blob: 28087705f56cbf50cdde9a566925a64f73f49969 [file] [log] [blame]
;; Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
;; or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
;; distributed with this work for additional information
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(ns org.apache.storm.scheduler.multitenant-scheduler-test
(:use [clojure test])
(:use [org.apache.storm daemon-config config log])
(:import [org.apache.storm.generated StormTopology])
(:import [org.apache.storm.daemon.nimbus Nimbus$StandaloneINimbus])
(:import [org.apache.storm.scheduler Cluster SupervisorDetails WorkerSlot ExecutorDetails
SchedulerAssignmentImpl Topologies TopologyDetails])
(:import [org.apache.storm.scheduler.resource.normalization ResourceMetrics])
(:import [org.apache.storm.metric StormMetricsRegistry])
(:import [org.apache.storm.scheduler.multitenant Node NodePool FreePool DefaultPool
IsolatedPool MultitenantScheduler]))
(defn gen-supervisors [count]
(into {} (for [id (range count)
:let [supervisor (SupervisorDetails. (str "super" id) (str "host" id) (list ) (map int (list 1 2 3 4)))]]
{(.getId supervisor) supervisor})))
(defn to-top-map [topologies]
(into {} (for [top topologies] {(.getId top) top})))
(defn ed [id] (ExecutorDetails. (int id) (int id)))
(defn mk-ed-map [arg]
(into {}
(for [[name start end] arg]
(into {}
(for [at (range start end)]
{(ed at) name})))))
(deftest test-node
(let [supers (gen-supervisors 5)
topology1 (TopologyDetails. "topology1" {} nil 1, "user")
topology2 (TopologyDetails. "topology2" {} nil 1, "user")
cluster (Cluster. (Nimbus$StandaloneINimbus.) (ResourceMetrics. (StormMetricsRegistry.)) supers {} (Topologies. {"topology1" topology1 "topology2" topology2}) {})
node-map (Node/getAllNodesFrom cluster)]
(is (= 5 (.size node-map)))
(let [node (.get node-map "super0")]
(is (= "super0" (.getId node)))
(is (= true (.isAlive node)))
(is (= 0 (.size (.getRunningTopologies node))))
(is (= true (.isTotallyFree node)))
(is (= 4 (.totalSlotsFree node)))
(is (= 0 (.totalSlotsUsed node)))
(is (= 4 (.totalSlots node)))
(.assign node "topology1" (list (ExecutorDetails. 1 1)) cluster)
(is (= 1 (.size (.getRunningTopologies node))))
(is (= false (.isTotallyFree node)))
(is (= 3 (.totalSlotsFree node)))
(is (= 1 (.totalSlotsUsed node)))
(is (= 4 (.totalSlots node)))
(.assign node "topology1" (list (ExecutorDetails. 2 2)) cluster)
(is (= 1 (.size (.getRunningTopologies node))))
(is (= false (.isTotallyFree node)))
(is (= 2 (.totalSlotsFree node)))
(is (= 2 (.totalSlotsUsed node)))
(is (= 4 (.totalSlots node)))
(.assign node "topology2" (list (ExecutorDetails. 1 1)) cluster)
(is (= 2 (.size (.getRunningTopologies node))))
(is (= false (.isTotallyFree node)))
(is (= 1 (.totalSlotsFree node)))
(is (= 3 (.totalSlotsUsed node)))
(is (= 4 (.totalSlots node)))
(.assign node "topology2" (list (ExecutorDetails. 2 2)) cluster)
(is (= 2 (.size (.getRunningTopologies node))))
(is (= false (.isTotallyFree node)))
(is (= 0 (.totalSlotsFree node)))
(is (= 4 (.totalSlotsUsed node)))
(is (= 4 (.totalSlots node)))
(.freeAllSlots node cluster)
(is (= 0 (.size (.getRunningTopologies node))))
(is (= true (.isTotallyFree node)))
(is (= 4 (.totalSlotsFree node)))
(is (= 0 (.totalSlotsUsed node)))
(is (= 4 (.totalSlots node)))
(deftest test-free-pool
(let [supers (gen-supervisors 5)
topology1 (TopologyDetails. "topology1" {} nil 1, "user")
cluster (Cluster. (Nimbus$StandaloneINimbus.) (ResourceMetrics. (StormMetricsRegistry.)) supers {} (Topologies. {"topology1" topology1}) {})
node-map (Node/getAllNodesFrom cluster)
free-pool (FreePool. )]
;; assign one node so it is not in the pool
(.assign (.get node-map "super0") "topology1" (list (ExecutorDetails. 1 1)) cluster)
(.init free-pool cluster node-map)
(is (= 4 (.nodesAvailable free-pool)))
(is (= (* 4 4) (.slotsAvailable free-pool)))
(let [ns-count-1 (.getNodeAndSlotCountIfSlotsWereTaken free-pool 1)
ns-count-3 (.getNodeAndSlotCountIfSlotsWereTaken free-pool 3)
ns-count-4 (.getNodeAndSlotCountIfSlotsWereTaken free-pool 4)
ns-count-5 (.getNodeAndSlotCountIfSlotsWereTaken free-pool 5)]
(is (= 1 (.nodes ns-count-1)))
(is (= 4 (.slots ns-count-1)))
