blob: 7065d3b5409dd641f5aa205273f07529144e4918 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file to you under the Apache License, Version
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package org.apache.storm.metricstore.rocksdb;
import java.nio.ByteBuffer;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.EnumSet;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Map;
import javax.xml.bind.DatatypeConverter;
import org.apache.storm.metricstore.AggLevel;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
* Class representing the data used as a Key in RocksDB. Keys can be used either for metadata or metrics.
* <P>Keys are 38 bytes in size. The fields for a key are:
* <pre><
* Field Size Offset
* Type 1 0 The type maps to the KeyType enum, specifying a metric or various types of metadata
* Aggregation Level 1 1 The aggregation level for a metric (see AggLevel enum). 0 for metadata.
* TopologyId 4 2 The metadata string Id representing a topologyId for a metric, or the unique
* string Id for a metadata string
* Timestamp 8 6 The timestamp for a metric, unused for metadata
* MetricId 4 14 The metadata string Id for the metric name
* ComponentId 4 18 The metadata string Id for the component Id
* ExecutorId 4 22 The metadata string Id for the executor Id
* HostId 4 26 The metadata string Id for the host Id
* Port 4 30 The port number
* StreamId 4 34 The metadata string Id for the stream Id
* </pre>
public class RocksDbKey implements Comparable<RocksDbKey> {
static final int KEY_SIZE = 38;
private static final Logger LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger(RocksDbKey.class);
private static Map<Byte, RocksDbKey> PREFIX_MAP = new HashMap<>();
static {
// pregenerate commonly used keys for scans
for (KeyType type : EnumSet.allOf(KeyType.class)) {
RocksDbKey key = new RocksDbKey(type, 0);
PREFIX_MAP.put(type.getValue(), key);
PREFIX_MAP = Collections.unmodifiableMap(PREFIX_MAP);
private byte[] key;
* Constructor for a RocksDB key for a metadata string.
* @param type type of metadata string
* @param metadataStringId the string Id for the string (stored in the topologyId portion of the key)
RocksDbKey(KeyType type, int metadataStringId) {
byte[] key = new byte[KEY_SIZE];
ByteBuffer bb = ByteBuffer.wrap(key);
this.key = key;
* Constructor for a RocksDB key from raw data.
* @param raw the key data
RocksDbKey(byte[] raw) {
this.key = raw;
* Get a zeroed key of the specified type.
* @param type the desired type
* @return a key of the desired type
static RocksDbKey getPrefix(KeyType type) {
return PREFIX_MAP.get(type.getValue());
* gets the first possible key value for the desired key type.
* @return the initial key
static RocksDbKey getInitialKey(KeyType type) {
return PREFIX_MAP.get(type.getValue());
* gets the key just larger than the last possible key value for the desired key type.
* @return the last key
static RocksDbKey getLastKey(KeyType type) {
byte value = (byte) (type.getValue() + 1);
return PREFIX_MAP.get(value);
* Creates a metric key with the desired properties.
* @return the generated key
static RocksDbKey createMetricKey(AggLevel aggLevel, int topologyId, long metricTimestamp, int metricId,
int componentId, int executorId, int hostId, int port,
int streamId) {
byte[] raw = new byte[KEY_SIZE];
ByteBuffer bb = ByteBuffer.wrap(raw);
bb.putInt(topologyId); // offset 2
bb.putLong(metricTimestamp); // offset 6
bb.putInt(metricId); // offset 14
bb.putInt(componentId); // offset 18
bb.putInt(executorId); // offset 22
bb.putInt(hostId); // offset 26
bb.putInt(port); // offset 30
bb.putInt(streamId); // offset 34
RocksDbKey key = new RocksDbKey(raw);
return key;
* get the metadata string Id portion of the key for metadata keys.
* @return the metadata string Id
* @throws RuntimeException if the key is not a metadata type
int getMetadataStringId() {
if (this.getType().getValue() < KeyType.METADATA_STRING_END.getValue()) {
return ByteBuffer.wrap(key, 2, 4).getInt();
} else {
throw new RuntimeException("Cannot fetch metadata string for key of type " + this.getType());
* get the raw key bytes
byte[] getRaw() {
return this.key;
* get the type of key.
* @return the type of key
KeyType getType() {
return KeyType.getKeyType(key[0]);
* compares to keys on a byte by byte basis.
* @return comparison of key byte values
public int compareTo(RocksDbKey o) {
return UnsignedBytes.lexicographicalComparator().compare(this.getRaw(), o.getRaw());
* Get the unique string Id for a metric's topologyId.
int getTopologyId() {
int val = ByteBuffer.wrap(key, 2, 4).getInt();
return val;
long getTimestamp() {
return ByteBuffer.wrap(key, 6, 8).getLong();
int getMetricId() {
return ByteBuffer.wrap(key, 14, 4).getInt();
int getComponentId() {
return ByteBuffer.wrap(key, 18, 4).getInt();
int getExecutorId() {
return ByteBuffer.wrap(key, 22, 4).getInt();
int getHostnameId() {
return ByteBuffer.wrap(key, 26, 4).getInt();
int getPort() {
return ByteBuffer.wrap(key, 30, 4).getInt();
int getStreamId() {
return ByteBuffer.wrap(key, 34, 4).getInt();
public String toString() {
return "[0x" + DatatypeConverter.printHexBinary(key) + "]";