blob: 5db5b4c722612f670db6a5f10146afe2af0040b5 [file] [log] [blame]
(ns backtype.storm.testing
(:require [backtype.storm.daemon
[nimbus :as nimbus]
[supervisor :as supervisor]
[common :as common]
[worker :as worker]
[task :as task]])
(:require [backtype.storm [process-simulator :as psim]])
(:import [ FileUtils])
(:import [ File])
(:import [java.util.concurrent.atomic AtomicInteger])
(:import [java.util.concurrent ConcurrentHashMap])
(:import [backtype.storm.utils Time Utils RegisteredGlobalState])
(:import [backtype.storm.tuple Fields])
(:import [backtype.storm.generated GlobalStreamId Bolt])
(:import [backtype.storm.testing FeederSpout FixedTupleSpout FixedTuple TupleCaptureBolt
SpoutTracker BoltTracker])
(:require [backtype.storm [zookeeper :as zk]])
(:require [backtype.storm.messaging.loader :as msg-loader])
(:require [backtype.storm.daemon.acker :as acker])
(:use [clojure.contrib.def :only [defnk]])
(:use [clojure.contrib.seq :only [find-first]])
(:use [backtype.storm cluster util thrift config log]))
(defn feeder-spout [fields]
(FeederSpout. (Fields. fields)))
(defn local-temp-path []
(str (System/getProperty "") "/" (uuid)))
(defn delete-all [paths]
(for [t paths]
(if (.exists (File. t))
(FileUtils/forceDelete (File. t))
(defmacro with-local-tmp [[& tmp-syms] & body]
(let [tmp-paths (mapcat (fn [t] [t `(local-temp-path)]) tmp-syms)]
`(let [~@tmp-paths]
(delete-all ~(vec tmp-syms)))
(defn start-simulating-time! []
(defn stop-simulating-time! []
(defmacro with-simulated-time [& body]
(let [ret# (do ~@body)]
(defn advance-time-ms! [ms]
(Time/advanceTime ms))
(defn advance-time-secs! [secs]
(advance-time-ms! (* (long secs) 1000)))
(defnk add-supervisor [cluster-map :ports 2 :conf {} :id nil]
(let [tmp-dir (local-temp-path)
port-ids (if (sequential? ports) ports (doall (repeatedly ports (:port-counter cluster-map))))
supervisor-conf (merge (:daemon-conf cluster-map)
id-fn (if id (fn [] id) supervisor/generate-supervisor-id)
daemon (with-var-roots [supervisor/generate-supervisor-id id-fn] (supervisor/mk-supervisor supervisor-conf (:shared-context cluster-map)))]
(swap! (:supervisors cluster-map) conj daemon)
(swap! (:tmp-dirs cluster-map) conj tmp-dir)
(defn mk-shared-context [conf]
(if (and (= (conf STORM-CLUSTER-MODE) "local")
(not (conf STORM-LOCAL-MODE-ZMQ)))
;; returns map containing cluster info
;; local dir is always overridden in maps
;; can customize the supervisors (except for ports) by passing in map for :supervisors parameter
;; if need to customize amt of ports more, can use add-supervisor calls afterwards
(defnk mk-local-storm-cluster [:supervisors 2 :ports-per-supervisor 3 :daemon-conf {}]
(let [zk-port (available-port 2181)
daemon-conf (merge (read-storm-config)
nimbus-tmp (local-temp-path)
zk-tmp (local-temp-path)
zk-handle (zk/mk-inprocess-zookeeper zk-tmp zk-port)
port-counter (mk-counter)
nimbus (nimbus/service-handler
(assoc daemon-conf STORM-LOCAL-DIR nimbus-tmp))
context (mk-shared-context daemon-conf)
cluster-map {:nimbus nimbus
:port-counter port-counter
:daemon-conf daemon-conf
:supervisors (atom [])
:state (mk-distributed-cluster-state daemon-conf)
:storm-cluster-state (mk-storm-cluster-state daemon-conf)
:tmp-dirs (atom [nimbus-tmp zk-tmp])
:zookeeper zk-handle
:shared-context context}
supervisor-confs (if (sequential? supervisors)
(repeat supervisors {}))]
(doseq [sc supervisor-confs]
(add-supervisor cluster-map :ports ports-per-supervisor :conf sc))
(defn get-supervisor [cluster-map supervisor-id]
(let [finder-fn #(= (.get-id %) supervisor-id)]
(find-first finder-fn @(:supervisors cluster-map))
(defn kill-supervisor [cluster-map supervisor-id]
(let [finder-fn #(= (.get-id %) supervisor-id)
supervisors @(:supervisors cluster-map)
sup (find-first finder-fn
;; tmp-dir will be taken care of by shutdown
(reset! (:supervisors cluster-map) (remove-first finder-fn supervisors))
(.shutdown sup)
(defn kill-local-storm-cluster [cluster-map]
(.shutdown (:nimbus cluster-map))
(.close (:state cluster-map))
(.disconnect (:storm-cluster-state cluster-map))
(doseq [s @(:supervisors cluster-map)]
(.shutdown-all-workers s)
;; race condition here? will it launch the workers again?