(is (= 1 (.nodes ns-count-3)))
(is (= 4 (.slots ns-count-3)))
(is (= 1 (.nodes ns-count-4)))
(is (= 4 (.slots ns-count-4)))
(is (= 2 (.nodes ns-count-5)))
(is (= 8 (.slots ns-count-5)))
(let [nodes (.takeNodesBySlots free-pool 5)]
(is (= 2 (.size nodes)))
(is (= 8 (Node/countFreeSlotsAlive nodes)))
(is (= 8 (Node/countTotalSlotsAlive nodes)))
(is (= 2 (.nodesAvailable free-pool)))
(is (= (* 2 4) (.slotsAvailable free-pool)))
(let [nodes (.takeNodes free-pool 3)] ;;Only 2 should be left
(is (= 2 (.size nodes)))
(is (= 8 (Node/countFreeSlotsAlive nodes)))
(is (= 8 (Node/countTotalSlotsAlive nodes)))
(is (= 0 (.nodesAvailable free-pool)))
(is (= 0 (.slotsAvailable free-pool)))
(deftest test-default-pool-simple
(let [supers (gen-supervisors 5)
free-pool (FreePool. )
default-pool (DefaultPool. )
executor1 (ed 1)
executor2 (ed 2)
executor3 (ed 3)
topology1 (TopologyDetails. "topology1"
{TOPOLOGY-NAME "topology-name-1"}
{executor1 "spout1"
executor2 "bolt1"
executor3 "bolt2"} "user")
topologies (Topologies. {"topology1" topology1})
cluster (Cluster. (Nimbus$StandaloneINimbus.) (ResourceMetrics. (StormMetricsRegistry.)) supers {} topologies {})
node-map (Node/getAllNodesFrom cluster)]
;; assign one node so it is not in the pool
(.assign (.get node-map "super0") "topology1" (list executor1) cluster)
(.init free-pool cluster node-map)
(.init default-pool cluster node-map)
(is (= true (.canAdd default-pool topology1)))
(.addTopology default-pool topology1)
;;Only 1 node is in the default-pool because only one nodes was scheduled already
(is (= 4 (.slotsAvailable default-pool)))
(is (= 1 (.nodesAvailable default-pool)))
(is (= (* 4 4) (.slotsAvailable free-pool)))
(is (= 4 (.nodesAvailable free-pool)))
(is (= 1 (.size (.getSlots (.getAssignmentById cluster "topology1")))))
(.scheduleAsNeeded default-pool (into-array NodePool [free-pool]))
(is (= 4 (.slotsAvailable default-pool)))
(is (= 1 (.nodesAvailable default-pool)))
(is (= (* 4 4) (.slotsAvailable free-pool)))
(is (= 4 (.nodesAvailable free-pool)))
(is (= 2 (.size (.getSlots (.getAssignmentById cluster "topology1")))))
(is (= "Fully Scheduled" (.get (.getStatusMap cluster) "topology1")))
(deftest test-default-pool-big-request
(let [supers (gen-supervisors 5)
free-pool (FreePool. )
default-pool (DefaultPool. )
executor1 (ed 1)
executor2 (ed 2)
executor3 (ed 3)
topology1 (TopologyDetails. "topology1"
{TOPOLOGY-NAME "topology-name-1"}
{executor1 "spout1"
executor2 "bolt1"
executor3 "bolt2"} "user")
topologies (Topologies. {"topology1" topology1})
cluster (Cluster. (Nimbus$StandaloneINimbus.) (ResourceMetrics. (StormMetricsRegistry.)) supers {} topologies {})
node-map (Node/getAllNodesFrom cluster)]
;; assign one node so it is not in the pool
(.assign (.get node-map "super0") "topology1" (list executor1) cluster)
(.init free-pool cluster node-map)
(.init default-pool cluster node-map)
(is (= true (.canAdd default-pool topology1)))
(.addTopology default-pool topology1)
;;Only 1 node is in the default-pool because only one nodes was scheduled already
(is (= 4 (.slotsAvailable default-pool)))
(is (= 1 (.nodesAvailable default-pool)))
(is (= (* 4 4) (.slotsAvailable free-pool)))
(is (= 4 (.nodesAvailable free-pool)))
(is (= 1 (.size (.getSlots (.getAssignmentById cluster "topology1")))))
(.scheduleAsNeeded default-pool (into-array NodePool [free-pool]))
(is (= 4 (.slotsAvailable default-pool)))
(is (= 1 (.nodesAvailable default-pool)))
(is (= (* 4 4) (.slotsAvailable free-pool)))
(is (= 4 (.nodesAvailable free-pool)))
(is (= 3 (.size (.getSlots (.getAssignmentById cluster "topology1")))))
(is (= "Fully Scheduled (requested 5 slots, but could only use 3)" (.get (.getStatusMap cluster) "topology1")))
(deftest test-default-pool-big-request-2
(let [supers (gen-supervisors 1)
free-pool (FreePool. )
default-pool (DefaultPool. )
executor1 (ed 1)
executor2 (ed 2)
executor3 (ed 3)
executor4 (ed 4)
executor5 (ed 5)
topology1 (TopologyDetails. "topology1"
{TOPOLOGY-NAME "topology-name-1"}
{executor1 "spout1"
executor2 "bolt1"
executor3 "bolt1"
executor4 "bolt1"
executor5 "bolt2"} "user")
cluster (Cluster. (Nimbus$StandaloneINimbus.) (ResourceMetrics. (StormMetricsRegistry.)) supers {} (Topologies. {"topology1" topology1}) {})
