blob: b01d08448d48a85d494f1f45c4dbdde51893a5ec [file] [log] [blame]
#!/usr/local/bin/thrift --gen java:beans,nocamel,hashcode
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
* Contains some contributions under the Thrift Software License.
* Please see doc/old-thrift-license.txt in the Thrift distribution for
* details.
namespace java org.apache.storm.generated
union JavaObjectArg {
1: i32 int_arg;
2: i64 long_arg;
3: string string_arg;
4: bool bool_arg;
5: binary binary_arg;
6: double double_arg;
struct JavaObject {
1: required string full_class_name;
2: required list<JavaObjectArg> args_list;
struct NullStruct {
struct GlobalStreamId {
1: required string componentId;
2: required string streamId;
#Going to need to add an enum for the stream type (NORMAL or FAILURE)
union Grouping {
1: list<string> fields; //empty list means global grouping
2: NullStruct shuffle; // tuple is sent to random task
3: NullStruct all; // tuple is sent to every task
4: NullStruct none; // tuple is sent to a single task (storm's choice) -> allows storm to optimize the topology by bundling tasks into a single process
5: NullStruct direct; // this bolt expects the source bolt to send tuples directly to it
6: JavaObject custom_object;
7: binary custom_serialized;
8: NullStruct local_or_shuffle; // prefer sending to tasks in the same worker process, otherwise shuffle
struct StreamInfo {
1: required list<string> output_fields;
2: required bool direct;
struct ShellComponent {
// should change this to 1: required list<string> execution_command;
1: string execution_command;
2: string script;
union ComponentObject {
1: binary serialized_java;
2: ShellComponent shell;
3: JavaObject java_object;
struct ComponentCommon {
1: required map<GlobalStreamId, Grouping> inputs;
2: required map<string, StreamInfo> streams; //key is stream id
3: optional i32 parallelism_hint; //how many threads across the cluster should be dedicated to this component
// component specific configuration respects:
// topology.debug: false
// topology.max.task.parallelism: null // can replace isDistributed with this
// topology.max.spout.pending: null
// topology.kryo.register // this is the only additive one
// component specific configuration
4: optional string json_conf;
struct SpoutSpec {
1: required ComponentObject spout_object;
2: required ComponentCommon common;
// can force a spout to be non-distributed by overriding the component configuration
struct Bolt {
1: required ComponentObject bolt_object;
2: required ComponentCommon common;
// not implemented yet
// this will eventually be the basis for subscription implementation in storm
struct StateSpoutSpec {
1: required ComponentObject state_spout_object;
2: required ComponentCommon common;
struct StormTopology {
//ids must be unique across maps
// #workers to use is in conf
1: required map<string, SpoutSpec> spouts;
2: required map<string, Bolt> bolts;
3: required map<string, StateSpoutSpec> state_spouts;
4: optional list<binary> worker_hooks;
exception AlreadyAliveException {
1: required string msg;
exception NotAliveException {
1: required string msg;
exception AuthorizationException {
1: required string msg;
exception InvalidTopologyException {
1: required string msg;
exception KeyNotFoundException {
1: required string msg;
exception KeyAlreadyExistsException {
1: required string msg;
struct TopologySummary {
1: required string id;
2: required string name;
3: required i32 num_tasks;
4: required i32 num_executors;
5: required i32 num_workers;
6: required i32 uptime_secs;
7: required string status;
513: optional string sched_status;
514: optional string owner;
515: optional i32 replication_count;
521: optional double requested_memonheap;
522: optional double requested_memoffheap;
523: optional double requested_cpu;
524: optional double assigned_memonheap;
525: optional double assigned_memoffheap;
526: optional double assigned_cpu;
struct SupervisorSummary {
1: required string host;
2: required i32 uptime_secs;
3: required i32 num_workers;
4: required i32 num_used_workers;
5: required string supervisor_id;
6: optional string version = "VERSION_NOT_PROVIDED";
7: optional map<string, double> total_resources;
8: optional double used_mem;
9: optional double used_cpu;
struct NimbusSummary {
1: required string host;
2: required i32 port;
3: required i32 uptime_secs;
4: required bool isLeader;
5: required string version;
struct ClusterSummary {
1: required list<SupervisorSummary> supervisors;
//@deprecated, please use nimbuses.uptime_secs instead.
