiesWithPrivateWorkerKeys(), EMPTY_STRING_SET));
ret = getExpiredTopologyIds(ret, conf);
ret.removeAll(Utils.OR(state.activeStorms(), EMPTY_STRING_LIST));
return ret;
private static String extractStatusStr(StormBase base) {
String ret = null;
if (base != null) {
TopologyStatus status = base.get_status();
if (status != null) {
ret =;
return ret;
private static StormTopology normalizeTopology(Map<String, Object> topoConf, StormTopology topology)
throws InvalidTopologyException {
StormTopology ret = topology.deepCopy();
for (Object comp : StormCommon.allComponents(ret).values()) {
Map<String, Object> mergedConf = StormCommon.componentConf(comp);
mergedConf.put(Config.TOPOLOGY_TASKS, ServerUtils.getComponentParallelism(topoConf, comp));
String jsonConf = JSONValue.toJSONString(mergedConf);
return ret;
private static void addToDecorators(Set<String> decorators, List<String> conf) {
if (conf != null) {
private static void addToSerializers(Map<String, String> ser, List<Object> conf) {
if (conf != null) {
for (Object o : conf) {
if (o instanceof Map) {
ser.putAll((Map<String, String>) o);
} else {
ser.put((String) o, null);
* Create a normalized topology conf.
* @param conf the nimbus conf
* @param topoConf initial topology conf
* @param topology the Storm topology
private static Map<String, Object> normalizeConf(Map<String, Object> conf, Map<String, Object> topoConf, StormTopology topology) {
//ensure that serializations are same for all tasks no matter what's on
// the supervisors. this also allows you to declare the serializations as a sequence
List<Map<String, Object>> allConfs = new ArrayList<>();
for (Object comp : StormCommon.allComponents(topology).values()) {
Set<String> decorators = new HashSet<>();
//Yes we are putting in a config that is not the same type we pulled out.
Map<String, String> serializers = new HashMap<>();
for (Map<String, Object> c : allConfs) {
addToDecorators(decorators, (List<String>) c.get(Config.TOPOLOGY_KRYO_DECORATORS));
addToSerializers(serializers, (List<Object>) c.get(Config.TOPOLOGY_KRYO_REGISTER));
addToDecorators(decorators, (List<String>) topoConf.getOrDefault(Config.TOPOLOGY_KRYO_DECORATORS,
addToSerializers(serializers, (List<Object>) topoConf.getOrDefault(Config.TOPOLOGY_KRYO_REGISTER,
Map<String, Object> mergedConf = Utils.merge(conf, topoConf);
Map<String, Object> ret = new HashMap<>(topoConf);
ret.put(Config.TOPOLOGY_KRYO_REGISTER, serializers);
ret.put(Config.TOPOLOGY_KRYO_DECORATORS, new ArrayList<>(decorators));
// Don't allow topoConf to override various cluster-specific properties.
// Specifically adding the cluster settings to the topoConf here will make sure these settings
// also override the subsequently generated conf picked up locally on the classpath.
// We will be dealing with 3 confs:
// 1) the submitted topoConf created here
// 2) the combined classpath conf with the topoConf added on top
// 3) the nimbus conf with conf 2 above added on top.
// By first forcing the topology conf to contain the nimbus settings, we guarantee all three confs
// will have the correct settings that cannot be overriden by the submitter.
ret.put(Config.WORKER_METRICS, conf.get(Config.WORKER_METRICS));
if (mergedConf.containsKey(Config.TOPOLOGY_WORKER_TIMEOUT_SECS)) {
int workerTimeoutSecs = (Integer) ObjectReader.getInt(mergedConf.get(Config.TOPOLOGY_WORKER_TIMEOUT_SECS));
int workerMaxTimeoutSecs = (Integer) ObjectReader.getInt(mergedConf.get(Config.WORKER_MAX_TIMEOUT_SECS));
if (workerTimeoutSecs > workerMaxTimeoutSecs) {
ret.put(Config.TOPOLOGY_WORKER_TIMEOUT_SECS, workerMaxTimeoutSecs);
String topoId = (String) mergedConf.get(Config.STORM_ID);
LOG.warn("Topology {} topology.worker.timeout.secs is too large. Reducing from {} to {}",
topoId, workerTimeoutSecs, workerMaxTimeoutSecs);
return ret;
private static void rmBlobKey(BlobStore store, String key, IStormClusterState state) {
try {
store.deleteBlob(key, NIMBUS_SUBJECT);
} catch (Exception e) {
//Yes eat the exception"Exception {}", e);
* Deletes jar files in dirLoc older than seconds.
* @param dirLoc the location to look in for file
* @param seconds how old is too old and should be deleted
public static void cleanInbox(String dirLoc, int seconds) {
final long now = Time.currentTimeMillis();
final long ms = Time.secsToMillis(seconds);
File dir = new File(dirLoc);
for (File f : dir.listFiles((file) -> file.isFile() && ((file.lastModified() + ms) <= now))) {
if (f.delete()) {"Cleaning inbox ... deleted: {}", f.getName());
} else {
LOG.error("Cleaning inbox ... error deleting: {}", f.getName());
private static ExecutorInfo toExecInfo(List<Long> exec) {
return new ExecutorInfo(exec.get(0).intValue(), exec.get(1).intValue());
private static void validateTopologyName(String name) throws InvalidTopologyException {
try {
} catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
throw new WrappedInvalidTopologyException(e.getMessage());
private static StormTopology tryReadTopology(String topoId, TopoCache tc)
throws NotAliveException, AuthorizationException, IOException {
try {
return readStormTopologyAsNimbus(topoId, tc);
} catch (KeyNotFoundException e) {
throw new WrappedNotAliveException(topoId);
private static void validateTopologySize(Map<String, Object> topoConf, Map<String, Object> nimbusConf,
StormTopology topology) throws InvalidTopologyException {
// check allowedWorkers only if the scheduler is not the Resource Aware Scheduler
if (!ServerUtils.isRas(nimbusConf)) {
int workerCount = ObjectReader.getInt(topoConf.get(Config.TOPOLOGY_WORKERS), 1);
Integer allowedWorkers = ObjectReader.getInt(nimbusConf.get(DaemonConfig.NIMBUS_SLOTS_PER_TOPOLOGY), null);
if (allowedWorkers != null && workerCount > allowedWorkers) {
throw new WrappedInvalidTopologyException("Failed to submit topology. Topology requests more than "
+ allowedWorkers + " workers.");
int executorsCount = 0;
for (Object comp : StormCommon.allComponents(topology).values()) {
executorsCount += StormCommon.numStartExecutors(comp);
Integer allowedExecutors = ObjectReader.getInt(nimbusConf.get(DaemonConfig.NIMBUS_EXECUTORS_PER_TOPOLOGY), null);
if (allowedExecutors != null && executorsCount > allowedExecutors) {
throw new WrappedInvalidTopologyException("Failed to submit topology. Topology requests more than "
+ allowedExecutors + " executors.");
private static void setLoggerTimeouts(LogLevel level) {
int timeoutSecs = level.get_reset_log_level_timeout_secs();
if (timeoutSecs > 0) {
level.set_reset_log_level_timeout_epoch(Time.currentTimeMillis() + Time.secsToMillis(timeoutSecs));
} else {
public static List<String> topologiesOnSupervisor(Map<String, Assignment> assignments, String supervisorId) {
Set<String> ret = new HashSet<>();
for (Entry<String, Assignment> entry : assignments.entrySet()) {
Assignment assignment = entry.getValue();
for (NodeInfo nodeInfo : assignment.get_executor_node_port().values()) {
if (supervisorId.equals(nodeInfo.get_node())) {
return new ArrayList<>(ret);
private static IClusterMetricsConsumer.ClusterInfo mkClusterInfo() {
return new IClusterMetricsConsumer.ClusterInfo(Time.currentTimeSecs());
private static List<DataPoint> extractClusterMetrics(ClusterSummary summ) {
List<DataPoint> ret = new ArrayList<>();
ret.add(new DataPoint("supervisors", summ.get_supervisors_size()));
ret.add(new DataPoint("topologies", summ.get_topologies_size()));
int totalSlots = 0;
int usedSlots = 0;
for (SupervisorSummary sup : summ.get_supervisors()) {
usedSlots += sup.get_num_used_workers();
totalSlots += sup.get_num_workers();
ret.add(new DataPoint("slotsTotal", totalSlots));
ret.add(new DataPoint("slotsUsed", usedSlots));
ret.add(new DataPoint("slotsFree", totalSlots - usedSlots));
int totalExecutors = 0;
int totalTasks = 0;
for (TopologySummary topo : summ.get_topologies()) {
totalExecutors += topo.get_num_executors();
totalTasks += topo.get_num_tasks();
ret.add(new DataPoint("executorsTotal", totalExecutors));
ret.add(new DataPoint("tasksTotal", totalTasks));
return ret;
private static Map<IClusterMetricsConsumer.SupervisorInfo, List<DataPoint>> extractSupervisorMetrics(ClusterSummary summ) {
Map<IClusterMetricsConsumer.SupervisorInfo, List<DataPoint>> ret = new HashMap<>();
for (SupervisorSummary sup : summ.get_supervisors()) {
List<DataPoint> metrics = new ArrayList<>();
metrics.add(new DataPoint("slotsTotal", sup.get_num_workers()));
metrics.add(new DataPoint("slotsUsed", sup.get_num_used_workers()));
metrics.add(new DataPoint("totalMem", sup.get_total_resources().get(Constants.COMMON_TOTAL_MEMORY_RESOURCE_NAME)));
metrics.add(new DataPoint("totalCpu", sup.get_total_resources().get(Constants.COMMON_CPU_RESOURCE_NAME)));
metrics.add(new DataPoint("usedMem", sup.get_used_mem()));
metrics.add(new DataPoint("usedCpu", sup.get_used_cpu()));
IClusterMetricsConsumer.SupervisorInfo info =
new IClusterMetricsConsumer.SupervisorInfo(sup.get_host(), sup.get_supervisor_id(), Time.currentTimeSecs());
ret.put(info, metrics);
return ret;
private static void setResourcesDefaultIfNotSet(Map<String, NormalizedResourceRequest> compResourcesMap, String compId,
Map<String, Object> topoConf) {
NormalizedResourceRequest resources = compResourcesMap.get(compId);
if (resources == null) {
compResourcesMap.put(compId, new NormalizedResourceRequest(topoConf, compId));
private static void validatePortAvailable(Map<String, Object> conf) throws IOException {
int port = ObjectReader.getInt(conf.get(Config.NIMBUS_THRIFT_PORT));
try (ServerSocket socket = new ServerSocket(port)) {
} catch (BindException e) {
LOG.error("{} is not available. Check if another process is already listening on {}", port, port);
public void launchServer() throws Exception {
try {
IStormClusterState state = stormClusterState;
NimbusInfo hpi = nimbusHostPortInfo;"Starting Nimbus with conf {}", ConfigUtils.maskPasswords(conf));
//add to nimbuses
new NimbusSummary(hpi.getHost(), hpi.getPort(), Time.currentTimeSecs(), false, STORM_VERSION));
for (ClusterMetricsConsumerExecutor exec: clusterConsumerExceutors) {
// Leadership coordination may be incomplete when launchServer is called. Previous behavior did a one time check
// which could cause Nimbus to not process TopologyActions.GAIN_LEADERSHIP transitions. Similar problem exists for
// HA Nimbus on being newly elected as leader. Change to a recurring pattern addresses these problems.
timer.scheduleRecurring(3, 5,
() -> {
try {
boolean isLeader = isLeader();
if (isLeader && !wasLeader) {
for (String topoId : state.activeStorms()) {
transition(topoId, TopologyActions.GAIN_LEADERSHIP, null);
wasLeader = isLeader;
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new RuntimeException(e);
final boolean doNotReassign = (Boolean) conf.getOrDefault(ServerConfigUtils.NIMBUS_DO_NOT_REASSIGN, false);
timer.scheduleRecurring(0, ObjectReader.getInt(conf.get(DaemonConfig.NIMBUS_MONITOR_FREQ_SECS)),
() -> {
try {
if (!doNotReassign) {
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new RuntimeException(e);
// Schedule Nimbus inbox cleaner
final int jarExpSecs = ObjectReader.getInt(conf.get(DaemonConfig.NIMBUS_INBOX_JAR_EXPIRATION_SECS));
timer.scheduleRecurring(0, ObjectReader.getInt(conf.get(DaemonConfig.NIMBUS_CLEANUP_INBOX_FREQ_SECS)),
() -> {
try {
cleanInbox(getInbox(), jarExpSecs);
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new RuntimeException(e);
// Schedule topology history cleaner
Integer interval = ObjectReader.getInt(conf.get(DaemonConfig.LOGVIEWER_CLEANUP_INTERVAL_SECS), null);
if (interval != null) {
final int lvCleanupAgeMins = ObjectReader.getInt(conf.get(DaemonConfig.LOGVIEWER_CLEANUP_AGE_MINS));
timer.scheduleRecurring(0, interval,
() -> {
try {
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new RuntimeException(e);
timer.scheduleRecurring(0, ObjectReader.getInt(conf.get(DaemonConfig.NIMBUS_CREDENTIAL_RENEW_FREQ_SECS)),
() -> {
try {
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new RuntimeException(e);
metricsRegistry.registerGauge("nimbus:total-available-memory-non-negative", () -> nodeIdToResources.get().values()
.mapToDouble(supervisorResources -> Math.max(supervisorResources.getAvailableMem(), 0))
metricsRegistry.registerGauge("nimbus:available-cpu-non-negative", () -> nodeIdToResources.get().values()
.mapToDouble(supervisorResources -> Math.max(supervisorResources.getAvailableCpu(), 0))
metricsRegistry.registerGauge("nimbus:total-memory", () -> nodeIdToResources.get().values()
metricsRegistry.registerGauge("nimbus:total-cpu", () -> nodeIdToResources.get().values()
metricsRegistry.registerGauge("nimbus:longest-scheduling-time-ms", () -> {
//We want to update longest scheduling time in real time in case scheduler get stuck
// Get current time before startTime to avoid potential race with scheduler's Timer
Long currTime = Time.nanoTime();
Long startTime = schedulingStartTimeNs.get();
return TimeUnit.NANOSECONDS.toMillis(startTime == null
? longestSchedulingTime.get()
: Math.max(currTime - startTime, longestSchedulingTime.get()));
timer.scheduleRecurring(0, ObjectReader.getInt(conf.get(DaemonConfig.STORM_CLUSTER_METRICS_CONSUMER_PUBLISH_INTERVAL_SECS)),
() -> {
try {
if (isLeader()) {
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new RuntimeException(e);
timer.scheduleRecurring(5, 5, clusterMetricSet);
} catch (Exception e) {
if (Utils.exceptionCauseIsInstanceOf(InterruptedException.class, e)) {
throw e;
if (Utils.exceptionCauseIsInstanceOf(InterruptedIOException.class, e)) {
throw e;
LOG.error("Error on initialization of nimbus", e);
Utils.exitProcess(13, "Error on initialization of nimbus");
private static Nimbus launchServer(Map<String, Object> conf, INimbus inimbus) throws Exception {
StormMetricsRegistry metricsRegistry = new StormMetricsRegistry();
final Nimbus nimbus = new Nimbus(conf, inimbus, metricsRegistry);
final ThriftServer server = new ThriftServer(conf, new Processor<>(nimbus), ThriftConnectionType.NIMBUS);
Utils.addShutdownHookWithDelayedForceKill(() -> {
}, 10);
if (ClientAuthUtils.areWorkerTokensEnabledServer(server, conf)) {
}"Starting nimbus server for storm version '{}'", STORM_VERSION);
return nimbus;
public static Nimbus launch(INimbus inimbus) throws Exception {
Map<String, Object> conf = Utils.merge(ConfigUtils.readStormConfig(),
ConfigUtils.readYamlConfig("storm-cluster-auth.yaml", false));
boolean fixupAcl = (boolean) conf.get(DaemonConfig.STORM_NIMBUS_ZOOKEEPER_ACLS_FIXUP);
boolean checkAcl = fixupAcl || (boolean) conf.get(DaemonConfig.STORM_NIMBUS_ZOOKEEPER_ACLS_CHECK);
if (checkAcl) {
AclEnforcement.verifyAcls(conf, fixupAcl);
return launchServer(conf, inimbus);
public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
launch(new StandaloneINimbus());
private static CuratorFramework makeZKClient(Map<String, Object> conf) {
List<String> servers = (List<String>) conf.get(Config.STORM_ZOOKEEPER_SERVERS);
Object port = conf.get(Config.STORM_ZOOKEEPER_PORT);
String root = (String) conf.get(Config.STORM_ZOOKEEPER_ROOT);
CuratorFramework ret = null;
if (servers != null && port != null) {
ret = ClientZookeeper.mkClient(conf, servers, port, root, new DefaultWatcherCallBack(), conf, DaemonType.NIMBUS);
return ret;
private static IStormClusterState makeStormClusterState(Map<String, Object> conf) throws Exception {
return ClusterUtils.mkStormClusterState(conf, new ClusterStateContext(DaemonType.NIMBUS, conf));
private static List<Integer> asIntExec(List<Long> exec) {
List<Integer> ret = new ArrayList<>(2);
return ret;
* Diff old/new assignment to find nodes which assigned assignments has changed.
* @param oldAss old assigned assignment
* @param newAss new assigned assignment
* @return nodeId -> host map of assignments changed nodes
private static Map<String, String> assignmentChangedNodes(Assignment oldAss, Assignment newAss) {
Map<List<Long>, NodeInfo> oldExecutorNodePort = null;
Map<List<Long>, NodeInfo> newExecutorNodePort = null;
Map<String, String> allNodeHost = new HashMap<>();
if (oldAss != null) {
oldExecutorNodePort = oldAss.get_executor_node_port();
if (newAss != null) {
newExecutorNodePort = newAss.get_executor_node_port();
//kill or newly submit
if (oldAss == null || newAss == null) {
return allNodeHost;
} else {
// rebalance
Map<String, String> ret = new HashMap<>();
for (Map.Entry<List<Long>, NodeInfo> entry : newExecutorNodePort.entrySet()) {
NodeInfo newNodeInfo = entry.getValue();
NodeInfo oldNodeInfo = oldExecutorNodePort.get(entry.getKey());
if (null != oldNodeInfo) {
if (!oldNodeInfo.equals(newNodeInfo)) {
ret.put(oldNodeInfo.get_node(), allNodeHost.get(oldNodeInfo.get_node()));
ret.put(newNodeInfo.get_node(), allNodeHost.get(newNodeInfo.get_node()));
} else {
ret.put(newNodeInfo.get_node(), allNodeHost.get(newNodeInfo.get_node()));
return ret;
* Pick out assignments for a specific host from all assignments. This could include multiple NUMA
* supervisors on an individual host.
