blob: 95b371893130c01a9048b074d0530827085f9f6a [file] [log] [blame]
(ns backtype.storm.daemon.supervisor
(:use [backtype.storm bootstrap])
(:use [backtype.storm.daemon common])
(:require [backtype.storm.daemon [worker :as worker]])
(defmulti download-storm-code cluster-mode)
(defmulti launch-worker cluster-mode)
;; used as part of a map from port to this
(defrecord LocalAssignment [storm-id task-ids])
(defprotocol SupervisorDaemon
(get-id [this])
(get-conf [this])
(shutdown-all-workers [this])
(defn- read-my-tasks [storm-cluster-state storm-id supervisor-id callback]
(let [assignment (.assignment-info storm-cluster-state storm-id callback)
my-tasks (filter (fn [[_ [node _]]] (= node supervisor-id))
(:task->node+port assignment))
port-tasks (apply merge-with
(for [[task-id [_ port]] my-tasks]
{port [task-id]}
(into {} (for [[port task-ids] port-tasks]
;; need to cast to int b/c it might be a long (due to how yaml parses things)
[(int port) (LocalAssignment. storm-id task-ids)]
(defn- read-assignments
"Returns map from port to struct containing :storm-id and :task-ids and :master-code-dir"
[storm-cluster-state supervisor-id callback]
(let [storm-ids (.assignments storm-cluster-state callback)]
(apply merge-with
(fn [& ignored]
(throw (RuntimeException.
"Should not have multiple storms assigned to one port")))
(dofor [sid storm-ids] (read-my-tasks storm-cluster-state sid supervisor-id callback))
(defn- read-storm-code-locations
[storm-cluster-state callback]
(let [storm-ids (.assignments storm-cluster-state callback)]
(into {}
(dofor [sid storm-ids]
[sid (:master-code-dir (.assignment-info storm-cluster-state sid callback))]
(defn- read-downloaded-storm-ids [conf]
(read-dir-contents (supervisor-stormdist-root conf))
(defn read-worker-heartbeat [conf id]
(let [local-state (worker-state conf id)]
(.get local-state LS-WORKER-HEARTBEAT)
(defn my-worker-ids [conf]
(read-dir-contents (worker-root conf)))
(defn read-worker-heartbeats
"Returns map from worker id to heartbeat"
(let [ids (my-worker-ids conf)]
(into {}
(dofor [id ids]
[id (read-worker-heartbeat conf id)]))
(defn matches-an-assignment? [worker-heartbeat assigned-tasks]
(let [local-assignment (assigned-tasks (:port worker-heartbeat))]
(and local-assignment
(= (:storm-id worker-heartbeat) (:storm-id local-assignment))
(= (set (:task-ids worker-heartbeat)) (set (:task-ids local-assignment))))
(defn read-allocated-workers
"Returns map from worker id to worker heartbeat. if the heartbeat is nil, then the worker is dead (timed out or never wrote heartbeat)"
[conf local-state assigned-tasks]
(let [now (current-time-secs)
id->heartbeat (read-worker-heartbeats conf)
approved-ids (set (keys (.get local-state LS-APPROVED-WORKERS)))]
(dofor [[id hb] id->heartbeat]
(let [state (cond
(or (not (contains? approved-ids id))
(not (matches-an-assignment? hb assigned-tasks)))
(not hb)
(> (- now (:time-secs hb))
(log-debug "Worker " id " is " state ": " (pr-str hb) " at supervisor time-secs " now)
[id [state hb]]
(defn- wait-for-worker-launch [conf id start-time]
(let [state (worker-state conf id)]
(loop []
(let [hb (.get state LS-WORKER-HEARTBEAT)]
(when (and
(not hb)
(- (current-time-secs) start-time)
(log-message id " still hasn't started")
(Time/sleep 500)
(when-not (.get state LS-WORKER-HEARTBEAT)
(log-message "Worker " id " failed to start")
(defn- wait-for-workers-launch [conf ids]
(let [start-time (current-time-secs)]
(doseq [id ids]
(wait-for-worker-launch conf id start-time))
(defn generate-supervisor-id []
(defn try-cleanup-worker [conf id]
(rmr (worker-heartbeats-root conf id))
;; this avoids a race condition with worker or subprocess writing pid around same time
(rmpath (worker-pids-root conf id))
(rmpath (worker-root conf id))
(catch RuntimeException e
(log-error e "Failed to cleanup worker " id ". Will retry later")
(defn shutdown-worker [conf supervisor-id id worker-thread-pids-atom]
(log-message "Shutting down " supervisor-id ":" id)
(let [pids (read-dir-contents (worker-pids-root conf id))
thread-pid (@worker-thread-pids-atom id)]
