blob: 8ab7f5eb21bf5570e8fd66eeccaf453f2de45d2a [file] [log] [blame]
;; Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
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(ns org.apache.storm.scheduler-test
(:use [clojure test])
(:use [org.apache.storm util config])
(:import [org.apache.storm.scheduler EvenScheduler])
(:import [org.apache.storm.daemon.nimbus Nimbus$StandaloneINimbus])
(:import [org.apache.storm.generated StormTopology])
(:import [org.apache.storm.scheduler.resource.normalization ResourceMetrics])
(:import [org.apache.storm.metric StormMetricsRegistry])
(:import [org.apache.storm.scheduler Cluster SupervisorDetails WorkerSlot ExecutorDetails
SchedulerAssignmentImpl Topologies TopologyDetails]))
(defn clojurify-executor->slot [executorToSlot]
(into {} (for [[executor slot] executorToSlot]
{[(.getStartTask executor) (.getEndTask executor)]
[(.getNodeId slot) (.getPort slot)]})))
(defn clojurify-executor->comp [executorToComp]
(into {} (for [[executor component] executorToComp]
{[(.getStartTask executor) (.getEndTask executor)] component})))
(defn clojurify-component->executors [compToExecutor]
(into {} (for [[component executors] compToExecutor
:let [new-executors (set (map #(vector (.getStartTask %) (.getEndTask %)) executors))]]
{component new-executors})))
(deftest test-supervisor-details
(let [executor->slot {(ExecutorDetails. (int 1) (int 5)) (WorkerSlot. "supervisor1" (int 1))
(ExecutorDetails. (int 6) (int 10)) (WorkerSlot. "supervisor2" (int 2))}
topology-id "topology1"
assignment (SchedulerAssignmentImpl. topology-id executor->slot nil nil)]
;; test assign
(.assign assignment (WorkerSlot. "supervisor1" 1)
(list (ExecutorDetails. (int 11) (int 15)) (ExecutorDetails. (int 16) (int 20))))
(is (= {[1 5] ["supervisor1" 1]
[6 10] ["supervisor2" 2]
[11 15] ["supervisor1" 1]
[16 20] ["supervisor1" 1]}
(clojurify-executor->slot (.getExecutorToSlot assignment))))
;; test isSlotOccupied
(is (= true (.isSlotOccupied assignment (WorkerSlot. "supervisor2" (int 2)))))
(is (= true (.isSlotOccupied assignment (WorkerSlot. "supervisor1" (int 1)))))
;; test isExecutorAssigned
(is (= true (.isExecutorAssigned assignment (ExecutorDetails. (int 1) (int 5)))))
(is (= false (.isExecutorAssigned assignment (ExecutorDetails. (int 21) (int 25)))))
;; test unassignBySlot
(.unassignBySlot assignment (WorkerSlot. "supervisor1" (int 1)))
(is (= {[6 10] ["supervisor2" 2]}
(clojurify-executor->slot (.getExecutorToSlot assignment))))
(deftest test-topologies
(let [executor1 (ExecutorDetails. (int 1) (int 5))
executor2 (ExecutorDetails. (int 6) (int 10))
topology1 (TopologyDetails. "topology1" {TOPOLOGY-NAME "topology-name-1"} (StormTopology.) 1
{executor1 "spout1"
executor2 "bolt1"} "user")
;; test topology.selectExecutorToComponent
executor->comp (.selectExecutorToComponent topology1 (list executor1))
_ (is (= (clojurify-executor->comp {executor1 "spout1"})
(clojurify-executor->comp executor->comp)))
;; test topologies.getById
topology2 (TopologyDetails. "topology2" {TOPOLOGY-NAME "topology-name-2"} (StormTopology.) 1 {} "user")
topologies (Topologies. {"topology1" topology1 "topology2" topology2})
_ (is (= "topology1" (->> "topology1"
(.getById topologies)
;; test topologies.getByName
_ (is (= "topology2" (->> "topology-name-2"
(.getByName topologies)
(deftest test-cluster
(let [supervisor1 (SupervisorDetails. "supervisor1" "" (list ) (map int (list 1 3 5 7 9)))
supervisor2 (SupervisorDetails. "supervisor2" "" (list ) (map int (list 2 4 6 8 10)))
executor1 (ExecutorDetails. (int 1) (int 5))
executor2 (ExecutorDetails. (int 6) (int 10))
executor3 (ExecutorDetails. (int 11) (int 15))
executor11 (ExecutorDetails. (int 100) (int 105))
executor12 (ExecutorDetails. (int 106) (int 110))
executor21 (ExecutorDetails. (int 201) (int 205))
executor22 (ExecutorDetails. (int 206) (int 210))
;; topology1 needs scheduling: executor3 is NOT assigned a slot.