* @param assignmentMap stormId -> assignment map
* @param hostname hostname
* @return stormId -> assignment map for the node
private static Map<String, Assignment> assignmentsForHost(Map<String, Assignment> assignmentMap, String hostname) {
Map<String, Assignment> ret = new HashMap<>();
assignmentMap.entrySet().stream().filter(assignmentEntry -> assignmentEntry.getValue().get_node_host().values()
.forEach(assignmentEntry -> {
ret.put(assignmentEntry.getKey(), assignmentEntry.getValue());
return ret;
* Pick out assignments for specific NodeId from all assignments.
* @param assignmentMap stormId -> assignment map
* @param nodeId supervisor node id
* @return stormId -> assignment map for the node
private static Map<String, Assignment> assignmentsForNodeId(Map<String, Assignment> assignmentMap, String nodeId) {
Map<String, Assignment> ret = new HashMap<>();
assignmentMap.entrySet().stream().filter(assignmentEntry -> assignmentEntry.getValue().get_node_host().keySet()
.forEach(assignmentEntry -> {
ret.put(assignmentEntry.getKey(), assignmentEntry.getValue());
return ret;
* Notify supervisors/nodes assigned assignments.
* @param assignments assignments map for nodes
* @param service {@link AssignmentDistributionService} for distributing assignments asynchronous
* @param nodeHost node -> host map
* @param supervisorDetails nodeId -> {@link SupervisorDetails} map
private static void notifySupervisorsAssignments(Map<String, Assignment> assignments,
AssignmentDistributionService service, Map<String, String> nodeHost,
Map<String, SupervisorDetails> supervisorDetails,
StormMetricsRegistry metricsRegistry) {
for (Map.Entry<String, String> nodeEntry : nodeHost.entrySet()) {
try {
String nodeId = nodeEntry.getKey();
String hostname = nodeEntry.getValue();
SupervisorAssignments supervisorAssignments = new SupervisorAssignments();
supervisorAssignments.set_storm_assignment(assignmentsForHost(assignments, hostname));
SupervisorDetails details = supervisorDetails.get(nodeId);
Integer serverPort = details != null ? details.getServerPort() : null;
service.addAssignmentsForNode(nodeId, nodeEntry.getValue(), serverPort, supervisorAssignments, metricsRegistry);
} catch (Throwable tr1) {
//just skip when any error happens wait for next round assignments reassign
LOG.error("Exception when add assignments distribution task for node {}", nodeEntry.getKey());
private static void notifySupervisorsAsKilled(IStormClusterState clusterState, Assignment oldAss,
AssignmentDistributionService service, StormMetricsRegistry metricsRegistry) {
Map<String, String> nodeHost = assignmentChangedNodes(oldAss, null);
notifySupervisorsAssignments(clusterState.assignmentsInfo(), service, nodeHost,
basicSupervisorDetailsMap(clusterState), metricsRegistry);
static void validateTopologyWorkerMaxHeapSizeConfigs(
Map<String, Object> stormConf, StormTopology topology, double defaultWorkerMaxHeapSizeMb) {
double largestMemReq = getMaxExecutorMemoryUsageForTopo(topology, stormConf);
double topologyWorkerMaxHeapSize =
ObjectReader.getDouble(stormConf.get(Config.TOPOLOGY_WORKER_MAX_HEAP_SIZE_MB), defaultWorkerMaxHeapSizeMb);
if (topologyWorkerMaxHeapSize < largestMemReq) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException(
"Topology will not be able to be successfully scheduled: Config "
+ topologyWorkerMaxHeapSize
+ " < " + largestMemReq + " (Largest memory requirement of a component in the topology)."
+ " Perhaps set TOPOLOGY_WORKER_MAX_HEAP_SIZE_MB to a larger amount");
private static double getMaxExecutorMemoryUsageForTopo(
StormTopology topology, Map<String, Object> topologyConf) {
double largestMemoryOperator = 0.0;
for (NormalizedResourceRequest entry :
ResourceUtils.getBoltsResources(topology, topologyConf).values()) {
double memoryRequirement = entry.getTotalMemoryMb();
if (memoryRequirement > largestMemoryOperator) {
largestMemoryOperator = memoryRequirement;
for (NormalizedResourceRequest entry :
ResourceUtils.getSpoutsResources(topology, topologyConf).values()) {
double memoryRequirement = entry.getTotalMemoryMb();
if (memoryRequirement > largestMemoryOperator) {
largestMemoryOperator = memoryRequirement;
return largestMemoryOperator;
Map<String, Object> getConf() {
return conf;
public void setAuthorizationHandler(IAuthorizer authorizationHandler) {
this.authorizationHandler = authorizationHandler;
private IStormClusterState getStormClusterState() {
return stormClusterState;
private AssignmentDistributionService getAssignmentsDistributer() {
return assignmentsDistributer;
private StormMetricsRegistry getMetricsRegistry() {
return metricsRegistry;
public HeartbeatCache getHeartbeatsCache() {
return heartbeatsCache;
public AtomicReference<Map<String, Set<List<Integer>>>> getIdToExecutors() {
return idToExecutors;
private Set<List<Integer>> getOrUpdateExecutors(String topoId, StormBase base, Map<String, Object> topoConf,
StormTopology topology)
throws IOException, AuthorizationException, InvalidTopologyException, KeyNotFoundException {
Set<List<Integer>> executors = idToExecutors.get().get(topoId);
if (null == executors) {
executors = new HashSet<>(computeExecutors(topoId, base, topoConf, topology));
idToExecutors.getAndUpdate(new Assoc<>(topoId, executors));
return executors;
private BlobStore getBlobStore() {
return blobStore;
private TopoCache getTopoCache() {
return topoCache;
void initWorkerTokenManager() {
if (workerTokenManager == null) {
workerTokenManager = new WorkerTokenManager(conf, getStormClusterState());
private boolean isLeader() throws Exception {
return leaderElector.isLeader();
private void assertIsLeader() throws Exception {
if (!isLeader()) {
NimbusInfo leaderAddress = leaderElector.getLeader();
throw new RuntimeException("not a leader, current leader is " + leaderAddress);
private String getInbox() throws IOException {
return ServerConfigUtils.masterInbox(conf);
* Used for local cluster.
* @param supervisor {@link org.apache.storm.daemon.supervisor.Supervisor}
public void addSupervisor(org.apache.storm.daemon.supervisor.Supervisor supervisor) {
void delayEvent(String topoId, int delaySecs, TopologyActions event, Object args) {"Delaying event {} for {} secs for {}", event, delaySecs, topoId);
timer.schedule(delaySecs, () -> {
try {
transition(topoId, event, args, false);
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new RuntimeException(e);
void doRebalance(String topoId, StormBase stormBase) throws Exception {
RebalanceOptions rbo = stormBase.get_topology_action_options().get_rebalance_options();
StormBase updated = new StormBase();
if (rbo.is_set_num_executors()) {
if (rbo.is_set_num_workers()) {
stormClusterState.updateStorm(topoId, updated);
updateBlobStore(topoId, rbo, ServerUtils.principalNameToSubject(rbo.get_principal()));
idToExecutors.getAndUpdate(new Dissoc<>(topoId)); // remove the executors cache to let it recompute.
private String toTopoId(String topoName) throws NotAliveException {
return stormClusterState.getTopoId(topoName)
.orElseThrow(() -> new WrappedNotAliveException(topoName + " is not alive"));
private void transitionName(String topoName, TopologyActions event, Object eventArg, boolean errorOnNoTransition) throws Exception {
transition(toTopoId(topoName), event, eventArg, errorOnNoTransition);
private void transition(String topoId, TopologyActions event, Object eventArg) throws Exception {
transition(topoId, event, eventArg, false);
private void transition(String topoId, TopologyActions event, Object eventArg, boolean errorOnNoTransition)
throws Exception {"TRANSITION: {} {} {} {}", topoId, event, eventArg, errorOnNoTransition);
synchronized (submitLock) {
IStormClusterState clusterState = stormClusterState;
StormBase base = clusterState.stormBase(topoId, null);
if (base == null || base.get_status() == null) {"Cannot apply event {} to {} because topology no longer exists", event, topoId);
} else {
TopologyStatus status = base.get_status();
TopologyStateTransition transition = TOPO_STATE_TRANSITIONS.get(status).get(event);
if (transition == null) {
String message = "No transition for event: " + event + ", status: " + status + " storm-id: " + topoId;
if (errorOnNoTransition) {
throw new RuntimeException(message);
if (TopologyActions.GAIN_LEADERSHIP != event) {
//GAIN_LEADERSHIP is a system event so don't log an issue;
transition = NOOP_TRANSITION;
StormBase updates = transition.transition(eventArg, this, topoId, base);
if (updates != null) {
clusterState.updateStorm(topoId, updates);
private void setupStormCode(Map<String, Object> conf, String topoId, String tmpJarLocation,
Map<String, Object> topoConf, StormTopology topology) throws Exception {
Subject subject = getSubject();
IStormClusterState clusterState = stormClusterState;
BlobStore store = blobStore;
String jarKey = ConfigUtils.masterStormJarKey(topoId);
if (tmpJarLocation != null) {
//in local mode there is no jar
try (FileInputStream fin = new FileInputStream(tmpJarLocation)) {
store.createBlob(jarKey, fin, new SettableBlobMeta(BlobStoreAclHandler.DEFAULT), subject);
topoCache.addTopoConf(topoId, subject, topoConf);
topoCache.addTopology(topoId, subject, topology);
private void updateTopologyResources(String topoId, Map<String, Map<String, Double>> resourceOverrides, Subject subject)
throws AuthorizationException, IOException, KeyNotFoundException {
StormTopology topo = topoCache.readTopology(topoId, subject);
topo = topo.deepCopy();
ResourceUtils.updateStormTopologyResources(topo, resourceOverrides);
topoCache.updateTopology(topoId, subject, topo);
private void updateTopologyConf(String topoId, Map<String, Object> configOverride, Subject subject)
throws AuthorizationException, IOException, KeyNotFoundException {
Map<String, Object> topoConf = new HashMap<>(topoCache.readTopoConf(topoId, subject)); //Copy the data
topoCache.updateTopoConf(topoId, subject, topoConf);
private void updateBlobStore(String topoId, RebalanceOptions rbo, Subject subject)
throws AuthorizationException, IOException, KeyNotFoundException {
Map<String, Map<String, Double>> resourceOverrides = rbo.get_topology_resources_overrides();
if (resourceOverrides != null && !resourceOverrides.isEmpty()) {
updateTopologyResources(topoId, resourceOverrides, subject);
String confOverride = rbo.get_topology_conf_overrides();
if (confOverride != null && !confOverride.isEmpty()) {
updateTopologyConf(topoId, Utils.parseJson(confOverride), subject);
private Integer getBlobReplicationCount(String key) throws Exception {
BlobStore store = blobStore;
if (store != null) {
return store.getBlobReplication(key, NIMBUS_SUBJECT);
return null;
private void waitForDesiredCodeReplication(Map<String, Object> topoConf, String topoId) throws Exception {
int minReplicationCount = ObjectReader.getInt(topoConf.get(Config.TOPOLOGY_MIN_REPLICATION_COUNT));
int maxWaitTime = ObjectReader.getInt(topoConf.get(Config.TOPOLOGY_MAX_REPLICATION_WAIT_TIME_SEC));
int jarCount = minReplicationCount;
if (!ConfigUtils.isLocalMode(topoConf)) {
jarCount = getBlobReplicationCount(ConfigUtils.masterStormJarKey(topoId));
int codeCount = getBlobReplicationCount(ConfigUtils.masterStormCodeKey(topoId));
int confCount = getBlobReplicationCount(ConfigUtils.masterStormConfKey(topoId));
long totalWaitTime = 0;
//When is this ever null?
if (blobStore != null) {
while (jarCount < minReplicationCount
&& codeCount < minReplicationCount
&& confCount < minReplicationCount) {
if (maxWaitTime > 0 && totalWaitTime > maxWaitTime) {"desired replication count of {} not achieved for {} but we have hit the max wait time {}"
+ " so moving on with replication count for conf key = {} for code key = {} for jar key = ",
minReplicationCount, topoId, maxWaitTime, confCount, codeCount, jarCount);
LOG.debug("Checking if I am still the leader");
assertIsLeader();"WAITING... storm-id {}, {} <? {} {} {}", topoId, minReplicationCount, jarCount, codeCount, confCount);"WAITING... {} <? {}", totalWaitTime, maxWaitTime);
if (!ConfigUtils.isLocalMode(topoConf)) {
jarCount = getBlobReplicationCount(ConfigUtils.masterStormJarKey(topoId));
codeCount = getBlobReplicationCount(ConfigUtils.masterStormCodeKey(topoId));
confCount = getBlobReplicationCount(ConfigUtils.masterStormConfKey(topoId));
}"desired replication count {} achieved for topology {}, current-replication-count for conf key = {},"
+ " current-replication-count for code key = {}, current-replication-count for jar key = {}",
minReplicationCount, topoId, confCount, codeCount, jarCount);
private TopologyDetails readTopologyDetails(String topoId, StormBase base) throws KeyNotFoundException,
AuthorizationException, IOException, InvalidTopologyException {
assert (base != null);
assert (topoId != null);
Map<String, Object> topoConf = readTopoConfAsNimbus(topoId, topoCache);
StormTopology topo = readStormTopologyAsNimbus(topoId, topoCache);
if (!base.is_set_principal()) {
fixupBase(base, topoConf);
stormClusterState.updateStorm(topoId, base);
Map<List<Integer>, String> rawExecToComponent = computeExecutorToComponent(topoId, base, topoConf, topo);
Map<ExecutorDetails, String> executorsToComponent = new HashMap<>();
for (Entry<List<Integer>, String> entry : rawExecToComponent.entrySet()) {
List<Integer> execs = entry.getKey();
ExecutorDetails execDetails = new ExecutorDetails(execs.get(0), execs.get(1));
executorsToComponent.put(execDetails, entry.getValue());
return new TopologyDetails(topoId, topoConf, topo, base.get_num_workers(), executorsToComponent,
base.get_launch_time_secs(), base.get_owner());
private void updateHeartbeatsFromZkHeartbeat(String topoId, Set<List<Integer>> allExecutors, Assignment existingAssignment) {
LOG.debug("Updating heartbeats for {} {} (from ZK heartbeat)", topoId, allExecutors);
IStormClusterState state = stormClusterState;
Map<List<Integer>, Map<String, Object>> executorBeats =
StatsUtil.convertExecutorBeats(state.executorBeats(topoId, existingAssignment.get_executor_node_port()));
heartbeatsCache.updateFromZkHeartbeat(topoId, executorBeats, allExecutors, getTopologyHeartbeatTimeoutSecs(topoId));
* Update all the heartbeats for all the topologies' executors.
* @param existingAssignments current assignments (thrift)
* @param topologyToExecutors topology ID to executors.
private void updateAllHeartbeats(Map<String, Assignment> existingAssignments,
Map<String, Set<List<Integer>>> topologyToExecutors, Set<String> zkHeartbeatTopologies) {
for (Entry<String, Assignment> entry : existingAssignments.entrySet()) {
String topoId = entry.getKey();
if (zkHeartbeatTopologies.contains(topoId)) {
updateHeartbeatsFromZkHeartbeat(topoId, topologyToExecutors.get(topoId), entry.getValue());
} else {
LOG.debug("Timing out old heartbeats for {}", topoId);
heartbeatsCache.timeoutOldHeartbeats(topoId, getTopologyHeartbeatTimeoutSecs(topoId));
private void updateCachedHeartbeatsFromWorker(SupervisorWorkerHeartbeat workerHeartbeat, int heartbeatTimeoutSecs) {
heartbeatsCache.updateHeartbeat(workerHeartbeat, heartbeatTimeoutSecs);
private void updateCachedHeartbeatsFromSupervisor(SupervisorWorkerHeartbeats workerHeartbeats) {
for (SupervisorWorkerHeartbeat hb : workerHeartbeats.get_worker_heartbeats()) {
String topoId = hb.get_storm_id();
int heartbeatTimeoutSecs = getTopologyHeartbeatTimeoutSecs(topoId);
updateCachedHeartbeatsFromWorker(hb, heartbeatTimeoutSecs);
if (!heartbeatsReadyFlag.get() && !Strings.isNullOrEmpty(workerHeartbeats.get_supervisor_id())) {
* Decide if the heartbeats is recovered for a master, will wait for all the assignments nodes to recovery, every node will take care
* its node heartbeats reporting.
* @return true if all nodes have reported heartbeats or exceeds max-time-out
private boolean isHeartbeatsRecovered() {
if (heartbeatsReadyFlag.get()) {
return true;
Set<String> allNodes = new HashSet<>();
for (Map.Entry<String, Assignment> assignmentEntry : stormClusterState.assignmentsInfo().entrySet()) {
boolean isReady = heartbeatsRecoveryStrategy.isReady(allNodes);
if (isReady) {
return isReady;
* Decide if the assignments is synchronized.