node-map (Node/getAllNodesFrom cluster)]
;; assign one node so it is not in the pool
(.assign (.get node-map "super0") "topology1" (list executor1) cluster)
(.init free-pool cluster node-map)
(.init default-pool cluster node-map)
(is (= true (.canAdd default-pool topology1)))
(.addTopology default-pool topology1)
;;Only 1 node is in the default-pool because only one nodes was scheduled already
(is (= 4 (.slotsAvailable default-pool)))
(is (= 1 (.nodesAvailable default-pool)))
(is (= 0 (.slotsAvailable free-pool)))
(is (= 0 (.nodesAvailable free-pool)))
(is (= 1 (.size (.getSlots (.getAssignmentById cluster "topology1")))))
(.scheduleAsNeeded default-pool (into-array NodePool [free-pool]))
(is (= 4 (.slotsAvailable default-pool)))
(is (= 1 (.nodesAvailable default-pool)))
(is (= 0 (.slotsAvailable free-pool)))
(is (= 0 (.nodesAvailable free-pool)))
(is (= 4 (.size (.getSlots (.getAssignmentById cluster "topology1")))))
(is (= "Running with fewer slots than requested (4/5)" (.get (.getStatusMap cluster) "topology1")))
(deftest test-default-pool-full
(let [supers (gen-supervisors 2) ;;make 2 supervisors but only schedule with one of them
single-super {(ffirst supers) (second (first supers))}
executor1 (ed 1)
executor2 (ed 2)
executor3 (ed 3)
executor4 (ed 4)
executor5 (ed 5)
topology1 (TopologyDetails. "topology1"
{TOPOLOGY-NAME "topology-name-1"}
{executor1 "spout1"
executor2 "bolt1"
executor3 "bolt2"
executor4 "bolt3"
executor5 "bolt4"} "user")
topologies (Topologies. {"topology1" topology1})
single-cluster (Cluster. (Nimbus$StandaloneINimbus.) (ResourceMetrics. (StormMetricsRegistry.)) single-super {} topologies {})]
(let [node-map (Node/getAllNodesFrom single-cluster)
free-pool (FreePool. )
default-pool (DefaultPool. )]
(.init free-pool single-cluster node-map)
(.init default-pool single-cluster node-map)
(.addTopology default-pool topology1)
(.scheduleAsNeeded default-pool (into-array NodePool [free-pool]))
;; The cluster should be full and have 4 slots used, but the topology would like 1 more
(is (= 4 (.size (.getUsedSlots single-cluster))))
(is (= "Running with fewer slots than requested (4/5)" (.get (.getStatusMap single-cluster) "topology1")))
(let [cluster (Cluster. (Nimbus$StandaloneINimbus.) (ResourceMetrics. (StormMetricsRegistry.)) supers (.getAssignments single-cluster) topologies {})
node-map (Node/getAllNodesFrom cluster)
free-pool (FreePool. )
default-pool (DefaultPool. )]
(.init free-pool cluster node-map)
(.init default-pool cluster node-map)
(.addTopology default-pool topology1)
(.scheduleAsNeeded default-pool (into-array NodePool [free-pool]))
;; The cluster should now have 5 slots used
(is (= 5 (.size (.getUsedSlots cluster))))
(is (= "Fully Scheduled" (.get (.getStatusMap cluster) "topology1")))
(deftest test-default-pool-complex
(let [supers (gen-supervisors 5)
free-pool (FreePool. )
default-pool (DefaultPool. )
executor1 (ed 1)
executor2 (ed 2)
executor3 (ed 3)
executor11 (ed 11)
executor12 (ed 12)
executor13 (ed 13)
executor14 (ed 14)
topology1 (TopologyDetails. "topology1"
{TOPOLOGY-NAME "topology-name-1"}
{executor1 "spout1"
executor2 "bolt1"
executor3 "bolt2"} "user")
topology2 (TopologyDetails. "topology2"
{TOPOLOGY-NAME "topology-name-2"}
{executor11 "spout11"
executor12 "bolt12"
executor13 "bolt13"
executor14 "bolt14"} "user")
topologies (Topologies. {"topology1" topology1 "topology2" topology2})
cluster (Cluster. (Nimbus$StandaloneINimbus.) (ResourceMetrics. (StormMetricsRegistry.)) supers {} topologies {})
node-map (Node/getAllNodesFrom cluster)]
;; assign one node so it is not in the pool
(.assign (.get node-map "super0") "topology1" (list executor1) cluster)
(.init free-pool cluster node-map)
(.init default-pool cluster node-map)
(is (= true (.canAdd default-pool topology1)))
(.addTopology default-pool topology1)
(is (= true (.canAdd default-pool topology2)))
(.addTopology default-pool topology2)
;;Only 1 node is in the default-pool because only one nodes was scheduled already
(is (= 4 (.slotsAvailable default-pool)))
(is (= 1 (.nodesAvailable default-pool)))
(is (= (* 4 4) (.slotsAvailable free-pool)))
(is (= 4 (.nodesAvailable free-pool)))
