blob: 1160028630259b89e0a72aa09b24660af033f846 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file to you under the Apache License, Version
* 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions
* and limitations under the License.
package org.apache.storm.daemon.supervisor;
import java.util.Map;
import org.apache.storm.DaemonConfig;
import org.apache.storm.container.DefaultResourceIsolationManager;
import org.apache.storm.container.ResourceIsolationInterface;
import org.apache.storm.generated.LocalAssignment;
import org.apache.storm.messaging.IContext;
import org.apache.storm.metric.StormMetricsRegistry;
import org.apache.storm.utils.ConfigUtils;
import org.apache.storm.utils.LocalState;
import org.apache.storm.utils.ObjectReader;
import org.apache.storm.utils.ReflectionUtils;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
* Launches containers.
public abstract class ContainerLauncher {
private static final Logger LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger(ContainerLauncher.class);
protected ContainerLauncher() {
* Factory to create the right container launcher
* for the config and the environment.
* @param conf the config
* @param supervisorId the ID of the supervisor
* @param supervisorPort the parent supervisor thrift server port
* @param sharedContext Used in local mode to let workers talk together without netty
* @param metricsRegistry The metrics registry.
* @param containerMemoryTracker The shared memory tracker for the supervisor's containers
* @param localSupervisor The local supervisor Thrift interface. Only used for local clusters, distributed clusters use Thrift directly.
* @return the proper container launcher
* @throws IOException on any error
public static ContainerLauncher make(Map<String, Object> conf, String supervisorId, int supervisorPort,
IContext sharedContext, StormMetricsRegistry metricsRegistry,
ContainerMemoryTracker containerMemoryTracker,
org.apache.storm.generated.Supervisor.Iface localSupervisor) throws IOException {
if (ConfigUtils.isLocalMode(conf)) {
return new LocalContainerLauncher(conf, supervisorId, supervisorPort, sharedContext, metricsRegistry, containerMemoryTracker,
ResourceIsolationInterface resourceIsolationManager;
if (ObjectReader.getBoolean(conf.get(DaemonConfig.STORM_RESOURCE_ISOLATION_PLUGIN_ENABLE), false)) {
resourceIsolationManager = ReflectionUtils.newInstance((String) conf.get(DaemonConfig.STORM_RESOURCE_ISOLATION_PLUGIN));"Using resource isolation plugin {}: {}", conf.get(DaemonConfig.STORM_RESOURCE_ISOLATION_PLUGIN),
} else {
resourceIsolationManager = new DefaultResourceIsolationManager();"{} is false. Using default resource isolation plugin: {}", DaemonConfig.STORM_RESOURCE_ISOLATION_PLUGIN_ENABLE,
return new BasicContainerLauncher(conf, supervisorId, supervisorPort, resourceIsolationManager, metricsRegistry,
* Launch a container in a given slot.
* @param port the port to run this on
* @param assignment what to launch
* @param state the current state of the supervisor
* @return The container that can be used to manager the processes.
* @throws IOException on any error
public abstract Container launchContainer(int port, LocalAssignment assignment, LocalState state) throws IOException;
* Recover a container for a running process.
* @param port the port the assignment is running on
* @param assignment the assignment that was launched
* @param state the current state of the supervisor
* @return The container that can be used to manage the processes.
* @throws IOException on any error
* @throws ContainerRecoveryException if the Container could not be recovered
public abstract Container recoverContainer(int port, LocalAssignment assignment, LocalState state) throws IOException,
* Try to recover a container using just the worker ID.
* The result is really only useful for killing the container
* and so is returning a Killable. Even if a Container is returned
* do not case the result to Container because only the Killable APIs
* are guaranteed to work.
* @param workerId the id of the worker to use
* @param localState the state of the running supervisor
* @return a Killable that can be used to kill the underlying container.
* @throws IOException on any error
* @throws ContainerRecoveryException if the Container could not be recovered
public abstract Killable recoverContainer(String workerId, LocalState localState) throws IOException, ContainerRecoveryException;