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Apache Storm Logo Contest
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<p class="text-muted credit pull-left">Posted on Apr 10, 2014 by P. Taylor Goetz</p>
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<p>Apache Storm is a platform for distributed, real-time computation that has been undergoing incubation at Apache since September 18, 2013. You can contribute by helping establish the Storm brand by submitting a proposal for the Apache Storm logo.</p>
<p>Your proposal will be published on the <a href="">Storm project website</a> next to the other proposals. On <strong>Wednesday, April 30, 2014</strong> the community will choose the new logo through a vote on the <a href="">Apache Storm Mailing List</a>. If more than 10 proposals are received, voting will take place in two rounds, with the first round selecting 10 proposals to move to round two.</p>
<p>The winning artist will be credited on the Apache Storm website as having designed the logo, and may include a link to her/his website or blog. Prizes for the winner(s) are currently TBD.</p>
<h2 id="guidelines">GUIDELINES</h2>
<p>The logo should meet the following requirements: </p>
<li>Include 2 versions of the logo: a rectangular layout (full brand) and a square layout (icon, stand-alone logo) </li>
<li>Be scalable up or down (hi-res raster, or vector) </li>
<li>Translate to a 2-color representation (black/white, 2 greys, etc.) </li>
<li>Able to be inverted if running on a dark background </li>
<li>Comply with the <a href="">Apache branding requirements</a></li>
<p>Optional, but nice to have:</p>
<li>Icons representing storm components (suitable for use in diagrams, presentations, etc.):
<p>Note: The winning design as accepted by popular vote will be treated as a proposal that can be modified and iterated upon to reach its final form. </p>
<p>There is no limit on the number of entries per individual.</p>
<h2 id="inspiration">INSPIRATION</h2>
<p>While designing the logo, keep in mind what describes Storm: </p>
<li>Distributed Computation</li>
<li>High Performance</li>
<li>Fault Tolerance</li>
<li>Community Driven</li>
<h2 id="deadline">DEADLINE</h2>
<p>The contest will be open until <strong>Wednesday, April 30, 2014</strong>.</p>
<h2 id="how-to-enter">HOW TO ENTER</h2>
<p>Send the <a href="">Apache Storm Mailing List</a> links to:</p>
<li>A PNG version of the logo (and it&#39;s scalable variations) </li>
<li>A ZIP file with all assets</li>
<li>(Optional) A link to a blog post, etc. describing the proposal</li>
<p>Alternatively, contributers can mail the above to the <a href="">contest coordinator</a> to have them forwarded to the mailing list.</p>
<p>Contributors may also publicise their proposal by tweeting links to a proposal with the hashtag #stormlogocontest</p>
<h2 id="license">LICENSE</h2>
<p>The authors of the selected Apache Storm logo(s) will be required to donate them to the Apache Storm project and complete and <a href="">Apache Individual Contributor License Agreement(ICLA)</a></p>
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<p>Storm integrates with any queueing system and any database system. Storm's spout abstraction makes it easy to integrate a new queuing system. Likewise, integrating Storm with database systems is easy.</p>
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<p align="center">Copyright © 2015 <a href="">Apache Software Foundation</a>. All Rights Reserved.
<br>Apache Storm, Apache, the Apache feather logo, and the Apache Storm project logos are trademarks of The Apache Software Foundation.
<br>All other marks mentioned may be trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective owners.</p>
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