(is (= 1 (.size (.getSlots (.getAssignmentById cluster "topology1")))))
(is (= nil (.getAssignmentById cluster "topology2")))
(.scheduleAsNeeded default-pool (into-array NodePool [free-pool]))
;;We steal a node from the free pool to handle the extra
(is (= 8 (.slotsAvailable default-pool)))
(is (= 2 (.nodesAvailable default-pool)))
(is (= (* 3 4) (.slotsAvailable free-pool)))
(is (= 3 (.nodesAvailable free-pool)))
(is (= 2 (.size (.getSlots (.getAssignmentById cluster "topology1")))))
(is (= 4 (.size (.getSlots (.getAssignmentById cluster "topology2")))))
(let [ns-count-1 (.getNodeAndSlotCountIfSlotsWereTaken default-pool 1)
ns-count-3 (.getNodeAndSlotCountIfSlotsWereTaken default-pool 3)
ns-count-4 (.getNodeAndSlotCountIfSlotsWereTaken default-pool 4)
ns-count-5 (.getNodeAndSlotCountIfSlotsWereTaken default-pool 5)]
(is (= 1 (.nodes ns-count-1)))
(is (= 4 (.slots ns-count-1)))
(is (= 1 (.nodes ns-count-3)))
(is (= 4 (.slots ns-count-3)))
(is (= 1 (.nodes ns-count-4)))
(is (= 4 (.slots ns-count-4)))
(is (= 2 (.nodes ns-count-5)))
(is (= 8 (.slots ns-count-5)))
(let [nodes (.takeNodesBySlots default-pool 3)]
(is (= 1 (.size nodes)))
(is (= 4 (Node/countFreeSlotsAlive nodes)))
(is (= 4 (Node/countTotalSlotsAlive nodes)))
(is (= 1 (.nodesAvailable default-pool)))
(is (= (* 1 4) (.slotsAvailable default-pool)))
(let [nodes (.takeNodes default-pool 3)] ;;Only 1 should be left
(is (= 1 (.size nodes)))
(is (= 4 (Node/countFreeSlotsAlive nodes)))
(is (= 4 (Node/countTotalSlotsAlive nodes)))
(is (= 0 (.nodesAvailable default-pool)))
(is (= 0 (.slotsAvailable default-pool)))
(is (= "Fully Scheduled" (.get (.getStatusMap cluster) "topology1")))
(is (= "Fully Scheduled" (.get (.getStatusMap cluster) "topology2")))
(deftest test-isolated-pool-simple
(let [supers (gen-supervisors 5)
free-pool (FreePool. )
isolated-pool (IsolatedPool. 5)
executor1 (ed 1)
executor2 (ed 2)
executor3 (ed 3)
executor4 (ed 4)
topology1 (TopologyDetails. "topology1"
{TOPOLOGY-NAME "topology-name-1"
{executor1 "spout1"
executor2 "bolt1"
executor3 "bolt2"
executor4 "bolt4"} "user")
topologies (Topologies. {"topology1" topology1})
cluster (Cluster. (Nimbus$StandaloneINimbus.) (ResourceMetrics. (StormMetricsRegistry.)) supers {} topologies {})
node-map (Node/getAllNodesFrom cluster)]
;; assign one node so it is not in the pool
(.assign (.get node-map "super0") "topology1" (list executor1) cluster)
(.init free-pool cluster node-map)
(.init isolated-pool cluster node-map)
(is (= true (.canAdd isolated-pool topology1)))
(.addTopology isolated-pool topology1)
;;Isolated topologies cannot have their resources stolen
(is (= 0 (.slotsAvailable isolated-pool)))
(is (= 0 (.nodesAvailable isolated-pool)))
(is (= (* 4 4) (.slotsAvailable free-pool)))
(is (= 4 (.nodesAvailable free-pool)))
(is (= 1 (.size (.getSlots (.getAssignmentById cluster "topology1")))))
(.scheduleAsNeeded isolated-pool (into-array NodePool [free-pool]))
(is (= 0 (.slotsAvailable isolated-pool)))
(is (= 0 (.nodesAvailable isolated-pool)))
(is (= (* 1 4) (.slotsAvailable free-pool)))
(is (= 1 (.nodesAvailable free-pool)))
(let [assigned-slots (.getSlots (.getAssignmentById cluster "topology1"))]
;; 4 slots on 4 machines
(is (= 4 (.size assigned-slots)))
(is (= 4 (.size (into #{} (for [slot assigned-slots] (.getNodeId slot))))))
(is (= "Scheduled Isolated on 4 Nodes" (.get (.getStatusMap cluster) "topology1")))
(deftest test-isolated-pool-big-ask
(let [supers (gen-supervisors 5)
free-pool (FreePool. )
isolated-pool (IsolatedPool. 5)
executor1 (ed 1)
executor2 (ed 2)
executor3 (ed 3)
executor4 (ed 4)
topology1 (TopologyDetails. "topology1"
{TOPOLOGY-NAME "topology-name-1"
{executor1 "spout1"
executor2 "bolt1"
executor3 "bolt2"
executor4 "bolt4"} "user")
topologies (Topologies. {"topology1" topology1})
cluster (Cluster. (Nimbus$StandaloneINimbus.) (ResourceMetrics. (StormMetricsRegistry.)) supers {} topologies {})
node-map (Node/getAllNodesFrom cluster)]
;; assign one node so it is not in the pool
(.assign (.get node-map "super0") "topology1" (list executor1) cluster)
(.init free-pool cluster node-map)
(.init isolated-pool cluster node-map)
(is (= true (.canAdd isolated-pool topology1)))
