blob: 14b88a05cb589e92a6efc07f84070d7b38739d83 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file to you under the Apache License, Version
* 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions
* and limitations under the License.
package org.apache.storm.streams;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Optional;
import java.util.Set;
import org.apache.storm.Config;
import org.apache.storm.annotation.InterfaceStability;
import org.apache.storm.streams.operations.BiFunction;
import org.apache.storm.streams.operations.CombinerAggregator;
import org.apache.storm.streams.operations.Consumer;
import org.apache.storm.streams.operations.FlatMapFunction;
import org.apache.storm.streams.operations.Function;
import org.apache.storm.streams.operations.PairValueJoiner;
import org.apache.storm.streams.operations.Predicate;
import org.apache.storm.streams.operations.Reducer;
import org.apache.storm.streams.operations.StateUpdater;
import org.apache.storm.streams.operations.ValueJoiner;
import org.apache.storm.streams.operations.aggregators.Count;
import org.apache.storm.streams.processors.AggregateByKeyProcessor;
import org.apache.storm.streams.processors.CoGroupByKeyProcessor;
import org.apache.storm.streams.processors.FlatMapValuesProcessor;
import org.apache.storm.streams.processors.JoinProcessor;
import org.apache.storm.streams.processors.MapValuesProcessor;
import org.apache.storm.streams.processors.MergeAggregateByKeyProcessor;
import org.apache.storm.streams.processors.ReduceByKeyProcessor;
import org.apache.storm.streams.processors.UpdateStateByKeyProcessor;
import org.apache.storm.streams.windowing.Window;
import org.apache.storm.tuple.Fields;
* Represents a stream of key-value pairs.
* @param <K> the key type
* @param <V> the value type
public class PairStream<K, V> extends Stream<Pair<K, V>> {
PairStream(StreamBuilder topology, Node node) {
super(topology, node);
* Returns a new stream by applying a {@link Function} to the value of each key-value pairs in this stream.
* @param function the mapping function
* @param <R> the result type
* @return the new stream
public <R> PairStream<K, R> mapValues(Function<? super V, ? extends R> function) {
return new PairStream<>(streamBuilder,
addProcessorNode(new MapValuesProcessor<>(function), KEY_VALUE, true));
* Return a new stream by applying a {@link FlatMapFunction} function to the value of each key-value pairs in this stream.
* @param function the flatmap function
* @param <R> the result type
* @return the new stream
public <R> PairStream<K, R> flatMapValues(FlatMapFunction<? super V, ? extends R> function) {
return new PairStream<>(streamBuilder,
addProcessorNode(new FlatMapValuesProcessor<>(function), KEY_VALUE, true));
* Aggregates the values for each key of this stream using the given initial value, accumulator and combiner.
* @param initialValue the initial value of the result
* @param accumulator the accumulator
* @param combiner the combiner
* @param <R> the result type
* @return the new stream
public <R> PairStream<K, R> aggregateByKey(R initialValue,
BiFunction<? super R, ? super V, ? extends R> accumulator,
BiFunction<? super R, ? super R, ? extends R> combiner) {
return combineByKey(CombinerAggregator.of(initialValue, accumulator, combiner));
* Aggregates the values for each key of this stream using the given {@link CombinerAggregator}.
* @param aggregator the combiner aggregator
* @param <A> the accumulator type
* @param <R> the result type
* @return the new stream
public <A, R> PairStream<K, R> aggregateByKey(CombinerAggregator<? super V, A, ? extends R> aggregator) {
return combineByKey(aggregator);
* Counts the values for each key of this stream.
* @return the new stream
public PairStream<K, Long> countByKey() {
return aggregateByKey(new Count<>());
* Performs a reduction on the values for each key of this stream by repeatedly applying the reducer.
* @param reducer the reducer
* @return the new stream
public PairStream<K, V> reduceByKey(Reducer<V> reducer) {
return combineByKey(reducer);
* Returns a new stream where the values are grouped by the keys.
* @return the new stream
public PairStream<K, Iterable<V>> groupByKey() {
return partitionByKey().aggregatePartition(new MergeValues<>());
* Returns a new stream where the values are grouped by keys and the given window. The values that arrive within a window having the
* same key will be merged together and returned as an Iterable of values mapped to the key.
