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* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file to you under the Apache License, Version
* 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions
* and limitations under the License.
package org.apache.storm.cluster;
import java.util.List;
import org.apache.storm.callback.ZKStateChangedCallback;
* StateStorage provides the API for the pluggable state store used by the Storm daemons. Data is stored in path/value format, and the store
* supports listing sub-paths at a given path. All data should be available across all nodes with eventual consistency.
* IMPORTANT NOTE: Heartbeats have different api calls used to interact with them. The root path (/) may or may not be the same as the root
* path for the other api calls.
* For example, performing these two calls: set_data("/path", data, acls); void set_worker_hb("/path", heartbeat, acls); may or may not
* cause a collision in "/path". Never use the same paths with the *_hb* methods as you do with the others.
public interface IStateStorage extends Closeable {
* Registers a callback function that gets called when CuratorEvents happen.
* @param callback is a clojure IFn that accepts the type - translated to clojure keyword as in zookeeper - and the path: (callback type
* path)
* @return is an id that can be passed to unregister(...) to unregister the callback.
String register(ZKStateChangedCallback callback);
* Unregisters a callback function that was registered with register(...).
* @param id is the String id that was returned from register(...).
void unregister(String id);
* Path will be appended with a monotonically increasing integer, a new node will be created there, and data will be put at that node.
* @param path The path that the monotonically increasing integer suffix will be added to.
* @param data The data that will be written at the suffixed path's node.
* @param acls The acls to apply to the path. May be null.
* @return The path with the integer suffix appended.
String create_sequential(String path, byte[] data, List<ACL> acls);
* Creates nodes for path and all its parents. Path elements are separated by a "/", as in *nix filesystem notation. Equivalent to mkdir
* -p in *nix.
* @param path The path to create, along with all its parents.
* @param acls The acls to apply to the path. May be null.
* @return path
void mkdirs(String path, List<ACL> acls);
* Deletes the node at a given path, and any child nodes that may exist.
* @param path The path to delete
void delete_node(String path);
* Creates an ephemeral node at path. Ephemeral nodes are destroyed by the store when the client disconnects.
* @param path The path where a node will be created.
* @param data The data to be written at the node.
* @param acls The acls to apply to the path. May be null.
void set_ephemeral_node(String path, byte[] data, List<ACL> acls);
* Gets the 'version' of the node at a path. Optionally sets a watch on that node. The version should increase whenever a write
* happens.
* @param path The path to get the version of.
* @param watch Whether or not to set a watch on the path. Watched paths emit events which are consumed by functions registered with the
* register method. Very useful for catching updates to nodes.
* @return The integer version of this node.
Integer get_version(String path, boolean watch) throws Exception;
* Check if a node exists and optionally set a watch on the path.
* @param path The path to check for the existence of a node.
* @param watch Whether or not to set a watch on the path. Watched paths emit events which are consumed by functions registered with the
* register method. Very useful for catching updates to nodes.
* @return Whether or not a node exists at path.
boolean node_exists(String path, boolean watch);
* Get a list of paths of all the child nodes which exist immediately under path.
* @param path The path to look under
* @param watch Whether or not to set a watch on the path. Watched paths emit events which are consumed by functions registered with the
* register method. Very useful for catching updates to nodes.
* @return list of string paths under path.
List<String> get_children(String path, boolean watch);
* Close the connection to the data store.
void close();
* Set the value of the node at path to data.
* @param path The path whose node we want to set.
* @param data The data to put in the node.
* @param acls The acls to apply to the path. May be null.
void set_data(String path, byte[] data, List<ACL> acls);
* Get the data from the node at path
* @param path The path to look under
* @param watch Whether or not to set a watch on the path. Watched paths emit events which are consumed by functions registered with the
* register method. Very useful for catching updates to nodes.
* @return The data at the node.
byte[] get_data(String path, boolean watch);
* Get the data at the node along with its version. Data is returned in an Map with the keys data and version.
* @param path The path to look under
* @param watch Whether or not to set a watch on the path. Watched paths emit events which are consumed by functions registered with the
* register method. Very useful for catching updates to nodes.
* @return the data with a version
VersionedData<byte[]> get_data_with_version(String path, boolean watch);
* Write a worker heartbeat at the path.
* @param path The path whose node we want to set.
* @param data The data to put in the node.
* @param acls The acls to apply to the path. May be null.
void set_worker_hb(String path, byte[] data, List<ACL> acls);
* Get the heartbeat from the node at path
* @param path The path to look under
* @param watch Whether or not to set a watch on the path. Watched paths emit events which are consumed by functions registered with the
* register method. Very useful for catching updates to nodes.
* @return The heartbeat at the node.
byte[] get_worker_hb(String path, boolean watch);
* Get a list of paths of all the child nodes which exist immediately under path. This is similar to get_children, but must be used for
* any nodes
* @param path The path to look under
* @param watch Whether or not to set a watch on the path. Watched paths emit events which are consumed by functions registered with the
* register method. Very useful for catching updates to nodes.
* @return list of string paths under path.
List<String> get_worker_hb_children(String path, boolean watch);
* Deletes the heartbeat at a given path, and any child nodes that may exist.
* @param path The path to delete.
void delete_worker_hb(String path);
* Add a StateStorageListener to the connection.
* @param listener A StateStorageListener to handle changing cluster state events.
void add_listener(final ConnectionStateListener listener);
* Force consistency on a path. Any writes committed on the path before this call will be completely propagated when it returns.
* @param path The path to synchronize.
void sync_path(String path);
* Allows us to delete the znodes within /storm/blobstore/key_name whose znodes start with the corresponding nimbusHostPortInfo
* @param path /storm/blobstore/key_name
* @param nimbusHostPortInfo Contains the host port information of a nimbus node.
void delete_node_blobstore(String path, String nimbusHostPortInfo);