(.addTopology isolated-pool topology1)
;;Isolated topologies cannot have their resources stolen
(is (= 0 (.slotsAvailable isolated-pool)))
(is (= 0 (.nodesAvailable isolated-pool)))
(is (= (* 4 4) (.slotsAvailable free-pool)))
(is (= 4 (.nodesAvailable free-pool)))
(is (= 1 (.size (.getSlots (.getAssignmentById cluster "topology1")))))
(.scheduleAsNeeded isolated-pool (into-array NodePool [free-pool]))
(is (= 0 (.slotsAvailable isolated-pool)))
(is (= 0 (.nodesAvailable isolated-pool)))
(is (= (* 1 4) (.slotsAvailable free-pool)))
(is (= 1 (.nodesAvailable free-pool)))
(let [assigned-slots (.getSlots (.getAssignmentById cluster "topology1"))]
;; 4 slots on 4 machines
(is (= 4 (.size assigned-slots)))
(is (= 4 (.size (into #{} (for [slot assigned-slots] (.getNodeId slot))))))
(is (= "Scheduled Isolated on 4 Nodes" (.get (.getStatusMap cluster) "topology1")))
(deftest test-isolated-pool-complex
(let [supers (gen-supervisors 5)
free-pool (FreePool. )
isolated-pool (IsolatedPool. 5)
executor1 (ed 1)
executor2 (ed 2)
executor3 (ed 3)
executor4 (ed 4)
executor11 (ed 11)
executor12 (ed 12)
executor13 (ed 13)
executor14 (ed 14)
topology1 (TopologyDetails. "topology1"
{TOPOLOGY-NAME "topology-name-1"}
{executor1 "spout1"
executor2 "bolt1"
executor3 "bolt2"
executor4 "bolt4"} "user")
topology2 (TopologyDetails. "topology2"
{TOPOLOGY-NAME "topology-name-2"
{executor11 "spout11"
executor12 "bolt12"
executor13 "bolt13"
executor14 "bolt14"} "user")
topologies (Topologies. {"topology1" topology1 "topology2" topology2})
cluster (Cluster. (Nimbus$StandaloneINimbus.) (ResourceMetrics. (StormMetricsRegistry.)) supers {} topologies {})
node-map (Node/getAllNodesFrom cluster)]
;; assign one node so it is not in the pool
(.assign (.get node-map "super0") "topology1" (list executor1) cluster)
(.init free-pool cluster node-map)
(.init isolated-pool cluster node-map)
(is (= true (.canAdd isolated-pool topology1)))
(.addTopology isolated-pool topology1)
(is (= true (.canAdd isolated-pool topology2)))
(.addTopology isolated-pool topology2)
;; nodes can be stolen from non-isolted tops in the pool
(is (= 4 (.slotsAvailable isolated-pool)))
(is (= 1 (.nodesAvailable isolated-pool)))
(is (= (* 4 4) (.slotsAvailable free-pool)))
(is (= 4 (.nodesAvailable free-pool)))
(is (= 1 (.size (.getSlots (.getAssignmentById cluster "topology1")))))
(is (= nil (.getAssignmentById cluster "topology2")))
(.scheduleAsNeeded isolated-pool (into-array NodePool [free-pool]))
;;We steal 2 nodes from the free pool to handle the extra (but still only 1 node for the non-isolated top
(is (= 4 (.slotsAvailable isolated-pool)))
(is (= 1 (.nodesAvailable isolated-pool)))
(is (= (* 2 4) (.slotsAvailable free-pool)))
(is (= 2 (.nodesAvailable free-pool)))
(let [assigned-slots (.getSlots (.getAssignmentById cluster "topology1"))]
;; 4 slots on 1 machine
(is (= 4 (.size assigned-slots)))
(is (= 1 (.size (into #{} (for [slot assigned-slots] (.getNodeId slot))))))
(let [assigned-slots (.getSlots (.getAssignmentById cluster "topology2"))]
;; 4 slots on 2 machines
(is (= 4 (.size assigned-slots)))
(is (= 2 (.size (into #{} (for [slot assigned-slots] (.getNodeId slot))))))
(let [ns-count-1 (.getNodeAndSlotCountIfSlotsWereTaken isolated-pool 1)
ns-count-3 (.getNodeAndSlotCountIfSlotsWereTaken isolated-pool 3)
ns-count-4 (.getNodeAndSlotCountIfSlotsWereTaken isolated-pool 4)
ns-count-5 (.getNodeAndSlotCountIfSlotsWereTaken isolated-pool 5)]
(is (= 1 (.nodes ns-count-1)))
(is (= 4 (.slots ns-count-1)))
(is (= 1 (.nodes ns-count-3)))
(is (= 4 (.slots ns-count-3)))
(is (= 1 (.nodes ns-count-4)))
(is (= 4 (.slots ns-count-4)))
(is (= 1 (.nodes ns-count-5))) ;;Only 1 node can be stolen right now
(is (= 4 (.slots ns-count-5)))
(let [nodes (.takeNodesBySlots isolated-pool 3)]
(is (= 1 (.size nodes)))
(is (= 4 (Node/countFreeSlotsAlive nodes)))
(is (= 4 (Node/countTotalSlotsAlive nodes)))
(is (= 0 (.nodesAvailable isolated-pool)))
(is (= (* 0 4) (.slotsAvailable isolated-pool)))
(let [assigned-slots (.getSlots (.getAssignmentById cluster "topology1"))]
;; 4 slots on 1 machine
(is (= 0 (.size assigned-slots)))
(is (= 0 (.size (into #{} (for [slot assigned-slots] (.getNodeId slot))))))