(when thread-pid
(psim/kill-process thread-pid))
(doseq [pid pids]
(ensure-process-killed! pid)
(rmpath (worker-pid-path conf id pid))
(try-cleanup-worker conf id))
(log-message "Shut down " supervisor-id ":" id))
;; in local state, supervisor stores who its current assignments are
;; another thread launches events to restart any dead processes if necessary
(defserverfn mk-supervisor [conf shared-context]
(log-message "Starting Supervisor with conf " conf)
(FileUtils/cleanDirectory (File. (supervisor-tmp-dir conf)))
(let [active (atom true)
uptime (uptime-computer)
worker-thread-pids-atom (atom {})
storm-cluster-state (cluster/mk-storm-cluster-state conf)
local-state (supervisor-state conf)
my-hostname (local-hostname)
supervisor-id (if-let [id (.get local-state LS-ID)] id (generate-supervisor-id))
_ (.put local-state LS-ID supervisor-id)
[event-manager processes-event-manager :as managers] [(event/event-manager false) (event/event-manager false)]
sync-processes (fn []
(let [assigned-tasks (defaulted (.get local-state LS-LOCAL-ASSIGNMENTS) {})
allocated (read-allocated-workers conf local-state assigned-tasks)
keepers (filter-map-val
(fn [[state _]] (= state :valid))
keep-ports (set (for [[id [_ hb]] keepers] (:port hb)))
reassign-tasks (select-keys-pred (complement keep-ports) assigned-tasks)
new-worker-ids (into
(for [port (keys reassign-tasks)]
[port (uuid)]))
;; 1. to kill are those in allocated that are dead or disallowed
;; 2. kill the ones that should be dead
;; - read pids, kill -9 and individually remove file
;; - rmr heartbeat dir, rmdir pid dir, rmdir id dir (catch exception and log)
;; 3. of the rest, figure out what assignments aren't yet satisfied
;; 4. generate new worker ids, write new "approved workers" to LS
;; 5. create local dir for worker id
;; 5. launch new workers (give worker-id, port, and supervisor-id)
;; 6. wait for workers launch
(log-debug "Syncing processes")
(log-debug "Assigned tasks: " assigned-tasks)
(log-debug "Allocated: " allocated)
(doseq [[id [state heartbeat]] allocated]
(when (not= :valid state)
"Shutting down and clearing state for id " id
". State: " state
", Heartbeat: " (pr-str heartbeat))
(shutdown-worker conf supervisor-id id worker-thread-pids-atom)
(doseq [id (vals new-worker-ids)]
(local-mkdirs (worker-pids-root conf id)))
(.put local-state LS-APPROVED-WORKERS
(select-keys (.get local-state LS-APPROVED-WORKERS)
(keys keepers))
(zipmap (vals new-worker-ids) (keys new-worker-ids))
(dofor [[port assignment] reassign-tasks]
(let [id (new-worker-ids port)]
(log-message "Launching worker with assignment "
(pr-str assignment)
" for this supervisor "
" on port "
" with id "
(launch-worker conf
(:storm-id assignment)
synchronize-supervisor (fn this []
(let [sync-callback (fn [& ignored] (.add event-manager this))
storm-code-map (read-storm-code-locations storm-cluster-state sync-callback)
assigned-storm-ids (set (keys storm-code-map))
downloaded-storm-ids (set (read-downloaded-storm-ids conf))
new-assignment (read-assignments
(log-debug "Synchronizing supervisor")
(log-debug "Storm code map: " storm-code-map)
(log-debug "Downloaded storm ids: " downloaded-storm-ids)
(log-debug "New assignment: " new-assignment)
;; download code first
;; This might take awhile
;; - should this be done separately from usual monitoring?
;; should we only download when storm is assigned to this supervisor?
(doseq [[storm-id master-code-dir] storm-code-map]
(when-not (downloaded-storm-ids storm-id)
(log-message "Downloading code for storm id "
" from "
(download-storm-code conf storm-id master-code-dir)
(log-message "Finished downloading code for storm id "
" from "
;; remove any downloaded code that's no longer assigned or active
(doseq [storm-id downloaded-storm-ids]
(when-not (assigned-storm-ids storm-id)
(log-message "Removing code for storm id "
(rmr (supervisor-stormdist-root conf storm-id))
(log-debug "Writing new assignment "
(pr-str new-assignment))
(.put local-state
(.add processes-event-manager sync-processes)
heartbeat-fn (fn [] (.supervisor-heartbeat!
