blob: 18010378dbd763df4df17b6a7056ea00d7b68223 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
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* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
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package org.apache.storm.kafka.spout;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.regex.Pattern;
import org.apache.commons.lang.builder.ToStringBuilder;
import org.apache.commons.lang.builder.ToStringStyle;
import org.apache.kafka.clients.consumer.ConsumerConfig;
import org.apache.kafka.clients.consumer.ConsumerRecord;
import org.apache.kafka.common.serialization.StringDeserializer;
import org.apache.storm.Config;
import org.apache.storm.annotation.InterfaceStability;
import org.apache.storm.kafka.spout.KafkaSpoutRetryExponentialBackoff.TimeInterval;
import org.apache.storm.kafka.spout.internal.CommonKafkaSpoutConfig;
import org.apache.storm.kafka.spout.subscription.ManualPartitioner;
import org.apache.storm.kafka.spout.subscription.TopicFilter;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
* KafkaSpoutConfig defines the required configuration to connect a consumer to a consumer group, as well as the subscribing topics.
public class KafkaSpoutConfig<K, V> extends CommonKafkaSpoutConfig<K, V> {
private static final long serialVersionUID = 141902646130682494L;
public static final long DEFAULT_OFFSET_COMMIT_PERIOD_MS = 30_000;
// Retry forever
public static final int DEFAULT_MAX_RETRIES = Integer.MAX_VALUE;
// 10,000,000 records => 80MBs of memory footprint in the worst case
public static final int DEFAULT_MAX_UNCOMMITTED_OFFSETS = 10_000_000;
public static final KafkaSpoutRetryService DEFAULT_RETRY_SERVICE =
new KafkaSpoutRetryExponentialBackoff(TimeInterval.seconds(0), TimeInterval.milliSeconds(2),
DEFAULT_MAX_RETRIES, TimeInterval.seconds(10));
public static final ProcessingGuarantee DEFAULT_PROCESSING_GUARANTEE = ProcessingGuarantee.AT_LEAST_ONCE;
public static final KafkaTupleListener DEFAULT_TUPLE_LISTENER = new EmptyKafkaTupleListener();
public static final Logger LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger(KafkaSpoutConfig.class);
public static final int DEFAULT_METRICS_TIME_BUCKET_SIZE_SECONDS = 60;
// Kafka spout configuration
private final long offsetCommitPeriodMs;
private final int maxUncommittedOffsets;
private final KafkaSpoutRetryService retryService;
private final KafkaTupleListener tupleListener;
private final boolean emitNullTuples;
private final ProcessingGuarantee processingGuarantee;
private final boolean tupleTrackingEnforced;
private final int metricsTimeBucketSizeInSecs;
* Creates a new KafkaSpoutConfig using a Builder.
* @param builder The Builder to construct the KafkaSpoutConfig from
public KafkaSpoutConfig(Builder<K, V> builder) {
this.offsetCommitPeriodMs = builder.offsetCommitPeriodMs;
this.maxUncommittedOffsets = builder.maxUncommittedOffsets;
this.retryService = builder.retryService;
this.tupleListener = builder.tupleListener;
this.emitNullTuples = builder.emitNullTuples;
this.processingGuarantee = builder.processingGuarantee;
this.tupleTrackingEnforced = builder.tupleTrackingEnforced;
this.metricsTimeBucketSizeInSecs = builder.metricsTimeBucketSizeInSecs;
* This enum controls when the tuple with the {@link ConsumerRecord} for an offset is marked as processed,
* i.e. when the offset can be committed to Kafka. The default value is AT_LEAST_ONCE.
* The commit interval is controlled by {@link KafkaSpoutConfig#getOffsetsCommitPeriodMs() }, if the mode commits on an interval.
* NO_GUARANTEE may be removed in a later release without warning, we're still evaluating whether it makes sense to keep.
public enum ProcessingGuarantee {
* An offset is ready to commit only after the corresponding tuple has been processed and acked (at least once). If a tuple fails or
* times out it will be re-emitted, as controlled by the {@link KafkaSpoutRetryService}. Commits synchronously on the defined
* interval.
* Every offset will be synchronously committed to Kafka right after being polled but before being emitted to the downstream
* components of the topology. The commit interval is ignored. This mode guarantees that the offset is processed at most once by
* ensuring the spout won't retry tuples that fail or time out after the commit to Kafka has been done
* The polled offsets are ready to commit immediately after being polled. The offsets are committed periodically, i.e. a message may
* be processed 0, 1 or more times. This behavior is similar to setting in the consumer, but allows the
* spout to control when commits occur. Commits asynchronously on the defined interval.