(let [assigned-slots (.getSlots (.getAssignmentById cluster "topology2"))]
;; 4 slots on 2 machines
(is (= 4 (.size assigned-slots)))
(is (= 2 (.size (into #{} (for [slot assigned-slots] (.getNodeId slot))))))
(let [nodes (.takeNodes isolated-pool 3)] ;;Cannot steal from the isolated scheduler
(is (= 0 (.size nodes)))
(is (= 0 (Node/countFreeSlotsAlive nodes)))
(is (= 0 (Node/countTotalSlotsAlive nodes)))
(is (= 0 (.nodesAvailable isolated-pool)))
(is (= 0 (.slotsAvailable isolated-pool)))
(is (= "Scheduled Isolated on 1 Nodes" (.get (.getStatusMap cluster) "topology1")))
(is (= "Scheduled Isolated on 2 Nodes" (.get (.getStatusMap cluster) "topology2")))
(deftest test-isolated-pool-complex-2
(let [supers (gen-supervisors 5)
free-pool (FreePool. )
;;like before but now we can only hold 2 nodes max. Don't go over
isolated-pool (IsolatedPool. 2)
executor1 (ed 1)
executor2 (ed 2)
executor3 (ed 3)
executor4 (ed 4)
executor11 (ed 11)
executor12 (ed 12)
executor13 (ed 13)
executor14 (ed 14)
topology1 (TopologyDetails. "topology1"
{TOPOLOGY-NAME "topology-name-1"}
{executor1 "spout1"
executor2 "bolt1"
executor3 "bolt2"
executor4 "bolt4"} "user")
topology2 (TopologyDetails. "topology2"
{TOPOLOGY-NAME "topology-name-2"
{executor11 "spout11"
executor12 "bolt12"
executor13 "bolt13"
executor14 "bolt14"} "user")
topologies (Topologies. {"topology1" topology1 "topology2" topology2})
cluster (Cluster. (Nimbus$StandaloneINimbus.) (ResourceMetrics. (StormMetricsRegistry.)) supers {} topologies {})
node-map (Node/getAllNodesFrom cluster)]
;; assign one node so it is not in the pool
(.assign (.get node-map "super0") "topology1" (list executor1) cluster)
(.init free-pool cluster node-map)
(.init isolated-pool cluster node-map)
(is (= true (.canAdd isolated-pool topology1)))
(.addTopology isolated-pool topology1)
(is (= true (.canAdd isolated-pool topology2)))
(.addTopology isolated-pool topology2)
;; nodes can be stolen from non-isolted tops in the pool
(is (= 4 (.slotsAvailable isolated-pool)))
(is (= 1 (.nodesAvailable isolated-pool)))
(is (= (* 4 4) (.slotsAvailable free-pool)))
(is (= 4 (.nodesAvailable free-pool)))
(is (= 1 (.size (.getSlots (.getAssignmentById cluster "topology1")))))
(is (= nil (.getAssignmentById cluster "topology2")))
(.scheduleAsNeeded isolated-pool (into-array NodePool [free-pool]))
;;We steal 1 node from the free pool and 1 from ourself to handle the extra
(is (= 0 (.slotsAvailable isolated-pool)))
(is (= 0 (.nodesAvailable isolated-pool)))
(is (= (* 3 4) (.slotsAvailable free-pool)))
(is (= 3 (.nodesAvailable free-pool)))
(let [assigned-slots (.getSlots (.getAssignmentById cluster "topology1"))]
;; 0 slots on 0 machine
(is (= 0 (.size assigned-slots)))
(is (= 0 (.size (into #{} (for [slot assigned-slots] (.getNodeId slot))))))
(let [assigned-slots (.getSlots (.getAssignmentById cluster "topology2"))]
;; 4 slots on 2 machines
(is (= 4 (.size assigned-slots)))
(is (= 2 (.size (into #{} (for [slot assigned-slots] (.getNodeId slot))))))
;;The text can be off for a bit until we schedule again
(.scheduleAsNeeded isolated-pool (into-array NodePool [free-pool]))
(is (= "Max Nodes(2) for this user would be exceeded. 1 more nodes needed to run topology." (.get (.getStatusMap cluster) "topology1")))
(is (= "Scheduled Isolated on 2 Nodes" (.get (.getStatusMap cluster) "topology2")))
(deftest test-multitenant-scheduler
(let [supers (gen-supervisors 10)
topology1 (TopologyDetails. "topology1"
{TOPOLOGY-NAME "topology-name-1"}
(mk-ed-map [["spout1" 0 5]
["bolt1" 5 10]
["bolt2" 10 15]
["bolt3" 15 20]]) "userC")
topology2 (TopologyDetails. "topology2"
{TOPOLOGY-NAME "topology-name-2"
(mk-ed-map [["spout11" 0 5]
["bolt12" 5 6]
["bolt13" 6 7]
["bolt14" 7 10]]) "userA")
topology3 (TopologyDetails. "topology3"
{TOPOLOGY-NAME "topology-name-3"
(mk-ed-map [["spout21" 0 10]
["bolt22" 10 20]
["bolt23" 20 30]
["bolt24" 30 40]]) "userB")
topologies (Topologies. (to-top-map [topology1 topology2 topology3]))
cluster (Cluster. (Nimbus$StandaloneINimbus.) (ResourceMetrics. (StormMetricsRegistry.)) supers {} topologies {})
node-map (Node/getAllNodesFrom cluster)
scheduler (MultitenantScheduler.)]