topology1 (TopologyDetails. "topology1" {TOPOLOGY-NAME "topology-name-1"}
{executor1 "spout1"
executor2 "bolt1"
executor3 "bolt2"} "user")
;; topology2 is fully scheduled
topology2 (TopologyDetails. "topology2" {TOPOLOGY-NAME "topology-name-2"}
{executor11 "spout11"
executor12 "bolt12"} "user")
;; topology3 needs scheduling, since the assignment is squeezed
topology3 (TopologyDetails. "topology3" {TOPOLOGY-NAME "topology-name-3"}
{executor21 "spout21"
executor22 "bolt22"} "user")
topologies (Topologies. {"topology1" topology1 "topology2" topology2 "topology3" topology3})
executor->slot1 {executor1 (WorkerSlot. "supervisor1" (int 1))
executor2 (WorkerSlot. "supervisor2" (int 2))}
executor->slot2 {executor11 (WorkerSlot. "supervisor1" (int 3))
executor12 (WorkerSlot. "supervisor2" (int 4))}
executor->slot3 {executor21 (WorkerSlot. "supervisor1" (int 5))
executor22 (WorkerSlot. "supervisor1" (int 5))}
assignment1 (SchedulerAssignmentImpl. "topology1" executor->slot1 nil nil)
assignment2 (SchedulerAssignmentImpl. "topology2" executor->slot2 nil nil)
assignment3 (SchedulerAssignmentImpl. "topology3" executor->slot3 nil nil)
cluster (Cluster. (Nimbus$StandaloneINimbus.)
(ResourceMetrics. (StormMetricsRegistry.))
{"supervisor1" supervisor1 "supervisor2" supervisor2}
{"topology1" assignment1 "topology2" assignment2 "topology3" assignment3}
;; test Cluster constructor
(is (= #{"supervisor1" "supervisor2"}
(->> cluster
(is (= #{"topology1" "topology2" "topology3"}
(->> cluster
;; test Cluster.getUnassignedExecutors
(is (= (set (list executor3))
(-> cluster
(.getUnassignedExecutors topology1)
(is (= true
(empty? (-> cluster
(.getUnassignedExecutors topology2)))))
;; test Cluster.needsScheduling
(is (= true (.needsScheduling cluster topology1)))
(is (= false (.needsScheduling cluster topology2)))
(is (= true (.needsScheduling cluster topology3)))
;; test Cluster.needsSchedulingTopologies
(is (= #{"topology1" "topology3"}
(->> (.needsSchedulingTopologies cluster)
(map (fn [topology] (.getId topology)))
;; test Cluster.getNeedsSchedulingExecutorToComponents
(is (= {executor3 "bolt2"}
(.getNeedsSchedulingExecutorToComponents cluster topology1)))
(is (= true
(empty? (.getNeedsSchedulingExecutorToComponents cluster topology2))))
(is (= true
(empty? (.getNeedsSchedulingExecutorToComponents cluster topology3))))
;; test Cluster.getNeedsSchedulingComponentToExecutors
(is (= {"bolt2" #{[(.getStartTask executor3) (.getEndTask executor3)]}}
(clojurify-component->executors (.getNeedsSchedulingComponentToExecutors cluster topology1))))
(is (= true
(empty? (.getNeedsSchedulingComponentToExecutors cluster topology2))))
(is (= true
(empty? (.getNeedsSchedulingComponentToExecutors cluster topology3))))
;; test Cluster.getUsedPorts
(is (= #{1 3 5} (set (.getUsedPorts cluster supervisor1))))
(is (= #{2 4} (set (.getUsedPorts cluster supervisor2))))
(is (= #{1 3 5} (set (.getUsedPorts cluster supervisor1))))
;; test Cluster.getAvailablePorts
(is (= #{7 9} (set (.getAvailablePorts cluster supervisor1))))
(is (= #{6 8 10} (set (.getAvailablePorts cluster supervisor2))))
;; test Cluster.getAvailableSlots
(is (= #{["supervisor1" 7] ["supervisor1" 9]} (set (map (fn [slot] [(.getNodeId slot) (.getPort slot)]) (.getAvailableSlots cluster supervisor1)))))
(is (= #{["supervisor2" 6] ["supervisor2" 8] ["supervisor2" 10]} (set (map (fn [slot] [(.getNodeId slot) (.getPort slot)]) (.getAvailableSlots cluster supervisor2)))))
;; test Cluster.getAvailableSlots
(is (= #{["supervisor1" 7] ["supervisor1" 9] ["supervisor2" 6] ["supervisor2" 8] ["supervisor2" 10]}
(set (map (fn [slot] [(.getNodeId slot) (.getPort slot)]) (.getAvailableSlots cluster)))))
;; test Cluster.getAssignedNumWorkers
(is (= 2 (.getAssignedNumWorkers cluster topology1)))
(is (= 2 (.getAssignedNumWorkers cluster topology2)))
(is (= 1 (.getAssignedNumWorkers cluster topology3)))
;; test Cluster.isSlotOccupied
(is (= true (.isSlotOccupied cluster (WorkerSlot. "supervisor1" (int 1)))))
(is (= true (.isSlotOccupied cluster (WorkerSlot. "supervisor1" (int 3)))))
