blob: e2be8a760c11a65da05eff8dad19199245423fac [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.apache.storm.utils;
import org.apache.storm.Config;
import org.apache.storm.daemon.supervisor.AdvancedFSOps;
import org.apache.storm.generated.StormTopology;
import org.apache.storm.validation.ConfigValidation;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
import java.lang.reflect.Field;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Random;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.concurrent.Callable;
public class ConfigUtils {
private final static Logger LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger(ConfigUtils.class);
public final static String RESOURCES_SUBDIR = "resources";
public static final String FILE_SEPARATOR = File.separator;
// A singleton instance allows us to mock delegated static methods in our
// tests by subclassing.
private static ConfigUtils _instance = new ConfigUtils();
* Provide an instance of this class for delegates to use. To mock out
* delegated methods, provide an instance of a subclass that overrides the
* implementation of the delegated method.
* @param u a Utils instance
* @return the previously set instance
public static ConfigUtils setInstance(ConfigUtils u) {
ConfigUtils oldInstance = _instance;
_instance = u;
return oldInstance;
public static String getLogDir() {
String dir;
Map conf;
if (System.getProperty("storm.log.dir") != null) {
dir = System.getProperty("storm.log.dir");
} else if ((conf = readStormConfig()).get("storm.log.dir") != null) {
dir = String.valueOf(conf.get("storm.log.dir"));
} else if (System.getProperty("storm.home") != null) {
dir = System.getProperty("storm.home") + FILE_SEPARATOR + "logs";
} else {
dir = "logs";
try {
return new File(dir).getCanonicalPath();
} catch (IOException ex) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Illegal storm.log.dir in conf: " + dir);
public static String clojureConfigName(String name) {
return name.toUpperCase().replace("_", "-");
// ALL-CONFIGS is only used by executor.clj once, do we want to do it here? TODO
public static List<Object> All_CONFIGS() {
List<Object> ret = new ArrayList<Object>();
Config config = new Config();
Class<?> ConfigClass = config.getClass();
Field[] fields = ConfigClass.getFields();
for (int i = 0; i < fields.length; i++) {
try {
Object obj = fields[i].get(null);
} catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
LOG.error(e.getMessage(), e);
} catch (IllegalAccessException e) {
LOG.error(e.getMessage(), e);
return ret;
public static String clusterMode(Map conf) {
String mode = (String) conf.get(Config.STORM_CLUSTER_MODE);
return mode;
public static boolean isLocalMode(Map<String, Object> conf) {
String mode = (String) conf.get(Config.STORM_CLUSTER_MODE);
if (mode != null) {
if ("local".equals(mode)) {
return true;
if ("distributed".equals(mode)) {
return false;
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Illegal cluster mode in conf: " + mode);
return true;
public static int samplingRate(Map conf) {
double rate = Utils.getDouble(conf.get(Config.TOPOLOGY_STATS_SAMPLE_RATE));
if (rate != 0) {
return (int) (1 / rate);
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Illegal topology.stats.sample.rate in conf: " + rate);
public static Callable<Boolean> evenSampler(final int samplingFreq) {
final Random random = new Random();
return new Callable<Boolean>() {
private int curr = -1;
private int target = random.nextInt(samplingFreq);
public Boolean call() throws Exception {
if (curr >= samplingFreq) {
curr = 0;
target = random.nextInt(samplingFreq);
return (curr == target);
public static Callable<Boolean> mkStatsSampler(Map conf) {
return evenSampler(samplingRate(conf));
// we use this "weird" wrapper pattern temporarily for mocking in clojure test
public static Map<String, Object> readStormConfig() {
return _instance.readStormConfigImpl();
public Map<String, Object> readStormConfigImpl() {
Map<String, Object> conf = Utils.readStormConfig();
return conf;
public static Map readYamlConfig(String name, boolean mustExist) {
Map conf = Utils.findAndReadConfigFile(name, mustExist);
return conf;
public static Map readYamlConfig(String name) {
return readYamlConfig(name, true);
public static String absoluteStormLocalDir(Map conf) {