public static class Builder<K, V> extends CommonKafkaSpoutConfig.Builder<K, V, Builder<K, V>> {
private long offsetCommitPeriodMs = DEFAULT_OFFSET_COMMIT_PERIOD_MS;
private int maxUncommittedOffsets = DEFAULT_MAX_UNCOMMITTED_OFFSETS;
private KafkaSpoutRetryService retryService = DEFAULT_RETRY_SERVICE;
private KafkaTupleListener tupleListener = DEFAULT_TUPLE_LISTENER;
private boolean emitNullTuples = false;
private ProcessingGuarantee processingGuarantee = DEFAULT_PROCESSING_GUARANTEE;
private boolean tupleTrackingEnforced = false;
private int metricsTimeBucketSizeInSecs = DEFAULT_METRICS_TIME_BUCKET_SIZE_SECONDS;
public Builder(String bootstrapServers, String... topics) {
super(bootstrapServers, topics);
public Builder(String bootstrapServers, Set<String> topics) {
super(bootstrapServers, topics);
public Builder(String bootstrapServers, Pattern topics) {
super(bootstrapServers, topics);
* Create a KafkaSpoutConfig builder with default property values and no key/value deserializers.
* @param bootstrapServers The bootstrap servers the consumer will use
* @param topicFilter The topic filter defining which topics and partitions the spout will read
* @param topicPartitioner The topic partitioner defining which topics and partitions are assinged to each spout task
public Builder(String bootstrapServers, TopicFilter topicFilter, ManualPartitioner topicPartitioner) {
super(bootstrapServers, topicFilter, topicPartitioner);
//Spout Settings
* Specifies the period, in milliseconds, the offset commit task is periodically called. Default is 15s.
* <p>This setting only has an effect if the configured {@link ProcessingGuarantee} is {@link ProcessingGuarantee#AT_LEAST_ONCE} or
* {@link ProcessingGuarantee#NO_GUARANTEE}.
* @param offsetCommitPeriodMs time in ms
public Builder<K, V> setOffsetCommitPeriodMs(long offsetCommitPeriodMs) {
this.offsetCommitPeriodMs = offsetCommitPeriodMs;
return this;
* Defines the max number of polled offsets (records) that can be pending commit, before another poll can take place.
* Once this limit is reached, no more offsets (records) can be polled until the next successful commit(s) sets the number
* of pending offsets below the threshold. The default is {@link #DEFAULT_MAX_UNCOMMITTED_OFFSETS}.
* This limit is per partition and may in some cases be exceeded,
* but each partition cannot exceed this limit by more than maxPollRecords - 1.
* <p>This setting only has an effect if the configured {@link ProcessingGuarantee} is {@link ProcessingGuarantee#AT_LEAST_ONCE}.
* @param maxUncommittedOffsets max number of records that can be be pending commit
public Builder<K, V> setMaxUncommittedOffsets(int maxUncommittedOffsets) {
this.maxUncommittedOffsets = maxUncommittedOffsets;
return this;
* Sets the retry service for the spout to use.
* <p>This setting only has an effect if the configured {@link ProcessingGuarantee} is {@link ProcessingGuarantee#AT_LEAST_ONCE}.
* @param retryService the new retry service
* @return the builder (this).
public Builder<K, V> setRetry(KafkaSpoutRetryService retryService) {
if (retryService == null) {
throw new NullPointerException("retryService cannot be null");
this.retryService = retryService;
return this;
* Sets the tuple listener for the spout to use.
* @param tupleListener the tuple listener
* @return the builder (this).
public Builder<K, V> setTupleListener(KafkaTupleListener tupleListener) {
if (tupleListener == null) {
throw new NullPointerException("KafkaTupleListener cannot be null");
this.tupleListener = tupleListener;
return this;
* Specifies if the spout should emit null tuples to the component downstream, or rather not emit and directly ack them. By default
* this parameter is set to false, which means that null tuples are not emitted.
* @param emitNullTuples sets if null tuples should or not be emitted downstream
public Builder<K, V> setEmitNullTuples(boolean emitNullTuples) {
this.emitNullTuples = emitNullTuples;
return this;
* Specifies which processing guarantee the spout should offer. Refer to the documentation for {@link ProcessingGuarantee}.
* @param processingGuarantee The processing guarantee the spout should offer.
public Builder<K, V> setProcessingGuarantee(ProcessingGuarantee processingGuarantee) {
this.processingGuarantee = processingGuarantee;
return this;
* Specifies whether the spout should require Storm to track emitted tuples when using a {@link ProcessingGuarantee} other than
* {@link ProcessingGuarantee#AT_LEAST_ONCE}. The spout will always track emitted tuples when offering at-least-once guarantees
* regardless of this setting. This setting is false by default.
* <p>Enabling tracking can be useful even in cases where reliability is not a concern, because it allows
* {@link Config#TOPOLOGY_MAX_SPOUT_PENDING} to have an effect, and enables some spout metrics (e.g. complete-latency) that would
* otherwise be disabled.
* @param tupleTrackingEnforced true if Storm should track emitted tuples, false otherwise
public Builder<K, V> setTupleTrackingEnforced(boolean tupleTrackingEnforced) {
this.tupleTrackingEnforced = tupleTrackingEnforced;
return this;
* The time period that metrics data in bucketed into.