* @return true if assignments have been synchronized from remote state store
private boolean isAssignmentsRecovered() {
return stormClusterState.isAssignmentsBackendSynchronized();
private Set<List<Integer>> aliveExecutors(String topoId, Set<List<Integer>> allExecutors, Assignment assignment) {
return heartbeatsCache.getAliveExecutors(topoId, allExecutors, assignment, getTopologyLaunchHeartbeatTimeoutSec(topoId));
private List<List<Integer>> computeExecutors(String topoId, StormBase base, Map<String, Object> topoConf,
StormTopology topology)
throws KeyNotFoundException, AuthorizationException, IOException, InvalidTopologyException {
assert (base != null);
Map<String, Integer> compToExecutors = base.get_component_executors();
List<List<Integer>> ret = new ArrayList<>();
if (compToExecutors != null) {
Map<Integer, String> taskInfo = StormCommon.stormTaskInfo(topology, topoConf);
Map<String, List<Integer>> compToTaskList = Utils.reverseMap(taskInfo);
for (Entry<String, List<Integer>> entry : compToTaskList.entrySet()) {
List<Integer> comps = entry.getValue();
Integer numExecutors = compToExecutors.get(entry.getKey());
if (numExecutors != null) {
List<List<Integer>> partitioned = Utils.partitionFixed(numExecutors, comps);
for (List<Integer> partition : partitioned) {
ret.add(Arrays.asList(partition.get(0), partition.get(partition.size() - 1)));
return ret;
private Map<List<Integer>, String> computeExecutorToComponent(String topoId, StormBase base,
Map<String, Object> topoConf, StormTopology topology)
throws KeyNotFoundException, AuthorizationException, InvalidTopologyException, IOException {
List<List<Integer>> executors = new ArrayList<>(getOrUpdateExecutors(topoId, base, topoConf, topology));
Map<Integer, String> taskToComponent = StormCommon.stormTaskInfo(topology, topoConf);
Map<List<Integer>, String> ret = new HashMap<>();
for (List<Integer> executor : executors) {
ret.put(executor, taskToComponent.get(executor.get(0)));
return ret;
private Map<String, Set<List<Integer>>> computeTopologyToExecutors(Map<String, StormBase> bases)
throws KeyNotFoundException, AuthorizationException, InvalidTopologyException, IOException {
Map<String, Set<List<Integer>>> ret = new HashMap<>();
if (bases != null) {
for (Entry<String, StormBase> entry : bases.entrySet()) {
String topoId = entry.getKey();
Set<List<Integer>> executors = idToExecutors.get().get(topoId);
if (executors == null) {
Map<String, Object> topoConf = readTopoConfAsNimbus(topoId, topoCache);
StormTopology topology = readStormTopologyAsNimbus(topoId, topoCache);
executors = getOrUpdateExecutors(topoId, entry.getValue(), topoConf, topology);
ret.put(topoId, executors);
return ret;
* compute a topology-id -> alive executors map.
* @param existingAssignment the current assignments
* @param topologyToExecutors the executors for the current topologies
* @param scratchTopologyId the topology being rebalanced and should be excluded
* @return the map of topology id to alive executors
private Map<String, Set<List<Integer>>> computeTopologyToAliveExecutors(Map<String, Assignment> existingAssignment,
Map<String, Set<List<Integer>>> topologyToExecutors,
String scratchTopologyId) {
Map<String, Set<List<Integer>>> ret = new HashMap<>();
for (Entry<String, Assignment> entry : existingAssignment.entrySet()) {
String topoId = entry.getKey();
Assignment assignment = entry.getValue();
Set<List<Integer>> allExecutors = topologyToExecutors.get(topoId);
Set<List<Integer>> aliveExecutors;
if (topoId.equals(scratchTopologyId)) {
aliveExecutors = allExecutors;
} else {
aliveExecutors = new HashSet<>(aliveExecutors(topoId, allExecutors, assignment));
ret.put(topoId, aliveExecutors);
return ret;
private Map<String, Set<Long>> computeSupervisorToDeadPorts(Map<String, Assignment> existingAssignments,
Map<String, Set<List<Integer>>> topologyToExecutors,
Map<String, Set<List<Integer>>> topologyToAliveExecutors) {
Map<String, Set<Long>> ret = new HashMap<>();
for (Entry<String, Assignment> entry : existingAssignments.entrySet()) {
String topoId = entry.getKey();
Assignment assignment = entry.getValue();
Set<List<Integer>> allExecutors = topologyToExecutors.get(topoId);
Set<List<Integer>> aliveExecutors = topologyToAliveExecutors.get(topoId);
Set<List<Integer>> deadExecutors = new HashSet<>(allExecutors);
Map<List<Long>, NodeInfo> execToNodePort = assignment.get_executor_node_port();
for (Entry<List<Long>, NodeInfo> assigned : execToNodePort.entrySet()) {
if (deadExecutors.contains(asIntExec(assigned.getKey()))) {
NodeInfo info = assigned.getValue();
String superId = info.get_node();
Set<Long> ports = ret.get(superId);
if (ports == null) {
ports = new HashSet<>();
ret.put(superId, ports);
return ret;
* Convert assignment information in zk to SchedulerAssignment, so it can be used by scheduler api.
* @param existingAssignments current assignments
* @param topologyToAliveExecutors executors that are alive
* @return topo ID to schedulerAssignment
private Map<String, SchedulerAssignmentImpl> computeTopologyToSchedulerAssignment(Map<String, Assignment> existingAssignments,
Map<String, Set<List<Integer>>>
topologyToAliveExecutors) {
Map<String, SchedulerAssignmentImpl> ret = new HashMap<>();
for (Entry<String, Assignment> entry : existingAssignments.entrySet()) {
String topoId = entry.getKey();
Assignment assignment = entry.getValue();
Set<List<Integer>> aliveExecutors = topologyToAliveExecutors.get(topoId);
Map<List<Long>, NodeInfo> execToNodePort = assignment.get_executor_node_port();
Map<NodeInfo, WorkerResources> workerToResources = assignment.get_worker_resources();
Map<NodeInfo, WorkerSlot> nodePortToSlot = new HashMap<>();
Map<WorkerSlot, WorkerResources> slotToResources = new HashMap<>();
for (Entry<NodeInfo, WorkerResources> nodeAndResources : workerToResources.entrySet()) {
NodeInfo info = nodeAndResources.getKey();
WorkerResources resources = nodeAndResources.getValue();
WorkerSlot slot = new WorkerSlot(info.get_node(), info.get_port_iterator().next());
nodePortToSlot.put(info, slot);
slotToResources.put(slot, resources);
Map<ExecutorDetails, WorkerSlot> execToSlot = new HashMap<>();
for (Entry<List<Long>, NodeInfo> execAndNodePort : execToNodePort.entrySet()) {
List<Integer> exec = asIntExec(execAndNodePort.getKey());
NodeInfo info = execAndNodePort.getValue();
if (aliveExecutors.contains(exec)) {
execToSlot.put(new ExecutorDetails(exec.get(0), exec.get(1)), nodePortToSlot.get(info));
ret.put(topoId, new SchedulerAssignmentImpl(topoId, execToSlot, slotToResources, null));
return ret;
* Read supervisor details/exclude the dead slots.
* @param superToDeadPorts dead ports on the supervisor
* @param topologies all of the topologies
* @param missingAssignmentTopologies topologies that need assignments
* @return a map: {supervisor-id SupervisorDetails}
private Map<String, SupervisorDetails> readAllSupervisorDetails(Map<String, Set<Long>> superToDeadPorts,
Topologies topologies, Collection<String> missingAssignmentTopologies) {
Map<String, SupervisorDetails> ret = new HashMap<>();
IStormClusterState state = stormClusterState;
Map<String, SupervisorInfo> superInfos = state.allSupervisorInfo();
List<SupervisorDetails> superDetails = new ArrayList<>();
for (Entry<String, SupervisorInfo> entry : superInfos.entrySet()) {
SupervisorInfo info = entry.getValue();
superDetails.add(new SupervisorDetails(entry.getKey(), info.get_meta(), info.get_resources_map()));
// Note that allSlotsAvailableForScheduling
// only uses the supervisor-details. The rest of the arguments
// are there to satisfy the INimbus interface.
Map<String, Set<Long>> superToPorts = new HashMap<>();
for (WorkerSlot slot : inimbus.allSlotsAvailableForScheduling(superDetails, topologies,
new HashSet<>(missingAssignmentTopologies))) {
String superId = slot.getNodeId();
Set<Long> ports = superToPorts.get(superId);
if (ports == null) {
ports = new HashSet<>();
superToPorts.put(superId, ports);
ports.add((long) slot.getPort());
for (Entry<String, SupervisorInfo> entry : superInfos.entrySet()) {
String superId = entry.getKey();
SupervisorInfo info = entry.getValue();
String hostname = info.get_hostname();
// Hide the dead-ports from the all-ports
// these dead-ports can be reused in next round of assignments
Set<Long> deadPorts = superToDeadPorts.get(superId);
Set<Long> allPorts = superToPorts.get(superId);
if (allPorts == null) {
allPorts = new HashSet<>();
} else {
allPorts = new HashSet<>(allPorts);
if (deadPorts != null) {
ret.put(superId, new SupervisorDetails(superId, hostname, info.get_scheduler_meta(),
allPorts, info.get_resources_map()));
return ret;
private boolean isFragmented(SupervisorResources supervisorResources) {
double minMemory = ObjectReader.getDouble(conf.get(Config.TOPOLOGY_COMPONENT_RESOURCES_ONHEAP_MEMORY_MB), 256.0)
+ ObjectReader.getDouble(conf.get(Config.TOPOLOGY_ACKER_RESOURCES_ONHEAP_MEMORY_MB), 128.0);
double minCpu = ObjectReader.getDouble(conf.get(Config.TOPOLOGY_COMPONENT_CPU_PCORE_PERCENT), 50.0)
+ ObjectReader.getDouble(conf.get(Config.TOPOLOGY_ACKER_CPU_PCORE_PERCENT), 50.0);
return minMemory > supervisorResources.getAvailableMem() || minCpu > supervisorResources.getAvailableCpu();
private double fragmentedMemory() {
Double res = nodeIdToResources.get().values().parallelStream().filter(this::isFragmented)
.mapToDouble(SupervisorResources::getAvailableMem).filter(x -> x > 0).sum();
return res.intValue();
private int fragmentedCpu() {
Double res = nodeIdToResources.get().values().parallelStream().filter(this::isFragmented)
.mapToDouble(SupervisorResources::getAvailableCpu).filter(x -> x > 0).sum();
return res.intValue();
private Map<String, SchedulerAssignment> computeNewSchedulerAssignments(Map<String, Assignment> existingAssignments,
Topologies topologies, Map<String, StormBase> bases,
String scratchTopologyId)
throws KeyNotFoundException, AuthorizationException, InvalidTopologyException, IOException {
Map<String, Set<List<Integer>>> topoToExec = computeTopologyToExecutors(bases);
Set<String> zkHeartbeatTopologies = topologies.getTopologies().stream()
.filter(topo -> !supportRpcHeartbeat(topo))
updateAllHeartbeats(existingAssignments, topoToExec, zkHeartbeatTopologies);
Map<String, Set<List<Integer>>> topoToAliveExecutors = computeTopologyToAliveExecutors(existingAssignments, topoToExec,
Map<String, Set<Long>> supervisorToDeadPorts = computeSupervisorToDeadPorts(existingAssignments, topoToExec,
Map<String, SchedulerAssignmentImpl> topoToSchedAssignment = computeTopologyToSchedulerAssignment(existingAssignments,
Set<String> missingAssignmentTopologies = new HashSet<>();
for (TopologyDetails topo : topologies.getTopologies()) {
String id = topo.getId();
Set<List<Integer>> allExecs = topoToExec.get(id);
Set<List<Integer>> aliveExecs = topoToAliveExecutors.get(id);
int numDesiredWorkers = topo.getNumWorkers();
int numAssignedWorkers = numUsedWorkers(topoToSchedAssignment.get(id));
if (allExecs == null || allExecs.isEmpty() || !allExecs.equals(aliveExecs) || numDesiredWorkers > numAssignedWorkers) {
//We have something to schedule...
Map<String, SupervisorDetails> supervisors =
readAllSupervisorDetails(supervisorToDeadPorts, topologies, missingAssignmentTopologies);
Cluster cluster = new Cluster(inimbus, resourceMetrics, supervisors, topoToSchedAssignment, topologies, conf);
scheduler.schedule(topologies, cluster);
//Get and set the start time before getting current time in order to avoid potential race with the longest-scheduling-time-ms gauge
final Long startTime = schedulingStartTimeNs.getAndSet(null);
long elapsed = Time.nanoTime() - startTime;
longestSchedulingTime.accumulateAndGet(elapsed, Math::max);
schedulingDuration.update(elapsed, TimeUnit.NANOSECONDS);
LOG.debug("Scheduling took {} ms for {} topologies", elapsed, topologies.getTopologies().size());
//merge with existing statuses
idToSchedStatus.set(Utils.merge(idToSchedStatus.get(), cluster.getStatusMap()));
// This is a hack for non-ras scheduler topology and worker resources
Map<String, TopologyResources> resources = cluster.getTopologyResourcesMap();
idToResources.getAndAccumulate(resources, (orig, update) -> Utils.merge(orig, update));
Map<String, Map<WorkerSlot, WorkerResources>> workerResources = new HashMap<>();
for (Entry<String, Map<WorkerSlot, WorkerResources>> uglyWorkerResources : cluster.getWorkerResourcesMap().entrySet()) {
Map<WorkerSlot, WorkerResources> slotToResources = new HashMap<>();
for (Entry<WorkerSlot, WorkerResources> uglySlotToResources : uglyWorkerResources.getValue().entrySet()) {
WorkerResources wr = uglySlotToResources.getValue();
slotToResources.put(uglySlotToResources.getKey(), wr);
workerResources.put(uglyWorkerResources.getKey(), slotToResources);
idToWorkerResources.getAndAccumulate(workerResources, (orig, update) -> Utils.merge(orig, update));
return cluster.getAssignments();
private boolean supportRpcHeartbeat(TopologyDetails topo) {
if (!topo.getTopology().is_set_storm_version()) {
// current version supports RPC heartbeat
return true;
String stormVersionStr = topo.getTopology().get_storm_version();
SimpleVersion stormVersion = new SimpleVersion(stormVersionStr);
return stormVersion.compareTo(MIN_VERSION_SUPPORT_RPC_HEARTBEAT) >= 0;
private TopologyResources getResourcesForTopology(String topoId, StormBase base)
throws NotAliveException, AuthorizationException, InvalidTopologyException, IOException {
TopologyResources ret = idToResources.get().get(topoId);
if (ret == null) {
try {
IStormClusterState state = stormClusterState;
TopologyDetails details = readTopologyDetails(topoId, base);
Assignment assignment = state.assignmentInfo(topoId, null);
ret = new TopologyResources(details, assignment);
} catch (KeyNotFoundException e) {
//This can happen when a topology is first coming up
// It's thrown by the blobstore code
LOG.error("Failed to get topology details", e);
ret = new TopologyResources();
return ret;
private Map<WorkerSlot, WorkerResources> getWorkerResourcesForTopology(String topoId) {
Map<WorkerSlot, WorkerResources> ret = idToWorkerResources.get().get(topoId);
if (ret == null) {
IStormClusterState state = stormClusterState;
ret = new HashMap<>();
Assignment assignment = state.assignmentInfo(topoId, null);
if (assignment != null && assignment.is_set_worker_resources()) {
for (Entry<NodeInfo, WorkerResources> entry : assignment.get_worker_resources().entrySet()) {
NodeInfo ni = entry.getKey();
WorkerSlot slot = new WorkerSlot(ni.get_node(), ni.get_port_iterator().next());
ret.put(slot, entry.getValue());
idToWorkerResources.getAndUpdate(new Assoc<>(topoId, ret));
return ret;
private boolean isReadyForMKAssignments() throws Exception {
if (isLeader()) {
if (isHeartbeatsRecovered()) {
if (isAssignmentsRecovered()) {
return true;
LOG.warn("waiting for assignments recovery, skipping assignments");
LOG.warn("waiting for worker heartbeats recovery, skipping assignments");
} else {"not a leader, skipping assignments");
return false;
private void mkAssignments() throws Exception {
private void mkAssignments(String scratchTopoId) throws Exception {
try {
if (!isReadyForMKAssignments()) {
// get existing assignment (just the topologyToExecutorToNodePort map) -> default to {}
// filter out ones which have a executor timeout
// figure out available slots on cluster. add to that the used valid slots to get total slots. figure out how many executors
// should be in each slot (e.g., 4, 4, 4, 5)
// only keep existing slots that satisfy one of those slots. for rest, reassign them across remaining slots
// edge case for slots with no executor timeout but with supervisor timeout... just treat these as valid slots that can be
// reassigned to. worst comes to worse the executor will timeout and won't assign here next time around
IStormClusterState state = stormClusterState;
//read all the topologies
Map<String, StormBase> bases;
Map<String, TopologyDetails> tds = new HashMap<>();
synchronized (submitLock) {
// should promote: only fetch storm bases of topologies that need scheduling.
bases = state.topologyBases();
for (Iterator<Entry<String, StormBase>> it = bases.entrySet().iterator(); it.hasNext(); ) {
Entry<String, StormBase> entry =;
String id = entry.getKey();
StormBase base = entry.getValue();
try {
tds.put(id, readTopologyDetails(id, base));
} catch (KeyNotFoundException e) {
//A race happened and it is probably not running
List<String> assignedTopologyIds = state.assignments(null);
Map<String, Assignment> existingAssignments = new HashMap<>();
for (String id : assignedTopologyIds) {
//for the topology which wants rebalance (specified by the scratchTopoId)
// we exclude its assignment, meaning that all the slots occupied by its assignment
// will be treated as free slot in the scheduler code.
if (!id.equals(scratchTopoId)) {
Assignment currentAssignment = state.assignmentInfo(id, null);
if (!currentAssignment.is_set_owner()) {
TopologyDetails td = tds.get(id);
if (td != null) {
state.setAssignment(id, currentAssignment, td.getConf());
existingAssignments.put(id, currentAssignment);
// make the new assignments for topologies
lockingMkAssignments(existingAssignments, bases, scratchTopoId, assignedTopologyIds, state, tds);
} catch (Exception e) {
throw e;
private void lockingMkAssignments(Map<String, Assignment> existingAssignments, Map<String, StormBase> bases,
String scratchTopoId, List<String> assignedTopologyIds, IStormClusterState state,
Map<String, TopologyDetails> tds) throws Exception {
Topologies topologies = new Topologies(tds);
synchronized (schedLock) {
Map<String, SchedulerAssignment> newSchedulerAssignments =
computeNewSchedulerAssignments(existingAssignments, topologies, bases, scratchTopoId);
Map<String, Map<List<Long>, List<Object>>> topologyToExecutorToNodePort =
computeTopoToExecToNodePort(newSchedulerAssignments, assignedTopologyIds);
Map<String, Map<WorkerSlot, WorkerResources>> newAssignedWorkerToResources =
int nowSecs = Time.currentTimeSecs();
Map<String, SupervisorDetails> basicSupervisorDetailsMap = basicSupervisorDetailsMap(state);
//construct the final Assignments by adding start-times etc into it
Map<String, Assignment> newAssignments = new HashMap<>();
for (Entry<String, Map<List<Long>, List<Object>>> entry : topologyToExecutorToNodePort.entrySet()) {
String topoId = entry.getKey();
Map<List<Long>, List<Object>> execToNodePort = entry.getValue();
if (execToNodePort == null) {
execToNodePort = new HashMap<>();
Set<String> allNodes = new HashSet<>();
for (List<Object> nodePort : execToNodePort.values()) {
allNodes.add((String) nodePort.get(0));
Map<String, String> allNodeHost = new HashMap<>();
Assignment existingAssignment = existingAssignments.get(topoId);
if (existingAssignment != null) {
for (String node : allNodes) {
String host = inimbus.getHostName(basicSupervisorDetailsMap, node);
if (host != null) {
allNodeHost.put(node, host);
Map<List<Long>, NodeInfo> execNodeInfo = null;
if (existingAssignment != null) {
execNodeInfo = existingAssignment.get_executor_node_port();
List<List<Long>> reassignExecutors = changedExecutors(execNodeInfo, execToNodePort);
Map<List<Long>, Long> startTimes = new HashMap<>();
if (existingAssignment != null) {
for (List<Long> id : reassignExecutors) {
startTimes.put(id, (long) nowSecs);
Map<WorkerSlot, WorkerResources> workerToResources = newAssignedWorkerToResources.get(topoId);
if (workerToResources == null) {
workerToResources = new HashMap<>();
Assignment newAssignment = new Assignment((String) conf.get(Config.STORM_LOCAL_DIR));
Map<String, String> justAssignedKeys = new HashMap<>(allNodeHost);
//Modifies justAssignedKeys
//convert NodePort to NodeInfo (again!!!).
