blob: a6f07ed08c4aad47350aacef5fd44b0a9ea1c591 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
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* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.apache.storm.cluster;
import org.apache.storm.generated.*;
import org.apache.storm.nimbus.NimbusInfo;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
public interface IStormClusterState {
public List<String> assignments(Runnable callback);
public Assignment assignmentInfo(String stormId, Runnable callback);
public VersionedData<Assignment> assignmentInfoWithVersion(String stormId, Runnable callback);
public Integer assignmentVersion(String stormId, Runnable callback) throws Exception;
public List<String> blobstoreInfo(String blobKey);
public List nimbuses();
public void addNimbusHost(String nimbusId, NimbusSummary nimbusSummary);
public List<String> activeStorms();
public StormBase stormBase(String stormId, Runnable callback);
public ClusterWorkerHeartbeat getWorkerHeartbeat(String stormId, String node, Long port);
public List<ProfileRequest> getWorkerProfileRequests(String stormId, NodeInfo nodeInfo);
public List<ProfileRequest> getTopologyProfileRequests(String stormId);
public void setWorkerProfileRequest(String stormId, ProfileRequest profileRequest);
public void deleteTopologyProfileRequests(String stormId, ProfileRequest profileRequest);
public Map<ExecutorInfo, ExecutorBeat> executorBeats(String stormId, Map<List<Long>, NodeInfo> executorNodePort);
public List<String> supervisors(Runnable callback);
public SupervisorInfo supervisorInfo(String supervisorId); // returns nil if doesn't exist
public void setupHeatbeats(String stormId);
public void teardownHeartbeats(String stormId);
public void teardownTopologyErrors(String stormId);
public List<String> heartbeatStorms();
public List<String> errorTopologies();
public List<String> backpressureTopologies();
public void setTopologyLogConfig(String stormId, LogConfig logConfig);
public LogConfig topologyLogConfig(String stormId, Runnable cb);
public void workerHeartbeat(String stormId, String node, Long port, ClusterWorkerHeartbeat info);
public void removeWorkerHeartbeat(String stormId, String node, Long port);
public void supervisorHeartbeat(String supervisorId, SupervisorInfo info);
public void workerBackpressure(String stormId, String node, Long port, boolean on);
public boolean topologyBackpressure(String stormId, Runnable callback);
public void setupBackpressure(String stormId);
public void removeBackpressure(String stormId);
public void removeWorkerBackpressure(String stormId, String node, Long port);
public void activateStorm(String stormId, StormBase stormBase);
public void updateStorm(String stormId, StormBase newElems);
public void removeStormBase(String stormId);
public void setAssignment(String stormId, Assignment info);
public void setupBlobstore(String key, NimbusInfo nimbusInfo, Integer versionInfo);
public List<String> activeKeys();
public List<String> blobstore(Runnable callback);
public void removeStorm(String stormId);
public void removeBlobstoreKey(String blobKey);
public void removeKeyVersion(String blobKey);
public void reportError(String stormId, String componentId, String node, Long port, Throwable error);
public List<ErrorInfo> errors(String stormId, String componentId);
public ErrorInfo lastError(String stormId, String componentId);
public void setCredentials(String stormId, Credentials creds, Map topoConf) throws NoSuchAlgorithmException;
public Credentials credentials(String stormId, Runnable callback);
public void disconnect();