blob: 5de265c762fe0e89f4fd0b1382e3902b80784473 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file to you under the Apache License, Version
* 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* <p>
* <p>
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions
* and limitations under the License.
package org.apache.storm.scheduler.resource;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.concurrent.ExecutorService;
import java.util.concurrent.Executors;
import java.util.concurrent.Future;
import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit;
import java.util.concurrent.TimeoutException;
import org.apache.storm.Config;
import org.apache.storm.DaemonConfig;
import org.apache.storm.scheduler.Cluster;
import org.apache.storm.scheduler.IScheduler;
import org.apache.storm.scheduler.SchedulerAssignment;
import org.apache.storm.scheduler.SingleTopologyCluster;
import org.apache.storm.scheduler.Topologies;
import org.apache.storm.scheduler.TopologyDetails;
import org.apache.storm.scheduler.WorkerSlot;
import org.apache.storm.scheduler.resource.strategies.priority.ISchedulingPriorityStrategy;
import org.apache.storm.scheduler.resource.strategies.scheduling.IStrategy;
import org.apache.storm.scheduler.utils.ConfigLoaderFactoryService;
import org.apache.storm.scheduler.utils.IConfigLoader;
import org.apache.storm.utils.DisallowedStrategyException;
import org.apache.storm.utils.ObjectReader;
import org.apache.storm.utils.ReflectionUtils;
import org.apache.storm.utils.Utils;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
public class ResourceAwareScheduler implements IScheduler {
private static final Logger LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger(ResourceAwareScheduler.class);
private Map<String, Object> conf;
private ISchedulingPriorityStrategy schedulingPriorityStrategy;
private IConfigLoader configLoader;
private int maxSchedulingAttempts;
private int schedulingTimeoutSeconds;
private ExecutorService backgroundScheduling;
private static void markFailedTopology(User u, Cluster c, TopologyDetails td, String message) {
markFailedTopology(u, c, td, message, null);
private static void markFailedTopology(User u, Cluster c, TopologyDetails td, String message, Throwable t) {
c.setStatus(td, message);
String realMessage = td.getId() + " " + message;
if (t != null) {
LOG.error(realMessage, t);
} else {
private static double getCpuUsed(SchedulerAssignment assignment) {
return assignment.getScheduledResources().values().stream().mapToDouble((wr) -> wr.get_cpu()).sum();
private static double getMemoryUsed(SchedulerAssignment assignment) {
return assignment.getScheduledResources().values().stream()
.mapToDouble((wr) -> wr.get_mem_on_heap() + wr.get_mem_off_heap()).sum();
public void prepare(Map<String, Object> conf) {
this.conf = conf;
schedulingPriorityStrategy = ReflectionUtils.newInstance(
configLoader = ConfigLoaderFactoryService.createConfigLoader(conf);
maxSchedulingAttempts = ObjectReader.getInt(
schedulingTimeoutSeconds = ObjectReader.getInt(
backgroundScheduling = Executors.newFixedThreadPool(1);
public void cleanup() {"Cleanup ResourceAwareScheduler scheduler");
public Map<String, Map<String, Double>> config() {
return (Map) getUserResourcePools();
public void schedule(Topologies topologies, Cluster cluster) {
Map<String, User> userMap = getUsers(cluster);
List<TopologyDetails> orderedTopologies = new ArrayList<>(schedulingPriorityStrategy.getOrderedTopologies(cluster, userMap));
if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) {
LOG.debug("Ordered list of topologies is: {}", -> t.getId()).collect(Collectors.toList()));
for (TopologyDetails td : orderedTopologies) {
if (!cluster.needsSchedulingRas(td)) {
//cluster forgets about its previous status, so if it is scheduled just leave it.
cluster.setStatusIfAbsent(td.getId(), "Fully Scheduled");
} else {
User submitter = userMap.get(td.getTopologySubmitter());
scheduleTopology(td, cluster, submitter, orderedTopologies);
private void scheduleTopology(TopologyDetails td, Cluster cluster, final User topologySubmitter,
List<TopologyDetails> orderedTopologies) {
//A copy of cluster that we can modify, but does not get committed back to cluster unless scheduling succeeds
Cluster workingState = new Cluster(cluster);
RAS_Nodes nodes = new RAS_Nodes(workingState);
IStrategy rasStrategy = null;
String strategyConf = (String) td.getConf().get(Config.TOPOLOGY_SCHEDULER_STRATEGY);
try {
String strategy = (String) td.getConf().get(Config.TOPOLOGY_SCHEDULER_STRATEGY);
if (strategy.startsWith("backtype.storm")) {
// Storm support to launch workers of older version.