(.assign (.get node-map "super0") "topology1" (list (ed 1)) cluster)
(.assign (.get node-map "super1") "topology2" (list (ed 5)) cluster)
(.prepare scheduler conf)
(.schedule scheduler topologies cluster)
(let [assignment (.getAssignmentById cluster "topology1")
assigned-slots (.getSlots assignment)
executors (.getExecutors assignment)]
;; 4 slots on 1 machine, all executors assigned
(is (= 4 (.size assigned-slots)))
(is (= 1 (.size (into #{} (for [slot assigned-slots] (.getNodeId slot))))))
(is (= 20 (.size executors)))
(is (= "Fully Scheduled" (.get (.getStatusMap cluster) "topology1")))
(is (= "Scheduled Isolated on 2 Nodes" (.get (.getStatusMap cluster) "topology2")))
(is (= "Scheduled Isolated on 5 Nodes" (.get (.getStatusMap cluster) "topology3")))
(finally (.cleanup scheduler)))
(deftest test-force-free-slot-in-bad-state
(let [supers (gen-supervisors 1)
topology1 (TopologyDetails. "topology1"
{TOPOLOGY-NAME "topology-name-1"}
(mk-ed-map [["spout1" 0 5]
["bolt1" 5 10]
["bolt2" 10 15]
["bolt3" 15 20]]) "userC")
existing-assignments {
"topology1" (SchedulerAssignmentImpl. "topology1" {(ExecutorDetails. 0 5) (WorkerSlot. "super0" 1)
(ExecutorDetails. 5 10) (WorkerSlot. "super0" 20)
(ExecutorDetails. 10 15) (WorkerSlot. "super0" 1)
(ExecutorDetails. 15 20) (WorkerSlot. "super0" 1)} nil nil)
topologies (Topologies. (to-top-map [topology1]))
cluster (Cluster. (Nimbus$StandaloneINimbus.) (ResourceMetrics. (StormMetricsRegistry.)) supers existing-assignments topologies {})
node-map (Node/getAllNodesFrom cluster)
scheduler (MultitenantScheduler.)]
(.assign (.get node-map "super0") "topology1" (list (ed 1)) cluster)
(.prepare scheduler conf)
(.schedule scheduler topologies cluster)
(let [assignment (.getAssignmentById cluster "topology1")
assigned-slots (.getSlots assignment)
executors (.getExecutors assignment)]
(log-message "Executors are:" executors)
;; 4 slots on 1 machine, all executors assigned
(is (= 4 (.size assigned-slots)))
(is (= 1 (.size (into #{} (for [slot assigned-slots] (.getNodeId slot))))))
(is (= "Fully Scheduled" (.get (.getStatusMap cluster) "topology1")))
(finally (.cleanup scheduler)))
(deftest test-multitenant-scheduler-bad-starting-state
(testing "Assiging same worker slot to different topologies is bad state"
(let [supers (gen-supervisors 5)
topology1 (TopologyDetails. "topology1"
{TOPOLOGY-NAME "topology-name-1"}
(mk-ed-map [["spout1" 0 1]]) "userC")
topology2 (TopologyDetails. "topology2"
{TOPOLOGY-NAME "topology-name-2"
(mk-ed-map [["spout11" 1 2]["bolt11" 3 4]]) "userA")
topology3 (TopologyDetails. "topology3"
{TOPOLOGY-NAME "topology-name-3"
(mk-ed-map [["spout21" 2 3]]) "userB")
worker-slot-with-multiple-assignments (WorkerSlot. "super1" 1)
existing-assignments {"topology2" (SchedulerAssignmentImpl. "topology2" {(ExecutorDetails. 1 1) worker-slot-with-multiple-assignments} nil nil)
"topology3" (SchedulerAssignmentImpl. "topology3" {(ExecutorDetails. 2 2) worker-slot-with-multiple-assignments} nil nil)}
topologies (Topologies. (to-top-map [topology1 topology2 topology3]))
cluster (Cluster. (Nimbus$StandaloneINimbus.) (ResourceMetrics. (StormMetricsRegistry.)) supers existing-assignments topologies {})
scheduler (MultitenantScheduler.)]
