blob: 2cfe25d9f671e1573b9dd7f8610b9fb984e2304b [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file to you under the Apache License, Version
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package org.apache.storm.utils;
import org.apache.storm.metrics2.StormMetricRegistry;
import org.apache.storm.policy.WaitStrategyPark;
import org.apache.storm.utils.JCQueue.Consumer;
import org.junit.Assert;
import org.junit.Test;
public class JCQueueBackpressureTest {
private static JCQueue createQueue(String name, int queueSize) {
return new JCQueue(name, queueSize, 0, 1, new WaitStrategyPark(0), "test", "test", 1000, 1000, new StormMetricRegistry());
public void testNoReOrderingUnderBackPressure() throws Exception {
final int MESSAGES = 100;
final int CAPACITY = 64;
final JCQueue queue = createQueue("testBackPressure", CAPACITY);
for (int i = 0; i < MESSAGES; i++) {
if (!queue.tryPublish(i)) {
TestConsumer consumer = new TestConsumer();
Assert.assertEquals(MESSAGES, consumer.lastMsg);
// check that tryPublish() & tryOverflowPublish() work as expected
public void testBasicBackPressure() throws Exception {
final int MESSAGES = 100;
final int CAPACITY = 64;
final JCQueue queue = createQueue("testBackPressure", CAPACITY);
// pump more msgs than Q size & verify msg count is as expexted
for (int i = 0; i < MESSAGES; i++) {
if (i >= CAPACITY) {
} else {
Assert.assertEquals(CAPACITY, queue.size());
Assert.assertEquals(0, queue.getOverflowCount());
// drain 1 element and ensure BP is relieved (i.e tryPublish() succeeds)
final MutableLong consumeCount = new MutableLong(0);
queue.consume(new TestConsumer(), () -> consumeCount.increment() <= 1);
Assert.assertEquals(CAPACITY - 1, queue.size());
private static class TestConsumer implements Consumer {
int lastMsg = 0;
public void accept(Object o) {
Integer i = (Integer) o;
Assert.assertEquals(lastMsg++, i.intValue());
public void flush() throws InterruptedException { }