Map<List<Long>, NodeInfo> execToNodeInfo = new HashMap<>();
for (Entry<List<Long>, List<Object>> execAndNodePort : execToNodePort.entrySet()) {
List<Object> nodePort = execAndNodePort.getValue();
NodeInfo ni = new NodeInfo();
ni.set_node((String) nodePort.get(0));
ni.add_to_port((Long) nodePort.get(1));
execToNodeInfo.put(execAndNodePort.getKey(), ni);
//do another conversion (lets just make this all common)
Map<NodeInfo, WorkerResources> workerResources = new HashMap<>();
for (Entry<WorkerSlot, WorkerResources> wr : workerToResources.entrySet()) {
WorkerSlot nodePort = wr.getKey();
NodeInfo ni = new NodeInfo();
WorkerResources resources = wr.getValue();
workerResources.put(ni, resources);
TopologyDetails td = tds.get(topoId);
newAssignments.put(topoId, newAssignment);
boolean assignmentChanged = auditAssignmentChanges(existingAssignments, newAssignments);
if (assignmentChanged) {
LOG.debug("RESETTING id->resources and id->worker-resources cache!");
idToResources.set(new HashMap<>());
idToWorkerResources.set(new HashMap<>());
//tasks figure out what tasks to talk to by looking at topology at runtime
// only log/set when there's been a change to the assignment
for (Entry<String, Assignment> entry : newAssignments.entrySet()) {
String topoId = entry.getKey();
Assignment assignment = entry.getValue();
Assignment existingAssignment = existingAssignments.get(topoId);
TopologyDetails td = topologies.getById(topoId);
if (assignment.equals(existingAssignment)) {
LOG.debug("Assignment for {} hasn't changed", topoId);
} else {"Setting new assignment for topology id {}: {}", topoId, assignment);
state.setAssignment(topoId, assignment, td.getConf());
//grouping assignment by node to see the nodes diff, then notify nodes/supervisors to synchronize its owned assignment
//because the number of existing assignments is small for every scheduling round,
//we expect to notify supervisors at almost the same time
Map<String, String> totalAssignmentsChangedNodes = new HashMap<>();
for (Entry<String, Assignment> entry : newAssignments.entrySet()) {
String topoId = entry.getKey();
Assignment assignment = entry.getValue();
Assignment existingAssignment = existingAssignments.get(topoId);
totalAssignmentsChangedNodes.putAll(assignmentChangedNodes(existingAssignment, assignment));
notifySupervisorsAssignments(newAssignments, assignmentsDistributer, totalAssignmentsChangedNodes,
basicSupervisorDetailsMap, getMetricsRegistry());
Map<String, Collection<WorkerSlot>> addedSlots = new HashMap<>();
for (Entry<String, Assignment> entry : newAssignments.entrySet()) {
String topoId = entry.getKey();
Assignment assignment = entry.getValue();
Assignment existingAssignment = existingAssignments.get(topoId);
if (existingAssignment == null) {
existingAssignment = new Assignment();
existingAssignment.set_executor_node_port(new HashMap<>());
existingAssignment.set_executor_start_time_secs(new HashMap<>());
Set<WorkerSlot> newSlots = newlyAddedSlots(existingAssignment, assignment);
addedSlots.put(topoId, newSlots);
inimbus.assignSlots(topologies, addedSlots);
private void notifyTopologyActionListener(String topoId, String action) {
ITopologyActionNotifierPlugin notifier = nimbusTopologyActionNotifier;
if (notifier != null) {
try {
notifier.notify(topoId, action);
} catch (Exception e) {
LOG.warn("Ignoring exception from Topology action notifier for storm-Id {}", topoId, e);
private void fixupBase(StormBase base, Map<String, Object> topoConf) {
base.set_owner((String) topoConf.get(Config.TOPOLOGY_SUBMITTER_USER));
base.set_principal((String) topoConf.get(Config.TOPOLOGY_SUBMITTER_PRINCIPAL));
// Topology may set custom heartbeat timeout.
private int getTopologyHeartbeatTimeoutSecs(Map<String, Object> topoConf) {
int defaultNimbusTimeout = ObjectReader.getInt(conf.get(DaemonConfig.NIMBUS_TASK_TIMEOUT_SECS));
if (topoConf.containsKey(Config.TOPOLOGY_WORKER_TIMEOUT_SECS)) {
int topoTimeout = ObjectReader.getInt(topoConf.get(Config.TOPOLOGY_WORKER_TIMEOUT_SECS));
topoTimeout = Math.max(topoTimeout, defaultNimbusTimeout);
return topoTimeout;
return defaultNimbusTimeout;
private int getTopologyHeartbeatTimeoutSecs(String topoId) {
try {
Map<String, Object> topoConf = tryReadTopoConf(topoId, topoCache);
return getTopologyHeartbeatTimeoutSecs(topoConf);
} catch (Exception e) {
// contain any exception
LOG.warn("Exception when getting heartbeat timeout.", e.getMessage());
return ObjectReader.getInt(conf.get(DaemonConfig.NIMBUS_TASK_TIMEOUT_SECS));
private int getTopologyLaunchHeartbeatTimeoutSec(String topoId) {
int nimbusLaunchTimeout = ObjectReader.getInt(conf.get(DaemonConfig.NIMBUS_TASK_LAUNCH_SECS));
int topoHeartbeatTimeoutSecs = getTopologyHeartbeatTimeoutSecs(topoId);
return Math.max(nimbusLaunchTimeout, topoHeartbeatTimeoutSecs);
private void startTopology(String topoName, String topoId, TopologyStatus initStatus, String owner,
String principal, Map<String, Object> topoConf, StormTopology stormTopology)
throws KeyNotFoundException, AuthorizationException, IOException, InvalidTopologyException {
assert (TopologyStatus.ACTIVE == initStatus || TopologyStatus.INACTIVE == initStatus);
Map<String, Integer> numExecutors = new HashMap<>();
StormTopology topology = StormCommon.systemTopology(topoConf, stormTopology);
for (Entry<String, Object> entry : StormCommon.allComponents(topology).entrySet()) {
numExecutors.put(entry.getKey(), StormCommon.numStartExecutors(entry.getValue()));
}"Activating {}: {}", topoName, topoId);
StormBase base = new StormBase();
if (topoConf.containsKey(Config.TOPOLOGY_VERSION)) {
base.set_num_workers(ObjectReader.getInt(topoConf.get(Config.TOPOLOGY_WORKERS), 0));
base.set_component_debug(new HashMap<>());
IStormClusterState state = stormClusterState;
state.activateStorm(topoId, base, topoConf);
idToExecutors.getAndUpdate(new Assoc<>(topoId,
new HashSet<>(computeExecutors(topoId, base, topoConf, stormTopology))));
notifyTopologyActionListener(topoName, "activate");
private void assertTopoActive(String topoName, boolean expectActive) throws NotAliveException, AlreadyAliveException {
if (isTopologyActive(stormClusterState, topoName) != expectActive) {
if (expectActive) {
throw new WrappedNotAliveException(topoName + " is not alive");
throw new WrappedAlreadyAliveException(topoName + " is already alive");
private Map<String, Object> tryReadTopoConfFromName(final String topoName) throws NotAliveException,
AuthorizationException, IOException {
IStormClusterState state = stormClusterState;
String topoId = state.getTopoId(topoName)
.orElseThrow(() -> new WrappedNotAliveException(topoName + " is not alive"));
return tryReadTopoConf(topoId, topoCache);
public void checkAuthorization(String topoName, Map<String, Object> topoConf, String operation)
throws AuthorizationException {
checkAuthorization(topoName, topoConf, operation, null);
public void checkAuthorization(String topoName, Map<String, Object> topoConf, String operation, ReqContext context)
throws AuthorizationException {
IAuthorizer impersonationAuthorizer = impersonationAuthorizationHandler;
if (context == null) {
context = ReqContext.context();
Map<String, Object> checkConf = new HashMap<>();
if (topoConf != null) {
} else if (topoName != null) {
checkConf.put(Config.TOPOLOGY_NAME, topoName);
if (context.isImpersonating()) {"principal: {} is trying to impersonate principal: {}", context.realPrincipal(), context.principal());
if (impersonationAuthorizer == null) {
LOG.warn("impersonation attempt but {} has no authorizer configured. potential security risk, "
+ "please see SECURITY.MD to learn how to configure impersonation authorizer.",
} else {
if (!impersonationAuthorizer.permit(context, operation, checkConf)) {
ThriftAccessLogger.logAccess(context.requestID(), context.remoteAddress(),
context.principal(), operation, topoName, "access-denied");
throw new WrappedAuthorizationException("principal " + context.realPrincipal()
+ " is not authorized to impersonate principal " + context.principal()
+ " from host " + context.remoteAddress()
+ " Please see SECURITY.MD to learn how to configure impersonation acls.");
IAuthorizer aclHandler = authorizationHandler;
if (aclHandler != null) {
if (!aclHandler.permit(context, operation, checkConf)) {
ThriftAccessLogger.logAccess(context.requestID(), context.remoteAddress(), context.principal(), operation,
topoName, "access-denied");
throw new WrappedAuthorizationException(operation + (topoName != null ? " on topology " + topoName : "")
+ " is not authorized");
} else {
ThriftAccessLogger.logAccess(context.requestID(), context.remoteAddress(), context.principal(),
operation, topoName, "access-granted");
private boolean isAuthorized(String operation, String topoId) throws NotAliveException, AuthorizationException, IOException {
Map<String, Object> topoConf = tryReadTopoConf(topoId, topoCache);
topoConf = Utils.merge(conf, topoConf);
String topoName = (String) topoConf.get(Config.TOPOLOGY_NAME);
try {
checkAuthorization(topoName, topoConf, operation);
return true;
} catch (AuthorizationException e) {
return false;
public Set<String> filterAuthorized(String operation, Collection<String> topoIds) throws NotAliveException,
AuthorizationException, IOException {
Set<String> ret = new HashSet<>();
for (String topoId : topoIds) {
if (isAuthorized(operation, topoId)) {
return ret;
public void rmDependencyJarsInTopology(String topoId) {
try {
BlobStore store = blobStore;
IStormClusterState state = stormClusterState;
StormTopology topo = readStormTopologyAsNimbus(topoId, topoCache);
List<String> dependencyJars = topo.get_dependency_jars();"Removing dependency jars from blobs - {}", dependencyJars);
if (dependencyJars != null && !dependencyJars.isEmpty()) {
for (String key : dependencyJars) {
rmBlobKey(store, key, state);
} catch (Exception e) {
//Yes eat the exception"Exception {}", e);
public void rmTopologyKeys(String topoId) {
BlobStore store = blobStore;
IStormClusterState state = stormClusterState;
try {
topoCache.deleteTopoConf(topoId, NIMBUS_SUBJECT);
} catch (Exception e) {
//Just go on and try to delete the others
try {
topoCache.deleteTopology(topoId, NIMBUS_SUBJECT);
} catch (Exception e) {
//Just go on and try to delte the others
rmBlobKey(store, ConfigUtils.masterStormJarKey(topoId), state);
public void forceDeleteTopoDistDir(String topoId) throws IOException {
Utils.forceDelete(ServerConfigUtils.masterStormDistRoot(conf, topoId));
public void doCleanup() throws Exception {
if (!isLeader()) {"not a leader, skipping cleanup");
IStormClusterState state = stormClusterState;
Set<String> toClean;
synchronized (submitLock) {
toClean = topoIdsToClean(state, blobStore, this.conf);
if (toClean != null) {
for (String topoId : toClean) {"Cleaning up {}", topoId);
idToExecutors.getAndUpdate(new Dissoc<>(topoId));
* Deletes topologies from history older than mins minutes.
* @param mins the number of mins for old topologies
private void cleanTopologyHistory(int mins) {
int cutoffAgeSecs = Time.currentTimeSecs() - (mins * 60);
synchronized (topologyHistoryLock) {
LocalState state = topologyHistoryState;
private void addTopoToHistoryLog(String topoId, Map<String, Object> topoConf) {"Adding topo to history log: {}", topoId);
LocalState state = topologyHistoryState;
List<String> users = ServerConfigUtils.getTopoLogsUsers(topoConf);
List<String> groups = ServerConfigUtils.getTopoLogsGroups(topoConf);
synchronized (topologyHistoryLock) {
state.addTopologyHistory(new LSTopoHistory(topoId, Time.currentTimeSecs(), users, groups));
private Set<String> userGroups(String user) throws IOException {
if (user == null || user.isEmpty()) {
return Collections.emptySet();
return groupMapper.getGroups(user);
* Check to see if any of the users groups intersect with the list of groups passed in.
* @param user the user to check
* @param groupsToCheck the groups to see if user is a part of
* @return true if user is a part of groups, else false
* @throws IOException on any error
private boolean isUserPartOf(String user, Collection<String> groupsToCheck) throws IOException {
Set<String> userGroups = new HashSet<>(userGroups(user));
return !userGroups.isEmpty();
private List<String> readTopologyHistory(String user, Collection<String> adminUsers) throws IOException {
LocalState state = topologyHistoryState;
List<LSTopoHistory> topoHistoryList = state.getTopoHistoryList();
if (topoHistoryList == null || topoHistoryList.isEmpty()) {
return Collections.emptyList();
List<String> ret = new ArrayList<>();
for (LSTopoHistory history : topoHistoryList) {
if (user == null || //Security off
adminUsers.contains(user) || //is admin
isUserPartOf(user, history.get_groups()) || //is in allowed group
history.get_users().contains(user)) { //is an allowed user
return ret;
private void renewCredentials() throws Exception {
if (!isLeader()) {"not a leader, skipping credential renewal.");
IStormClusterState state = stormClusterState;
Collection<ICredentialsRenewer> renewers = credRenewers;
Map<String, StormBase> assignedBases = state.topologyBases();
if (assignedBases != null) {
for (Entry<String, StormBase> entry : assignedBases.entrySet()) {
String id = entry.getKey();
String ownerPrincipal = entry.getValue().get_principal();
Map<String, Object> topoConf = Collections.unmodifiableMap(Utils.merge(conf, tryReadTopoConf(id, topoCache)));
synchronized (credUpdateLock) {
Credentials origCreds = state.credentials(id, null);
if (origCreds != null) {
Map<String, String> origCredsMap = origCreds.get_creds();
Map<String, String> newCredsMap = new HashMap<>(origCredsMap);
for (ICredentialsRenewer renewer : renewers) {"Renewing Creds For {} with {} owned by {}", id, renewer, ownerPrincipal);
renewer.renew(newCredsMap, topoConf, ownerPrincipal);
//Update worker tokens if needed
upsertWorkerTokensInCreds(newCredsMap, ownerPrincipal, id);
if (!newCredsMap.equals(origCredsMap)) {
state.setCredentials(id, new Credentials(newCredsMap), topoConf);
private SupervisorSummary makeSupervisorSummary(String supervisorId, SupervisorInfo info) {
Set<String> blacklistedSupervisorIds = Collections.emptySet();
if (scheduler instanceof BlacklistScheduler) {
BlacklistScheduler bs = (BlacklistScheduler) scheduler;
blacklistedSupervisorIds = bs.getBlacklistSupervisorIds();
LOG.debug("INFO: {} ID: {}", info, supervisorId);
int numPorts = 0;
if (info.is_set_meta()) {
numPorts = info.get_meta_size();
int numUsedPorts = 0;
if (info.is_set_used_ports()) {
numUsedPorts = info.get_used_ports_size();
LOG.debug("NUM PORTS: {}", numPorts);
SupervisorSummary ret = new SupervisorSummary(info.get_hostname(),
(int) info.get_uptime_secs(), numPorts, numUsedPorts, supervisorId);
SupervisorResources resources = nodeIdToResources.get().get(supervisorId);
if (resources != null) {
if (isFragmented(resources)) {
final double availableCpu = resources.getAvailableCpu();
if (availableCpu < 0) {
LOG.warn("Negative fragmented CPU on {}", supervisorId);
final double availableMem = resources.getAvailableMem();
if (availableMem < 0) {
LOG.warn("Negative fragmented Mem on {}", supervisorId);
if (info.is_set_version()) {
if (blacklistedSupervisorIds.contains(supervisorId)) {
} else {
return ret;
private ClusterSummary getClusterInfoImpl() throws Exception {
IStormClusterState state = stormClusterState;
Map<String, SupervisorInfo> infos = state.allSupervisorInfo();
List<SupervisorSummary> summaries = new ArrayList<>(infos.size());
for (Entry<String, SupervisorInfo> entry : infos.entrySet()) {
summaries.add(makeSupervisorSummary(entry.getKey(), entry.getValue()));
int uptime = this.uptime.upTime();
Map<String, StormBase> bases = state.topologyBases();
List<NimbusSummary> nimbuses = state.nimbuses();
//update the isLeader field for each nimbus summary
NimbusInfo leader = leaderElector.getLeader();
for (NimbusSummary nimbusSummary : nimbuses) {
// sometimes Leader election indicates the current nimbus is leader, but the host was recently restarted,
// and is currently not a leader.