// If the config of TOPOLOGY_SCHEDULER_STRATEGY comes from the older version, replace the package name.
strategy = strategy.replace("backtype.storm", "org.apache.storm");
LOG.debug("Replaced backtype.storm with org.apache.storm for Config.TOPOLOGY_SCHEDULER_STRATEGY");
rasStrategy = ReflectionUtils.newSchedulerStrategyInstance(strategy, conf);
} catch (DisallowedStrategyException e) {
markFailedTopology(topologySubmitter, cluster, td,
"Unsuccessful in scheduling - " + e.getAttemptedClass()
+ " is not an allowed strategy. Please make sure your "
+ " config is one of the allowed strategies: "
+ e.getAllowedStrategies(), e);
} catch (RuntimeException e) {
markFailedTopology(topologySubmitter, cluster, td,
"Unsuccessful in scheduling - failed to create instance of topology strategy "
+ strategyConf
+ ". Please check logs for details", e);
final IStrategy finalRasStrategy = rasStrategy;
for (int i = 0; i < maxSchedulingAttempts; i++) {
SingleTopologyCluster toSchedule = new SingleTopologyCluster(workingState, td.getId());
try {
SchedulingResult result = null;
Future<SchedulingResult> schedulingFuture = backgroundScheduling.submit(
() -> finalRasStrategy.schedule(toSchedule, td)
try {
result = schedulingFuture.get(schedulingTimeoutSeconds, TimeUnit.SECONDS);
} catch (TimeoutException te) {
markFailedTopology(topologySubmitter, cluster, td, "Scheduling took too long for "
+ td.getId() + " using strategy " + rasStrategy.getClass().getName() + " timeout after "
+ schedulingTimeoutSeconds + " seconds using config "
LOG.debug("scheduling result: {}", result);
if (result == null) {
markFailedTopology(topologySubmitter, cluster, td, "Internal scheduler error");
} else {
if (result.isSuccess()) {
cluster.setStatus(td.getId(), "Running - " + result.getMessage());
} else if (result.getStatus() == SchedulingStatus.FAIL_NOT_ENOUGH_RESOURCES) {
LOG.debug("Not enough resources to schedule {}", td.getName());
List<TopologyDetails> reversedList = ImmutableList.copyOf(orderedTopologies).reverse();
boolean evictedSomething = false;
LOG.debug("attempting to make space for topo {} from user {}", td.getName(), td.getTopologySubmitter());
int tdIndex = reversedList.indexOf(td);
double cpuNeeded = td.getTotalRequestedCpu();
double memoryNeeded = td.getTotalRequestedMemOffHeap() + td.getTotalRequestedMemOnHeap();
SchedulerAssignment assignment = cluster.getAssignmentById(td.getId());
if (assignment != null) {
cpuNeeded -= getCpuUsed(assignment);
memoryNeeded -= getMemoryUsed(assignment);
for (int index = 0; index < tdIndex; index++) {
TopologyDetails topologyEvict = reversedList.get(index);
SchedulerAssignment evictAssignemnt = workingState.getAssignmentById(topologyEvict.getId());
if (evictAssignemnt != null && !evictAssignemnt.getSlots().isEmpty()) {
Collection<WorkerSlot> workersToEvict = workingState.getUsedSlotsByTopologyId(topologyEvict.getId());
LOG.debug("Evicting Topology {} with workers: {} from user {}", topologyEvict.getName(), workersToEvict,
cpuNeeded -= getCpuUsed(evictAssignemnt);
memoryNeeded -= getMemoryUsed(evictAssignemnt);
evictedSomething = true;
if (cpuNeeded <= 0 && memoryNeeded <= 0) {
//We evicted enough topologies to have a hope of scheduling, so try it now, and don't evict more
// than is needed
if (!evictedSomething) {
StringBuilder message = new StringBuilder();
message.append("Not enough resources to schedule ");
if (memoryNeeded > 0 || cpuNeeded > 0) {
if (memoryNeeded > 0) {
message.append(memoryNeeded).append(" MB ");
if (cpuNeeded > 0) {
message.append(cpuNeeded).append("% CPU ");
message.append("needed even after evicting lower priority topologies. ");
markFailedTopology(topologySubmitter, cluster, td, message.toString());
//Only place we fall though to do the loop over again...