String stormHome = System.getProperty("storm.home");
String localDir = (String) conf.get(Config.STORM_LOCAL_DIR);
if (localDir == null) {
return (stormHome + FILE_SEPARATOR + "storm-local");
} else {
if (new File(localDir).isAbsolute()) {
return localDir;
} else {
return (stormHome + FILE_SEPARATOR + localDir);
public static String absoluteHealthCheckDir(Map conf) {
String stormHome = System.getProperty("storm.home");
String healthCheckDir = (String) conf.get(Config.STORM_HEALTH_CHECK_DIR);
if (healthCheckDir == null) {
return (stormHome + FILE_SEPARATOR + "healthchecks");
} else {
if (new File(healthCheckDir).isAbsolute()) {
return healthCheckDir;
} else {
return (stormHome + FILE_SEPARATOR + healthCheckDir);
public static String masterLocalDir(Map conf) throws IOException {
String ret = String.valueOf(conf.get(Config.STORM_LOCAL_DIR)) + FILE_SEPARATOR + "nimbus";
FileUtils.forceMkdir(new File(ret));
return ret;
public static String masterStormJarKey(String topologyId) {
return (topologyId + "-stormjar.jar");
public static String masterStormCodeKey(String topologyId) {
return (topologyId + "-stormcode.ser");
public static String masterStormConfKey(String topologyId) {
return (topologyId + "-stormconf.ser");
public static String masterStormDistRoot(Map conf) throws IOException {
String ret = stormDistPath(masterLocalDir(conf));
FileUtils.forceMkdir(new File(ret));
return ret;
public static String masterStormDistRoot(Map conf, String stormId) throws IOException {
return (masterStormDistRoot(conf) + FILE_SEPARATOR + stormId);
public static String stormDistPath(String stormRoot) {
String ret = "";
// we do this since to concat a null String will actually concat a "null", which is not the expected: ""
if (stormRoot != null) {
ret = stormRoot;
return ret + FILE_SEPARATOR + "stormdist";
public static Map<String, Object> readSupervisorStormConfGivenPath(Map<String, Object> conf, String stormConfPath) throws IOException {
Map<String, Object> ret = new HashMap<>(conf);
ret.putAll(Utils.fromCompressedJsonConf(FileUtils.readFileToByteArray(new File(stormConfPath))));
return ret;
public static StormTopology readSupervisorStormCodeGivenPath(String stormCodePath, AdvancedFSOps ops) throws IOException {
return Utils.deserialize(ops.slurp(new File(stormCodePath)), StormTopology.class);
public static String masterStormJarPath(String stormRoot) {
return (stormRoot + FILE_SEPARATOR + "stormjar.jar");
public static String masterInbox(Map conf) throws IOException {
String ret = masterLocalDir(conf) + FILE_SEPARATOR + "inbox";
FileUtils.forceMkdir(new File(ret));
return ret;
public static String masterInimbusDir(Map conf) throws IOException {
return (masterLocalDir(conf) + FILE_SEPARATOR + "inimbus");
// we use this "weird" wrapper pattern temporarily for mocking in clojure test
public static String supervisorLocalDir(Map conf) throws IOException {
return _instance.supervisorLocalDirImpl(conf);
public String supervisorLocalDirImpl(Map conf) throws IOException {
String ret = absoluteStormLocalDir(conf) + FILE_SEPARATOR + "supervisor";
FileUtils.forceMkdir(new File(ret));
return ret;
public static String supervisorIsupervisorDir(Map conf) throws IOException {
return (supervisorLocalDir(conf) + FILE_SEPARATOR + "isupervisor");
// we use this "weird" wrapper pattern temporarily for mocking in clojure test
public static String supervisorStormDistRoot(Map conf) throws IOException {
return _instance.supervisorStormDistRootImpl(conf);
public String supervisorStormDistRootImpl(Map conf) throws IOException {
return stormDistPath(supervisorLocalDir(conf));
// we use this "weird" wrapper pattern temporarily for mocking in clojure test
public static String supervisorStormDistRoot(Map conf, String stormId) throws IOException {
return _instance.supervisorStormDistRootImpl(conf, stormId);
public String supervisorStormDistRootImpl(Map conf, String stormId) throws IOException {
return supervisorStormDistRoot(conf) + FILE_SEPARATOR + URLEncoder.encode(stormId, "UTF-8");
public static String concatIfNotNull(String dir) {
String ret = "";
// we do this since to concat a null String will actually concat a "null", which is not the expected: ""
if (dir != null) {
ret = dir;
return ret;
public static String supervisorStormJarPath(String stormRoot) {
