blob: dff48d9f367b509dca9d01fc2ae0e2aaf44ca205 [file] [log] [blame]
#!/usr/bin/env python3
# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
# or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
# distributed with this work for additional information
# regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
# to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
# "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
# with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
import pprint
import traceback
from cmd import Cmd
import boto3
class AwsKafkaCmd(Cmd):
Refer to AWS document on Kafka client interface:
def __init__(self):
self.client = boto3.client('kafka')
self.cluster_info_list = None
self.current_cluster_info = None
def onecmd(self, line):
"""Override the command processor so it does not exit on exception in the command"""
return super().onecmd(line)
except Exception as ex:
return False # don't stop
def _print_pretty_dict(self, d, indent=4):
"""Print a dictionary in a pretty format"""
if not d:
return ""
if isinstance(d, list):
return "\n" + "\t" * indent + "\n ".join([f'({i}) {self._print_pretty_dict(item)}' for i, item in enumerate(d)])
elif isinstance(d, dict):
return pprint.pformat(d, indent=indent)
return str(d)
def _confirm(self, prompt="Confirm "):
confirm = input(prompt + "(yes/no)" )
return confirm == "yes"
def get_cluster_names(self):
return [x['ClusterName'] for x in self.get_cluster_info_list()]
def get_cluster_info_list(self):
if not self.cluster_info_list:
print("Finding current list of clusters")
return self.cluster_info_list
def set_current_cluster(self, cluster_name):
cluster_names = self.get_cluster_names()
for cluster_info in self.get_cluster_info_list():
if cluster_name == cluster_info['ClusterName']:
self.current_cluster_info = cluster_info
return True
else: # try partial match
print(f'No cluster-name matched "{cluster_name}", trying partial match')
for cluster_info in self.get_cluster_info_list():
if cluster_name in cluster_info['ClusterName']:
print(f'Selecting cluster "{cluster_info["ClusterName"]}" as partial match to {cluster_name}')
self.current_cluster_info = cluster_info
return True
return False
def do_info(self, args):
"""List session information like clusters, selected cluster"""
print(f'Clusters: {self.get_cluster_names()}')
if self.current_cluster_info:
print(f'Current cluster: {self.current_cluster_info["ClusterName"]}')
print("Current cluster: None")
def do_list(self, args):
"""Lists the clusters"""
clusters = self.client.list_clusters()
if clusters:
self.cluster_info_list = clusters['ClusterInfoList']
if self.cluster_info_list:
for i, cluster_info in enumerate(self.cluster_info_list):
cluster_name = cluster_info["ClusterName"]
cluster_arn = cluster_info["ClusterArn"]
res = self._print_pretty_dict(cluster_info, indent=4)
print('No Kafka clusters found')
print('No response from AWS')
def run_client_method_and_print_tag(self, cluster_name, client_method_name, result_tag, result_label=None, keyword_args=None):
Run a client method for the supplied cluster name, or current cluster name or all clusters.
If cluster_name is supplied (in the args) then use it. Otherwise if the current cluster is set,
return information on it. Otherwise, return the same information on all the clusters.
