blob: c025e3b3f1a44b2b4fc2606196385a454c921261 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
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* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
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package org.apache.storm.kafka;
import org.apache.storm.Config;
import org.apache.storm.kafka.KafkaSpout.EmitState;
import org.apache.storm.kafka.trident.MaxMetric;
import org.apache.storm.metric.api.CombinedMetric;
import org.apache.storm.metric.api.CountMetric;
import org.apache.storm.metric.api.MeanReducer;
import org.apache.storm.metric.api.ReducedMetric;
import org.apache.storm.spout.SpoutOutputCollector;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
import java.util.*;
import kafka.javaapi.consumer.SimpleConsumer;
import kafka.javaapi.message.ByteBufferMessageSet;
import kafka.message.MessageAndOffset;
public class PartitionManager {
private static final Logger LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger(PartitionManager.class);
private final CombinedMetric _fetchAPILatencyMax;
private final ReducedMetric _fetchAPILatencyMean;
private final CountMetric _fetchAPICallCount;
private final CountMetric _fetchAPIMessageCount;
// Count of messages which could not be emitted or retried because they were deleted from kafka
private final CountMetric _lostMessageCount;
// Count of messages which were not retried because failedMsgRetryManager didn't consider offset eligible for
// retry
private final CountMetric _messageIneligibleForRetryCount;
Long _emittedToOffset;
// _pending key = Kafka offset, value = time at which the message was first submitted to the topology
private SortedMap<Long,Long> _pending = new TreeMap<Long,Long>();
private final FailedMsgRetryManager _failedMsgRetryManager;
// retryRecords key = Kafka offset, value = retry info for the given message
Long _committedTo;
LinkedList<MessageAndOffset> _waitingToEmit = new LinkedList<MessageAndOffset>();
Partition _partition;
SpoutConfig _spoutConfig;
String _topologyInstanceId;
SimpleConsumer _consumer;
DynamicPartitionConnections _connections;
ZkState _state;
Map _stormConf;
long numberFailed, numberAcked;
public PartitionManager(
DynamicPartitionConnections connections,
String topologyInstanceId,
ZkState state,
Map stormConf,
SpoutConfig spoutConfig,
Partition id)
this(connections, topologyInstanceId, state, stormConf, spoutConfig, id, null);
* @param previousManager previous partition manager if manager for partition is being recreated
public PartitionManager(
DynamicPartitionConnections connections,
String topologyInstanceId,
ZkState state,
Map stormConf,
SpoutConfig spoutConfig,
Partition id,
PartitionManager previousManager) {
_partition = id;
_connections = connections;
_spoutConfig = spoutConfig;
_topologyInstanceId = topologyInstanceId;
_consumer = connections.register(, id.topic, id.partition);
_state = state;
_stormConf = stormConf;
numberAcked = numberFailed = 0;
if (previousManager != null) {
_failedMsgRetryManager = previousManager._failedMsgRetryManager;
_committedTo = previousManager._committedTo;
_emittedToOffset = previousManager._emittedToOffset;
_waitingToEmit = previousManager._waitingToEmit;
_pending = previousManager._pending;"Recreating PartitionManager based on previous manager, _waitingToEmit size: {}, _pending size: {}",
} else {
try {
_failedMsgRetryManager = (FailedMsgRetryManager) Class.forName(spoutConfig.failedMsgRetryManagerClass).newInstance();
_failedMsgRetryManager.prepare(spoutConfig, _stormConf);
} catch (ClassNotFoundException | InstantiationException | IllegalAccessException e) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException(String.format("Failed to create an instance of <%s> from: <%s>",
spoutConfig.failedMsgRetryManagerClass), e);
String jsonTopologyId = null;
Long jsonOffset = null;
String path = committedPath();
try {
Map<Object, Object> json = _state.readJSON(path);"Read partition information from: " + path + " --> " + json);
if (json != null) {
jsonTopologyId = (String) ((Map<Object, Object>) json.get("topology")).get("id");
jsonOffset = (Long) json.get("offset");
} catch (Throwable e) {
LOG.warn("Error reading and/or parsing at ZkNode: " + path, e);
String topic = _partition.topic;
Long currentOffset = KafkaUtils.getOffset(_consumer, topic, id.partition, spoutConfig);
if (jsonTopologyId == null || jsonOffset == null) { // failed to parse JSON?