(.prepare scheduler conf)
(.schedule scheduler topologies cluster)
(let [assignment (.getAssignmentById cluster "topology1")
assigned-slots (.getSlots assignment)
executors (.getExecutors assignment)]
(is (= 1 (.size assigned-slots))))
(is (= "Fully Scheduled" (.get (.getStatusMap cluster) "topology1")))
(is (= "Scheduled Isolated on 2 Nodes" (.get (.getStatusMap cluster) "topology2")))
(is (= "Scheduled Isolated on 1 Nodes" (.get (.getStatusMap cluster) "topology3")))
(finally (.cleanup scheduler))))))
(deftest test-existing-assignment-slot-not-found-in-supervisor
(testing "Scheduler should handle discrepancy when a live supervisor heartbeat does not report slot,
but worker heartbeat says its running on that slot"
(let [supers (gen-supervisors 1)
port-not-reported-by-supervisor 6
topology1 (TopologyDetails. "topology1"
{TOPOLOGY-NAME "topology-name-1"}
(mk-ed-map [["spout11" 0 1]]) "userA")
existing-assignments {"topology1"
(SchedulerAssignmentImpl. "topology1"
{(ExecutorDetails. 0 0) (WorkerSlot. "super0" port-not-reported-by-supervisor)} nil nil)}
topologies (Topologies. (to-top-map [topology1]))
cluster (Cluster. (Nimbus$StandaloneINimbus.) (ResourceMetrics. (StormMetricsRegistry.)) supers existing-assignments topologies {})
conf {}
scheduler (MultitenantScheduler.)]
(.prepare scheduler conf)
(.schedule scheduler topologies cluster)
(let [assignment (.getAssignmentById cluster "topology1")
assigned-slots (.getSlots assignment)
executors (.getExecutors assignment)]
(is (= 1 (.size assigned-slots))))
(is (= "Fully Scheduled" (.get (.getStatusMap cluster) "topology1")))
(finally(.cleanup scheduler))))))
(deftest test-existing-assignment-slot-on-dead-supervisor
(testing "Dead supervisor could have slot with duplicate assignments or slot never reported by supervisor"
(let [supers (gen-supervisors 1)
dead-supervisor "super1"
port-not-reported-by-supervisor 6
topology1 (TopologyDetails. "topology1"
{TOPOLOGY-NAME "topology-name-1"}
(mk-ed-map [["spout11" 0 1]
["bolt12" 1 2]]) "userA")
topology2 (TopologyDetails. "topology2"
{TOPOLOGY-NAME "topology-name-2"}
(mk-ed-map [["spout21" 4 5]
["bolt22" 5 6]]) "userA")
worker-slot-with-multiple-assignments (WorkerSlot. dead-supervisor 1)
existing-assignments {"topology1"
(SchedulerAssignmentImpl. "topology1"
{(ExecutorDetails. 0 0) worker-slot-with-multiple-assignments
(ExecutorDetails. 1 1) (WorkerSlot. dead-supervisor 3)} nil nil)
(SchedulerAssignmentImpl. "topology2"
{(ExecutorDetails. 4 4) worker-slot-with-multiple-assignments
(ExecutorDetails. 5 5) (WorkerSlot. dead-supervisor port-not-reported-by-supervisor)} nil nil)}
topologies (Topologies. (to-top-map [topology1 topology2]))
cluster (Cluster. (Nimbus$StandaloneINimbus.) (ResourceMetrics. (StormMetricsRegistry.)) supers existing-assignments topologies {})
conf {}
scheduler (MultitenantScheduler.)]
(.prepare scheduler conf)
(.schedule scheduler topologies cluster)
(let [assignment (.getAssignmentById cluster "topology1")
assigned-slots (.getSlots assignment)
executors (.getExecutors assignment)]
(is (= 2 (.size assigned-slots)))
(is (= 2 (.size executors))))
(is (= "Fully Scheduled" (.get (.getStatusMap cluster) "topology1")))
(let [assignment (.getAssignmentById cluster "topology2")
assigned-slots (.getSlots assignment)
executors (.getExecutors assignment)]
(is (= 2 (.size assigned-slots)))
(is (= 2 (.size executors))))
(is (= "Fully Scheduled" (.get (.getStatusMap cluster) "topology2")))
(finally (.cleanup scheduler))))))
(deftest test-isolated-pool-scheduling-with-nodes-with-different-number-of-slots
(let [super1 (SupervisorDetails. "super1" "host2" (list ) (map int (list 1 2 3 4 5)))
super2 (SupervisorDetails. "super2" "host2" (list ) (map int (list 1 2 )))
supers {"super1" super1 "super2" super2}
topology1 (TopologyDetails. "topology1"
{TOPOLOGY-NAME "topology-name-1"
(mk-ed-map [["spout21" 0 7]]) "userA")
existing-assignments {"topology1"
(SchedulerAssignmentImpl. "topology1"
{(ExecutorDetails. 0 0) (WorkerSlot. "super1" 1)
(ExecutorDetails. 1 1) (WorkerSlot. "super1" 2)
(ExecutorDetails. 2 2) (WorkerSlot. "super1" 3)
(ExecutorDetails. 3 3) (WorkerSlot. "super1" 4)
(ExecutorDetails. 4 4) (WorkerSlot. "super2" 1)
(ExecutorDetails. 5 5) (WorkerSlot. "super2" 2)} nil nil)}
topologies (Topologies. (to-top-map [topology1]))
cluster (Cluster. (Nimbus$StandaloneINimbus.) (ResourceMetrics. (StormMetricsRegistry.)) supers existing-assignments topologies {})
scheduler (MultitenantScheduler.)]
(.prepare scheduler conf)
(.schedule scheduler topologies cluster)
(finally (.cleanup scheduler)))
(is (= "Scheduled Isolated on 2 Nodes" (.get (.getStatusMap cluster) "topology1")))))