(SupervisorInfo. (current-time-secs)
_ (heartbeat-fn)
;; should synchronize supervisor so it doesn't launch anything after being down (optimization)
threads (concat
(fn []
:priority Thread/MAX_PRIORITY)]
;; This isn't strictly necessary, but it doesn't hurt and ensures that the machine stays up
;; to date even if callbacks don't all work exactly right
(fn []
(.add event-manager synchronize-supervisor)
(when @active 10)
(fn []
(.add processes-event-manager sync-processes)
:priority Thread/MAX_PRIORITY)]))]
(log-message "Starting supervisor with id " supervisor-id " at host " my-hostname)
(shutdown [this]
(log-message "Shutting down supervisor " supervisor-id)
(reset! active false)
(doseq [t threads]
(.interrupt t)
(.join t))
(.shutdown event-manager)
(.shutdown processes-event-manager)
(.disconnect storm-cluster-state))
(get-conf [this]
(get-id [this]
supervisor-id )
(shutdown-all-workers [this]
(let [ids (my-worker-ids conf)]
(doseq [id ids]
(shutdown-worker conf supervisor-id id worker-thread-pids-atom)
(waiting? [this]
(or (not @active)
(every? (memfn sleeping?) threads)
(every? (memfn waiting?) managers)))
(defn kill-supervisor [supervisor]
(.shutdown supervisor)
;; distributed implementation
(defmethod download-storm-code
:distributed [conf storm-id master-code-dir]
;; Downloading to permanent location is atomic
(let [tmproot (str (supervisor-tmp-dir conf) "/" (uuid))
stormroot (supervisor-stormdist-root conf storm-id)]
(FileUtils/forceMkdir (File. tmproot))
(Utils/downloadFromMaster conf (master-stormjar-path master-code-dir) (supervisor-stormjar-path tmproot))
(Utils/downloadFromMaster conf (master-stormcode-path master-code-dir) (supervisor-stormcode-path tmproot))
(Utils/downloadFromMaster conf (master-stormconf-path master-code-dir) (supervisor-stormconf-path tmproot))
(extract-dir-from-jar (supervisor-stormjar-path tmproot) RESOURCES-SUBDIR tmproot)
(FileUtils/moveDirectory (File. tmproot) (File. stormroot))
(defmethod launch-worker
:distributed [conf shared-context storm-id supervisor-id port worker-id worker-thread-pids-atom]
(let [stormroot (supervisor-stormdist-root conf storm-id)
stormjar (supervisor-stormjar-path stormroot)
storm-conf (read-supervisor-storm-conf conf storm-id)
classpath (add-to-classpath (current-classpath) [stormjar])
childopts (.replaceAll (str (conf WORKER-CHILDOPTS) " " (storm-conf TOPOLOGY-WORKER-CHILDOPTS))
(str port))
logfilename (str "worker-" port ".log")
command (str "java -server " childopts
" -Djava.library.path=" (conf JAVA-LIBRARY-PATH)
"" logfilename
" -cp " classpath " backtype.storm.daemon.worker "
storm-id " " supervisor-id " " port " " worker-id)]
(log-message "Launching worker with command: " command)
(launch-process command :environment {"LD_LIBRARY_PATH" (conf JAVA-LIBRARY-PATH)})
;; local implementation
(defn resources-jar []
(->> (.split (current-classpath) ":")
(filter #(.endsWith % ".jar"))
(filter #(zip-contains-dir? % RESOURCES-SUBDIR))
first ))
(defmethod download-storm-code
:local [conf storm-id master-code-dir]
(let [stormroot (supervisor-stormdist-root conf storm-id)]
(FileUtils/copyDirectory (File. master-code-dir) (File. stormroot))
(let [classloader (.getContextClassLoader (Thread/currentThread))
resources-jar (resources-jar)
url (.getResource classloader RESOURCES-SUBDIR)
target-dir (str stormroot "/" RESOURCES-SUBDIR)]
(log-message "Extracting resources from jar at " resources-jar " to " target-dir)
(extract-dir-from-jar resources-jar RESOURCES-SUBDIR stormroot))
(log-message "Copying resources at " (str url) " to " target-dir)
(FileUtils/copyDirectory (File. (.getFile url)) (File. target-dir))
(defmethod launch-worker
:local [conf shared-context storm-id supervisor-id port worker-id worker-thread-pids-atom]
(let [pid (uuid)
worker (worker/mk-worker conf shared-context storm-id supervisor-id port worker-id)]
(psim/register-process pid worker)
(swap! worker-thread-pids-atom assoc worker-id pid)
(defn -main []
(let [conf (read-storm-config)]
(validate-distributed-mode! conf)
(mk-supervisor conf nil)))