blob: db8930cc2f01f82c31f7184ba62333d4ba4f1ce4 [file] [log] [blame]
;; Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
;; or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
;; distributed with this work for additional information
;; regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
;; to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
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(ns backtype.storm.stats
(:import [backtype.storm.generated Nimbus Nimbus$Processor Nimbus$Iface StormTopology ShellComponent
NotAliveException AlreadyAliveException InvalidTopologyException GlobalStreamId
ClusterSummary TopologyInfo TopologySummary ExecutorSummary ExecutorStats ExecutorSpecificStats
SpoutStats BoltStats ErrorInfo SupervisorSummary])
(:use [backtype.storm util log])
(:use [clojure.math.numeric-tower :only [ceil]]))
;;TODO: consider replacing this with some sort of RRD
(defn curr-time-bucket
[^Integer time-secs ^Integer bucket-size-secs]
(* bucket-size-secs (unchecked-divide-int time-secs bucket-size-secs)))
(defrecord RollingWindow
[updater merger extractor bucket-size-secs num-buckets buckets])
(defn rolling-window
[updater merger extractor bucket-size-secs num-buckets]
(RollingWindow. updater merger extractor bucket-size-secs num-buckets {}))
(defn update-rolling-window
([^RollingWindow rw time-secs & args]
;; this is 2.5x faster than using update-in...
(let [time-bucket (curr-time-bucket time-secs (:bucket-size-secs rw))
buckets (:buckets rw)
curr (get buckets time-bucket)
curr (apply (:updater rw) curr args)]
(assoc rw :buckets (assoc buckets time-bucket curr)))))
(defn value-rolling-window
[^RollingWindow rw]
((:extractor rw)
(let [values (vals (:buckets rw))]
(apply (:merger rw) values))))
(defn cleanup-rolling-window
[^RollingWindow rw]
(let [buckets (:buckets rw)
cutoff (- (current-time-secs)
(* (:num-buckets rw)
(:bucket-size-secs rw)))
to-remove (filter #(< % cutoff) (keys buckets))
buckets (apply dissoc buckets to-remove)]
(assoc rw :buckets buckets)))
(defn rolling-window-size
[^RollingWindow rw]
(* (:bucket-size-secs rw) (:num-buckets rw)))
(defrecord RollingWindowSet [updater extractor windows all-time])
(defn rolling-window-set [updater merger extractor num-buckets & bucket-sizes]
(RollingWindowSet. updater extractor (dofor [s bucket-sizes] (rolling-window updater merger extractor s num-buckets)) nil)
(defn update-rolling-window-set
([^RollingWindowSet rws & args]
(let [now (current-time-secs)
new-windows (dofor [w (:windows rws)]
(apply update-rolling-window w now args))]
(assoc rws
:windows new-windows
:all-time (apply (:updater rws) (:all-time rws) args)))))
(defn cleanup-rolling-window-set
([^RollingWindowSet rws]
(let [windows (:windows rws)]
(assoc rws :windows (map cleanup-rolling-window windows)))))
(defn value-rolling-window-set
[^RollingWindowSet rws]
(into {}
(for [w (:windows rws)]
{(rolling-window-size w) (value-rolling-window w)}
{:all-time ((:extractor rws) (:all-time rws))}))
(defn- incr-val
([amap key]
(incr-val amap key 1))
([amap key amt]
(let [val (get amap key (long 0))]
(assoc amap key (+ val amt)))))
(defn- update-avg
[curr val]
(if curr
[(+ (first curr) val) (inc (second curr))]
[val (long 1)]))
(defn- merge-avg
[& avg]
[(apply + (map first avg))
(apply + (map second avg))
(defn- extract-avg
(double (/ (first pair) (second pair))))
(defn- update-keyed-avg
[amap key val]
(assoc amap key (update-avg (get amap key) val)))
(defn- merge-keyed-avg [& vals]
(apply merge-with merge-avg vals))
(defn- extract-keyed-avg [vals]
(map-val extract-avg vals))
(defn- counter-extract [v]
(if v v {}))
(defn keyed-counter-rolling-window-set
[num-buckets & bucket-sizes]
(apply rolling-window-set incr-val (partial merge-with +) counter-extract num-buckets bucket-sizes))
(defn avg-rolling-window-set
[num-buckets & bucket-sizes]
(apply rolling-window-set update-avg merge-avg extract-avg num-buckets bucket-sizes))
(defn keyed-avg-rolling-window-set
[num-buckets & bucket-sizes]
(apply rolling-window-set update-keyed-avg merge-keyed-avg extract-keyed-avg num-buckets bucket-sizes))
;; (defn choose-bucket [val buckets]
;; (let [ret (find-first #(<= val %) buckets)]
;; (if ret
;; ret
;; (* 10 (first buckets)))
;; ))
;; ;; buckets must be between 1 and 9
;; (defn to-proportional-bucket
;; "Maps to a bucket in the values order of magnitude. So if buckets are [1 2 5],
;; 3 -> 5
;; 7 -> 10
;; 1234 -> 2000
;; etc."
