blob: 16765d9df23be88a325ec67cdf4bbe49ad5947b8 [file] [log] [blame]
;; Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
;; or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
;; distributed with this work for additional information
;; regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
;; to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
;; "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
;; with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
;; Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
;; distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
;; See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
;; limitations under the License.
(ns backtype.storm.daemon.worker
(:use [backtype.storm.daemon common])
(:use [backtype.storm bootstrap])
(:require [backtype.storm.daemon [executor :as executor]])
(:import [java.util.concurrent Executors])
(:import [java.util ArrayList HashMap])
(:import [backtype.storm.utils TransferDrainer])
(:import [backtype.storm.messaging TransportFactory])
(:import [backtype.storm.messaging TaskMessage IContext IConnection])
(defmulti mk-suicide-fn cluster-mode)
(defn read-worker-executors [storm-conf storm-cluster-state storm-id assignment-id port]
(let [assignment (:executor->node+port (.assignment-info storm-cluster-state storm-id nil))]
(mapcat (fn [[executor loc]]
(if (= loc [assignment-id port])
(defnk do-executor-heartbeats [worker :executors nil]
;; stats is how we know what executors are assigned to this worker
(let [stats (if-not executors
(into {} (map (fn [e] {e nil}) (:executors worker)))
(->> executors
(map (fn [e] {(executor/get-executor-id e) (executor/render-stats e)}))
(apply merge)))
zk-hb {:storm-id (:storm-id worker)
:executor-stats stats
:uptime ((:uptime worker))
:time-secs (current-time-secs)
;; do the zookeeper heartbeat
(.worker-heartbeat! (:storm-cluster-state worker) (:storm-id worker) (:assignment-id worker) (:port worker) zk-hb)
(defn do-heartbeat [worker]
(let [conf (:conf worker)
hb (WorkerHeartbeat.
(:storm-id worker)
(:executors worker)
(:port worker))
state (worker-state conf (:worker-id worker))]
(log-debug "Doing heartbeat " (pr-str hb))
;; do the local-file-system heartbeat.
(.put state
(.cleanup state 60) ; this is just in case supervisor is down so that disk doesn't fill up.
; it shouldn't take supervisor 120 seconds between listing dir and reading it
(defn worker-outbound-tasks
"Returns seq of task-ids that receive messages from this worker"
(let [context (worker-context worker)
components (mapcat
(fn [task-id]
(->> (.getComponentId context (int task-id))
(.getTargets context)
(map keys)
(apply concat)))
(:task-ids worker))]
(-> worker
(select-keys components)
set )))
(defn mk-transfer-local-fn [worker]
(let [short-executor-receive-queue-map (:short-executor-receive-queue-map worker)
task->short-executor (:task->short-executor worker)
task-getter (comp #(get task->short-executor %) fast-first)]
(fn [tuple-batch]
(let [grouped (fast-group-by task-getter tuple-batch)]
(fast-map-iter [[short-executor pairs] grouped]
(let [q (short-executor-receive-queue-map short-executor)]
(if q
(disruptor/publish q pairs)
(log-warn "Received invalid messages for unknown tasks. Dropping... ")
(defn mk-transfer-fn [worker]
(let [local-tasks (-> worker :task-ids set)
local-transfer (:transfer-local-fn worker)
^DisruptorQueue transfer-queue (:transfer-queue worker)
task->node+port (:cached-task->node+port worker)]
(fn [^KryoTupleSerializer serializer tuple-batch]
(let [local (ArrayList.)
remoteMap (HashMap.)]
(fast-list-iter [[task tuple :as pair] tuple-batch]
(if (local-tasks task)
(.add local pair)
;;Using java objects directly to avoid performance issues in java code
(let [node+port (get @task->node+port task)]
(when (not (.get remoteMap node+port))
(.put remoteMap node+port (ArrayList.)))