:param cluster_name: arguments to the command, typically the name of the cluster
:param client_method_name: method on the client to call
:param result_tag: tag in the response that we are interested in
:param result_label: Descriptive label for the result
:param keyword_args:
client_func = getattr(self.client, client_method_name)
keyword_args = dict(keyword_args) if keyword_args else {}
use_args = False if keyword_args else True # do not use args if keyword_args is supplied
if not result_label:
result_label = result_tag
if cluster_name:
for cluster_info in self.get_cluster_info_list():
if cluster_name in cluster_info['ClusterName']:
keyword_args['ClusterArn'] = cluster_info['ClusterArn']
result = client_func(**keyword_args)
info = self._print_pretty_dict(result[result_tag] if (result and result_tag) else result)
print(f'Cluster {cluster_info["ClusterName"]} {result_label}={info}')
if self.current_cluster_info:
keyword_args['ClusterArn'] = self.current_cluster_info['ClusterArn']
result = client_func(**keyword_args)
info = self._print_pretty_dict(result[result_tag] if (result and result_tag) else result)
print(f'Cluster {self.current_cluster_info["ClusterName"]} {result_label}={info}')
for cluster_info in self.get_cluster_info_list():
keyword_args['ClusterArn'] = cluster_info['ClusterArn']
result = client_func(**keyword_args)
info = self._print_pretty_dict(result[result_tag] if (result and result_tag) else result)
print(f'Cluster {cluster_info["ClusterName"]} {result_label}={info}')
def do_bootstrap_brokers(self, args):
"""List Bootstrap brokers for the supplied cluster_name or or current cluster name or all clusters"""
self.run_client_method_and_print_tag(args, 'get_bootstrap_brokers', 'BootstrapBrokerStringSaslIam',
def do_describe(self, args):
"""Describe the supplied cluster_name or or current cluster name or all clusters"""
self.run_client_method_and_print_tag(args, 'describe_cluster', 'ClusterInfo',
def do_describev2(self, args):
"""Describe the supplied cluster_name or or current cluster name or all clusters"""
self.run_client_method_and_print_tag(args, 'describe_cluster_v2', 'ClusterInfo',
def do_compatible_kafka_versions(self, args):
"""Gets the Apache Kafka versions to which you can update the MSK cluster"""
self.run_client_method_and_print_tag(args, 'get_compatible_kafka_versions', 'CompatibleKafkaVersions')
def do_list_cluster_operations(self, args):
"""Returns a list of all the operations that have been performed on the specified MSK cluster."""
self.run_client_method_and_print_tag(args, 'list_cluster_operations', 'ClusterOperationInfoList')
def do_list_configurations(self, args):
"""Returns a list of all the MSK configurations in this Region"""
self.run_client_method_and_print_tag(args, 'list_configurations', 'Configurations')
def do_list_kafka_versions(self, args):
"""Returns a list of Apache Kafka versions"""
self.run_client_method_and_print_tag(args, 'list_kafka_versions', 'KafkaVersions')
def do_list_nodes(self, args):
"""Returns a list of the broker nodes in the cluster"""
self.run_client_method_and_print_tag(args, 'list_nodes', 'NodeInfoList')
def do_list_scram_secrets(self, args):
"""Returns a list of the Scram Secrets associated with an Amazon MSK cluster"""
self.run_client_method_and_print_tag(args, 'list_scram_secrets', 'SecretArnList')
def do_reboot_broker(self, args):
"""Reboots brokers"""
if not self.current_cluster_info:
print('Use select_cluster command first')
if self._confirm(prompt=f"Confirm reboot of broker {args}"):
keyword_args = {
'BrokerIds': [args],
'ClusterArn': self.current_cluster_info['ClusterArn']}
self.run_client_method_and_print_tag(None, 'reboot_broker', result_tag=None, keyword_args=keyword_args)
def do_update_broker_count(self, args):
"""Updates the number of broker nodes in the cluster"""
if not self.current_cluster_info:
print('Use select_cluster command first')
if self._confirm(prompt=f"Confirm updating broker count to {args}"):
keyword_args = {
'ClusterArn': self.current_cluster_info['ClusterArn'],
'CurrentVersion': self.current_cluster_info['CurrentVersion'],
'TargetNumberOfBrokerNodes': int(args)
self.run_client_method_and_print_tag(None, 'update_broker_count', result_tag=None, keyword_args=keyword_args)
def do_topics(self, args):
"""Lists the topics in the current cluster"""
print("Not implemented yet - need to go thru MSK Client EC2 instance")
def do_select_cluster(self, args):
"""Set the current cluster to the specified name if valid"""
cluster_names = self.get_cluster_names()
if len(self.get_cluster_info_list()) == 0:
print("No clusters exist")
if args:
if self.set_current_cluster(args):
print(f'Cluster "{args}" not not exist')
print(f'syntax: select_cluster {cluster_names}')
def do_quit(self, args):
"""Quits the program."""
raise SystemExit
if __name__ == '__main__':
prompt = AwsKafkaCmd()
prompt.prompt = '> '
prompt.cmdloop('Starting prompt...')