(is (= true (.isSlotOccupied cluster (WorkerSlot. "supervisor1" (int 5)))))
(is (= false (.isSlotOccupied cluster (WorkerSlot. "supervisor1" (int 7)))))
(is (= false (.isSlotOccupied cluster (WorkerSlot. "supervisor1" (int 9)))))
(is (= true (.isSlotOccupied cluster (WorkerSlot. "supervisor2" (int 2)))))
(is (= true (.isSlotOccupied cluster (WorkerSlot. "supervisor2" (int 4)))))
(is (= false (.isSlotOccupied cluster (WorkerSlot. "supervisor2" (int 6)))))
(is (= false (.isSlotOccupied cluster (WorkerSlot. "supervisor2" (int 8)))))
(is (= false (.isSlotOccupied cluster (WorkerSlot. "supervisor2" (int 10)))))
;; test Cluster.getAssignmentById
(is (.equalsIgnoreResources assignment1 (.getAssignmentById cluster "topology1")))
(is (.equalsIgnoreResources assignment2 (.getAssignmentById cluster "topology2")))
(is (.equalsIgnoreResources assignment3 (.getAssignmentById cluster "topology3")))
;; test Cluster.getSupervisorById
(is (= supervisor1 (.getSupervisorById cluster "supervisor1")))
(is (= supervisor2 (.getSupervisorById cluster "supervisor2")))
;; test Cluster.getSupervisorsByHost
(is (= #{supervisor1} (set (.getSupervisorsByHost cluster ""))))
(is (= #{supervisor2} (set (.getSupervisorsByHost cluster ""))))
;; ==== the following tests will change the state of the cluster, so put it here at the end ====
;; test Cluster.assign
(.assign cluster (WorkerSlot. "supervisor1" (int 7)) "topology1" (list executor3))
(is (= false (.needsScheduling cluster topology1)))
(is (= true (.isSlotOccupied cluster (WorkerSlot. "supervisor1" (int 7)))))
;; revert the change
(.freeSlot cluster (WorkerSlot. "supervisor1" (int 7)))
;; test Cluster.assign: if a executor is already assigned, there will be an exception
(let [has-exception (try
(.assign cluster (WorkerSlot. "supervisor1" (int 9)) "topology1" (list executor1))
(catch Exception e
(is (= true has-exception)))
;; test Cluster.assign: if a slot is occupied, there will be an exception
(let [has-exception (try
(.assign cluster (WorkerSlot. "supervisor2" (int 4)) "topology1" (list executor3))
(catch Exception e
(is (= true has-exception)))
;; test Cluster.freeSlot
(.freeSlot cluster (WorkerSlot. "supervisor1" (int 7)))
(is (= false (.isSlotOccupied cluster (WorkerSlot. "supervisor1" (int 7)))))
;; test Cluster.freeSlots
(is (= true (.isSlotOccupied cluster (WorkerSlot. "supervisor1" (int 1)))))
(is (= true (.isSlotOccupied cluster (WorkerSlot. "supervisor1" (int 3)))))
(is (= true (.isSlotOccupied cluster (WorkerSlot. "supervisor1" (int 5)))))
(.freeSlots cluster (list (WorkerSlot. "supervisor1" (int 1))
(WorkerSlot. "supervisor1" (int 3))
(WorkerSlot. "supervisor1" (int 5))))
(is (= false (.isSlotOccupied cluster (WorkerSlot. "supervisor1" (int 1)))))
(is (= false (.isSlotOccupied cluster (WorkerSlot. "supervisor1" (int 3)))))
(is (= false (.isSlotOccupied cluster (WorkerSlot. "supervisor1" (int 5)))))
(deftest test-sort-slots
;; test supervisor2 has more free slots
(is (= [(WorkerSlot. "supervisor2" 6700) (WorkerSlot. "supervisor1" 6700)
(WorkerSlot. "supervisor2" 6701) (WorkerSlot. "supervisor1" 6701)
(WorkerSlot. "supervisor2" 6702)]
(clojurify-structure (EvenScheduler/sortSlots [
(WorkerSlot. "supervisor1" 6700) (WorkerSlot. "supervisor1" 6701)
(WorkerSlot. "supervisor2" 6700) (WorkerSlot. "supervisor2" 6701) (WorkerSlot. "supervisor2" 6702)
;; test supervisor3 has more free slots
(is (= [(WorkerSlot. "supervisor3" 6700) (WorkerSlot. "supervisor2" 6700) (WorkerSlot. "supervisor1" 6700)
(WorkerSlot. "supervisor3" 6701) (WorkerSlot. "supervisor2" 6701) (WorkerSlot. "supervisor1" 6701)
(WorkerSlot. "supervisor3" 6702) (WorkerSlot. "supervisor2" 6702)
(WorkerSlot. "supervisor3" 6703)]
(clojurify-structure (EvenScheduler/sortSlots [
(WorkerSlot. "supervisor1" 6700) (WorkerSlot. "supervisor1" 6701)
(WorkerSlot. "supervisor2" 6700) (WorkerSlot. "supervisor2" 6701) (WorkerSlot. "supervisor2" 6702)
(WorkerSlot. "supervisor3" 6700) (WorkerSlot. "supervisor3" 6703) (WorkerSlot. "supervisor3" 6702) (WorkerSlot. "supervisor3" 6701)