boolean isLeader = leader.getHost().equals(nimbusSummary.get_host()) && leader.getPort() == nimbusSummary.get_port();
if (isLeader && this.nimbusHostPortInfo.getHost().equals(leader.getHost()) && !this.isLeader()) {
isLeader = false;
List<TopologySummary> topologySummaries = new ArrayList<>();
for (Entry<String, StormBase> entry : bases.entrySet()) {
StormBase base = entry.getValue();
if (base == null) {
String topoId = entry.getKey();
Assignment assignment = state.assignmentInfo(topoId, null);
int numTasks = 0;
int numExecutors = 0;
int numWorkers = 0;
if (assignment != null && assignment.is_set_executor_node_port()) {
for (List<Long> ids : assignment.get_executor_node_port().keySet()) {
numTasks += StormCommon.executorIdToTasks(ids).size();
numExecutors = assignment.get_executor_node_port_size();
numWorkers = new HashSet<>(assignment.get_executor_node_port().values()).size();
TopologySummary summary = new TopologySummary(topoId, base.get_name(), numTasks, numExecutors, numWorkers,
Time.deltaSecs(base.get_launch_time_secs()), extractStatusStr(base));
try {
StormTopology topo = tryReadTopology(topoId, topoCache);
if (topo != null && topo.is_set_storm_version()) {
} catch (NotAliveException e) {
//Ignored it is not set
if (base.is_set_owner()) {
if (base.is_set_topology_version()) {
String status = idToSchedStatus.get().get(topoId);
if (status != null) {
TopologyResources resources = getResourcesForTopology(topoId, base);
if (resources != null) {
try {
} catch (KeyNotFoundException e) {
// This could fail if a blob gets deleted by mistake. Don't crash nimbus.
LOG.error("Unable to find blob entry", e);
ClusterSummary ret = new ClusterSummary(summaries, topologySummaries, nimbuses);
return ret;
private void sendClusterMetricsToExecutors() throws Exception {
ClusterInfo clusterInfo = mkClusterInfo();
ClusterSummary clusterSummary = getClusterInfoImpl();
List<DataPoint> clusterMetrics = extractClusterMetrics(clusterSummary);
Map<IClusterMetricsConsumer.SupervisorInfo, List<DataPoint>> supervisorMetrics = extractSupervisorMetrics(clusterSummary);
for (ClusterMetricsConsumerExecutor consumerExecutor : clusterConsumerExceutors) {
consumerExecutor.handleDataPoints(clusterInfo, clusterMetrics);
for (Entry<IClusterMetricsConsumer.SupervisorInfo, List<DataPoint>> entry : supervisorMetrics.entrySet()) {
consumerExecutor.handleDataPoints(entry.getKey(), entry.getValue());
private CommonTopoInfo getCommonTopoInfo(String topoId, String operation) throws NotAliveException,
AuthorizationException, IOException, InvalidTopologyException {
CommonTopoInfo ret = new CommonTopoInfo();
ret.topoConf = tryReadTopoConf(topoId, topoCache);
ret.topoName = (String) ret.topoConf.get(Config.TOPOLOGY_NAME);
checkAuthorization(ret.topoName, ret.topoConf, operation);
StormTopology topology = tryReadTopology(topoId, topoCache);
ret.topology = StormCommon.systemTopology(ret.topoConf, topology);
ret.taskToComponent = StormCommon.stormTaskInfo(topology, ret.topoConf);
IStormClusterState state = stormClusterState;
ret.base = state.stormBase(topoId, null);
if (ret.base != null && ret.base.is_set_launch_time_secs()) {
ret.launchTimeSecs = ret.base.get_launch_time_secs();
} else {
ret.launchTimeSecs = 0;
ret.assignment = state.assignmentInfo(topoId, null);
//get it from cluster state/zookeeper every time to collect the UI stats, may replace it with other StateStore later = ret.assignment != null ? StatsUtil.convertExecutorBeats(state.executorBeats(topoId,
.get_executor_node_port())) :
ret.allComponents = new HashSet<>(ret.taskToComponent.values());
return ret;
public boolean awaitLeadership(long timeout, TimeUnit timeUnit) throws InterruptedException {
return leaderElector.awaitLeadership(timeout, timeUnit);
public void submitTopology(String name, String uploadedJarLocation, String jsonConf, StormTopology topology)
throws AlreadyAliveException, InvalidTopologyException, AuthorizationException, TException {
submitTopologyWithOpts(name, uploadedJarLocation, jsonConf, topology, new SubmitOptions(TopologyInitialStatus.ACTIVE));
private void upsertWorkerTokensInCreds(Map<String, String> creds, String user, String topologyId) {
if (workerTokenManager != null) {
workerTokenManager.upsertWorkerTokensInCredsForTopo(creds, user, topologyId);
//Remove any expired keys after possibly inserting new ones.
public void submitTopologyWithOpts(String topoName, String uploadedJarLocation, String jsonConf,
StormTopology topology, SubmitOptions options)
throws AlreadyAliveException, InvalidTopologyException, AuthorizationException, TException {
try {
assert (options != null);
checkAuthorization(topoName, null, "submitTopology");
assertTopoActive(topoName, false);
Map<String, Object> topoConf = (Map<String, Object>) JSONValue.parse(jsonConf);
try {
} catch (IllegalArgumentException ex) {
throw new WrappedInvalidTopologyException(ex.getMessage());
validator.validate(topoName, topoConf, topology);
if ((boolean) conf.getOrDefault(Config.DISABLE_SYMLINKS, false)) {
Map<String, Object> blobMap = (Map<String, Object>) topoConf.get(Config.TOPOLOGY_BLOBSTORE_MAP);
if (blobMap != null && !blobMap.isEmpty()) {
throw new WrappedInvalidTopologyException("symlinks are disabled so blobs are not supported but "
+ Config.TOPOLOGY_BLOBSTORE_MAP + " = " + blobMap);
validateTopologyWorkerMaxHeapSizeConfigs(topoConf, topology,
Utils.validateTopologyBlobStoreMap(topoConf, blobStore);
long uniqueNum = submittedCount.incrementAndGet();
String topoId = topoName + "-" + uniqueNum + "-" + Time.currentTimeSecs();
Map<String, String> creds = null;
if (options.is_set_creds()) {
creds = options.get_creds().get_creds();
topoConf.put(Config.STORM_ID, topoId);
topoConf.put(Config.TOPOLOGY_NAME, topoName);
topoConf = normalizeConf(conf, topoConf, topology);
ReqContext req = ReqContext.context();
Principal principal = req.principal();
String submitterPrincipal = principal == null ? null : principal.toString();
Set<String> topoAcl = new HashSet<>((List<String>) topoConf.getOrDefault(Config.TOPOLOGY_USERS, Collections.emptyList()));
String submitterUser = principalToLocal.toLocal(principal);
String topologyPrincipal = Utils.OR(submitterPrincipal, "");
topoConf.put(Config.TOPOLOGY_SUBMITTER_PRINCIPAL, topologyPrincipal);
String systemUser = System.getProperty("");
String topologyOwner = Utils.OR(submitterUser, systemUser);
topoConf.put(Config.TOPOLOGY_SUBMITTER_USER, topologyOwner); //Don't let the user set who we launch as
topoConf.put(Config.TOPOLOGY_USERS, new ArrayList<>(topoAcl));
if (!Utils.isZkAuthenticationConfiguredStormServer(conf)) {
if (!(Boolean) conf.getOrDefault(DaemonConfig.STORM_TOPOLOGY_CLASSPATH_BEGINNING_ENABLED, false)) {
String topoVersionString = topology.get_storm_version();
if (topoVersionString == null) {
topoVersionString = (String) conf.getOrDefault(Config.SUPERVISOR_WORKER_DEFAULT_VERSION, VersionInfo.getVersion());
//Check if we can run a topology with that version of storm.
SimpleVersion topoVersion = new SimpleVersion(topoVersionString);
List<String> cp = Utils.getCompatibleVersion(supervisorClasspaths, topoVersion, "classpath", null);
if (cp == null) {
throw new WrappedInvalidTopologyException("Topology submitted with storm version " + topoVersionString
+ " but could not find a configured compatible version to use "
+ supervisorClasspaths.keySet());
Map<String, Object> otherConf = Utils.getConfigFromClasspath(cp, conf);
Map<String, Object> totalConfToSave = Utils.merge(otherConf, topoConf);
Map<String, Object> totalConf = Utils.merge(conf, totalConfToSave);
//When reading the conf in nimbus we want to fall back to our own settings
// if the other config does not have it set.
topology = normalizeTopology(totalConf, topology);
// if the Resource Aware Scheduler is used,
// we might need to set the number of acker executors and eventlogger executors to be the estimated number of workers.
if (ServerUtils.isRas(conf)) {
int estimatedNumWorker = ServerUtils.getEstimatedWorkerCountForRasTopo(totalConf, topology);
int numAckerExecs = ObjectReader.getInt(totalConf.get(Config.TOPOLOGY_ACKER_EXECUTORS), estimatedNumWorker);
int numEventLoggerExecs = ObjectReader.getInt(totalConf.get(Config.TOPOLOGY_EVENTLOGGER_EXECUTORS), estimatedNumWorker);
totalConfToSave.put(Config.TOPOLOGY_ACKER_EXECUTORS, numAckerExecs);
totalConfToSave.put(Config.TOPOLOGY_EVENTLOGGER_EXECUTORS, numEventLoggerExecs);
LOG.debug("{} set to: {}", Config.TOPOLOGY_ACKER_EXECUTORS, numAckerExecs);
LOG.debug("{} set to: {}", Config.TOPOLOGY_EVENTLOGGER_EXECUTORS, numEventLoggerExecs);
//Remove any configs that are specific to a host that might mess with the running topology.
totalConfToSave.remove(Config.STORM_LOCAL_HOSTNAME); //Don't override the host name, or everything looks like it is on nimbus
IStormClusterState state = stormClusterState;
if (creds == null && workerTokenManager != null) {
//Make sure we can store the worker tokens even if no creds are provided.
creds = new HashMap<>();
if (creds != null) {
Map<String, Object> finalConf = Collections.unmodifiableMap(topoConf);
for (INimbusCredentialPlugin autocred : nimbusAutocredPlugins) {
autocred.populateCredentials(creds, finalConf);
upsertWorkerTokensInCreds(creds, topologyPrincipal, topoId);
if (ObjectReader.getBoolean(conf.get(Config.SUPERVISOR_RUN_WORKER_AS_USER), false)
&& (submitterUser == null || submitterUser.isEmpty())) {
throw new WrappedAuthorizationException("Could not determine the user to run this topology as.");
StormCommon.systemTopology(totalConf, topology); //this validates the structure of the topology
validateTopologySize(topoConf, conf, topology);
if (Utils.isZkAuthenticationConfiguredStormServer(conf)
&& !Utils.isZkAuthenticationConfiguredTopology(topoConf)) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("The cluster is configured for zookeeper authentication, but no payload was provided.");
}"Received topology submission for {} (storm-{} JDK-{}) with conf {}", topoName,
topoVersionString, topology.get_jdk_version(), ConfigUtils.maskPasswords(topoConf));
// lock protects against multiple topologies being submitted at once and
// cleanup thread killing topology in b/w assignment and starting the topology
synchronized (submitLock) {
assertTopoActive(topoName, false);
//cred-update-lock is not needed here because creds are being added for the first time.
if (creds != null) {
state.setCredentials(topoId, new Credentials(creds), topoConf);
}"uploadedJar {} for {}", uploadedJarLocation, topoName);
setupStormCode(conf, topoId, uploadedJarLocation, totalConfToSave, topology);
waitForDesiredCodeReplication(totalConf, topoId);
state.setupHeatbeats(topoId, topoConf);
state.setupErrors(topoId, topoConf);
if (ObjectReader.getBoolean(totalConf.get(Config.TOPOLOGY_BACKPRESSURE_ENABLE), false)) {
state.setupBackpressure(topoId, topoConf);
notifyTopologyActionListener(topoName, "submitTopology");
TopologyStatus status = null;
switch (options.get_initial_status()) {
status = TopologyStatus.INACTIVE;
case ACTIVE:
status = TopologyStatus.ACTIVE;
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Inital Status of " + options.get_initial_status() + " is not allowed.");
startTopology(topoName, topoId, status, topologyOwner, topologyPrincipal, totalConfToSave, topology);
} catch (Exception e) {
LOG.warn("Topology submission exception. (topology name='{}')", topoName, e);
if (e instanceof TException) {
throw (TException) e;
throw new RuntimeException(e);
public void killTopology(String name) throws NotAliveException, AuthorizationException, TException {
killTopologyWithOpts(name, new KillOptions());
public void killTopologyWithOpts(final String topoName, final KillOptions options)
throws NotAliveException, AuthorizationException, TException {
assertTopoActive(topoName, true);
try {
Map<String, Object> topoConf = tryReadTopoConfFromName(topoName);
topoConf = Utils.merge(conf, topoConf);
final String operation = "killTopology";
checkAuthorization(topoName, topoConf, operation);
Integer waitAmount = null;
if (options.is_set_wait_secs()) {
waitAmount = options.get_wait_secs();
transitionName(topoName, TopologyActions.KILL, waitAmount, true);
notifyTopologyActionListener(topoName, operation);
addTopoToHistoryLog((String) topoConf.get(Config.STORM_ID), topoConf);
} catch (Exception e) {
LOG.warn("Kill topology exception. (topology name='{}')", topoName, e);
if (e instanceof TException) {
throw (TException) e;
throw new RuntimeException(e);
public void activate(String topoName) throws NotAliveException, AuthorizationException, TException {
try {
Map<String, Object> topoConf = tryReadTopoConfFromName(topoName);
topoConf = Utils.merge(conf, topoConf);
final String operation = "activate";
checkAuthorization(topoName, topoConf, operation);
transitionName(topoName, TopologyActions.ACTIVATE, null, true);
notifyTopologyActionListener(topoName, operation);
} catch (Exception e) {
LOG.warn("Activate topology exception. (topology name='{}')", topoName, e);
if (e instanceof TException) {
throw (TException) e;
throw new RuntimeException(e);
public void deactivate(String topoName) throws NotAliveException, AuthorizationException, TException {
try {
Map<String, Object> topoConf = tryReadTopoConfFromName(topoName);
topoConf = Utils.merge(conf, topoConf);
final String operation = "deactivate";
checkAuthorization(topoName, topoConf, operation);
transitionName(topoName, TopologyActions.INACTIVATE, null, true);
notifyTopologyActionListener(topoName, operation);
} catch (Exception e) {
LOG.warn("Deactivate topology exception. (topology name='{}')", topoName, e);
if (e instanceof TException) {
throw (TException) e;
throw new RuntimeException(e);
public void rebalance(String topoName, RebalanceOptions options)
throws NotAliveException, InvalidTopologyException, AuthorizationException, TException {
assertTopoActive(topoName, true);
try {
Map<String, Object> topoConf = tryReadTopoConfFromName(topoName);
topoConf = Utils.merge(conf, topoConf);
final String operation = "rebalance";
checkAuthorization(topoName, topoConf, operation);
// Set principal in RebalanceOptions to nil because users are not suppose to set this
Map<String, Integer> execOverrides = options.is_set_num_executors() ? options.get_num_executors() : Collections.emptyMap();
for (Integer value : execOverrides.values()) {
if (value == null || value <= 0) {
throw new WrappedInvalidTopologyException("Number of executors must be greater than 0");
if (options.is_set_topology_conf_overrides()) {
Map<String, Object> topoConfigOverrides = Utils.parseJson(options.get_topology_conf_overrides());
//Clean up some things the user should not set. (Not a security issue, just might confuse the topology)
if ((boolean) conf.getOrDefault(DaemonConfig.STORM_TOPOLOGY_CLASSPATH_BEGINNING_ENABLED, false)) {
Subject subject = getSubject();
if (subject != null) {
transitionName(topoName, TopologyActions.REBALANCE, options, true);
notifyTopologyActionListener(topoName, operation);
} catch (Exception e) {
LOG.warn("rebalance topology exception. (topology name='{}')", topoName, e);
if (e instanceof TException) {
throw (TException) e;
throw new RuntimeException(e);
public void setLogConfig(String topoId, LogConfig config) throws TException {
try {
Map<String, Object> topoConf = tryReadTopoConf(topoId, topoCache);
topoConf = Utils.merge(conf, topoConf);
String topoName = (String) topoConf.get(Config.TOPOLOGY_NAME);
checkAuthorization(topoName, topoConf, "setLogConfig");
IStormClusterState state = stormClusterState;
LogConfig mergedLogConfig = state.topologyLogConfig(topoId, null);
if (mergedLogConfig == null) {
mergedLogConfig = new LogConfig();
if (mergedLogConfig.is_set_named_logger_level()) {
Map<String, LogLevel> namedLoggers = mergedLogConfig.get_named_logger_level();
for (LogLevel level : namedLoggers.values()) {
if (config.is_set_named_logger_level()) {
for (Entry<String, LogLevel> entry : config.get_named_logger_level().entrySet()) {
LogLevel logConfig = entry.getValue();
String loggerName = entry.getKey();
LogLevelAction action = logConfig.get_action();
if (loggerName.isEmpty()) {
throw new RuntimeException("Named loggers need a valid name. Use ROOT for the root logger");
switch (action) {
case UPDATE:
mergedLogConfig.put_to_named_logger_level(loggerName, logConfig);
case REMOVE:
Map<String, LogLevel> nl = mergedLogConfig.get_named_logger_level();
if (nl != null) {
}"Setting log config for {}:{}", topoName, mergedLogConfig);
state.setTopologyLogConfig(topoId, mergedLogConfig, topoConf);
} catch (Exception e) {
LOG.warn("set log config topology exception. (topology id='{}')", topoId, e);
if (e instanceof TException) {
throw (TException) e;
throw new RuntimeException(e);
public LogConfig getLogConfig(String topoId) throws TException {
try {
Map<String, Object> topoConf = tryReadTopoConf(topoId, topoCache);
topoConf = Utils.merge(conf, topoConf);
String topoName = (String) topoConf.get(Config.TOPOLOGY_NAME);
checkAuthorization(topoName, topoConf, "getLogConfig");
IStormClusterState state = stormClusterState;
LogConfig logConfig = state.topologyLogConfig(topoId, null);
if (logConfig == null) {
logConfig = new LogConfig();
return logConfig;
} catch (Exception e) {
LOG.warn("get log conf topology exception. (topology id='{}')", topoId, e);
if (e instanceof TException) {
throw (TException) e;
throw new RuntimeException(e);
public void debug(String topoName, String componentId, boolean enable, double samplingPercentage)
throws NotAliveException, AuthorizationException, TException {
try {
IStormClusterState state = stormClusterState;
String topoId = toTopoId(topoName);
Map<String, Object> topoConf = tryReadTopoConf(topoId, topoCache);
topoConf = Utils.merge(conf, topoConf);
// make sure samplingPct is within bounds.