(let [remote (.get remoteMap node+port)]
(.add remote (TaskMessage. task (.serialize serializer tuple)))
(local-transfer local)
(disruptor/publish transfer-queue remoteMap)
(defn- mk-receive-queue-map [storm-conf executors]
(->> executors
;; TODO: this depends on the type of executor
(map (fn [e] [e (disruptor/disruptor-queue (str "receive-queue" e)
:wait-strategy (storm-conf TOPOLOGY-DISRUPTOR-WAIT-STRATEGY))]))
(into {})
(defn- stream->fields [^StormTopology topology component]
(->> (ThriftTopologyUtils/getComponentCommon topology component)
(map (fn [[s info]] [s (Fields. (.get_output_fields info))]))
(into {})
(defn component->stream->fields [^StormTopology topology]
(->> (ThriftTopologyUtils/getComponentIds topology)
(map (fn [c] [c (stream->fields topology c)]))
(into {})
(defn- mk-default-resources [worker]
(let [conf (:conf worker)
thread-pool-size (int (conf TOPOLOGY-WORKER-SHARED-THREAD-POOL-SIZE))]
{WorkerTopologyContext/SHARED_EXECUTOR (Executors/newFixedThreadPool thread-pool-size)}
(defn- mk-user-resources [worker]
;;TODO: need to invoke a hook provided by the topology, giving it a chance to create user resources.
;; this would be part of the initialization hook
;; need to separate workertopologycontext into WorkerContext and WorkerUserContext.
;; actually just do it via interfaces. just need to make sure to hide setResource from tasks
(defn mk-halting-timer [timer-name]
(mk-timer :kill-fn (fn [t]
(log-error t "Error when processing event")
(halt-process! 20 "Error when processing an event")
:timer-name timer-name))
(defn worker-data [conf mq-context storm-id assignment-id port worker-id]
(let [cluster-state (cluster/mk-distributed-cluster-state conf)
storm-cluster-state (cluster/mk-storm-cluster-state cluster-state)
storm-conf (read-supervisor-storm-conf conf storm-id)
executors (set (read-worker-executors storm-conf storm-cluster-state storm-id assignment-id port))
transfer-queue (disruptor/disruptor-queue "worker-transfer-queue" (storm-conf TOPOLOGY-TRANSFER-BUFFER-SIZE)
:wait-strategy (storm-conf TOPOLOGY-DISRUPTOR-WAIT-STRATEGY))
executor-receive-queue-map (mk-receive-queue-map storm-conf executors)
receive-queue-map (->> executor-receive-queue-map
(mapcat (fn [[e queue]] (for [t (executor-id->tasks e)] [t queue])))
(into {}))
topology (read-supervisor-topology conf storm-id)]
:conf conf
:mq-context (if mq-context
(TransportFactory/makeContext storm-conf))
:storm-id storm-id
:assignment-id assignment-id
:port port
:worker-id worker-id
:cluster-state cluster-state
:storm-cluster-state storm-cluster-state
:storm-active-atom (atom false)
:executors executors
:task-ids (->> receive-queue-map keys (map int) sort)
:storm-conf storm-conf
:topology topology
:system-topology (system-topology! storm-conf topology)
:heartbeat-timer (mk-halting-timer "heartbeat-timer")
:refresh-connections-timer (mk-halting-timer "refresh-connections-timer")
:refresh-active-timer (mk-halting-timer "refresh-active-timer")
:executor-heartbeat-timer (mk-halting-timer "executor-heartbeat-timer")
:user-timer (mk-halting-timer "user-timer")
:task->component (HashMap. (storm-task-info topology storm-conf)) ; for optimized access when used in tasks later on
:component->stream->fields (component->stream->fields (:system-topology <>))
:component->sorted-tasks (->> (:task->component <>) reverse-map (map-val sort))
:endpoint-socket-lock (mk-rw-lock)
:cached-node+port->socket (atom {})
:cached-task->node+port (atom {})
:transfer-queue transfer-queue
:executor-receive-queue-map executor-receive-queue-map
:short-executor-receive-queue-map (map-key first executor-receive-queue-map)
:task->short-executor (->> executors
(mapcat (fn [e] (for [t (executor-id->tasks e)] [t (first e)])))
(into {})
:suicide-fn (mk-suicide-fn conf)
:uptime (uptime-computer)
:default-shared-resources (mk-default-resources <>)
:user-shared-resources (mk-user-resources <>)
