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;; Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
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(ns org.apache.storm.trident.tuple-test
(:use [clojure test])
(:import [org.apache.storm.tuple Fields])
(:import [org.apache.storm Testing])
(:import [org.apache.storm.trident.tuple TridentTupleView TridentTupleView$ProjectionFactory
TridentTupleView$FreshOutputFactory TridentTupleView$OperationOutputFactory
(defmacro letlocals
[& body]
(let [[tobind lexpr] (split-at (dec (count body)) body)
binded (vec (mapcat (fn [e]
(if (and (list? e) (= 'bind (first e)))
[(second e) (last e)]
['_ e]
`(let ~binded
~(first lexpr))))
(deftest test-fresh
(bind fresh-factory (TridentTupleView$FreshOutputFactory. (Fields. ["a" "b" "c"])))
(bind tt (.create fresh-factory [3 2 1]))
(is (= [3 2 1] tt))
(is (= 3 (.getValueByField tt "a")))
(is (= 2 (.getValueByField tt "b")))
(is (= 1 (.getValueByField tt "c")))
(deftest test-projection
(bind fresh-factory (TridentTupleView$FreshOutputFactory. (Fields. ["a" "b" "c" "d" "e"])))
(bind project-factory (TridentTupleView$ProjectionFactory. fresh-factory (Fields. ["d" "a"])))
(bind tt (.create fresh-factory [3 2 1 4 5]))
(bind tt2 (.create fresh-factory [9 8 7 6 10]))
(bind pt (.create project-factory tt))
(bind pt2 (.create project-factory tt2))
(is (= [4 3] pt))
(is (= [6 9] pt2))
(is (= 4 (.getValueByField pt "d")))
(is (= 3 (.getValueByField pt "a")))
(is (= 6 (.getValueByField pt2 "d")))
(is (= 9 (.getValueByField pt2 "a")))
(deftest test-appends
(bind fresh-factory (TridentTupleView$FreshOutputFactory. (Fields. ["a" "b" "c"])))
(bind append-factory (TridentTupleView$OperationOutputFactory. fresh-factory (Fields. ["d" "e"])))
(bind append-factory2 (TridentTupleView$OperationOutputFactory. append-factory (Fields. ["f"])))
(bind tt (.create fresh-factory [1 2 3]))
(bind tt2 (.create append-factory tt [4 5]))
(bind tt3 (.create append-factory2 tt2 [7]))
(is (= [1 2 3 4 5 7] tt3))
(is (= 5 (.getValueByField tt2 "e")))
(is (= 5 (.getValueByField tt3 "e")))
(is (= 7 (.getValueByField tt3 "f")))
(deftest test-root
(bind root-factory (TridentTupleView$RootFactory. (Fields. ["a" "b"])))
(bind storm-tuple (Testing/testTuple ["a" 1]))
(bind tt (.create root-factory storm-tuple))
(is (= ["a" 1] tt))
(is (= "a" (.getValueByField tt "a")))
(is (= 1 (.getValueByField tt "b")))
(bind append-factory (TridentTupleView$OperationOutputFactory. root-factory (Fields. ["c"])))
(bind tt2 (.create append-factory tt [3]))
(is (= ["a" 1 3] tt2))
(is (= "a" (.getValueByField tt2 "a")))
(is (= 1 (.getValueByField tt2 "b")))
(is (= 3 (.getValueByField tt2 "c")))
(deftest test-complex
(bind fresh-factory (TridentTupleView$FreshOutputFactory. (Fields. ["a" "b" "c"])))
(bind append-factory1 (TridentTupleView$OperationOutputFactory. fresh-factory (Fields. ["d"])))
(bind append-factory2 (TridentTupleView$OperationOutputFactory. append-factory1 (Fields. ["e" "f"])))
(bind project-factory1 (TridentTupleView$ProjectionFactory. append-factory2 (Fields. ["a" "f" "b"])))
(bind append-factory3 (TridentTupleView$OperationOutputFactory. project-factory1 (Fields. ["c"])))
(bind tt (.create fresh-factory [1 2 3]))
(bind tt2 (.create append-factory1 tt [4]))
(bind tt3 (.create append-factory2 tt2 [5 6]))
(bind tt4 (.create project-factory1 tt3))
(bind tt5 (.create append-factory3 tt4 [8]))
(is (= [1 2 3] tt))
(is (= [1 2 3 4] tt2))
(is (= [1 2 3 4 5 6] tt3))
(is (= [1 6 2] tt4))
(is (= [1 6 2 8] tt5))
(is (= 1 (.getValueByField tt5 "a")))
(is (= 6 (.getValueByField tt5 "f")))
(is (= 2 (.getValueByField tt5 "b")))
(is (= 8 (.getValueByField tt5 "c")))
(deftest test-ituple-interface
(bind tt (TridentTupleView/createFreshTuple (Fields. ["a" "b" "c"]) [1 2 3]))
(is (= [1 2 3] tt))
(is (= ["a" "b" "c"] (.toList (.getFields tt))))
(is (true? (.contains tt "a")))
(is (false? (.contains tt "abcd")))
(is (= 0 (.fieldIndex tt "a")))
(is (= [3 1] (.select tt (Fields. ["c" "a"]))))