double spct = Math.max(Math.min(samplingPercentage, 100.0), 0.0);
// while disabling we retain the sampling pct.
checkAuthorization(topoName, topoConf, "debug");
if (topoId == null) {
throw new WrappedNotAliveException(topoName);
DebugOptions options = new DebugOptions();
if (enable) {
StormBase updates = new StormBase();
//For backwards compatability
boolean hasCompId = componentId != null && !componentId.isEmpty();
String key = hasCompId ? componentId : topoId;
updates.put_to_component_debug(key, options);"Nimbus setting debug to {} for storm-name '{}' storm-id '{}' sanpling pct '{}'"
+ (hasCompId ? " component-id '" + componentId + "'" : ""),
enable, topoName, topoId, spct);
synchronized (submitLock) {
state.updateStorm(topoId, updates);
} catch (Exception e) {
LOG.warn("debug topology exception. (topology name='{}')", topoName, e);
if (e instanceof TException) {
throw (TException) e;
throw new RuntimeException(e);
public void setWorkerProfiler(String topoId, ProfileRequest profileRequest) throws TException {
try {
Map<String, Object> topoConf = tryReadTopoConf(topoId, topoCache);
topoConf = Utils.merge(conf, topoConf);
String topoName = (String) topoConf.get(Config.TOPOLOGY_NAME);
checkAuthorization(topoName, topoConf, "setWorkerProfiler");
IStormClusterState state = stormClusterState;
state.setWorkerProfileRequest(topoId, profileRequest);
} catch (Exception e) {
LOG.warn("set worker profiler topology exception. (topology id='{}')", topoId, e);
if (e instanceof TException) {
throw (TException) e;
throw new RuntimeException(e);
public List<ProfileRequest> getComponentPendingProfileActions(String id, String componentId, ProfileAction action)
throws TException {
try {
CommonTopoInfo info = getCommonTopoInfo(id, "getComponentPendingProfileActions");
Map<String, String> nodeToHost = info.assignment.get_node_host();
Map<List<? extends Number>, List<Object>> exec2hostPort = new HashMap<>();
for (Entry<List<Long>, NodeInfo> entry : info.assignment.get_executor_node_port().entrySet()) {
NodeInfo ni = entry.getValue();
List<Object> hostPort = Arrays.asList(nodeToHost.get(ni.get_node()), ni.get_port_iterator().next().intValue());
exec2hostPort.put(entry.getKey(), hostPort);
List<Map<String, Object>> nodeInfos =
StatsUtil.extractNodeInfosFromHbForComp(exec2hostPort, info.taskToComponent, false, componentId);
List<ProfileRequest> ret = new ArrayList<>();
for (Map<String, Object> ni : nodeInfos) {
String niHost = (String) ni.get("host");
int niPort = ((Integer) ni.get("port")).intValue();
ProfileRequest newestMatch = null;
long reqTime = -1;
for (ProfileRequest req : stormClusterState.getTopologyProfileRequests(id)) {
String expectedHost = req.get_nodeInfo().get_node();
int expectedPort = req.get_nodeInfo().get_port_iterator().next().intValue();
ProfileAction expectedAction = req.get_action();
if (niHost.equals(expectedHost) && niPort == expectedPort && action == expectedAction) {
long time = req.get_time_stamp();
if (time > reqTime) {
reqTime = time;
newestMatch = req;
if (newestMatch != null) {
}"Latest profile actions for topology {} component {} {}", id, componentId, ret);
return ret;
} catch (Exception e) {
LOG.warn("Get comp actions topology exception. (topology id='{}')", id, e);
if (e instanceof TException) {
throw (TException) e;
throw new RuntimeException(e);
public void uploadNewCredentials(String topoName, Credentials credentials)
throws NotAliveException, InvalidTopologyException, AuthorizationException, TException {
try {
IStormClusterState state = stormClusterState;
String topoId = toTopoId(topoName);
if (topoId == null) {
throw new WrappedNotAliveException(topoName + " is not alive");
Map<String, Object> topoConf = tryReadTopoConf(topoId, topoCache);
topoConf = Utils.merge(conf, topoConf);
if (credentials == null) {
credentials = new Credentials(Collections.emptyMap());
checkAuthorization(topoName, topoConf, "uploadNewCredentials");
String realPrincipal = (String) topoConf.get(Config.TOPOLOGY_SUBMITTER_PRINCIPAL);
String realUser = (String) topoConf.get(Config.TOPOLOGY_SUBMITTER_USER);
String expectedOwner = null;
if (credentials.is_set_topoOwner()) {
expectedOwner = credentials.get_topoOwner();
} else {
Principal p = ReqContext.context().principal();
if (p != null) {
expectedOwner = p.getName();
// expectedOwner being null means that security is disabled (which why are we uploading credentials with security disabled???
if (expectedOwner == null) {
LOG.warn("Please check you settings. Credentials are being uploaded to {} with security disabled.", topoId);
} else if (!realPrincipal.equals(expectedOwner) && !realUser.equals(expectedOwner)) {
throw new AuthorizationException(topoId + " is expected to be owned by " + expectedOwner
+ " but is actually owned by " + realPrincipal);
synchronized (credUpdateLock) {
//Merge the old credentials so creds nimbus created are not lost.
// And in case the user forgot to upload something important this time.
Credentials origCreds = state.credentials(topoId, null);
if (origCreds != null) {
Map<String, String> mergedCreds = origCreds.get_creds();
state.setCredentials(topoId, credentials, topoConf);
} catch (Exception e) {
LOG.warn("Upload Creds topology exception. (topology name='{}')", topoName, e);
if (e instanceof TException) {
throw (TException) e;
throw new RuntimeException(e);
public String beginCreateBlob(String key, SettableBlobMeta meta)
throws AuthorizationException, KeyAlreadyExistsException, TException {
try {
String sessionId = Utils.uuid();
blobUploaders.put(sessionId, blobStore.createBlob(key, meta, getSubject()));"Created blob {} for session {}", key, sessionId);
return sessionId;
} catch (Exception e) {
LOG.warn("begin create blob exception.", e);
if (e instanceof TException) {
throw (TException) e;
throw new RuntimeException(e);
public String beginUpdateBlob(String key) throws AuthorizationException, KeyNotFoundException, TException {
try {
String sessionId = Utils.uuid();
blobUploaders.put(sessionId, blobStore.updateBlob(key, getSubject()));"Created upload session for {}", key);
return sessionId;
} catch (Exception e) {
LOG.warn("begin update blob exception.", e);
if (e instanceof TException) {
throw (TException) e;
throw new RuntimeException(e);
public void uploadBlobChunk(String session, ByteBuffer chunk) throws AuthorizationException, TException {
try {
OutputStream os = blobUploaders.get(session);
if (os == null) {
throw new RuntimeException("Blob for session " + session + " does not exist (or timed out)");
byte[] array = chunk.array();
int remaining = chunk.remaining();
int offset = chunk.arrayOffset();
int position = chunk.position();
os.write(array, offset + position, remaining);
blobUploaders.put(session, os);
} catch (Exception e) {
LOG.warn("upload blob chunk exception.", e);
if (e instanceof TException) {
throw (TException) e;
throw new RuntimeException(e);
public void finishBlobUpload(String session) throws AuthorizationException, TException {
try {
OutputStream os = blobUploaders.get(session);
if (os == null) {
throw new RuntimeException("Blob for session " + session + " does not exist (or timed out)");
os.close();"Finished uploading blob for session {}. Closing session.", session);
} catch (Exception e) {
LOG.warn("finish blob upload exception.", e);
if (e instanceof TException) {
throw (TException) e;
throw new RuntimeException(e);
public void cancelBlobUpload(String session) throws AuthorizationException, TException {
try {
AtomicOutputStream os = (AtomicOutputStream) blobUploaders.get(session);
if (os == null) {
throw new RuntimeException("Blob for session " + session + " does not exist (or timed out)");
os.cancel();"Canceled uploading blob for session {}. Closing session.", session);
} catch (Exception e) {
LOG.warn("finish blob upload exception.", e);
if (e instanceof TException) {
throw (TException) e;
throw new RuntimeException(e);
public ReadableBlobMeta getBlobMeta(String key) throws AuthorizationException, KeyNotFoundException, TException {
try {
return blobStore.getBlobMeta(key, getSubject());
} catch (Exception e) {
LOG.warn("get blob meta exception.", e);
if (e instanceof TException) {
throw (TException) e;
throw new RuntimeException(e);
public void setBlobMeta(String key, SettableBlobMeta meta)
throws AuthorizationException, KeyNotFoundException, TException {
try {
blobStore.setBlobMeta(key, meta, getSubject());
} catch (Exception e) {
LOG.warn("set blob meta exception.", e);
if (e instanceof TException) {
throw (TException) e;
throw new RuntimeException(e);
public BeginDownloadResult beginBlobDownload(String key)
throws AuthorizationException, KeyNotFoundException, TException {
try {
InputStreamWithMeta is = blobStore.getBlob(key, getSubject());
String sessionId = Utils.uuid();
BeginDownloadResult ret = new BeginDownloadResult(is.getVersion(), sessionId);
blobDownloaders.put(sessionId, new BufferInputStream(is,
(int) conf
65536)));"Created download session {} for {}", sessionId, key);
return ret;
} catch (Exception e) {
LOG.warn("begin blob download exception.", e);
if (e instanceof TException) {
throw (TException) e;
throw new RuntimeException(e);
public ByteBuffer downloadBlobChunk(String session) throws AuthorizationException, TException {
try {
BufferInputStream is = blobDownloaders.get(session);
if (is == null) {
throw new RuntimeException("Blob for session " + session + " does not exist (or timed out)");
byte[] ret =;
if (ret.length == 0) {
} else {
blobDownloaders.put(session, is);
LOG.debug("Sending {} bytes", ret.length);
return ByteBuffer.wrap(ret);
} catch (Exception e) {
LOG.warn("download blob chunk exception.", e);
if (e instanceof TException) {
throw (TException) e;
throw new RuntimeException(e);
public void deleteBlob(String key) throws AuthorizationException, KeyNotFoundException, IllegalStateException, TException {
try {
String topoName = ConfigUtils.getIdFromBlobKey(key);
if (topoName != null) {
if (isTopologyActiveOrActivating(stormClusterState, topoName)) {
String message = "Attempting to delete blob " + key + " from under active topology " + topoName;
throw new WrappedIllegalStateException(message);
blobStore.deleteBlob(key, getSubject());"Deleted blob for key {}", key);
} catch (Exception e) {
LOG.warn("delete blob exception.", e);
if (e instanceof TException) {
throw (TException) e;
throw new RuntimeException(e);
public ListBlobsResult listBlobs(String session) throws TException {
try {
Iterator<String> keyIt;
//Create a new session id if the user gave an empty session string.
// This is the use case when the user wishes to list blobs
// starting from the beginning.
if (session == null || session.isEmpty()) {
keyIt = blobStore.listKeys();
session = Utils.uuid();
} else {
keyIt = blobListers.get(session);
if (keyIt == null) {
throw new RuntimeException("Blob list for session " + session + " does not exist (or timed out)");
if (!keyIt.hasNext()) {
blobListers.remove(session);"No more blobs to list for session {}", session);
// A blank result communicates that there are no more blobs.