:transfer-local-fn (mk-transfer-local-fn <>)
:receiver-thread-count (get storm-conf WORKER-RECEIVER-THREAD-COUNT)
:transfer-fn (mk-transfer-fn <>)
(defn- endpoint->string [[node port]]
(str port "/" node))
(defn string->endpoint [^String s]
(let [[port-str node] (.split s "/" 2)]
[node (Integer/valueOf port-str)]
(defn mk-refresh-connections [worker]
(let [outbound-tasks (worker-outbound-tasks worker)
conf (:conf worker)
storm-cluster-state (:storm-cluster-state worker)
storm-id (:storm-id worker)]
(fn this
(this (fn [& ignored] (schedule (:refresh-connections-timer worker) 0 this))))
(let [assignment (.assignment-info storm-cluster-state storm-id callback)
my-assignment (-> assignment
(select-keys outbound-tasks)
(#(map-val endpoint->string %)))
;; we dont need a connection for the local tasks anymore
needed-assignment (->> my-assignment
(filter-key (complement (-> worker :task-ids set))))
needed-connections (-> needed-assignment vals set)
needed-tasks (-> needed-assignment keys)
current-connections (set (keys @(:cached-node+port->socket worker)))
new-connections (set/difference needed-connections current-connections)
remove-connections (set/difference current-connections needed-connections)]
(swap! (:cached-node+port->socket worker)
#(HashMap. (merge (into {} %1) %2))
(into {}
(dofor [endpoint-str new-connections
:let [[node port] (string->endpoint endpoint-str)]]
^IContext (:mq-context worker)
((:node->host assignment) node)
(write-locked (:endpoint-socket-lock worker)
(reset! (:cached-task->node+port worker)
(HashMap. my-assignment)))
(doseq [endpoint remove-connections]
(.close (get @(:cached-node+port->socket worker) endpoint)))
(apply swap!
(:cached-node+port->socket worker)
#(HashMap. (apply dissoc (into {} %1) %&))
(let [missing-tasks (->> needed-tasks
(filter (complement my-assignment)))]
(when-not (empty? missing-tasks)
(log-warn "Missing assignment for following tasks: " (pr-str missing-tasks))
(defn refresh-storm-active
(refresh-storm-active worker (fn [& ignored] (schedule (:refresh-active-timer worker) 0 (partial refresh-storm-active worker)))))
([worker callback]
(let [base (.storm-base (:storm-cluster-state worker) (:storm-id worker) callback)]
(:storm-active-atom worker)
(= :active (-> base :status :type))
;; TODO: consider having a max batch size besides what disruptor does automagically to prevent latency issues
(defn mk-transfer-tuples-handler [worker]
(let [^DisruptorQueue transfer-queue (:transfer-queue worker)
drainer (TransferDrainer.)
node+port->socket (:cached-node+port->socket worker)
task->node+port (:cached-task->node+port worker)
endpoint-socket-lock (:endpoint-socket-lock worker)
(fn [packets _ batch-end?]
(.add drainer packets)
(when batch-end?
(read-locked endpoint-socket-lock
(let [node+port->socket @node+port->socket]
(.send drainer node+port->socket)))
(.clear drainer))))))
(defn launch-receive-thread [worker]
(log-message "Launching receive-thread for " (:assignment-id worker) ":" (:port worker))
(:mq-context worker)
(:storm-id worker)
(:receiver-thread-count worker)
(:port worker)
(:transfer-local-fn worker)
(-> worker :storm-conf (get TOPOLOGY-RECEIVER-BUFFER-SIZE))
:kill-fn (fn [t] (halt-process! 11))))
(defn- close-resources [worker]
(let [dr (:default-shared-resources worker)]
(log-message "Shutting down default resources")
(.shutdownNow (get dr WorkerTopologyContext/SHARED_EXECUTOR))
(log-message "Shut down default resources")))
;; TODO: should worker even take the storm-id as input? this should be
;; deducable from cluster state (by searching through assignments)
;; what about if there's inconsistency in assignments? -> but nimbus
;; should guarantee this consistency
;; TODO: consider doing worker heartbeating rather than task heartbeating to reduce the load on zookeeper
(defserverfn mk-worker [conf shared-mq-context storm-id assignment-id port worker-id]
(log-message "Launching worker for " storm-id " on " assignment-id ":" port " with id " worker-id