} else { //Any other failure result
//The assumption is that the strategy set the status...
topologySubmitter.markTopoUnsuccess(td, cluster);
} catch (Exception ex) {
markFailedTopology(topologySubmitter, cluster, td,
"Internal Error - Exception thrown when scheduling. Please check logs for details", ex);
markFailedTopology(topologySubmitter, cluster, td, "Failed to schedule within " + maxSchedulingAttempts + " attempts");
* Get User wrappers around cluster.
* @param cluster the cluster to get the users out of.
private Map<String, User> getUsers(Cluster cluster) {
Map<String, User> userMap = new HashMap<>();
Map<String, Map<String, Double>> userResourcePools = getUserResourcePools();
LOG.debug("userResourcePools: {}", userResourcePools);
for (TopologyDetails td : cluster.getTopologies()) {
String topologySubmitter = td.getTopologySubmitter();
//additional safety check to make sure that topologySubmitter is going to be a valid value
if (topologySubmitter == null || topologySubmitter.equals("")) {
LOG.error("Cannot determine user for topology {}. Will skip scheduling this topology", td.getName());
if (!userMap.containsKey(topologySubmitter)) {
userMap.put(topologySubmitter, new User(topologySubmitter, userResourcePools.get(topologySubmitter)));
return userMap;
private Map<String, Map<String, Double>> convertToDouble(Map<String, Map<String, Number>> raw) {
Map<String, Map<String, Double>> ret = new HashMap<>();
if (raw != null) {
for (Map.Entry<String, Map<String, Number>> userPoolEntry : raw.entrySet()) {
String user = userPoolEntry.getKey();
ret.put(user, new HashMap<>());
for (Map.Entry<String, Number> resourceEntry : userPoolEntry.getValue().entrySet()) {
ret.get(user).put(resourceEntry.getKey(), resourceEntry.getValue().doubleValue());
return ret;
* Get resource guarantee configs.
* Load from configLoaders first; if no config available, read from user-resource-pools.yaml;
* if no config available from user-resource-pools.yaml, get configs from conf. Only one will be used.
* @return a map that contains resource guarantees of every user of the following format
* {userid->{resourceType->amountGuaranteed}}
private Map<String, Map<String, Double>> getUserResourcePools() {
Map<String, Map<String, Number>> raw;
// Try the loader plugin, if configured
if (configLoader != null) {
raw = (Map<String, Map<String, Number>>) configLoader.load(DaemonConfig.RESOURCE_AWARE_SCHEDULER_USER_POOLS);
if (raw != null) {
return convertToDouble(raw);
} else {
LOG.warn("Config loader returned null. Will try to read from user-resource-pools.yaml");
// if no configs from loader, try to read from user-resource-pools.yaml
Map<String, Object> fromFile = Utils.findAndReadConfigFile("user-resource-pools.yaml", false);
raw = (Map<String, Map<String, Number>>) fromFile.get(DaemonConfig.RESOURCE_AWARE_SCHEDULER_USER_POOLS);
if (raw != null) {
return convertToDouble(raw);
} else {
LOG.warn("Reading from user-resource-pools.yaml returned null. This could because the file is not available. "
+ "Will load configs from storm configuration");
// if no configs from user-resource-pools.yaml, get configs from conf
raw = (Map<String, Map<String, Number>>) conf.get(DaemonConfig.RESOURCE_AWARE_SCHEDULER_USER_POOLS);
return convertToDouble(raw);