MINOR: update RELEASING doc to include more details
diff --git a/RELEASING.md b/RELEASING.md
index 4e6d8b2..06f2012 100644
--- a/RELEASING.md
+++ b/RELEASING.md
@@ -5,6 +5,13 @@
+# Release Policy
+Apache Storm follows the basic idea of [Semantic Versioning](https://semver.org/). Given a version number MAJOR.MINOR.PATCH, increment the:
+ 1. MAJOR version when you make incompatible API changes,
+ 2. MINOR version when you add functionality in a backwards compatible manner, and
+ 3. PATCH version when you make backwards compatible bug fixes.
 # Release process
 ## Preparation
@@ -15,19 +22,39 @@
 Ensure you have a signed GPG key, and that the GPG key is listed in the Storm KEYS file at https://dist.apache.org/repos/dist/release/storm/KEYS. The key should be hooked into the Apache web of trust. You should read the [Apache release signing page](http://www.apache.org/dev/release-signing.html), the [release distribution page](http://www.apache.org/dev/release-distribution.html#sigs-and-sums), as well as the [release publishing](http://www.apache.org/dev/release-publishing) and [release policy](http://www.apache.org/legal/release-policy.html) pages.
+If you are setting up a new MINOR version release, create a new branch based on `master` branch, e.g. `2.2.x-branch`. Then on master branch, set the version to a higher MINOR version (with SNAPSHOT), e.g. `mvn versions:set -DnewVersion=2.3.0-SNAPSHOT -P dist,rat,externals,examples`.
+In this way, you create a new release line and then you can create PATCH version releases from it, e.g. `2.2.0`.
 ## Setting up a vote
-1. Run `mvn release:prepare` followed `mvn release:perform` on the branch to be released. This will create all the artifacts that will eventually be available in maven central. This step may seem simple, but a lot can go wrong (mainly flaky tests).
+0. Checkout to the branch to be released.
+1. Run `mvn release:prepare -P dist,rat,externals,examples` followed `mvn release:perform -P dist,rat,externals,examples`. This will create all the artifacts that will eventually be available in maven central. This step may seem simple, but a lot can go wrong (mainly flaky tests). 
+Note that this will create and push two commits with the commit message starting with "[maven-release-plugin]" and it will also create and publish a git tag, e.g. `v2.2.0`.
 2. Once you get a successful maven release, a “staging repository” will be created at http://repository.apache.org in the “open” state, meaning it is still writable. You will need to close it, making it read-only. You can find more information on this step [here](www.apache.org/dev/publishing-maven-artifacts.html).
-3. Run `mvn package` for `storm-dist/binary` and `storm-dist/source` to create the actual distributions.
+3. Checkout to the git tag that was published by Step 1 above, e.g. `git checkout tags/v2.2.0 -b v2.2.0`. Run `mvn package` for `storm-dist/binary` and `storm-dist/source` to create the actual distributions.
-4. Sign and generate checksums for the *.tar.gz and *.zip distribution files. 
+4. Generate checksums for the *.tar.gz and *.zip distribution files, e.g.
+cd storm-dist/source/target
+gpg --print-md SHA512 apache-storm-2.2.0-src.zip > apache-storm-2.2.0-src.zip.sha512
+gpg --print-md SHA512 apache-storm-2.2.0-src.tar.gz > apache-storm-2.2.0-src.tar.gz.sha512
+cd storm-dist/binary/final-package/target
+gpg --print-md SHA512 apache-storm-2.2.0.zip > apache-storm-2.2.0.zip.sha512
+gpg --print-md SHA512 apache-storm-2.2.0.tar.gz > apache-storm-2.2.0.tar.gz.sha512
 5. Create a directory in the dist svn repo for the release candidate: https://dist.apache.org/repos/dist/dev/storm/apache-storm-x.x.x-rcx
-6. Run `dev-tools/release_notes.py` for the release version, piping the output to a RELEASE_NOTES.html file. Move that file to the svn release directory, sign it, and generate checksums.
+6. Run `dev-tools/release_notes.py` for the release version, piping the output to a RELEASE_NOTES.html file. Move that file to the svn release directory, sign it, and generate checksums, e.g.
+python dev-tools/release_notes.py 2.2.0 > RELEASE_NOTES.html
+gpg --armor --output RELEASE_NOTES.html.asc --detach-sig RELEASE_NOTES.html
+gpg --print-md SHA512 RELEASE_NOTES.html > RELEASE_NOTES.html.sha512
 7. Move the release files from Step 4 and 6 to the svn directory from Step 5. Add and commit the files. This makes them available in the Apache staging repo.
@@ -56,3 +83,5 @@
 1. Go to http://repository.apache.org and drop the staging repository.
 2. Delete the staged distribution files from https://dist.apache.org/repos/dist/dev/storm/
+3. Delete the git tag.