blob: c69ae745f91563baf5136d9b1abe1c7a134c6e1c [file] [log] [blame]
(ns backtype.storm.disruptor
(:import [backtype.storm.utils DisruptorQueue])
(:import [com.lmax.disruptor MultiThreadedClaimStrategy SingleThreadedClaimStrategy
BlockingWaitStrategy SleepingWaitStrategy YieldingWaitStrategy
(:require [clojure [string :as str]])
(:require [clojure [set :as set]])
(:use [clojure walk])
(:use [backtype.storm util log])
{:multi-threaded (fn [size] (MultiThreadedClaimStrategy. (int size)))
:single-threaded (fn [size] (SingleThreadedClaimStrategy. (int size)))
{:block (fn [] (BlockingWaitStrategy.))
:yield (fn [] (YieldingWaitStrategy.))
:sleep (fn [] (SleepingWaitStrategy.))
:spin (fn [] (BusySpinWaitStrategy.))
(defn- mk-wait-strategy [spec]
(if (keyword? spec)
(-> (str spec) new-instance)
;; :block strategy requires using a timeout on waitFor (implemented in DisruptorQueue), as sometimes the consumer stays blocked even when there's an item on the queue.
;; This would manifest itself in Trident when doing 1 batch at a time processing, and the ack_init message
;; wouldn't make it to the acker until the batch timed out and another tuple was played into the queue,
;; unblocking the consumer
(defnk disruptor-queue [buffer-size :claim-strategy :multi-threaded :wait-strategy :block]
(DisruptorQueue. ((CLAIM-STRATEGY claim-strategy) buffer-size)
(mk-wait-strategy wait-strategy)
(defn clojure-handler [afn]
(reify com.lmax.disruptor.EventHandler
(onEvent [this o seq-id batchEnd?]
(afn o seq-id batchEnd?)
(defmacro handler [& args]
`(clojure-handler (fn ~@args)))
(defn publish
([^DisruptorQueue q o block?]
(.publish q o block?))
([q o]
(publish q o true)))
(defn try-publish [^DisruptorQueue q o]
(.tryPublish q o))
(defn consume-batch [^DisruptorQueue queue handler]
(.consumeBatch queue handler))
(defn consume-batch-when-available [^DisruptorQueue queue handler]
(.consumeBatchWhenAvailable queue handler))
(defn consumer-started! [^DisruptorQueue queue]
(.consumerStarted queue))
(defn halt-with-interrupt! [^DisruptorQueue queue]
(.haltWithInterrupt queue))
(defnk consume-loop* [^DisruptorQueue queue handler :kill-fn (fn [error] (halt-process! 1 "Async loop died!"))]
(let [ret (async-loop
(fn []
(consume-batch-when-available queue handler)
0 )
:kill-fn kill-fn
(consumer-started! queue)
(defmacro consume-loop [queue & handler-args]
`(let [handler# (handler ~@handler-args)]
(consume-loop* ~queue handler#)