* @param window the window configuration
* @return the new stream
public PairStream<K, Iterable<V>> groupByKeyAndWindow(Window<?, ?> window) {
return partitionByKey().window(window).aggregatePartition(new MergeValues<>());
* Returns a new stream where the values that arrive within a window having the same key will be reduced by repeatedly applying the
* reducer.
* @param reducer the reducer
* @param window the window configuration
* @return the new stream
public PairStream<K, V> reduceByKeyAndWindow(Reducer<V> reducer, Window<?, ?> window) {
return partitionByKey().window(window).reduceByKey(reducer);
* {@inheritDoc}
public PairStream<K, V> peek(Consumer<? super Pair<K, V>> action) {
return toPairStream(super.peek(action));
* {@inheritDoc}
public PairStream<K, V> filter(Predicate<? super Pair<K, V>> predicate) {
return toPairStream(super.filter(predicate));
* Join the values of this stream with the values having the same key from the other stream.
* <p>
* Note: The parallelism of this stream is carried forward to the joined stream.
* </p>
* @param otherStream the other stream
* @param <V1> the type of the values in the other stream
* @return the new stream
public <V1> PairStream<K, Pair<V, V1>> join(PairStream<K, V1> otherStream) {
return join(otherStream, new PairValueJoiner<>());
* Join the values of this stream with the values having the same key from the other stream.
* <p>
* Note: The parallelism of this stream is carried forward to the joined stream.
* </p>
* @param otherStream the other stream
* @param valueJoiner the {@link ValueJoiner}
* @param <R> the type of the values resulting from the join
* @param <V1> the type of the values in the other stream
* @return the new stream
public <R, V1> PairStream<K, R> join(PairStream<K, V1> otherStream,
ValueJoiner<? super V, ? super V1, ? extends R> valueJoiner) {
return partitionByKey()
* Does a left outer join of the values of this stream with the values having the same key from the other stream.
* <p>
* Note: The parallelism of this stream is carried forward to the joined stream.
* </p>
* @param otherStream the other stream
* @param <V1> the type of the values in the other stream
* @return the new stream
public <V1> PairStream<K, Pair<V, V1>> leftOuterJoin(PairStream<K, V1> otherStream) {
return leftOuterJoin(otherStream, new PairValueJoiner<>());
* Does a left outer join of the values of this stream with the values having the same key from the other stream.
* <p>
* Note: The parallelism of this stream is carried forward to the joined stream.
* </p>
* @param otherStream the other stream
* @param valueJoiner the {@link ValueJoiner}
* @param <R> the type of the values resulting from the join
* @param <V1> the type of the values in the other stream
* @return the new stream
public <R, V1> PairStream<K, R> leftOuterJoin(PairStream<K, V1> otherStream,
ValueJoiner<? super V, ? super V1, ? extends R> valueJoiner) {
return partitionByKey()
* Does a right outer join of the values of this stream with the values having the same key from the other stream.
* <p>
* Note: The parallelism of this stream is carried forward to the joined stream.
* </p>
* @param otherStream the other stream
* @param <V1> the type of the values in the other stream
* @return the new stream
public <V1> PairStream<K, Pair<V, V1>> rightOuterJoin(PairStream<K, V1> otherStream) {
return rightOuterJoin(otherStream, new PairValueJoiner<>());
* Does a right outer join of the values of this stream with the values having the same key from the other stream.
* <p>
* Note: The parallelism of this stream is carried forward to the joined stream.
* </p>
* @param otherStream the other stream
* @param valueJoiner the {@link ValueJoiner}
* @param <R> the type of the values resulting from the join
* @param <V1> the type of the values in the other stream
* @return the new stream
public <R, V1> PairStream<K, R> rightOuterJoin(PairStream<K, V1> otherStream,
ValueJoiner<? super V, ? super V1, ? extends R> valueJoiner) {
return partitionByKey()
* Does a full outer join of the values of this stream with the values having the same key from the other stream.
* <p>
* Note: The parallelism of this stream is carried forward to the joined stream.
* </p>
* @param otherStream the other stream
* @param <V1> the type of the values in the other stream
* @return the new stream
public <V1> PairStream<K, Pair<V, V1>> fullOuterJoin(PairStream<K, V1> otherStream) {
return fullOuterJoin(otherStream, new PairValueJoiner<>());
* Does a full outer join of the values of this stream with the values having the same key from the other stream.