;; [val buckets]
;; (cond (= 0 val) 0
;; (between? val 1 9) (choose-bucket val buckets)
;; :else (* 10 (to-proportional-bucket (ceil (/ val 10))
;; buckets))))
(def COMMON-FIELDS [:emitted :transferred])
(defrecord CommonStats [emitted transferred rate])
(def BOLT-FIELDS [:acked :failed :process-latencies :executed :execute-latencies])
;;acked and failed count individual tuples
(defrecord BoltExecutorStats [common acked failed process-latencies executed execute-latencies])
(def SPOUT-FIELDS [:acked :failed :complete-latencies])
;;acked and failed count tuple completion
(defrecord SpoutExecutorStats [common acked failed complete-latencies])
;; 10 minutes, 3 hours, 1 day
(def STAT-BUCKETS [30 540 4320])
(defn- mk-common-stats
(atom (apply keyed-counter-rolling-window-set NUM-STAT-BUCKETS STAT-BUCKETS))
(atom (apply keyed-counter-rolling-window-set NUM-STAT-BUCKETS STAT-BUCKETS))
(defn mk-bolt-stats
(mk-common-stats rate)
(atom (apply keyed-counter-rolling-window-set NUM-STAT-BUCKETS STAT-BUCKETS))
(atom (apply keyed-counter-rolling-window-set NUM-STAT-BUCKETS STAT-BUCKETS))
(atom (apply keyed-avg-rolling-window-set NUM-STAT-BUCKETS STAT-BUCKETS))
(atom (apply keyed-counter-rolling-window-set NUM-STAT-BUCKETS STAT-BUCKETS))
(atom (apply keyed-avg-rolling-window-set NUM-STAT-BUCKETS STAT-BUCKETS))))
(defn mk-spout-stats
(mk-common-stats rate)
(atom (apply keyed-counter-rolling-window-set NUM-STAT-BUCKETS STAT-BUCKETS))
(atom (apply keyed-counter-rolling-window-set NUM-STAT-BUCKETS STAT-BUCKETS))
(atom (apply keyed-avg-rolling-window-set NUM-STAT-BUCKETS STAT-BUCKETS))))
(defmacro update-executor-stat!
[stats path & args]
(let [path (collectify path)]
`(swap! (-> ~stats ~@path) update-rolling-window-set ~@args)))
(defmacro stats-rate
`(-> ~stats :common :rate))
(defn emitted-tuple!
[stats stream]
(update-executor-stat! stats [:common :emitted] stream (stats-rate stats)))
(defn transferred-tuples!
[stats stream amt]
(update-executor-stat! stats [:common :transferred] stream (* (stats-rate stats) amt)))
(defn bolt-execute-tuple!
[^BoltExecutorStats stats component stream latency-ms]
(let [key [component stream]]
(update-executor-stat! stats :executed key (stats-rate stats))
(update-executor-stat! stats :execute-latencies key latency-ms)))
(defn bolt-acked-tuple!
[^BoltExecutorStats stats component stream latency-ms]
(let [key [component stream]]
(update-executor-stat! stats :acked key (stats-rate stats))
(update-executor-stat! stats :process-latencies key latency-ms)))
(defn bolt-failed-tuple!
[^BoltExecutorStats stats component stream latency-ms]
(let [key [component stream]]
(update-executor-stat! stats :failed key (stats-rate stats))))
(defn spout-acked-tuple!
[^SpoutExecutorStats stats stream latency-ms]
(update-executor-stat! stats :acked stream (stats-rate stats))
(update-executor-stat! stats :complete-latencies stream latency-ms))
(defn spout-failed-tuple!
[^SpoutExecutorStats stats stream latency-ms]
(update-executor-stat! stats :failed stream (stats-rate stats))
(defn- cleanup-stat! [stat]
(swap! stat cleanup-rolling-window-set))
(defn- cleanup-common-stats!
[^CommonStats stats]
(doseq [f COMMON-FIELDS]
(cleanup-stat! (f stats))))
(defn cleanup-bolt-stats!