_committedTo = currentOffset;"No partition information found, using configuration to determine offset");
} else if (!topologyInstanceId.equals(jsonTopologyId) && spoutConfig.ignoreZkOffsets) {
_committedTo = KafkaUtils.getOffset(_consumer, topic, id.partition, spoutConfig.startOffsetTime);"Topology change detected and ignore zookeeper offsets set to true, using configuration to determine offset");
} else {
_committedTo = jsonOffset;"Read last commit offset from zookeeper: " + _committedTo + "; old topology_id: " + jsonTopologyId + " - new topology_id: " + topologyInstanceId);
if (currentOffset - _committedTo > spoutConfig.maxOffsetBehind || _committedTo <= 0) {"Last commit offset from zookeeper: " + _committedTo);
Long lastCommittedOffset = _committedTo;
_committedTo = currentOffset;"Commit offset " + lastCommittedOffset + " is more than " +
spoutConfig.maxOffsetBehind + " behind latest offset " + currentOffset + ", resetting to startOffsetTime=" + spoutConfig.startOffsetTime);
}"Starting Kafka " + + " " + id + " from offset " + _committedTo);
_emittedToOffset = _committedTo;
_fetchAPILatencyMax = new CombinedMetric(new MaxMetric());
_fetchAPILatencyMean = new ReducedMetric(new MeanReducer());
_fetchAPICallCount = new CountMetric();
_fetchAPIMessageCount = new CountMetric();
_lostMessageCount = new CountMetric();
_messageIneligibleForRetryCount = new CountMetric();
public Map getMetricsDataMap() {
String[] metricPrefixes = new String[] {
_partition.getId(), // Correct metric prefix, see STORM-2775
_partition.toString() // Old prefix, kept for backwards compatibility
Map<String, Object> ret = new HashMap<>();
for (String metricPrefix : metricPrefixes) {
ret.put(metricPrefix + "/fetchAPILatencyMax", _fetchAPILatencyMax.getValueAndReset());
ret.put(metricPrefix + "/fetchAPILatencyMean", _fetchAPILatencyMean.getValueAndReset());
ret.put(metricPrefix + "/fetchAPICallCount", _fetchAPICallCount.getValueAndReset());
ret.put(metricPrefix + "/fetchAPIMessageCount", _fetchAPIMessageCount.getValueAndReset());
ret.put(metricPrefix + "/lostMessageCount", _lostMessageCount.getValueAndReset());
ret.put(metricPrefix + "/messageIneligibleForRetryCount", _messageIneligibleForRetryCount.getValueAndReset());
return ret;
//returns false if it's reached the end of current batch
public EmitState next(SpoutOutputCollector collector) {
if (_waitingToEmit.isEmpty()) {
while (true) {
MessageAndOffset toEmit = _waitingToEmit.pollFirst();
if (toEmit == null) {
return EmitState.NO_EMITTED;
Iterable<List<Object>> tups;
if (_spoutConfig.scheme instanceof MessageMetadataSchemeAsMultiScheme) {
tups = KafkaUtils.generateTuples((MessageMetadataSchemeAsMultiScheme) _spoutConfig.scheme, toEmit.message(), _partition, toEmit.offset());
} else {
tups = KafkaUtils.generateTuples(_spoutConfig, toEmit.message(), _partition.topic);
if ((tups != null) && tups.iterator().hasNext()) {
if (!Strings.isNullOrEmpty(_spoutConfig.outputStreamId)) {
for (List<Object> tup : tups) {
collector.emit(_spoutConfig.outputStreamId, tup, new KafkaMessageId(_partition, toEmit.offset()));
} else {
for (List<Object> tup : tups) {
collector.emit(tup, new KafkaMessageId(_partition, toEmit.offset()));
} else {
if (!_waitingToEmit.isEmpty()) {
return EmitState.EMITTED_MORE_LEFT;
} else {
return EmitState.EMITTED_END;
private void fill() {
long start = System.nanoTime();
Long offset;
// Are there failed tuples? If so, fetch those first.
offset = this._failedMsgRetryManager.nextFailedMessageToRetry();
final boolean processingNewTuples = (offset == null);
if (processingNewTuples) {
offset = _emittedToOffset;
ByteBufferMessageSet msgs = null;
try {
msgs = KafkaUtils.fetchMessages(_spoutConfig, _consumer, _partition, offset);
} catch (TopicOffsetOutOfRangeException e) {
long partitionLatestOffset = KafkaUtils.getOffset(_consumer, _partition.topic, _partition.partition, kafka.api.OffsetRequest.LatestTime());
if (partitionLatestOffset < offset) {
offset = partitionLatestOffset;
} else {
offset = KafkaUtils.getOffset(_consumer, _partition.topic, _partition.partition, kafka.api.OffsetRequest.EarliestTime());
// fetch failed, so don't update the fetch metrics
//fix bug [STORM-643] : remove outdated failed offsets
if (!processingNewTuples) {
// For the case of EarliestTime it would be better to discard
// all the failed offsets, that are earlier than actual EarliestTime
// offset, since they are anyway not there.