* <p>
* Note: The parallelism of this stream is carried forward to the joined stream.
* </p>
* @param otherStream the other stream
* @param valueJoiner the {@link ValueJoiner}
* @param <R> the type of the values resulting from the join
* @param <V1> the type of the values in the other stream
* @return the new stream
public <R, V1> PairStream<K, R> fullOuterJoin(PairStream<K, V1> otherStream,
ValueJoiner<? super V, ? super V1, ? extends R> valueJoiner) {
return partitionByKey()
* {@inheritDoc}
public PairStream<K, V> window(Window<?, ?> window) {
return toPairStream(super.window(window));
* {@inheritDoc}
public PairStream<K, V> repartition(int parallelism) {
return toPairStream(super.repartition(parallelism));
* {@inheritDoc}
public PairStream<K, V>[] branch(Predicate<? super Pair<K, V>>... predicates) {
List<PairStream<K, V>> pairStreams = new ArrayList<>();
for (Stream<Pair<K, V>> stream : super.branch(predicates)) {
return pairStreams.toArray(new PairStream[pairStreams.size()]);
* Update the state by applying the given state update function to the previous state of the key and the new value for the key. This
* internally uses {@link org.apache.storm.topology.IStatefulBolt} to save the state. Use {@link Config#TOPOLOGY_STATE_PROVIDER} to
* choose the state implementation.
* @param stateUpdateFn the state update function
* @param <R> the result type
* @return the {@link StreamState} which can be used to query the state
public <R> StreamState<K, R> updateStateByKey(R initialValue,
BiFunction<? super R, ? super V, ? extends R> stateUpdateFn) {
return updateStateByKey(StateUpdater.of(initialValue, stateUpdateFn));
* Update the state by applying the given state update function to the previous state of the key and the new value for the key. This
* internally uses {@link org.apache.storm.topology.IStatefulBolt} to save the state. Use {@link Config#TOPOLOGY_STATE_PROVIDER} to
* choose the state implementation.
* @param stateUpdater the state updater
* @param <R> the result type
* @return the {@link StreamState} which can be used to query the state
public <R> StreamState<K, R> updateStateByKey(StateUpdater<? super V, ? extends R> stateUpdater) {
// repartition so that state query fields grouping works correctly. this can be optimized further
return partitionBy(KEY).updateStateByKeyPartition(stateUpdater);
* Groups the values of this stream with the values having the same key from the other stream.
* <p>
* If stream1 has values - (k1, v1), (k2, v2), (k2, v3) <br/> and stream2 has values - (k1, x1), (k1, x2), (k3, x3) <br/> The the
* co-grouped stream would contain - (k1, ([v1], [x1, x2]), (k2, ([v2, v3], [])), (k3, ([], [x3]))
* </p>
* <p>
* Note: The parallelism of this stream is carried forward to the co-grouped stream.
* </p>
* @param otherStream the other stream
* @param <V1> the type of the values in the other stream
* @return the new stream
public <V1> PairStream<K, Pair<Iterable<V>, Iterable<V1>>> coGroupByKey(PairStream<K, V1> otherStream) {
return partitionByKey().coGroupByKeyPartition(otherStream);
private <R> StreamState<K, R> updateStateByKeyPartition(StateUpdater<? super V, ? extends R> stateUpdater) {
return new StreamState<>(
new PairStream<>(streamBuilder,
addProcessorNode(new UpdateStateByKeyProcessor<>(stateUpdater), KEY_VALUE, true)));
private <R, V1> PairStream<K, R> joinPartition(PairStream<K, V1> otherStream,
ValueJoiner<? super V, ? super V1, ? extends R> valueJoiner,
JoinProcessor.JoinType leftType,
JoinProcessor.JoinType rightType) {
String leftStream = stream;
String rightStream =;
Node joinNode = addProcessorNode(
new JoinProcessor<>(leftStream, rightStream, valueJoiner, leftType, rightType),
addNode(otherStream.getNode(), joinNode, joinNode.getParallelism());
return new PairStream<>(streamBuilder, joinNode);
private <R, V1> PairStream<K, R> coGroupByKeyPartition(PairStream<K, V1> otherStream) {
String firstStream = stream;
String secondStream =;
Node coGroupNode = addProcessorNode(
new CoGroupByKeyProcessor<>(firstStream, secondStream),
addNode(otherStream.getNode(), coGroupNode, coGroupNode.getParallelism());
return new PairStream<>(streamBuilder, coGroupNode);
private PairStream<K, V> partitionByKey() {
return shouldPartitionByKey() ? partitionBy(KEY) : this;
private boolean shouldPartitionByKey() {
if (node.getParallelism() == 1) {
return false;
* if the current processor preserves the key and is
* already partitioned on key, skip the re-partition.