[^BoltExecutorStats stats]
(cleanup-common-stats! (:common stats))
(doseq [f BOLT-FIELDS]
(cleanup-stat! (f stats))))
(defn cleanup-spout-stats!
[^SpoutExecutorStats stats]
(cleanup-common-stats! (:common stats))
(doseq [f SPOUT-FIELDS]
(cleanup-stat! (f stats))))
(defn- value-stats
[stats fields]
(into {} (dofor [f fields]
[f (value-rolling-window-set @(f stats))])))
(defn- value-common-stats
[^CommonStats stats]
(value-stats stats COMMON-FIELDS)
{:rate (:rate stats)}))
(defn value-bolt-stats!
[^BoltExecutorStats stats]
(cleanup-bolt-stats! stats)
(merge (value-common-stats (:common stats))
(value-stats stats BOLT-FIELDS)
{:type :bolt}))
(defn value-spout-stats!
[^SpoutExecutorStats stats]
(cleanup-spout-stats! stats)
(merge (value-common-stats (:common stats))
(value-stats stats SPOUT-FIELDS)
{:type :spout}))
(defmulti render-stats! class-selector)
(defmethod render-stats! SpoutExecutorStats
(value-spout-stats! stats))
(defmethod render-stats! BoltExecutorStats
(value-bolt-stats! stats))
(defmulti thriftify-specific-stats :type)
(defmulti clojurify-specific-stats class-selector)
(defn window-set-converter
([stats key-fn first-key-fun]
(into {}
(for [[k v] stats]
;apply the first-key-fun only to first key.
[(first-key-fun k)
(into {} (for [[k2 v2] v]
[(key-fn k2) v2]))])))
([stats first-key-fun]
(window-set-converter stats identity first-key-fun)))
(defn to-global-stream-id
[[component stream]]
(GlobalStreamId. component stream))
(defn from-global-stream-id [global-stream-id]
[(.get_componentId global-stream-id) (.get_streamId global-stream-id)])
(defmethod clojurify-specific-stats BoltStats [^BoltStats stats]
[(window-set-converter (.get_acked stats) from-global-stream-id symbol)
(window-set-converter (.get_failed stats) from-global-stream-id symbol)
(window-set-converter (.get_process_ms_avg stats) from-global-stream-id symbol)
(window-set-converter (.get_executed stats) from-global-stream-id symbol)
(window-set-converter (.get_execute_ms_avg stats) from-global-stream-id symbol)])
(defmethod clojurify-specific-stats SpoutStats [^SpoutStats stats]
[(window-set-converter (.get_acked stats) symbol)
(window-set-converter (.get_failed stats) symbol)
(window-set-converter (.get_complete_ms_avg stats) symbol)])
(defn clojurify-executor-stats
[^ExecutorStats stats]
(let [ specific-stats (.get_specific stats)
is_bolt? (.is_set_bolt specific-stats)
specific-stats (if is_bolt? (.get_bolt specific-stats) (.get_spout specific-stats))
specific-stats (clojurify-specific-stats specific-stats)
common-stats (CommonStats. (window-set-converter (.get_emitted stats) symbol) (window-set-converter (.get_transferred stats) symbol) (.get_rate stats))]
(if is_bolt?
; worker heart beat does not store the BoltExecutorStats or SpoutExecutorStats , instead it stores the result returned by render-stats!
; which flattens the BoltExecutorStats/SpoutExecutorStats by extracting values from all atoms and merging all values inside :common to top
;level map we are pretty much doing the same here.
(dissoc (merge common-stats {:type :bolt} (apply ->BoltExecutorStats (into [nil] specific-stats))) :common)
(dissoc (merge common-stats {:type :spout} (apply ->SpoutExecutorStats (into [nil] specific-stats))) :common)
(defmethod thriftify-specific-stats :bolt
(window-set-converter (:acked stats) to-global-stream-id str)
(window-set-converter (:failed stats) to-global-stream-id str)
(window-set-converter (:process-latencies stats) to-global-stream-id str)
(window-set-converter (:executed stats) to-global-stream-id str)
(window-set-converter (:execute-latencies stats) to-global-stream-id str))))
(defmethod thriftify-specific-stats :spout
(SpoutStats. (window-set-converter (:acked stats) str)
(window-set-converter (:failed stats) str)
(window-set-converter (:complete-latencies stats) str))))
(defn thriftify-executor-stats
(let [specific-stats (thriftify-specific-stats stats)
rate (:rate stats)]
(ExecutorStats. (window-set-converter (:emitted stats) str)
(window-set-converter (:transferred stats) str)