Merge pull request #3154 from Ethanlm/update-release-doc

MINOR: update RELEASING doc to include more details
diff --git a/ b/
index 4e6d8b2..06f2012 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -5,6 +5,13 @@
+# Release Policy
+Apache Storm follows the basic idea of [Semantic Versioning]( Given a version number MAJOR.MINOR.PATCH, increment the:
+ 1. MAJOR version when you make incompatible API changes,
+ 2. MINOR version when you add functionality in a backwards compatible manner, and
+ 3. PATCH version when you make backwards compatible bug fixes.
 # Release process
 ## Preparation
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 Ensure you have a signed GPG key, and that the GPG key is listed in the Storm KEYS file at The key should be hooked into the Apache web of trust. You should read the [Apache release signing page](, the [release distribution page](, as well as the [release publishing]( and [release policy]( pages.
+If you are setting up a new MINOR version release, create a new branch based on `master` branch, e.g. `2.2.x-branch`. Then on master branch, set the version to a higher MINOR version (with SNAPSHOT), e.g. `mvn versions:set -DnewVersion=2.3.0-SNAPSHOT -P dist,rat,externals,examples`.
+In this way, you create a new release line and then you can create PATCH version releases from it, e.g. `2.2.0`.
 ## Setting up a vote
-1. Run `mvn release:prepare` followed `mvn release:perform` on the branch to be released. This will create all the artifacts that will eventually be available in maven central. This step may seem simple, but a lot can go wrong (mainly flaky tests).
+0. Checkout to the branch to be released.
+1. Run `mvn release:prepare -P dist,rat,externals,examples` followed `mvn release:perform -P dist,rat,externals,examples`. This will create all the artifacts that will eventually be available in maven central. This step may seem simple, but a lot can go wrong (mainly flaky tests). 
+Note that this will create and push two commits with the commit message starting with "[maven-release-plugin]" and it will also create and publish a git tag, e.g. `v2.2.0`.
 2. Once you get a successful maven release, a “staging repository” will be created at in the “open” state, meaning it is still writable. You will need to close it, making it read-only. You can find more information on this step [here](
-3. Run `mvn package` for `storm-dist/binary` and `storm-dist/source` to create the actual distributions.
+3. Checkout to the git tag that was published by Step 1 above, e.g. `git checkout tags/v2.2.0 -b v2.2.0`. Run `mvn package` for `storm-dist/binary` and `storm-dist/source` to create the actual distributions.
-4. Sign and generate checksums for the *.tar.gz and *.zip distribution files. 
+4. Generate checksums for the *.tar.gz and *.zip distribution files, e.g.
+cd storm-dist/source/target
+gpg --print-md SHA512 >
+gpg --print-md SHA512 apache-storm-2.2.0-src.tar.gz > apache-storm-2.2.0-src.tar.gz.sha512
+cd storm-dist/binary/final-package/target
+gpg --print-md SHA512 >
+gpg --print-md SHA512 apache-storm-2.2.0.tar.gz > apache-storm-2.2.0.tar.gz.sha512
 5. Create a directory in the dist svn repo for the release candidate:
-6. Run `dev-tools/` for the release version, piping the output to a RELEASE_NOTES.html file. Move that file to the svn release directory, sign it, and generate checksums.
+6. Run `dev-tools/` for the release version, piping the output to a RELEASE_NOTES.html file. Move that file to the svn release directory, sign it, and generate checksums, e.g.
+python dev-tools/ 2.2.0 > RELEASE_NOTES.html
+gpg --armor --output RELEASE_NOTES.html.asc --detach-sig RELEASE_NOTES.html
+gpg --print-md SHA512 RELEASE_NOTES.html > RELEASE_NOTES.html.sha512
 7. Move the release files from Step 4 and 6 to the svn directory from Step 5. Add and commit the files. This makes them available in the Apache staging repo.
@@ -56,3 +83,5 @@
 1. Go to and drop the staging repository.
 2. Delete the staged distribution files from
+3. Delete the git tag.