if (node instanceof ProcessorNode) {
ProcessorNode pn = (ProcessorNode) node;
Fields fields = pn.getGroupingInfo() == null ? null : pn.getGroupingInfo().getFields();
if (pn.isPreservesKey() && fields != null && fields.equals(KEY)) {
return false;
return true;
private PairStream<K, V> partitionBy(Fields fields) {
return toPairStream(partitionBy(fields, node.parallelism));
private PairStream<K, V> toPairStream(Stream<Pair<K, V>> stream) {
return new PairStream<>(stream.streamBuilder, stream.node);
private <A, R> PairStream<K, R> aggregatePartition(CombinerAggregator<? super V, A, ? extends R> aggregator) {
return new PairStream<>(streamBuilder,
addProcessorNode(new AggregateByKeyProcessor<>(aggregator), KEY_VALUE, true));
private <A> PairStream<K, A> combinePartition(CombinerAggregator<? super V, A, ?> aggregator) {
return new PairStream<>(streamBuilder,
addProcessorNode(new AggregateByKeyProcessor<>(aggregator, true), KEY_VALUE, true));
private <R> PairStream<K, R> merge(CombinerAggregator<?, V, ? extends R> aggregator) {
return new PairStream<>(streamBuilder,
addProcessorNode(new MergeAggregateByKeyProcessor<>(aggregator), KEY_VALUE, true));
private PairStream<K, V> reducePartition(Reducer<V> reducer) {
return new PairStream<>(streamBuilder,
addProcessorNode(new ReduceByKeyProcessor<>(reducer), KEY_VALUE, true));
// if re-partitioning is involved, does a per-partition aggregate by key before emitting the results downstream
private <A, R> PairStream<K, R> combineByKey(CombinerAggregator<? super V, A, ? extends R> aggregator) {
if (shouldPartitionByKey()) {
if (node instanceof ProcessorNode) {
if (node.isWindowed()) {
return combinePartition(aggregator).partitionBy(KEY).merge(aggregator);
} else if (node instanceof WindowNode) {
Set<Node> parents = node.getParents();
Optional<Node> nonWindowed = -> !p.isWindowed()).findAny();
if (!nonWindowed.isPresent()) {
parents.forEach(p -> {
Node localAggregateNode = makeProcessorNode(
new AggregateByKeyProcessor<>(aggregator, true), KEY_VALUE, true);
streamBuilder.insert(p, localAggregateNode);
return ((PairStream<K, A>) partitionBy(KEY)).merge(aggregator);
return partitionBy(KEY).aggregatePartition(aggregator);
} else {
return aggregatePartition(aggregator);
// if re-partitioning is involved, does a per-partition reduce by key before emitting the results downstream
private PairStream<K, V> combineByKey(Reducer<V> reducer) {
if (shouldPartitionByKey()) {
if (node instanceof ProcessorNode) {
if (node.isWindowed()) {
return reducePartition(reducer).partitionBy(KEY).reducePartition(reducer);
} else if (node instanceof WindowNode) {
for (Node p : node.getParents()) {
if (p.isWindowed()) {
Node localReduceNode = makeProcessorNode(new ReduceByKeyProcessor<>(reducer), KEY_VALUE, true);
streamBuilder.insert(p, localReduceNode);
return partitionBy(KEY).reducePartition(reducer);
} else {
return reducePartition(reducer);
// used internally to merge values in groupByKeyAndWindow
private static class MergeValues<V> implements CombinerAggregator<V, ArrayList<V>, ArrayList<V>> {
public ArrayList<V> init() {
return new ArrayList<>();
public ArrayList<V> apply(ArrayList<V> aggregate, V value) {
return aggregate;
public ArrayList<V> merge(ArrayList<V> accum1, ArrayList<V> accum2) {
ArrayList<V> res = new ArrayList<V>();
return res;
public ArrayList<V> result(ArrayList<V> accum) {
return accum;