(supervisor/kill-supervisor s))
(log-message "Shutting down in process zookeeper")
(zk/shutdown-inprocess-zookeeper (:zookeeper cluster-map))
(log-message "Done shutting down in process zookeeper")
(doseq [t @(:tmp-dirs cluster-map)]
(log-message "Deleting temporary path " t)
(rmr t)
(defn wait-until-cluster-waiting
"Wait until the cluster is idle. Should be used with time simulation."
;; wait until all workers, supervisors, and nimbus is waiting
(let [supervisors @(:supervisors cluster-map)
workers (filter (partial satisfies? common/DaemonCommon) (psim/all-processes))
daemons (concat
[(:nimbus cluster-map)]
workers) ; because a worker may already be dead
(while (not (every? (memfn waiting?) daemons))
(Thread/sleep 10)
(defn advance-cluster-time
([cluster-map secs increment-secs]
(loop [left secs]
(when (> left 0)
(let [diff (min left increment-secs)]
(advance-time-secs! diff)
(wait-until-cluster-waiting cluster-map)
(recur (- left diff))
([cluster-map secs]
(advance-cluster-time cluster-map secs 1)
(defmacro with-local-cluster [[cluster-sym & args] & body]
`(let [~cluster-sym (mk-local-storm-cluster ~@args)]
(catch Throwable t#
(log-error t# "Error in cluster")
(kill-local-storm-cluster ~cluster-sym)))
(defmacro with-simulated-time-local-cluster [& args]
(with-local-cluster ~@args)))
;; TODO: should take in a port symbol and find available port automatically
(defmacro with-inprocess-zookeeper [port & body]
`(with-local-tmp [tmp#]
(let [zks# (zk/mk-inprocess-zookeeper tmp# ~port)]
(zk/shutdown-inprocess-zookeeper zks#)
(defn submit-local-topology [nimbus storm-name conf topology]
(.submitTopology nimbus storm-name nil (to-json conf) topology))
(defn submit-mocked-assignment [nimbus storm-name conf topology task->component task->node+port]
(with-var-roots [nimbus/mk-task-component-assignments (fn [& ignored] task->component)
nimbus/compute-new-task->node+port (fn [& ignored] task->node+port)]
(submit-local-topology nimbus storm-name conf topology)
(defn mk-capture-launch-fn [capture-atom]
(fn [conf shared-context storm-id supervisor-id port worker-id _]
(let [existing (get @capture-atom [supervisor-id port] [])]
(swap! capture-atom assoc [supervisor-id port] (conj existing storm-id))
(defn find-worker-id [supervisor-conf port]
(let [supervisor-state (supervisor-state supervisor-conf)
worker->port (.get supervisor-state common/LS-APPROVED-WORKERS)]
(first ((reverse-map worker->port) port))
(defn find-worker-port [supervisor-conf worker-id]
(let [supervisor-state (supervisor-state supervisor-conf)
worker->port (.get supervisor-state common/LS-APPROVED-WORKERS)
(worker->port worker-id)
(defn mk-capture-shutdown-fn [capture-atom]
(let [existing-fn supervisor/shutdown-worker]
(fn [conf supervisor-id worker-id worker-thread-pids-atom]
(let [port (find-worker-port conf worker-id)
existing (get @capture-atom [supervisor-id port] 0)]
(swap! capture-atom assoc [supervisor-id port] (inc existing))
(existing-fn conf supervisor-id worker-id worker-thread-pids-atom)
(defmacro capture-changed-workers [& body]
`(let [launch-captured# (atom {})
shutdown-captured# (atom {})]
(with-var-roots [supervisor/launch-worker (mk-capture-launch-fn launch-captured#)
supervisor/shutdown-worker (mk-capture-shutdown-fn shutdown-captured#)]
{:launched @launch-captured#
:shutdown @shutdown-captured#}
(defmacro capture-launched-workers [& body]
`(:launched (capture-changed-workers ~@body)))
(defmacro capture-shutdown-workers [& body]
`(:shutdown (capture-changed-workers ~@body)))
(defnk aggregated-stat [cluster-map storm-name stat-key :component-ids nil]
(let [state (:storm-cluster-state cluster-map)
storm-id (common/get-storm-id state storm-name)
component->tasks (reverse-map
component->tasks (if component-ids
(select-keys component->tasks component-ids)
task-ids (apply concat (vals component->tasks))
heartbeats (dofor [id task-ids] (.task-heartbeat state storm-id id))
stats (dofor [hb heartbeats] (if hb (stat-key (:stats hb)) 0))]
(reduce + stats)
(defn emitted-spout-tuples [cluster-map topology storm-name]
(aggregated-stat cluster-map
:component-ids (keys (.get_spouts topology))))
(defn transferred-tuples [cluster-map storm-name]
(aggregated-stat cluster-map storm-name :transferred))
(defn acked-tuples [cluster-map storm-name]