return new ListBlobsResult(Collections.emptyList(), session);
ArrayList<String> listChunk = new ArrayList<>();
for (int i = 0; i < 100 && keyIt.hasNext(); i++) {
blobListers.put(session, keyIt);"Downloading {} entries", listChunk.size());
return new ListBlobsResult(listChunk, session);
} catch (Exception e) {
LOG.warn("list blobs exception.", e);
if (e instanceof TException) {
throw (TException) e;
throw new RuntimeException(e);
public int getBlobReplication(String key) throws AuthorizationException, KeyNotFoundException, TException {
try {
return blobStore.getBlobReplication(key, getSubject());
} catch (Exception e) {
LOG.warn("get blob replication exception.", e);
if (e instanceof TException) {
throw (TException) e;
throw new RuntimeException(e);
public int updateBlobReplication(String key, int replication)
throws AuthorizationException, KeyNotFoundException, TException {
try {
return blobStore.updateBlobReplication(key, replication, getSubject());
} catch (Exception e) {
LOG.warn("update blob replication exception.", e);
if (e instanceof TException) {
throw (TException) e;
throw new RuntimeException(e);
public void createStateInZookeeper(String key) throws TException {
try {
IStormClusterState state = stormClusterState;
BlobStore store = blobStore;
NimbusInfo ni = nimbusHostPortInfo;
if (store instanceof LocalFsBlobStore) {
state.setupBlob(key, ni, getVersionForKey(key, ni, zkClient));
LOG.debug("Created state in zookeeper {} {} {}", state, store, ni);
} catch (Exception e) {
LOG.warn("Exception while creating state in zookeeper - key: " + key, e);
if (e instanceof TException) {
throw (TException) e;
throw new RuntimeException(e);
public String beginFileUpload() throws AuthorizationException, TException {
try {
checkAuthorization(null, null, "fileUpload");
String fileloc = getInbox() + "/stormjar-" + Utils.uuid() + ".jar";
uploaders.put(fileloc, new TimedWritableByteChannel(Channels.newChannel(new FileOutputStream(fileloc)), fileUploadDuration));"Uploading file from client to {}", fileloc);
return fileloc;
} catch (Exception e) {
LOG.warn("Begin file upload exception", e);
if (e instanceof TException) {
throw (TException) e;
throw new RuntimeException(e);
public void uploadChunk(String location, ByteBuffer chunk) throws AuthorizationException, TException {
try {
checkAuthorization(null, null, "fileUpload");
WritableByteChannel channel = uploaders.get(location);
if (channel == null) {
throw new RuntimeException("File for that location does not exist (or timed out)");
uploaders.put(location, channel);
} catch (Exception e) {
LOG.warn("uploadChunk exception.", e);
if (e instanceof TException) {
throw (TException) e;
throw new RuntimeException(e);
public void finishFileUpload(String location) throws AuthorizationException, TException {
try {
checkAuthorization(null, null, "fileUpload");
WritableByteChannel channel = uploaders.get(location);
if (channel == null) {
throw new RuntimeException("File for that location does not exist (or timed out)");
channel.close();"Finished uploading file from client: {}", location);
} catch (Exception e) {
LOG.warn("finish file upload exception.", e);
if (e instanceof TException) {
throw (TException) e;
throw new RuntimeException(e);
public ByteBuffer downloadChunk(String id) throws AuthorizationException, TException {
try {
checkAuthorization(null, null, "fileDownload");
BufferInputStream is = downloaders.get(id);
if (is == null) {
throw new RuntimeException("Could not find input stream for id " + id);
byte[] ret =;
if (ret.length == 0) {
return ByteBuffer.wrap(ret);
} catch (Exception e) {
LOG.warn("download chunk exception.", e);
if (e instanceof TException) {
throw (TException) e;
throw new RuntimeException(e);
public String getNimbusConf() throws AuthorizationException, TException {
try {
checkAuthorization(null, null, "getNimbusConf");
return JSONValue.toJSONString(conf);
} catch (Exception e) {
LOG.warn("get nimbus conf exception.", e);
if (e instanceof TException) {
throw (TException) e;
throw new RuntimeException(e);
public TopologyInfo getTopologyInfo(String id) throws NotAliveException, AuthorizationException, TException {
try {
GetInfoOptions options = new GetInfoOptions();
return getTopologyInfoWithOpts(id, options);
} catch (Exception e) {
LOG.warn("get topology ino exception. (topology id={})", id, e);
if (e instanceof TException) {
throw (TException) e;
throw new RuntimeException(e);
public TopologyInfo getTopologyInfoWithOpts(String topoId, GetInfoOptions options)
throws NotAliveException, AuthorizationException, TException {
try {
CommonTopoInfo common = getCommonTopoInfo(topoId, "getTopologyInfo");
if (common.base == null) {
throw new WrappedNotAliveException(topoId);
IStormClusterState state = stormClusterState;
NumErrorsChoice numErrChoice = Utils.OR(options.get_num_err_choice(), NumErrorsChoice.ALL);
Map<String, List<ErrorInfo>> errors = new HashMap<>();
for (String component : common.allComponents) {
switch (numErrChoice) {
case NONE:
errors.put(component, Collections.emptyList());
case ONE:
List<ErrorInfo> errList = new ArrayList<>();
ErrorInfo info = state.lastError(topoId, component);
if (info != null) {
errors.put(component, errList);
case ALL:
errors.put(component, state.errors(topoId, component));
LOG.warn("Got invalid NumErrorsChoice '{}'", numErrChoice);
errors.put(component, state.errors(topoId, component));
List<ExecutorSummary> summaries = new ArrayList<>();
if (common.assignment != null) {
for (Entry<List<Long>, NodeInfo> entry : common.assignment.get_executor_node_port().entrySet()) {
NodeInfo ni = entry.getValue();
ExecutorInfo execInfo = toExecInfo(entry.getKey());
Map<String, String> nodeToHost = common.assignment.get_node_host();
Map<String, Object> heartbeat =;
if (heartbeat == null) {
heartbeat = Collections.emptyMap();
ExecutorSummary summ = new ExecutorSummary(execInfo,
nodeToHost.get(ni.get_node()), ni.get_port_iterator().next().intValue(),
(Integer) heartbeat.getOrDefault("uptime", 0));
//heartbeats "stats"
Map ex = (Map) heartbeat.get("stats");
if (ex != null) {
ExecutorStats stats = StatsUtil.thriftifyExecutorStats(ex);
TopologyInfo topoInfo = new TopologyInfo(topoId, common.topoName, Time.deltaSecs(common.launchTimeSecs),
summaries, extractStatusStr(common.base), errors);
if (common.topology.is_set_storm_version()) {
if (common.base.is_set_owner()) {
String schedStatus = idToSchedStatus.get().get(topoId);
if (schedStatus != null) {
TopologyResources resources = getResourcesForTopology(topoId, common.base);
if (resources != null) {
if (common.base.is_set_component_debug()) {
return topoInfo;
} catch (Exception e) {
LOG.warn("Get topo info exception. (topology id='{}')", topoId, e);
if (e instanceof TException) {
throw (TException) e;
throw new RuntimeException(e);
public TopologyPageInfo getTopologyPageInfo(String topoId, String window, boolean includeSys)
throws NotAliveException, AuthorizationException, TException {
try {
CommonTopoInfo common = getCommonTopoInfo(topoId, "getTopologyPageInfo");
String topoName = common.topoName;
IStormClusterState state = stormClusterState;
Assignment assignment = common.assignment;
Map<List<Integer>, Map<String, Object>> beats =;
Map<Integer, String> taskToComp = common.taskToComponent;
StormTopology topology = common.topology;
StormBase base = common.base;
if (base == null) {
throw new WrappedNotAliveException(topoId);
String owner = base.get_owner();
Map<WorkerSlot, WorkerResources> workerToResources = getWorkerResourcesForTopology(topoId);
List<WorkerSummary> workerSummaries = null;
Map<List<Long>, List<Object>> exec2NodePort = new HashMap<>();
if (assignment != null) {
Map<List<Long>, NodeInfo> execToNodeInfo = assignment.get_executor_node_port();
Map<String, String> nodeToHost = assignment.get_node_host();
for (Entry<List<Long>, NodeInfo> entry : execToNodeInfo.entrySet()) {
NodeInfo ni = entry.getValue();
List<Object> nodePort = Arrays.asList(ni.get_node(), ni.get_port_iterator().next());
exec2NodePort.put(entry.getKey(), nodePort);
workerSummaries = StatsUtil.aggWorkerStats(topoId,
true, //this is the topology page, so we know the user is authorized
TopologyPageInfo topoPageInfo = StatsUtil.aggTopoExecsStats(topoId,
if (topology.is_set_storm_version()) {
Map<String, Object> topoConf = Utils.merge(conf, common.topoConf);
addSpoutAggStats(topoPageInfo, topology, topoConf);
addBoltAggStats(topoPageInfo, topology, topoConf, includeSys);
if (workerSummaries != null) {
if (base.is_set_owner()) {
if (base.is_set_topology_version()) {
String schedStatus = idToSchedStatus.get().get(topoId);
if (schedStatus != null) {
TopologyResources resources = getResourcesForTopology(topoId, base);
if (resources != null) {
int launchTimeSecs = common.launchTimeSecs;
if (base.is_set_component_debug()) {
DebugOptions debug = base.get_component_debug().get(topoId);
if (debug != null) {
return topoPageInfo;
} catch (Exception e) {
LOG.warn("Get topo page info exception. (topology id='{}')", topoId, e);
if (e instanceof TException) {
throw (TException) e;
throw new RuntimeException(e);
* If aggStats are not populated, compute common and component(spout) agg and create placeholder stat.
* This allow the topology page to show component spec even the topo is not scheduled.
* Otherwise, just fetch data from current topoPageInfo.
* @param topoPageInfo topology page info holding spout AggStats
* @param topology storm topology used to get spout names
* @param topoConf storm topology config
private void addSpoutAggStats(TopologyPageInfo topoPageInfo, StormTopology topology, Map<String, Object> topoConf) {
Map<String, NormalizedResourceRequest> spoutResources = ResourceUtils.getSpoutsResources(topology, topoConf);
// if agg stats were not populated yet, create placeholder
if (topoPageInfo.get_id_to_spout_agg_stats().isEmpty()) {
for (Entry<String, SpoutSpec> entry : topology.get_spouts().entrySet()) {
String spoutName = entry.getKey();
SpoutSpec spoutSpec = entry.getValue();
// component
ComponentAggregateStats placeholderComponentStats = new ComponentAggregateStats();
// common aggregate
CommonAggregateStats commonStats = getPlaceholderCommonAggregateStats(spoutSpec);
commonStats.set_resources_map(spoutResources.getOrDefault(spoutName, new NormalizedResourceRequest())
// spout aggregate
SpoutAggregateStats spoutAggStats = new SpoutAggregateStats();
SpecificAggregateStats specificStats = new SpecificAggregateStats();
topoPageInfo.get_id_to_spout_agg_stats().put(spoutName, placeholderComponentStats);
} else {
for (Entry<String, ComponentAggregateStats> entry : topoPageInfo.get_id_to_spout_agg_stats().entrySet()) {
CommonAggregateStats commonStats = entry.getValue().get_common_stats();
setResourcesDefaultIfNotSet(spoutResources, entry.getKey(), topoConf);
* If aggStats are not populated, compute common and component(bolt) agg and create placeholder stat.
* This allow the topology page to show component spec even the topo is not scheduled.
* Otherwise, just fetch data from current topoPageInfo.
* @param topoPageInfo topology page info holding bolt AggStats
* @param topology storm topology used to get bolt names
* @param topoConf storm topology config
* @param includeSys whether to show system bolts
private void addBoltAggStats(TopologyPageInfo topoPageInfo, StormTopology topology,
Map<String, Object> topoConf, boolean includeSys) {
Map<String, NormalizedResourceRequest> boltResources = ResourceUtils.getBoltsResources(topology, topoConf);
// if agg stats were not populated yet, create placeholder
if (topoPageInfo.get_id_to_bolt_agg_stats().isEmpty()) {
for (Entry<String, Bolt> entry : topology.get_bolts().entrySet()) {
String boltName = entry.getKey();
Bolt bolt = entry.getValue();
if ((!includeSys && Utils.isSystemId(boltName)) || boltName.equals(Constants.SYSTEM_COMPONENT_ID)) {
// component
ComponentAggregateStats placeholderComponentStats = new ComponentAggregateStats();
// common aggregate
CommonAggregateStats commonStats = getPlaceholderCommonAggregateStats(bolt);
commonStats.set_resources_map(boltResources.getOrDefault(boltName, new NormalizedResourceRequest())
// bolt aggregate
BoltAggregateStats boltAggStats = new BoltAggregateStats();
SpecificAggregateStats specificStats = new SpecificAggregateStats();
topoPageInfo.get_id_to_bolt_agg_stats().put(boltName, placeholderComponentStats);
} else {
for (Entry<String, ComponentAggregateStats> entry : topoPageInfo.get_id_to_bolt_agg_stats().entrySet()) {
CommonAggregateStats commonStats = entry.getValue().get_common_stats();
setResourcesDefaultIfNotSet(boltResources, entry.getKey(), topoConf);
private CommonAggregateStats getPlaceholderCommonAggregateStats(Object component) {
// common aggregate
CommonAggregateStats commonStats = new CommonAggregateStats();
// get num_executors
int numExecutors = 0;
try {
numExecutors = StormCommon.numStartExecutors(component);
} catch (InvalidTopologyException e) {
// ignore
// get num_tasks
Map<String, Object> jsonMap = StormCommon.componentConf(component);
int numTasks = ObjectReader.getInt(jsonMap.getOrDefault(Config.TOPOLOGY_TASKS, numExecutors));
return commonStats;
public SupervisorPageInfo getSupervisorPageInfo(String superId, String host, boolean includeSys)
throws NotAliveException, AuthorizationException, TException {
try {
IStormClusterState state = stormClusterState;
Map<String, SupervisorInfo> superInfos = state.allSupervisorInfo();
Map<String, List<String>> hostToSuperId = new HashMap<>();
for (Entry<String, SupervisorInfo> entry : superInfos.entrySet()) {
String h = entry.getValue().get_hostname();
List<String> superIds = hostToSuperId.get(h);
if (superIds == null) {
superIds = new ArrayList<>();
hostToSuperId.put(h, superIds);
List<String> supervisorIds = null;
if (superId == null) {
supervisorIds = hostToSuperId.get(host);
} else {
supervisorIds = Arrays.asList(superId);
SupervisorPageInfo pageInfo = new SupervisorPageInfo();
Map<String, Assignment> topoToAssignment = state.assignmentsInfo();
for (String sid : supervisorIds) {
SupervisorInfo info = superInfos.get(sid);"SIDL {} SI: {} ALL: {}", sid, info, superInfos);
SupervisorSummary supSum = makeSupervisorSummary(sid, info);
List<String> superTopologies = topologiesOnSupervisor(topoToAssignment, sid);
Set<String> userTopologies = filterAuthorized("getTopology", superTopologies);
for (String topoId : superTopologies) {
CommonTopoInfo common = getCommonTopoInfo(topoId, "getSupervisorPageInfo");
String topoName = common.topoName;
Assignment assignment = common.assignment;
Map<List<Integer>, Map<String, Object>> beats =;
Map<Integer, String> taskToComp = common.taskToComponent;
Map<List<Long>, List<Object>> exec2NodePort = new HashMap<>();
Map<String, String> nodeToHost;
if (assignment != null) {
Map<List<Long>, NodeInfo> execToNodeInfo = assignment.get_executor_node_port();
for (Entry<List<Long>, NodeInfo> entry : execToNodeInfo.entrySet()) {
NodeInfo ni = entry.getValue();
List<Object> nodePort = Arrays.asList(ni.get_node(), ni.get_port_iterator().next());
exec2NodePort.put(entry.getKey(), nodePort);
nodeToHost = assignment.get_node_host();
} else {
nodeToHost = Collections.emptyMap();
Map<WorkerSlot, WorkerResources> workerResources = getWorkerResourcesForTopology(topoId);
boolean isAllowed = userTopologies.contains(topoId);
String owner = (common.base == null) ? null : common.base.get_owner();
for (WorkerSummary workerSummary : StatsUtil.aggWorkerStats(topoId, topoName, taskToComp, beats,
exec2NodePort, nodeToHost, workerResources, includeSys,
isAllowed, sid, owner)) {
return pageInfo;
} catch (Exception e) {
LOG.warn("Get super page info exception. (super id='{}')", superId, e);
if (e instanceof TException) {
throw (TException) e;
throw new RuntimeException(e);
public ComponentPageInfo getComponentPageInfo(String topoId, String componentId, String window, boolean includeSys)
throws NotAliveException, AuthorizationException, TException {
try {
CommonTopoInfo info = getCommonTopoInfo(topoId, "getComponentPageInfo");
if (info.base == null) {
throw new WrappedNotAliveException(topoId);
StormTopology topology = info.topology;
Map<String, Object> topoConf = info.topoConf;
topoConf = Utils.merge(conf, topoConf);
Assignment assignment = info.assignment;
Map<List<Long>, List<Object>> exec2NodePort = new HashMap<>();
Map<String, String> nodeToHost;
Map<List<Long>, List<Object>> exec2HostPort = new HashMap<>();
if (assignment != null) {
Map<List<Long>, NodeInfo> execToNodeInfo = assignment.get_executor_node_port();
nodeToHost = assignment.get_node_host();
for (Entry<List<Long>, NodeInfo> entry : execToNodeInfo.entrySet()) {
NodeInfo ni = entry.getValue();
List<Object> nodePort = Arrays.asList(ni.get_node(), ni.get_port_iterator().next());
List<Object> hostPort = Arrays.asList(nodeToHost.get(ni.get_node()), ni.get_port_iterator().next());
exec2NodePort.put(entry.getKey(), nodePort);
exec2HostPort.put(entry.getKey(), hostPort);
} else {
nodeToHost = Collections.emptyMap();
ComponentPageInfo compPageInfo = StatsUtil.aggCompExecsStats(exec2HostPort, info.taskToComponent,, window,
includeSys, topoId, topology, componentId);
if (compPageInfo.get_component_type() == ComponentType.SPOUT) {
NormalizedResourceRequest spoutResources = ResourceUtils.getSpoutResources(topology, topoConf, componentId);
if (spoutResources == null) {
spoutResources = new NormalizedResourceRequest(topoConf, componentId);
} else { //bolt
NormalizedResourceRequest boltResources = ResourceUtils.getBoltResources(topology, topoConf, componentId);
if (boltResources == null) {
boltResources = new NormalizedResourceRequest(topoConf, componentId);
compPageInfo.set_errors(stormClusterState.errors(topoId, componentId));
if (info.base.is_set_component_debug()) {
DebugOptions debug = info.base.get_component_debug().get(componentId);
if (debug != null) {
// Add the event logger details.
Map<String, List<Integer>> compToTasks = Utils.reverseMap(info.taskToComponent);
if (compToTasks.containsKey(StormCommon.EVENTLOGGER_COMPONENT_ID)) {
List<Integer> tasks = compToTasks.get(StormCommon.EVENTLOGGER_COMPONENT_ID);
// Find the task the events from this component route to.