2: optional i32 nimbus_uptime_secs = 0;
3: required list<TopologySummary> topologies;
4: required list<NimbusSummary> nimbuses;
struct ErrorInfo {
1: required string error;
2: required i32 error_time_secs;
3: optional string host;
4: optional i32 port;
struct BoltStats {
1: required map<string, map<GlobalStreamId, i64>> acked;
2: required map<string, map<GlobalStreamId, i64>> failed;
3: required map<string, map<GlobalStreamId, double>> process_ms_avg;
4: required map<string, map<GlobalStreamId, i64>> executed;
5: required map<string, map<GlobalStreamId, double>> execute_ms_avg;
struct SpoutStats {
1: required map<string, map<string, i64>> acked;
2: required map<string, map<string, i64>> failed;
3: required map<string, map<string, double>> complete_ms_avg;
union ExecutorSpecificStats {
1: BoltStats bolt;
2: SpoutStats spout;
// Stats are a map from the time window (all time or a number indicating number of seconds in the window)
// to the stats. Usually stats are a stream id to a count or average.
struct ExecutorStats {
1: required map<string, map<string, i64>> emitted;
2: required map<string, map<string, i64>> transferred;
3: required ExecutorSpecificStats specific;
4: required double rate;
struct ExecutorInfo {
1: required i32 task_start;
2: required i32 task_end;
struct ExecutorSummary {
1: required ExecutorInfo executor_info;
2: required string component_id;
3: required string host;
4: required i32 port;
5: required i32 uptime_secs;
7: optional ExecutorStats stats;
struct DebugOptions {
1: optional bool enable
2: optional double samplingpct
struct TopologyInfo {
1: required string id;
2: required string name;
3: required i32 uptime_secs;
4: required list<ExecutorSummary> executors;
5: required string status;
6: required map<string, list<ErrorInfo>> errors;
7: optional map<string, DebugOptions> component_debug;
513: optional string sched_status;
514: optional string owner;
515: optional i32 replication_count;
521: optional double requested_memonheap;
522: optional double requested_memoffheap;
523: optional double requested_cpu;
524: optional double assigned_memonheap;
525: optional double assigned_memoffheap;
526: optional double assigned_cpu;
struct CommonAggregateStats {
1: optional i32 num_executors;
2: optional i32 num_tasks;
3: optional i64 emitted;
4: optional i64 transferred;
5: optional i64 acked;
6: optional i64 failed;
struct SpoutAggregateStats {
1: optional double complete_latency_ms;
struct BoltAggregateStats {
1: optional double execute_latency_ms;
2: optional double process_latency_ms;
3: optional i64 executed;
4: optional double capacity;
union SpecificAggregateStats {
1: BoltAggregateStats bolt;
2: SpoutAggregateStats spout;
enum ComponentType {
BOLT = 1,
struct ComponentAggregateStats {
1: optional ComponentType type;
2: optional CommonAggregateStats common_stats;
3: optional SpecificAggregateStats specific_stats;
4: optional ErrorInfo last_error;
struct TopologyStats {
1: optional map<string, i64> window_to_emitted;
2: optional map<string, i64> window_to_transferred;
3: optional map<string, double> window_to_complete_latencies_ms;
4: optional map<string, i64> window_to_acked;
5: optional map<string, i64> window_to_failed;
struct TopologyPageInfo {
1: required string id;
2: optional string name;
3: optional i32 uptime_secs;
4: optional string status;
5: optional i32 num_tasks;
6: optional i32 num_workers;
7: optional i32 num_executors;
8: optional string topology_conf;
9: optional map<string,ComponentAggregateStats> id_to_spout_agg_stats;
10: optional map<string,ComponentAggregateStats> id_to_bolt_agg_stats;
11: optional string sched_status;
12: optional TopologyStats topology_stats;
13: optional string owner;
