blob: dc9472c1576caae69236e715fb755cee809ab17d [file] [log] [blame]
;; Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
;; or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
;; distributed with this work for additional information
;; regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
;; to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
;; "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
;; with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
;; Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
;; distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
;; See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
;; limitations under the License.
(ns backtype.storm.zookeeper
(:import [org.apache.curator.retry RetryNTimes])
(:import [org.apache.curator.framework.api CuratorEvent CuratorEventType CuratorListener UnhandledErrorListener])
(:import [org.apache.curator.framework CuratorFramework CuratorFrameworkFactory])
(:import [org.apache.zookeeper ZooKeeper Watcher KeeperException$NoNodeException
ZooDefs ZooDefs$Ids CreateMode WatchedEvent Watcher$Event Watcher$Event$KeeperState
Watcher$Event$EventType KeeperException$NodeExistsException])
(:import [ Stat])
(:import [org.apache.zookeeper.server ZooKeeperServer NIOServerCnxnFactory])
(:import [ InetSocketAddress BindException])
(:import [ File])
(:import [backtype.storm.utils Utils ZookeeperAuthInfo])
(:use [backtype.storm util log config]))
(def zk-keeper-states
{Watcher$Event$KeeperState/Disconnected :disconnected
Watcher$Event$KeeperState/SyncConnected :connected
Watcher$Event$KeeperState/AuthFailed :auth-failed
Watcher$Event$KeeperState/Expired :expired})
(def zk-event-types
{Watcher$Event$EventType/None :none
Watcher$Event$EventType/NodeCreated :node-created
Watcher$Event$EventType/NodeDeleted :node-deleted
Watcher$Event$EventType/NodeDataChanged :node-data-changed
Watcher$Event$EventType/NodeChildrenChanged :node-children-changed})
(defn- default-watcher
[state type path]
(log-message "Zookeeper state update: " state type path))
(defnk mk-client
[conf servers port
:root ""
:watcher default-watcher
:auth-conf nil]
(let [fk (Utils/newCurator conf servers port root (when auth-conf (ZookeeperAuthInfo. auth-conf)))]
(.. fk
(reify CuratorListener
(^void eventReceived [this ^CuratorFramework _fk ^CuratorEvent e]
(when (= (.getType e) CuratorEventType/WATCHED)
(let [^WatchedEvent event (.getWatchedEvent e)]
(watcher (zk-keeper-states (.getState event))
(zk-event-types (.getType event))
(.getPath event))))))))
;; (.. fk
;; (getUnhandledErrorListenable)
;; (addListener
;; (reify UnhandledErrorListener
;; (unhandledError [this msg error]
;; (if (or (exception-cause? InterruptedException error)
;; (exception-cause? java.nio.channels.ClosedByInterruptException error))
;; (do (log-warn-error error "Zookeeper exception " msg)
;; (let [to-throw (InterruptedException.)]
;; (.initCause to-throw error)
;; (throw to-throw)
;; ))
;; (do (log-error error "Unrecoverable Zookeeper error " msg)
;; (halt-process! 1 "Unrecoverable Zookeeper error")))
;; ))))
(.start fk)
(def zk-create-modes
{:ephemeral CreateMode/EPHEMERAL
:persistent CreateMode/PERSISTENT
:sequential CreateMode/PERSISTENT_SEQUENTIAL})
(defn create-node
([^CuratorFramework zk ^String path ^bytes data mode acls]
(let [mode (zk-create-modes mode)]
(.. zk (create) (withMode mode) (withACL acls) (forPath (normalize-path path) data))
(catch Exception e (throw (wrap-in-runtime e))))))
([^CuratorFramework zk ^String path ^bytes data acls]
(create-node zk path data :persistent acls)))
(defn exists-node?
[^CuratorFramework zk ^String path watch?]
((complement nil?)
(if watch?
(.. zk (checkExists) (watched) (forPath (normalize-path path)))
(.. zk (checkExists) (forPath (normalize-path path))))
(catch Exception e (throw (wrap-in-runtime e))))))
(defnk delete-node
[^CuratorFramework zk ^String path :force false]
(try-cause (.. zk (delete) (forPath (normalize-path path)))
(catch KeeperException$NoNodeException e
(when-not force (throw e)))
(catch Exception e (throw (wrap-in-runtime e)))))
(defn mkdirs
[^CuratorFramework zk ^String path acls]
(let [path (normalize-path path)]
(when-not (or (= path "/") (exists-node? zk path false))
(mkdirs zk (parent-path path) acls)
(create-node zk path (barr 7) :persistent acls)
(catch KeeperException$NodeExistsException e
;; this can happen when multiple clients doing mkdir at same time
(defn get-data
[^CuratorFramework zk ^String path watch?]
(let [path (normalize-path path)]
(if (exists-node? zk path watch?)
(if watch?
(.. zk (getData) (watched) (forPath path))
(.. zk (getData) (forPath path))))
(catch KeeperException$NoNodeException e
;; this is fine b/c we still have a watch from the successful exists call
nil )
(catch Exception e (throw (wrap-in-runtime e))))))
(defn get-children
[^CuratorFramework zk ^String path watch?]
(if watch?
(.. zk (getChildren) (watched) (forPath (normalize-path path)))
(.. zk (getChildren) (forPath (normalize-path path))))
(catch Exception e (throw (wrap-in-runtime e)))))
(defn set-data
[^CuratorFramework zk ^String path ^bytes data]
(.. zk (setData) (forPath (normalize-path path) data))
(catch Exception e (throw (wrap-in-runtime e)))))
(defn exists
[^CuratorFramework zk ^String path watch?]
(exists-node? zk path watch?))
(defn delete-recursive
[^CuratorFramework zk ^String path]
(let [path (normalize-path path)]
(when (exists-node? zk path false)
(let [children (try-cause
(get-children zk path false)
(catch KeeperException$NoNodeException e []))]
(doseq [c children]
(delete-recursive zk (full-path path c)))
(delete-node zk path :force true)))))
(defnk mk-inprocess-zookeeper
[localdir :port nil]
(let [localfile (File. localdir)
zk (ZooKeeperServer. localfile localfile 2000)
[retport factory]
(loop [retport (if port port 2000)]
(if-let [factory-tmp
(doto (NIOServerCnxnFactory.)
(.configure (InetSocketAddress. retport) 0))
(catch BindException e
(when (> (inc retport) (if port port 65535))
(throw (RuntimeException.
"No port is available to launch an inprocess zookeeper.")))))]
[retport factory-tmp]
(recur (inc retport))))]
(log-message "Starting inprocess zookeeper at port " retport " and dir " localdir)
(.startup factory zk)
[retport factory]))
(defn shutdown-inprocess-zookeeper
(.shutdown handle))