int taskIndex = TupleUtils.chooseTaskIndex(Collections.singletonList(componentId), tasks.size());
int taskId = tasks.get(taskIndex);
String host = null;
Integer port = null;
for (Entry<List<Long>, List<Object>> entry : exec2HostPort.entrySet()) {
int start = entry.getKey().get(0).intValue();
int end = entry.getKey().get(1).intValue();
if (taskId >= start && taskId <= end) {
host = (String) entry.getValue().get(0);
port = ((Number) entry.getValue().get(1)).intValue();
if (host != null && port != null) {
return compPageInfo;
} catch (Exception e) {
LOG.warn("getComponentPageInfo exception. (topo id='{}')", topoId, e);
if (e instanceof TException) {
throw (TException) e;
throw new RuntimeException(e);
public String getTopologyConf(String id) throws NotAliveException, AuthorizationException, TException {
try {
Map<String, Object> topoConf = tryReadTopoConf(id, topoCache);
Map<String, Object> checkConf = Utils.merge(conf, topoConf);
String topoName = (String) checkConf.get(Config.TOPOLOGY_NAME);
checkAuthorization(topoName, checkConf, "getTopologyConf");
return JSONValue.toJSONString(topoConf);
} catch (Exception e) {
LOG.warn("Get topo conf exception. (topology id='{}')", id, e);
if (e instanceof TException) {
throw (TException) e;
throw new RuntimeException(e);
public StormTopology getTopology(String id) throws NotAliveException, AuthorizationException, TException {
try {
Map<String, Object> topoConf = tryReadTopoConf(id, topoCache);
topoConf = Utils.merge(conf, topoConf);
String topoName = (String) topoConf.get(Config.TOPOLOGY_NAME);
checkAuthorization(topoName, topoConf, "getTopology");
return StormCommon.systemTopology(topoConf, tryReadTopology(id, topoCache));
} catch (Exception e) {
LOG.warn("Get topology exception. (topology id='{}')", id, e);
if (e instanceof TException) {
throw (TException) e;
throw new RuntimeException(e);
public StormTopology getUserTopology(String id) throws NotAliveException, AuthorizationException, TException {
try {
Map<String, Object> topoConf = tryReadTopoConf(id, topoCache);
topoConf = Utils.merge(conf, topoConf);
String topoName = (String) topoConf.get(Config.TOPOLOGY_NAME);
checkAuthorization(topoName, topoConf, "getUserTopology");
return tryReadTopology(id, topoCache);
} catch (Exception e) {
LOG.warn("Get user topology exception. (topology id='{}')", id, e);
if (e instanceof TException) {
throw (TException) e;
throw new RuntimeException(e);
public TopologyHistoryInfo getTopologyHistory(String user) throws AuthorizationException, TException {
try {
List<String> adminUsers = (List<String>) conf.getOrDefault(Config.NIMBUS_ADMINS, Collections.emptyList());
List<String> adminGroups = (List<String>) conf.getOrDefault(Config.NIMBUS_ADMINS_GROUPS, Collections.emptyList());
IStormClusterState state = stormClusterState;
List<String> assignedIds = state.assignments(null);
Set<String> ret = new HashSet<>();
boolean isAdmin = adminUsers.contains(user);
for (String topoId : assignedIds) {
Map<String, Object> topoConf = tryReadTopoConf(topoId, topoCache);
topoConf = Utils.merge(conf, topoConf);
List<String> groups = ServerConfigUtils.getTopoLogsGroups(topoConf);
List<String> topoLogUsers = ServerConfigUtils.getTopoLogsUsers(topoConf);
if (user == null || isAdmin
|| isUserPartOf(user, groups)
|| isUserPartOf(user, adminGroups)
|| topoLogUsers.contains(user)) {
ret.addAll(readTopologyHistory(user, adminUsers));
return new TopologyHistoryInfo(new ArrayList<>(ret));
} catch (Exception e) {
LOG.warn("Get topology history. (user='{}')", user, e);
if (e instanceof TException) {
throw (TException) e;
throw new RuntimeException(e);
public ClusterSummary getClusterInfo() throws AuthorizationException, TException {
try {
checkAuthorization(null, null, "getClusterInfo");
return getClusterInfoImpl();
} catch (Exception e) {
LOG.warn("Get cluster info exception.", e);
if (e instanceof TException) {
throw (TException) e;
throw new RuntimeException(e);
public NimbusSummary getLeader() throws AuthorizationException, TException {
checkAuthorization(null, null, "getClusterInfo");
List<NimbusSummary> nimbuses = stormClusterState.nimbuses();
NimbusInfo leader = leaderElector.getLeader();
for (NimbusSummary nimbusSummary : nimbuses) {
if (leader.getHost().equals(nimbusSummary.get_host())
&& leader.getPort() == nimbusSummary.get_port()) {
return nimbusSummary;
return null;
public boolean isTopologyNameAllowed(String name) throws AuthorizationException, TException {
try {
checkAuthorization(name, null, "getClusterInfo");
assertTopoActive(name, false);
return true;
} catch (InvalidTopologyException | AlreadyAliveException e) {
return false;
public List<OwnerResourceSummary> getOwnerResourceSummaries(String owner) throws AuthorizationException, TException {
try {
checkAuthorization(null, null, "getOwnerResourceSummaries");
IStormClusterState state = stormClusterState;
Map<String, Assignment> topoIdToAssignments = state.assignmentsInfo();
Map<String, StormBase> topoIdToBases = state.topologyBases();
Map<String, Number> clusterSchedulerConfig = scheduler.config();
//put [owner-> StormBase-list] mapping to ownerToBasesMap
//if this owner (the input parameter) is null, add all the owners with stormbase and guarantees
//else, add only this owner (the input paramter) to the map
Map<String, List<StormBase>> ownerToBasesMap = new HashMap<>();
if (owner == null) {
// add all the owners to the map
for (StormBase base : topoIdToBases.values()) {
String baseOwner = base.get_owner();
if (!ownerToBasesMap.containsKey(baseOwner)) {
List<StormBase> stormbases = new ArrayList<>();
ownerToBasesMap.put(baseOwner, stormbases);
} else {
//in addition, add all the owners with guarantees
List<String> ownersWithGuarantees = new ArrayList<>(clusterSchedulerConfig.keySet());
for (String ownerWithGuarantees : ownersWithGuarantees) {
if (!ownerToBasesMap.containsKey(ownerWithGuarantees)) {
ownerToBasesMap.put(ownerWithGuarantees, new ArrayList<>());
} else {
//only put this owner to the map
List<StormBase> stormbases = new ArrayList<>();
for (StormBase base : topoIdToBases.values()) {
if (owner.equals(base.get_owner())) {
ownerToBasesMap.put(owner, stormbases);
List<OwnerResourceSummary> ret = new ArrayList<>();
//for each owner, get resources, configs, and aggregate
for (Entry<String, List<StormBase>> ownerToBasesEntry : ownerToBasesMap.entrySet()) {
String theOwner = ownerToBasesEntry.getKey();
TopologyResources totalResourcesAggregate = new TopologyResources();
int totalExecutors = 0;
int totalWorkers = 0;
int totalTasks = 0;
for (StormBase base : ownerToBasesEntry.getValue()) {
try {
String topoId = state.getTopoId(base.get_name())
.orElseThrow(() -> new WrappedNotAliveException(base.get_name() + " is not alive"));
TopologyResources resources = getResourcesForTopology(topoId, base);
totalResourcesAggregate = totalResourcesAggregate.add(resources);
Assignment ownerAssignment = topoIdToAssignments.get(topoId);
if (ownerAssignment != null && ownerAssignment.get_executor_node_port() != null) {
totalExecutors += ownerAssignment.get_executor_node_port().keySet().size();
totalWorkers += new HashSet(ownerAssignment.get_executor_node_port().values()).size();
for (List<Long> executorId : ownerAssignment.get_executor_node_port().keySet()) {
totalTasks += StormCommon.executorIdToTasks(executorId).size();
} catch (NotAliveException e) {
LOG.warn("{} is not alive.", base.get_name());
double requestedTotalMemory = totalResourcesAggregate.getRequestedMemOnHeap()
+ totalResourcesAggregate.getRequestedMemOffHeap();
double assignedTotalMemory = totalResourcesAggregate.getAssignedMemOnHeap()
+ totalResourcesAggregate.getAssignedMemOffHeap();
OwnerResourceSummary ownerResourceSummary = new OwnerResourceSummary(theOwner);
if (clusterSchedulerConfig.containsKey(theOwner)) {
if (underlyingScheduler instanceof ResourceAwareScheduler) {
Map<String, Object> schedulerConfig = (Map) clusterSchedulerConfig.get(theOwner);
if (schedulerConfig != null) {
ownerResourceSummary.set_memory_guarantee((double) schedulerConfig.getOrDefault("memory", 0));
ownerResourceSummary.set_cpu_guarantee((double) schedulerConfig.getOrDefault("cpu", 0));
- ownerResourceSummary.get_memory_usage());
- ownerResourceSummary.get_cpu_usage());
} else if (underlyingScheduler instanceof MultitenantScheduler) {
ownerResourceSummary.set_isolated_node_guarantee((int) clusterSchedulerConfig.getOrDefault(theOwner, 0));
LOG.debug("{}", ownerResourceSummary.toString());
return ret;
} catch (Exception e) {
LOG.warn("Get owner resource summaries exception. (owner = '{}')", owner);
if (e instanceof TException) {
throw (TException) e;
throw new RuntimeException(e);
public SupervisorAssignments getSupervisorAssignments(String nodeId) throws AuthorizationException, TException {
checkAuthorization(null, null, "getSupervisorAssignments");
try {
if (isLeader() && isAssignmentsRecovered()) {
SupervisorAssignments supervisorAssignments = new SupervisorAssignments();
supervisorAssignments.set_storm_assignment(assignmentsForNodeId(stormClusterState.assignmentsInfo(), nodeId));
return supervisorAssignments;
} catch (Exception e) {
LOG.debug("Exception when node {} fetching assignments", nodeId);
if (e instanceof TException) {
throw (TException) e;
// When this master is not leader and get a sync request from node,
// just return nil which will cause client/node to get an unknown error,
// the node/supervisor will sync it as a timer task.
LOG.debug("Exception when node {} fetching assignments", nodeId);
return null;
public void sendSupervisorWorkerHeartbeats(SupervisorWorkerHeartbeats heartbeats)
throws AuthorizationException, TException {
checkAuthorization(null, null, "sendSupervisorWorkerHeartbeats");
try {
if (isLeader()) {
} catch (Exception e) {
LOG.debug("Exception when update heartbeats for node {} heartbeats report.",
if (e instanceof TException) {
throw (TException) e;
// When this master is not leader and get heartbeats report from supervisor/node, just ignore it.
public void sendSupervisorWorkerHeartbeat(SupervisorWorkerHeartbeat hb) throws AuthorizationException, TException {
String id = hb.get_storm_id();
try {
Map<String, Object> topoConf = tryReadTopoConf(id, topoCache);
String topoName = (String) topoConf.get(Config.TOPOLOGY_NAME);
checkAuthorization(topoName, topoConf, "sendSupervisorWorkerHeartbeat");
if (isLeader()) {
int heartbeatTimeoutSecs = getTopologyHeartbeatTimeoutSecs(topoConf);
updateCachedHeartbeatsFromWorker(hb, heartbeatTimeoutSecs);
} catch (Exception e) {
LOG.warn("Send HB exception. (topology id='{}')", id, e);
if (e instanceof TException) {
throw (TException) e;
throw new RuntimeException(e);
public void shutdown() {
try {"Shutting down master");
ITopologyActionNotifierPlugin actionNotifier = nimbusTopologyActionNotifier;
if (actionNotifier != null) {
if (metricsStore != null) {
clusterMetricSet.setActive(false);"Shut down master");
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new RuntimeException(e);
public boolean isWaiting() {
return timer.isTimerWaiting();
public void processWorkerMetrics(WorkerMetrics metrics) throws TException {
checkAuthorization(null, null, "processWorkerMetrics");
if (this.metricsStore == null) {
for (WorkerMetricPoint m : metrics.get_metricList().get_metrics()) {
try {
Metric metric = new Metric(m.get_metricName(), m.get_timestamp(), metrics.get_topologyId(),
m.get_metricValue(), m.get_componentId(), m.get_executorId(), metrics.get_hostname(),
m.get_streamId(), metrics.get_port(), AggLevel.AGG_LEVEL_NONE);
} catch (Exception e) {
LOG.error("Failed to save metric", e);
public boolean isRemoteBlobExists(String blobKey) throws AuthorizationException, TException {
try {
blobStore.getBlobMeta(blobKey, getSubject());
} catch (KeyNotFoundException e) {
return false;
return true;
private static final class Assoc<K, V> implements UnaryOperator<Map<K, V>> {
private final K key;
private final V value;
Assoc(K key, V value) {
this.key = key;
this.value = value;
public Map<K, V> apply(Map<K, V> t) {
Map<K, V> ret = new HashMap<>(t);
ret.put(key, value);
return ret;
// Shutdownable methods
private static final class Dissoc<K, V> implements UnaryOperator<Map<K, V>> {
private final K key;
Dissoc(K key) {
this.key = key;
public Map<K, V> apply(Map<K, V> t) {
Map<K, V> ret = new HashMap<>(t);
return ret;
//Daemon common methods
public static class StandaloneINimbus implements INimbus {
public void prepare(Map<String, Object> topoConf, String schedulerLocalDir) {
public Collection<WorkerSlot> allSlotsAvailableForScheduling(Collection<SupervisorDetails> supervisors,
Topologies topologies, Set<String> topologiesMissingAssignments) {
Set<WorkerSlot> ret = new HashSet<>();
for (SupervisorDetails sd : supervisors) {
String id = sd.getId();
for (Number port : (Collection<Number>) sd.getMeta()) {
ret.add(new WorkerSlot(id, port));
return ret;
public void assignSlots(Topologies topologies, Map<String, Collection<WorkerSlot>> newSlotsByTopologyId) {
public String getHostName(Map<String, SupervisorDetails> supervisors, String nodeId) {
SupervisorDetails sd = supervisors.get(nodeId);
if (sd != null) {
return sd.getHost();
return null;
public IScheduler getForcedScheduler() {
return null;
private static class CommonTopoInfo {
public Map<String, Object> topoConf;
public String topoName;
public StormTopology topology;
public Map<Integer, String> taskToComponent;
public StormBase base;
public int launchTimeSecs;
public Assignment assignment;
public Map<List<Integer>, Map<String, Object>> beats;
public HashSet<String> allComponents;
private static class ClusterSummaryMetrics implements MetricSet {
private static final String SUMMARY = "summary";
private final Map<String, com.codahale.metrics.Metric> metrics = new HashMap<>();
public com.codahale.metrics.Metric put(String key, com.codahale.metrics.Metric value) {
return metrics.put(, key), value);
public Map<String, com.codahale.metrics.Metric> getMetrics() {
return metrics;
private class ClusterSummaryMetricSet implements Runnable {
private static final int CACHING_WINDOW = 5;
private final ClusterSummaryMetrics clusterSummaryMetrics = new ClusterSummaryMetrics();
private final Function<String, Histogram> registerHistogram = (name) -> {
//This histogram reflects the data distribution across only one ClusterSummary, i.e.,
// data distribution across all entities of a type (e.g., data from all nimbus/topologies) at one moment.
// Hence we use half of the CACHING_WINDOW time to ensure it retains only data from the most recent update
final Histogram histogram = new Histogram(new SlidingTimeWindowReservoir(CACHING_WINDOW / 2, TimeUnit.SECONDS));
clusterSummaryMetrics.put(name, histogram);
return histogram;
private volatile boolean active = false;
//NImbus metrics distribution
private final Histogram nimbusUptime = registerHistogram.apply("nimbuses:uptime-secs");
//Supervisor metrics distribution
private final Histogram supervisorsUptime = registerHistogram.apply("supervisors:uptime-secs");
private final Histogram supervisorsNumWorkers = registerHistogram.apply("supervisors:num-workers");
private final Histogram supervisorsNumUsedWorkers = registerHistogram.apply("supervisors:num-used-workers");
private final Histogram supervisorsUsedMem = registerHistogram.apply("supervisors:used-mem");
private final Histogram supervisorsUsedCpu = registerHistogram.apply("supervisors:used-cpu");
private final Histogram supervisorsFragmentedMem = registerHistogram.apply("supervisors:fragmented-mem");
private final Histogram supervisorsFragmentedCpu = registerHistogram.apply("supervisors:fragmented-cpu");
//Topology metrics distribution
private final Histogram topologiesNumTasks = registerHistogram.apply("topologies:num-tasks");
private final Histogram topologiesNumExecutors = registerHistogram.apply("topologies:num-executors");
private final Histogram topologiesNumWorker = registerHistogram.apply("topologies:num-workers");
private final Histogram topologiesUptime = registerHistogram.apply("topologies:uptime-secs");
private final Histogram topologiesReplicationCount = registerHistogram.apply("topologies:replication-count");
private final Histogram topologiesRequestedMemOnHeap = registerHistogram.apply("topologies:requested-mem-on-heap");
private final Histogram topologiesRequestedMemOffHeap = registerHistogram.apply("topologies:requested-mem-off-heap");
private final Histogram topologiesRequestedCpu = registerHistogram.apply("topologies:requested-cpu");
private final Histogram topologiesAssignedMemOnHeap = registerHistogram.apply("topologies:assigned-mem-on-heap");
private final Histogram topologiesAssignedMemOffHeap = registerHistogram.apply("topologies:assigned-mem-off-heap");
private final Histogram topologiesAssignedCpu = registerHistogram.apply("topologies:assigned-cpu");
private final StormMetricsRegistry metricsRegistry;
* Constructor to put all items in ClusterSummary in MetricSet as a metric.
* All metrics are derived from a cached ClusterSummary object,
* expired {@link ClusterSummaryMetricSet#CACHING_WINDOW} seconds after first query in a while from reporters.
* In case of {@link com.codahale.metrics.ScheduledReporter}, CACHING_WINDOW should be set shorter than
* reporting interval to avoid outdated reporting.
ClusterSummaryMetricSet(StormMetricsRegistry metricsRegistry) {
this.metricsRegistry = metricsRegistry;
//Break the code if out of sync to thrift protocol
assert ClusterSummary._Fields.values().length == 3
&& ClusterSummary._Fields.findByName("supervisors") == ClusterSummary._Fields.SUPERVISORS
&& ClusterSummary._Fields.findByName("topologies") == ClusterSummary._Fields.TOPOLOGIES
&& ClusterSummary._Fields.findByName("nimbuses") == ClusterSummary._Fields.NIMBUSES;
final CachedGauge<ClusterSummary> cachedSummary = new CachedGauge<ClusterSummary>(CACHING_WINDOW, TimeUnit.SECONDS) {
protected ClusterSummary loadValue() {
try {
ClusterSummary newSummary = getClusterInfoImpl();
LOG.debug("The new summary is {}", newSummary);
* Update histograms based on the new summary. Most common implementation of Reporter reports Gauges before
* Histograms. Because DerivativeGauge will trigger cache refresh upon reporter's query, histogram will also be
* updated before query
return newSummary;
} catch (Exception e) {
LOG.warn("Get cluster info exception.", e);
throw new RuntimeException(e);
new DerivativeGauge<ClusterSummary, Long>(cachedSummary) {
protected Long transform(ClusterSummary clusterSummary) {
return clusterSummary.get_nimbuses().stream()
new DerivativeGauge<ClusterSummary, Integer>(cachedSummary) {
protected Integer transform(ClusterSummary clusterSummary) {
return clusterSummary.get_nimbuses_size();
new DerivativeGauge<ClusterSummary, Integer>(cachedSummary) {
protected Integer transform(ClusterSummary clusterSummary) {
return clusterSummary.get_supervisors_size();
new DerivativeGauge<ClusterSummary, Integer>(cachedSummary) {
protected Integer transform(ClusterSummary clusterSummary) {
return clusterSummary.get_topologies_size();
new DerivativeGauge<ClusterSummary, Integer>(cachedSummary) {
protected Integer transform(ClusterSummary clusterSummary) {
return clusterSummary.get_supervisors().stream()
new DerivativeGauge<ClusterSummary, Integer>(cachedSummary) {
protected Integer transform(ClusterSummary clusterSummary) {
return clusterSummary.get_supervisors().stream()
new DerivativeGauge<ClusterSummary, Double>(cachedSummary) {
protected Double transform(ClusterSummary clusterSummary) {
return clusterSummary.get_supervisors().stream()
//Filtered negative value
.mapToDouble(supervisorSummary -> Math.max(supervisorSummary.get_fragmented_mem(), 0))
new DerivativeGauge<ClusterSummary, Double>(cachedSummary) {
protected Double transform(ClusterSummary clusterSummary) {
return clusterSummary.get_supervisors().stream()
//Filtered negative value
.mapToDouble(supervisorSummary -> Math.max(supervisorSummary.get_fragmented_cpu(), 0))
private void updateHistogram(ClusterSummary newSummary) {
for (NimbusSummary nimbusSummary : newSummary.get_nimbuses()) {
for (SupervisorSummary summary : newSummary.get_supervisors()) {
for (TopologySummary summary : newSummary.get_topologies()) {
void setActive(final boolean active) {
if ( != active) { = active;
if (active) {
} else {
public void run() {
try {
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new RuntimeException(e);