" and conf " conf)
(if-not (local-mode? conf)
;; because in local mode, its not a separate
;; process. supervisor will register it in this case
(when (= :distributed (cluster-mode conf))
(touch (worker-pid-path conf worker-id (process-pid))))
(let [worker (worker-data conf shared-mq-context storm-id assignment-id port worker-id)
heartbeat-fn #(do-heartbeat worker)
;; do this here so that the worker process dies if this fails
;; it's important that worker heartbeat to supervisor ASAP when launching so that the supervisor knows it's running (and can move on)
_ (heartbeat-fn)
executors (atom nil)
;; launch heartbeat threads immediately so that slow-loading tasks don't cause the worker to timeout
;; to the supervisor
_ (schedule-recurring (:heartbeat-timer worker) 0 (conf WORKER-HEARTBEAT-FREQUENCY-SECS) heartbeat-fn)
_ (schedule-recurring (:executor-heartbeat-timer worker) 0 (conf TASK-HEARTBEAT-FREQUENCY-SECS) #(do-executor-heartbeats worker :executors @executors))
refresh-connections (mk-refresh-connections worker)
_ (refresh-connections nil)
_ (refresh-storm-active worker nil)
_ (reset! executors (dofor [e (:executors worker)] (executor/mk-executor worker e)))
receive-thread-shutdown (launch-receive-thread worker)
transfer-tuples (mk-transfer-tuples-handler worker)
transfer-thread (disruptor/consume-loop* (:transfer-queue worker) transfer-tuples)
shutdown* (fn []
(log-message "Shutting down worker " storm-id " " assignment-id " " port)
(doseq [[_ socket] @(:cached-node+port->socket worker)]
;; this will do best effort flushing since the linger period
;; was set on creation
(.close socket))
(log-message "Shutting down receive thread")
(log-message "Shut down receive thread")
(log-message "Terminating messaging context")
(log-message "Shutting down executors")
(doseq [executor @executors] (.shutdown executor))
(log-message "Shut down executors")
;;this is fine because the only time this is shared is when it's a local context,
;;in which case it's a noop
(.term ^IContext (:mq-context worker))
(log-message "Shutting down transfer thread")
(disruptor/halt-with-interrupt! (:transfer-queue worker))
(.interrupt transfer-thread)
(.join transfer-thread)
(log-message "Shut down transfer thread")
(cancel-timer (:heartbeat-timer worker))
(cancel-timer (:refresh-connections-timer worker))
(cancel-timer (:refresh-active-timer worker))
(cancel-timer (:executor-heartbeat-timer worker))
(cancel-timer (:user-timer worker))
(close-resources worker)
;; TODO: here need to invoke the "shutdown" method of WorkerHook
(.remove-worker-heartbeat! (:storm-cluster-state worker) storm-id assignment-id port)
(log-message "Disconnecting from storm cluster state context")
(.disconnect (:storm-cluster-state worker))
(.close (:cluster-state worker))
(log-message "Shut down worker " storm-id " " assignment-id " " port))
ret (reify
(waiting? [this]
(timer-waiting? (:heartbeat-timer worker))
(timer-waiting? (:refresh-connections-timer worker))
(timer-waiting? (:refresh-active-timer worker))
(timer-waiting? (:executor-heartbeat-timer worker))
(timer-waiting? (:user-timer worker))
(schedule-recurring (:refresh-connections-timer worker) 0 (conf TASK-REFRESH-POLL-SECS) refresh-connections)
(schedule-recurring (:refresh-active-timer worker) 0 (conf TASK-REFRESH-POLL-SECS) (partial refresh-storm-active worker))
(log-message "Worker has topology config " (:storm-conf worker))
(log-message "Worker " worker-id " for storm " storm-id " on " assignment-id ":" port " has finished loading")
(defmethod mk-suicide-fn
:local [conf]
(fn [] (halt-process! 1 "Worker died")))
(defmethod mk-suicide-fn
:distributed [conf]
(fn [] (halt-process! 1 "Worker died")))
(defn -main [storm-id assignment-id port-str worker-id]
(let [conf (read-storm-config)]
(validate-distributed-mode! conf)
(mk-worker conf nil storm-id assignment-id (Integer/parseInt port-str) worker-id)))