14: optional DebugOptions debug_options;
15: optional i32 replication_count;
521: optional double requested_memonheap;
522: optional double requested_memoffheap;
523: optional double requested_cpu;
524: optional double assigned_memonheap;
525: optional double assigned_memoffheap;
526: optional double assigned_cpu;
struct ExecutorAggregateStats {
1: optional ExecutorSummary exec_summary;
2: optional ComponentAggregateStats stats;
struct ComponentPageInfo {
1: required string component_id;
2: required ComponentType component_type;
3: optional string topology_id;
4: optional string topology_name;
5: optional i32 num_executors;
6: optional i32 num_tasks;
7: optional map<string,ComponentAggregateStats> window_to_stats;
8: optional map<GlobalStreamId,ComponentAggregateStats> gsid_to_input_stats;
9: optional map<string,ComponentAggregateStats> sid_to_output_stats;
10: optional list<ExecutorAggregateStats> exec_stats;
11: optional list<ErrorInfo> errors;
12: optional string eventlog_host;
13: optional i32 eventlog_port;
14: optional DebugOptions debug_options;
15: optional string topology_status;
struct KillOptions {
1: optional i32 wait_secs;
struct RebalanceOptions {
1: optional i32 wait_secs;
2: optional i32 num_workers;
3: optional map<string, i32> num_executors;
struct Credentials {
1: required map<string,string> creds;
enum TopologyInitialStatus {
struct SubmitOptions {
1: required TopologyInitialStatus initial_status;
2: optional Credentials creds;
enum AccessControlType {
OTHER = 1,
USER = 2
//eventually ,GROUP=3
struct AccessControl {
1: required AccessControlType type;
2: optional string name; //Name of user or group in ACL
3: required i32 access; //bitmasks READ=0x1, WRITE=0x2, ADMIN=0x4
struct SettableBlobMeta {
1: required list<AccessControl> acl;
2: optional i32 replication_factor
struct ReadableBlobMeta {
1: required SettableBlobMeta settable;
//This is some indication of a version of a BLOB. The only guarantee is
// if the data changed in the blob the version will be different.
2: required i64 version;
struct ListBlobsResult {
1: required list<string> keys;
2: required string session;
struct BeginDownloadResult {
//Same version as in ReadableBlobMeta
1: required i64 version;
2: required string session;
3: optional i64 data_size;
struct SupervisorInfo {
1: required i64 time_secs;
2: required string hostname;
3: optional string assignment_id;
4: optional list<i64> used_ports;
5: optional list<i64> meta;
6: optional map<string, string> scheduler_meta;
7: optional i64 uptime_secs;
8: optional string version;
9: optional map<string, double> resources_map;
struct NodeInfo {
1: required string node;
2: required set<i64> port;
struct WorkerResources {
1: optional double mem_on_heap;
2: optional double mem_off_heap;
3: optional double cpu;
struct Assignment {
1: required string master_code_dir;
2: optional map<string, string> node_host = {};
3: optional map<list<i64>, NodeInfo> executor_node_port = {};
4: optional map<list<i64>, i64> executor_start_time_secs = {};
5: optional map<NodeInfo, WorkerResources> worker_resources = {};
enum TopologyStatus {
union TopologyActionOptions {
1: optional KillOptions kill_options;
2: optional RebalanceOptions rebalance_options;
struct StormBase {
1: required string name;
2: required TopologyStatus status;
3: required i32 num_workers;
4: optional map<string, i32> component_executors;
5: optional i32 launch_time_secs;
6: optional string owner;
7: optional TopologyActionOptions topology_action_options;
8: optional TopologyStatus prev_status;//currently only used during rebalance action.
9: optional map<string, DebugOptions> component_debug; // topology/component level debug option.