* @param metricsTimeBucketSizeInSecs time in seconds
public Builder<K, V> setMetricsTimeBucketSizeInSecs(int metricsTimeBucketSizeInSecs) {
this.metricsTimeBucketSizeInSecs = metricsTimeBucketSizeInSecs;
return this;
private Builder<K, V> withStringDeserializers() {
setProp(ConsumerConfig.KEY_DESERIALIZER_CLASS_CONFIG, StringDeserializer.class);
setProp(ConsumerConfig.VALUE_DESERIALIZER_CLASS_CONFIG, StringDeserializer.class);
return this;
private Builder<K, V> setKafkaPropsForProcessingGuarantee() {
if (getKafkaProps().containsKey(ConsumerConfig.ENABLE_AUTO_COMMIT_CONFIG)) {
throw new IllegalStateException("The KafkaConsumer " + ConsumerConfig.ENABLE_AUTO_COMMIT_CONFIG
+ " setting is not supported."
+ " You can configure similar behavior through KafkaSpoutConfig.Builder.setProcessingGuarantee");
String autoOffsetResetPolicy = (String) getKafkaProps().get(ConsumerConfig.AUTO_OFFSET_RESET_CONFIG);
if (processingGuarantee == ProcessingGuarantee.AT_LEAST_ONCE) {
if (autoOffsetResetPolicy == null) {
* If the user wants to explicitly set an auto offset reset policy, we should respect it, but when the spout is
* configured for at-least-once processing we should default to seeking to the earliest offset in case there's an offset
* out of range error, rather than seeking to the latest (Kafka's default). This type of error will typically happen
* when the consumer requests an offset that was deleted.
*/"Setting Kafka consumer property '{}' to 'earliest' to ensure at-least-once processing",
setProp(ConsumerConfig.AUTO_OFFSET_RESET_CONFIG, "earliest");
} else if (!autoOffsetResetPolicy.equals("earliest") && !autoOffsetResetPolicy.equals("none")) {
LOG.warn("Cannot guarantee at-least-once processing with auto.offset.reset.policy other than 'earliest' or 'none'."
+ " Some messages may be skipped.");
} else if (processingGuarantee == ProcessingGuarantee.AT_MOST_ONCE) {
if (autoOffsetResetPolicy != null
&& (!autoOffsetResetPolicy.equals("latest") && !autoOffsetResetPolicy.equals("none"))) {
LOG.warn("Cannot guarantee at-most-once processing with auto.offset.reset.policy other than 'latest' or 'none'."
+ " Some messages may be processed more than once.");
}"Setting Kafka consumer property '{}' to 'false', because the spout does not support auto-commit",
setProp(ConsumerConfig.ENABLE_AUTO_COMMIT_CONFIG, false);
return this;
public KafkaSpoutConfig<K, V> build() {
return new KafkaSpoutConfig<>(this);
* Factory method that creates a Builder with String key/value deserializers.
* @param bootstrapServers The bootstrap servers for the consumer
* @param topics The topics to subscribe to
* @return The new builder
public static Builder<String, String> builder(String bootstrapServers, String... topics) {
return new Builder<String, String>(bootstrapServers, topics).withStringDeserializers();
* Factory method that creates a Builder with String key/value deserializers.
* @param bootstrapServers The bootstrap servers for the consumer
* @param topics The topics to subscribe to
* @return The new builder
public static Builder<String, String> builder(String bootstrapServers, Set<String> topics) {
return new Builder<String, String>(bootstrapServers, topics).withStringDeserializers();
* Factory method that creates a Builder with String key/value deserializers.
* @param bootstrapServers The bootstrap servers for the consumer
* @param topics The topic pattern to subscribe to
* @return The new builder
public static Builder<String, String> builder(String bootstrapServers, Pattern topics) {
return new Builder<String, String>(bootstrapServers, topics).withStringDeserializers();
public long getOffsetsCommitPeriodMs() {
return offsetCommitPeriodMs;
public ProcessingGuarantee getProcessingGuarantee() {
return processingGuarantee;
public boolean isTupleTrackingEnforced() {
return tupleTrackingEnforced;
public String getConsumerGroupId() {
return (String) getKafkaProps().get(ConsumerConfig.GROUP_ID_CONFIG);
public int getMaxUncommittedOffsets() {
return maxUncommittedOffsets;
public KafkaSpoutRetryService getRetryService() {
return retryService;
public KafkaTupleListener getTupleListener() {
return tupleListener;
public boolean isEmitNullTuples() {
return emitNullTuples;
public int getMetricsTimeBucketSizeInSecs() {
return metricsTimeBucketSizeInSecs;
public String toString() {
return new ToStringBuilder(this, ToStringStyle.SHORT_PREFIX_STYLE)
.append("offsetCommitPeriodMs", offsetCommitPeriodMs)
.append("maxUncommittedOffsets", maxUncommittedOffsets)
.append("retryService", retryService)
.append("tupleListener", tupleListener)
.append("processingGuarantee", processingGuarantee)
.append("emitNullTuples", emitNullTuples)
.append("tupleTrackingEnforced", tupleTrackingEnforced)
.append("metricsTimeBucketSizeInSecs", metricsTimeBucketSizeInSecs)