(aggregated-stat cluster-map storm-name :acked))
(defn simulate-wait [cluster-map]
(if (Time/isSimulating)
(advance-cluster-time cluster-map 10)
(Thread/sleep 100)
;; TODO: mock-sources needs to be able to mock out state spouts as well
(defnk complete-topology [cluster-map topology :mock-sources {} :storm-conf {}]
(let [storm-name (str "topologytest-" (uuid))
state (:storm-cluster-state cluster-map)
spouts (.get_spouts topology)
bolts (.get_bolts topology)
replacements (map-val (fn [v]
(for [tup v]
(if (map? tup)
(FixedTuple. (:stream tup) (:values tup))
all-streams (apply concat
(for [[id spec] (merge (clojurify-structure spouts) (clojurify-structure bolts))]
(for [[stream _] (.. spec get_common get_streams)]
(GlobalStreamId. id stream))))
capturer (TupleCaptureBolt. storm-name)
(doseq [[id spout] replacements]
(let [spout-spec (get spouts id)]
(.set_spout_object spout-spec (serialize-component-object spout))
(doseq [[_ spout-spec] (clojurify-structure spouts)]
(when-not (instance? FixedTupleSpout (deserialized-component-object (.get_spout_object spout-spec)))
(throw (RuntimeException. "Cannot complete topology unless every spout is a FixedTupleSpout (or mocked to be)"))
(.set_bolts topology
(assoc (clojurify-structure bolts)
(into {} (for [id all-streams] [id (mk-global-grouping)]))
(serialize-component-object capturer)
(mk-plain-component-common {} nil))
(submit-local-topology (:nimbus cluster-map) storm-name storm-conf topology)
(let [num-source-tuples (reduce +
(for [[_ spout-spec] spouts]
(-> (.get_spout_object spout-spec)
storm-id (common/get-storm-id state storm-name)]
(while (< (+ (FixedTupleSpout/getNumAcked storm-id)
(FixedTupleSpout/getNumFailed storm-id))
(simulate-wait cluster-map))
(.killTopology (:nimbus cluster-map) storm-name)
(while (.assignment-info state storm-id nil)
(simulate-wait cluster-map))
(FixedTupleSpout/clear storm-id))
(.getResults capturer)
(defn read-tuples
([results component-id stream-id]
(let [fixed-tuples (get results component-id [])]
(fn [ft]
(if (= stream-id (. ft stream))
[(vec (. ft values))]))
([results component-id]
(read-tuples results component-id Utils/DEFAULT_STREAM_ID)
(defn ms= [& args]
(apply = (map multi-set args)))
(def TRACKER-BOLT-ID "+++tracker-bolt")
(defn mk-tracked-topology
"Spouts are of form [spout & options], bolts are of form [inputs bolt & options]"
[tracked-cluster spouts-map bolts-map]
(let [track-id (::track-id tracked-cluster)
spouts-map (into {}
(for [[id [spout & options]] spouts-map]
(apply mk-spout-spec
(SpoutTracker. spout track-id)
bolts-map (into {}
(for [[id [inputs bolt & options]] bolts-map]
(apply mk-bolt-spec
(BoltTracker. bolt track-id)
{:topology (mk-topology spouts-map bolts-map)
:last-spout-emit (atom 0)
:cluster tracked-cluster
(defn assoc-track-id [cluster track-id]
(assoc cluster ::track-id track-id))
(defn increment-global! [id key]
(-> (RegisteredGlobalState/getState id)
(get key)
(defn global-amt [id key]
(-> (RegisteredGlobalState/getState id)
(get key)
(defmacro with-tracked-cluster [[cluster-sym & cluster-args] & body]
`(let [id# (uuid)]
(RegisteredGlobalState/setState id#
(doto (ConcurrentHashMap.)
(.put "spout-emitted" (AtomicInteger. 0))
(.put "transferred" (AtomicInteger. 0))
(.put "processed" (AtomicInteger. 0))))
(with-var-roots [acker/mk-acker-bolt (let [old# acker/mk-acker-bolt]
(fn [& args#]
(BoltTracker. (apply old# args#) id#)
worker/mk-transfer-fn (let [old# worker/mk-transfer-fn]
(fn [& args#]
(let [transferrer# (apply old# args#)]
(fn [& transfer-args#]
;; (log-message "Transferring: " transfer-args#)
(increment-global! id# "transferred")
(apply transferrer# transfer-args#)
(with-local-cluster [~cluster-sym ~@cluster-args]
(let [~cluster-sym (assoc-track-id ~cluster-sym id#)]
(RegisteredGlobalState/clearState id#)
(defn tracked-wait
"Waits until topology is idle and 'amt' more tuples have been emitted by spouts."
(tracked-wait tracked-topology 1))
([tracked-topology amt]
(let [target (+ amt @(:last-spout-emit tracked-topology))
track-id (-> tracked-topology :cluster ::track-id)
waiting? (fn []
(or (not= target (global-amt track-id "spout-emitted"))
(not= (global-amt track-id "transferred")
(global-amt track-id "processed"))
(while (waiting?)
(Thread/sleep 5))
(reset! (:last-spout-emit tracked-topology) target)