struct ClusterWorkerHeartbeat {
1: required string storm_id;
2: required map<ExecutorInfo,ExecutorStats> executor_stats;
3: required i32 time_secs;
4: required i32 uptime_secs;
struct ThriftSerializedObject {
1: required string name;
2: required binary bits;
struct LocalStateData {
1: required map<string, ThriftSerializedObject> serialized_parts;
struct LocalAssignment {
1: required string topology_id;
2: required list<ExecutorInfo> executors;
3: optional WorkerResources resources;
struct LSSupervisorId {
1: required string supervisor_id;
struct LSApprovedWorkers {
1: required map<string, i32> approved_workers;
struct LSSupervisorAssignments {
1: required map<i32, LocalAssignment> assignments;
struct LSWorkerHeartbeat {
1: required i32 time_secs;
2: required string topology_id;
3: required list<ExecutorInfo> executors
4: required i32 port;
struct LSTopoHistory {
1: required string topology_id;
2: required i64 time_stamp;
3: required list<string> users;
4: required list<string> groups;
struct LSTopoHistoryList {
1: required list<LSTopoHistory> topo_history;
enum NumErrorsChoice {
enum ProfileAction {
struct ProfileRequest {
1: required NodeInfo nodeInfo,
2: required ProfileAction action,
3: optional i64 time_stamp;
struct GetInfoOptions {
1: optional NumErrorsChoice num_err_choice;
enum LogLevelAction {
struct LogLevel {
1: required LogLevelAction action;
// during this thrift call, we'll move logger to target_log_level
2: optional string target_log_level;
// number of seconds that target_log_level should be kept
// after this timeout, the loggers will be reset to reset_log_level
// if timeout is 0, we will not reset
3: optional i32 reset_log_level_timeout_secs;
// number of seconds since unix epoch corresponding to
// current time (when message gets to nimbus) + reset_log_level_timeout_se
// NOTE: this field gets set in Nimbus
4: optional i64 reset_log_level_timeout_epoch;
// if reset timeout was set, then we would reset
// to this level after timeout (or INFO by default)
5: optional string reset_log_level;
struct LogConfig {
// logger name -> log level map
2: optional map<string, LogLevel> named_logger_level;
struct TopologyHistoryInfo {
1: list<string> topo_ids;
service Nimbus {
void submitTopology(1: string name, 2: string uploadedJarLocation, 3: string jsonConf, 4: StormTopology topology) throws (1: AlreadyAliveException e, 2: InvalidTopologyException ite, 3: AuthorizationException aze);
void submitTopologyWithOpts(1: string name, 2: string uploadedJarLocation, 3: string jsonConf, 4: StormTopology topology, 5: SubmitOptions options) throws (1: AlreadyAliveException e, 2: InvalidTopologyException ite, 3: AuthorizationException aze);
void killTopology(1: string name) throws (1: NotAliveException e, 2: AuthorizationException aze);
void killTopologyWithOpts(1: string name, 2: KillOptions options) throws (1: NotAliveException e, 2: AuthorizationException aze);
void activate(1: string name) throws (1: NotAliveException e, 2: AuthorizationException aze);
void deactivate(1: string name) throws (1: NotAliveException e, 2: AuthorizationException aze);
void rebalance(1: string name, 2: RebalanceOptions options) throws (1: NotAliveException e, 2: InvalidTopologyException ite, 3: AuthorizationException aze);
// dynamic log levels
void setLogConfig(1: string name, 2: LogConfig config);
LogConfig getLogConfig(1: string name);
* Enable/disable logging the tuples generated in topology via an internal EventLogger bolt. The component name is optional
* and if null or empty, the debug flag will apply to the entire topology.
* The 'samplingPercentage' will limit loggging to a percentage of generated tuples.