// These calls to broker API will be then saved.
Set<Long> omitted = this._failedMsgRetryManager.clearOffsetsBefore(offset);
// Omitted messages have not been acked and may be lost
if (null != omitted) {
LOG.warn("Removing the failed offsets for {} that are out of range: {}", _partition, omitted);
if (offset > _emittedToOffset) {
_lostMessageCount.incrBy(offset - _emittedToOffset);
_emittedToOffset = offset;
LOG.warn("{} Using new offset: {}", _partition, _emittedToOffset);
long end = System.nanoTime();
long millis = (end - start) / 1000000;
if (msgs != null) {
int numMessages = 0;
for (MessageAndOffset msg : msgs) {
final Long cur_offset = msg.offset();
if (cur_offset < offset) {
// Skip any old offsets.
if (processingNewTuples || this._failedMsgRetryManager.shouldReEmitMsg(cur_offset)) {
numMessages += 1;
if (!_pending.containsKey(cur_offset)) {
_pending.put(cur_offset, System.currentTimeMillis());
_emittedToOffset = Math.max(msg.nextOffset(), _emittedToOffset);
if (_failedMsgRetryManager.shouldReEmitMsg(cur_offset)) {
public void ack(Long offset) {
if (!_pending.isEmpty() && _pending.firstKey() < offset - _spoutConfig.maxOffsetBehind) {
// Too many things pending!
_pending.headMap(offset - _spoutConfig.maxOffsetBehind).clear();
public void fail(Long offset) {
if (offset < _emittedToOffset - _spoutConfig.maxOffsetBehind) {
"Skipping failed tuple at offset={}" +
" because it's more than maxOffsetBehind={}" +
" behind _emittedToOffset={} for {}",
} else {
LOG.debug("Failing at offset={} with _pending.size()={} pending and _emittedToOffset={} for {}", offset, _pending.size(), _emittedToOffset, _partition);
if (numberAcked == 0 && numberFailed > _spoutConfig.maxOffsetBehind) {
throw new RuntimeException("Too many tuple failures");
// Offset may not be considered for retry by failedMsgRetryManager
if (this._failedMsgRetryManager.retryFurther(offset)) {
} else {
// state for the offset should be cleaned up
LOG.warn("Will not retry failed kafka offset {} further", offset);
public void commit() {
long lastCompletedOffset = lastCompletedOffset();
if (_committedTo != lastCompletedOffset) {
LOG.debug("Writing last completed offset ({}) to ZK for {} for topology: {}", lastCompletedOffset, _partition, _topologyInstanceId);
Map<Object, Object> data = (Map<Object, Object>) ImmutableMap.builder()
.put("topology", ImmutableMap.of("id", _topologyInstanceId,
"name", _stormConf.get(Config.TOPOLOGY_NAME)))
.put("offset", lastCompletedOffset)
.put("partition", _partition.partition)
.put("broker", ImmutableMap.of("host",,
.put("topic", _partition.topic).build();
_state.writeJSON(committedPath(), data);
_committedTo = lastCompletedOffset;
LOG.debug("Wrote last completed offset ({}) to ZK for {} for topology: {}", lastCompletedOffset, _partition, _topologyInstanceId);
} else {
LOG.debug("No new offset for {} for topology: {}", _partition, _topologyInstanceId);
protected String committedPath() {
return _spoutConfig.zkRoot + "/" + + "/" + _partition.getId();
public long lastCompletedOffset() {
if (_pending.isEmpty()) {
return _emittedToOffset;
} else {
return _pending.firstKey();
public OffsetData getOffsetData() {
return new OffsetData(_emittedToOffset, lastCompletedOffset());
public Partition getPartition() {
return _partition;
public void close() {
_connections.unregister(, _partition.topic , _partition.partition);
static class KafkaMessageId implements Serializable {
public Partition partition;
public long offset;
public KafkaMessageId(Partition partition, long offset) {
this.partition = partition;
this.offset = offset;
public static class OffsetData {
public long latestEmittedOffset;
public long latestCompletedOffset;
public OffsetData(long latestEmittedOffset, long latestCompletedOffset) {
this.latestEmittedOffset = latestEmittedOffset;
this.latestCompletedOffset = latestCompletedOffset;