return (concatIfNotNull(stormRoot) + FILE_SEPARATOR + "stormjar.jar");
public static String supervisorStormCodePath(String stormRoot) {
return (concatIfNotNull(stormRoot) + FILE_SEPARATOR + "stormcode.ser");
public static String supervisorStormConfPath(String stormRoot) {
return (concatIfNotNull(stormRoot) + FILE_SEPARATOR + "stormconf.ser");
public static String supervisorTmpDir(Map conf) throws IOException {
String ret = supervisorLocalDir(conf) + FILE_SEPARATOR + "tmp";
FileUtils.forceMkdir(new File(ret));
return ret;
public static String supervisorStormResourcesPath(String stormRoot) {
return (concatIfNotNull(stormRoot) + FILE_SEPARATOR + RESOURCES_SUBDIR);
// we use this "weird" wrapper pattern temporarily for mocking in clojure test
public static LocalState supervisorState(Map conf) throws IOException {
return _instance.supervisorStateImpl(conf);
public LocalState supervisorStateImpl(Map conf) throws IOException {
return new LocalState((supervisorLocalDir(conf) + FILE_SEPARATOR + "localstate"));
// we use this "weird" wrapper pattern temporarily for mocking in clojure test
public static LocalState nimbusTopoHistoryState(Map conf) throws IOException {
return _instance.nimbusTopoHistoryStateImpl(conf);
public LocalState nimbusTopoHistoryStateImpl(Map conf) throws IOException {
return new LocalState((masterLocalDir(conf) + FILE_SEPARATOR + "history"));
// we use this "weird" wrapper pattern temporarily for mocking in clojure test
public static Map<String, Object> readSupervisorStormConf(Map<String, Object> conf, String stormId) throws IOException {
return _instance.readSupervisorStormConfImpl(conf, stormId);
public Map<String, Object> readSupervisorStormConfImpl(Map<String, Object> conf, String stormId) throws IOException {
String stormRoot = supervisorStormDistRoot(conf, stormId);
String confPath = supervisorStormConfPath(stormRoot);
return readSupervisorStormConfGivenPath(conf, confPath);
public static StormTopology readSupervisorTopology(Map conf, String stormId, AdvancedFSOps ops) throws IOException {
return _instance.readSupervisorTopologyImpl(conf, stormId, ops);
public StormTopology readSupervisorTopologyImpl(Map conf, String stormId, AdvancedFSOps ops) throws IOException {
String stormRoot = supervisorStormDistRoot(conf, stormId);
String topologyPath = supervisorStormCodePath(stormRoot);
return readSupervisorStormCodeGivenPath(topologyPath, ops);
public static String workerUserRoot(Map conf) {
return (absoluteStormLocalDir(conf) + FILE_SEPARATOR + "workers-users");
public static String workerUserFile(Map conf, String workerId) {
return (workerUserRoot(conf) + FILE_SEPARATOR + workerId);
public static String getIdFromBlobKey(String key) {
if (key == null) return null;
final String STORM_JAR_SUFFIX = "-stormjar.jar";
final String STORM_CODE_SUFFIX = "-stormcode.ser";
final String STORM_CONF_SUFFIX = "-stormconf.ser";
String ret = null;
if (key.endsWith(STORM_JAR_SUFFIX)) {
ret = key.substring(0, key.length() - STORM_JAR_SUFFIX.length());
} else if (key.endsWith(STORM_CODE_SUFFIX)) {
ret = key.substring(0, key.length() - STORM_CODE_SUFFIX.length());
} else if (key.endsWith(STORM_CONF_SUFFIX)) {
ret = key.substring(0, key.length() - STORM_CONF_SUFFIX.length());
return ret;
// we use this "weird" wrapper pattern temporarily for mocking in clojure test
public static String workerArtifactsRoot(Map conf) {
return _instance.workerArtifactsRootImpl(conf);
public String workerArtifactsRootImpl(Map conf) {
String artifactsDir = (String)conf.get(Config.STORM_WORKERS_ARTIFACTS_DIR);
if (artifactsDir == null) {
return (getLogDir() + FILE_SEPARATOR + "workers-artifacts");
} else {
if (new File(artifactsDir).isAbsolute()) {
return artifactsDir;
} else {
return (getLogDir() + FILE_SEPARATOR + artifactsDir);
public static String workerArtifactsRoot(Map conf, String id) {
return (workerArtifactsRoot(conf) + FILE_SEPARATOR + id);
public static String workerArtifactsRoot(Map conf, String id, Integer port) {
return (workerArtifactsRoot(conf, id) + FILE_SEPARATOR + port);
public static String workerArtifactsPidPath(Map conf, String id, Integer port) {
return (workerArtifactsRoot(conf, id, port) + FILE_SEPARATOR + "");
public static File getLogMetaDataFile(String fname) {
String[] subStrings = fname.split(FILE_SEPARATOR); // TODO: does this work well on windows?