void debug(1: string name, 2: string component, 3: bool enable, 4: double samplingPercentage) throws (1: NotAliveException e, 2: AuthorizationException aze);
// dynamic profile actions
void setWorkerProfiler(1: string id, 2: ProfileRequest profileRequest);
list<ProfileRequest> getComponentPendingProfileActions(1: string id, 2: string component_id, 3: ProfileAction action);
void uploadNewCredentials(1: string name, 2: Credentials creds) throws (1: NotAliveException e, 2: InvalidTopologyException ite, 3: AuthorizationException aze);
string beginCreateBlob(1: string key, 2: SettableBlobMeta meta) throws (1: AuthorizationException aze, 2: KeyAlreadyExistsException kae);
string beginUpdateBlob(1: string key) throws (1: AuthorizationException aze, 2: KeyNotFoundException knf);
void uploadBlobChunk(1: string session, 2: binary chunk) throws (1: AuthorizationException aze);
void finishBlobUpload(1: string session) throws (1: AuthorizationException aze);
void cancelBlobUpload(1: string session) throws (1: AuthorizationException aze);
ReadableBlobMeta getBlobMeta(1: string key) throws (1: AuthorizationException aze, 2: KeyNotFoundException knf);
void setBlobMeta(1: string key, 2: SettableBlobMeta meta) throws (1: AuthorizationException aze, 2: KeyNotFoundException knf);
BeginDownloadResult beginBlobDownload(1: string key) throws (1: AuthorizationException aze, 2: KeyNotFoundException knf);
binary downloadBlobChunk(1: string session) throws (1: AuthorizationException aze);
void deleteBlob(1: string key) throws (1: AuthorizationException aze, 2: KeyNotFoundException knf);
ListBlobsResult listBlobs(1: string session); //empty string "" means start at the beginning
i32 getBlobReplication(1: string key) throws (1: AuthorizationException aze, 2: KeyNotFoundException knf);
i32 updateBlobReplication(1: string key, 2: i32 replication) throws (1: AuthorizationException aze, 2: KeyNotFoundException knf);
void createStateInZookeeper(1: string key); // creates state in zookeeper when blob is uploaded through command line
// need to add functions for asking about status of storms, what nodes they're running on, looking at task logs
string beginFileUpload() throws (1: AuthorizationException aze);
void uploadChunk(1: string location, 2: binary chunk) throws (1: AuthorizationException aze);
void finishFileUpload(1: string location) throws (1: AuthorizationException aze);
//@deprecated beginBlobDownload does that
string beginFileDownload(1: string file) throws (1: AuthorizationException aze);
//can stop downloading chunks when receive 0-length byte array back
binary downloadChunk(1: string id) throws (1: AuthorizationException aze);
// returns json
string getNimbusConf() throws (1: AuthorizationException aze);
// stats functions
ClusterSummary getClusterInfo() throws (1: AuthorizationException aze);
TopologyInfo getTopologyInfo(1: string id) throws (1: NotAliveException e, 2: AuthorizationException aze);
TopologyInfo getTopologyInfoWithOpts(1: string id, 2: GetInfoOptions options) throws (1: NotAliveException e, 2: AuthorizationException aze);
TopologyPageInfo getTopologyPageInfo(1: string id, 2: string window, 3: bool is_include_sys) throws (1: NotAliveException e, 2: AuthorizationException aze);
ComponentPageInfo getComponentPageInfo(1: string topology_id, 2: string component_id, 3: string window, 4: bool is_include_sys) throws (1: NotAliveException e, 2: AuthorizationException aze);
//returns json
string getTopologyConf(1: string id) throws (1: NotAliveException e, 2: AuthorizationException aze);
* Returns the compiled topology that contains ackers and metrics consumsers. Compare {@link #getUserTopology(String id)}.
StormTopology getTopology(1: string id) throws (1: NotAliveException e, 2: AuthorizationException aze);
* Returns the user specified topology as submitted originally. Compare {@link #getTopology(String id)}.
StormTopology getUserTopology(1: string id) throws (1: NotAliveException e, 2: AuthorizationException aze);
TopologyHistoryInfo getTopologyHistory(1: string user) throws (1: AuthorizationException aze);
struct DRPCRequest {
1: required string func_args;
2: required string request_id;
exception DRPCExecutionException {
1: required string msg;
service DistributedRPC {
string execute(1: string functionName, 2: string funcArgs) throws (1: DRPCExecutionException e, 2: AuthorizationException aze);
service DistributedRPCInvocations {
void result(1: string id, 2: string result) throws (1: AuthorizationException aze);
DRPCRequest fetchRequest(1: string functionName) throws (1: AuthorizationException aze);
void failRequest(1: string id) throws (1: AuthorizationException aze);
enum HBServerMessageType {
struct HBPulse {
1: required string id;
2: binary details;
struct HBRecords {
1: list<HBPulse> pulses;
struct HBNodes {
1: list<string> pulseIds;
union HBMessageData {
1: string path,
2: HBPulse pulse,
3: bool boolval,
4: HBRecords records,
5: HBNodes nodes,
7: optional binary message_blob;
struct HBMessage {
1: HBServerMessageType type,
2: HBMessageData data,
3: optional i32 message_id = -1,
exception HBAuthorizationException {
1: required string msg;
exception HBExecutionException {
1: required string msg;