String id = subStrings[0];
Integer port = Integer.parseInt(subStrings[1]);
return getLogMetaDataFile(Utils.readStormConfig(), id, port);
public static File getLogMetaDataFile(Map conf, String id, Integer port) {
String fname = workerArtifactsRoot(conf, id, port) + FILE_SEPARATOR + "worker.yaml";
return new File(fname);
public static File getWorkerDirFromRoot(String logRoot, String id, Integer port) {
return new File((logRoot + FILE_SEPARATOR + id + FILE_SEPARATOR + port));
// we use this "weird" wrapper pattern temporarily for mocking in clojure test
public static String workerRoot(Map conf) {
return _instance.workerRootImpl(conf);
public String workerRootImpl(Map conf) {
return (absoluteStormLocalDir(conf) + FILE_SEPARATOR + "workers");
public static String workerRoot(Map conf, String id) {
return (workerRoot(conf) + FILE_SEPARATOR + id);
public static String workerPidsRoot(Map conf, String id) {
return (workerRoot(conf, id) + FILE_SEPARATOR + "pids");
public static String workerTmpRoot(Map conf, String id) {
return (workerRoot(conf, id) + FILE_SEPARATOR + "tmp");
public static String workerPidPath(Map conf, String id, String pid) {
return (workerPidsRoot(conf, id) + FILE_SEPARATOR + pid);
public static String workerPidPath(Map<String, Object> conf, String id, long pid) {
return workerPidPath(conf, id, String.valueOf(pid));
public static String workerHeartbeatsRoot(Map conf, String id) {
return (workerRoot(conf, id) + FILE_SEPARATOR + "heartbeats");
public static LocalState workerState(Map conf, String id) throws IOException {
return new LocalState(workerHeartbeatsRoot(conf, id));
public static Map overrideLoginConfigWithSystemProperty(Map conf) { // note that we delete the return value
String loginConfFile = System.getProperty("");
if (loginConfFile != null) {
conf.put("", loginConfFile);
return conf;
/* TODO: make sure test these two functions in manual tests */
public static List<String> getTopoLogsUsers(Map topologyConf) {
List<String> logsUsers = (List<String>)topologyConf.get(Config.LOGS_USERS);
List<String> topologyUsers = (List<String>)topologyConf.get(Config.TOPOLOGY_USERS);
Set<String> mergedUsers = new HashSet<String>();
if (logsUsers != null) {
for (String user : logsUsers) {
if (user != null) {
if (topologyUsers != null) {
for (String user : topologyUsers) {
if (user != null) {
List<String> ret = new ArrayList<String>(mergedUsers);
return ret;
public static List<String> getTopoLogsGroups(Map topologyConf) {
List<String> logsGroups = (List<String>)topologyConf.get(Config.LOGS_GROUPS);
List<String> topologyGroups = (List<String>)topologyConf.get(Config.TOPOLOGY_GROUPS);
Set<String> mergedGroups = new HashSet<String>();
if (logsGroups != null) {
for (String group : logsGroups) {
if (group != null) {
if (topologyGroups != null) {
for (String group : topologyGroups) {
if (group != null) {
List<String> ret = new ArrayList<String>(mergedGroups);
return ret;