blob: 2e541dd597b02b354bce45e5fb268cdd7a1ee9df [file] [log] [blame]
#!/usr/local/bin/thrift --gen java:beans,nocamel,hashcode
namespace java backtype.storm.generated
struct NullStruct {
union Grouping {
1: list<string> fields; //empty list means global grouping
2: NullStruct shuffle; // tuple is sent to random task
3: NullStruct all; // tuple is sent to every task
4: NullStruct none; // tuple is sent to a single task (storm's choice) -> allows storm to optimize the topology by bundling tasks into a single process
5: NullStruct direct; // this bolt expects the source bolt to send tuples directly to it
struct StreamInfo {
1: required list<string> output_fields;
2: required bool direct;
struct ShellComponent {
1: string execution_command;
2: string script;
union ComponentObject {
1: binary serialized_java;
2: ShellComponent shell;
struct ComponentCommon {
1: required map<i32, StreamInfo> streams; //key is stream id
2: optional i32 parallelism_hint; //how many threads across the cluster should be dedicated to this component
struct SpoutSpec {
1: required ComponentObject spout_object;
2: required ComponentCommon common;
3: required bool distributed;
struct GlobalStreamId {
1: required i32 componentId;
2: required i32 streamId;
#Going to need to add an enum for the stream type (NORMAL or FAILURE)
struct Bolt {
1: required map<GlobalStreamId, Grouping> inputs; //a join would have multiple inputs
2: required ComponentObject bolt_object;
3: required ComponentCommon common;
// not implemented yet
// this will eventually be the basis for subscription implementation in storm
struct StateSpoutSpec {
1: required ComponentObject state_spout_object;
2: required ComponentCommon common;
struct StormTopology {
//ids must be unique across maps
1: required map<i32, SpoutSpec> spouts;
2: required map<i32, Bolt> bolts;
3: required map<i32, StateSpoutSpec> state_spouts;
// #workers to use is in conf
exception AlreadyAliveException {
1: required string msg;
exception NotAliveException {
1: required string msg;
exception InvalidTopologyException {
1: required string msg;
struct TopologySummary {
1: required string id;
2: required string name;
3: required i32 num_tasks;
4: required i32 num_workers;
5: required i32 uptime_secs;
struct SupervisorSummary {
1: required string host;
2: required i32 uptime_secs;
3: required i32 num_workers;
4: required i32 num_used_workers;
struct ClusterSummary {
1: required list<SupervisorSummary> supervisors;
2: required i32 nimbus_uptime_secs;
3: required list<TopologySummary> topologies;
struct ErrorInfo {
1: required string error;
2: required i32 error_time_secs;
struct BoltStats {
1: required map<string, map<GlobalStreamId, i64>> acked;
2: required map<string, map<GlobalStreamId, i64>> failed;
3: required map<string, map<GlobalStreamId, double>> process_ms_avg;
struct SpoutStats {
1: required map<string, map<i32, i64>> acked;
2: required map<string, map<i32, i64>> failed;
3: required map<string, map<i32, double>> complete_ms_avg;
union TaskSpecificStats {
1: BoltStats bolt;
2: SpoutStats spout;
// Stats are a map from the time window (all time or a number indicating number of seconds in the window)
// to the stats. Usually stats are a stream id to a count or average.
struct TaskStats {
1: required map<string, map<i32, i64>> emitted;
2: required map<string, map<i32, i64>> transferred;
3: required TaskSpecificStats specific;
struct TaskSummary {
1: required i32 task_id;
2: required i32 component_id;
3: required string host;
4: required i32 port;
5: required i32 uptime_secs;
6: required list<ErrorInfo> errors;
7: optional TaskStats stats;
struct TopologyInfo {
1: required string id;
2: required string name;
3: required i32 uptime_secs;
4: required list<TaskSummary> tasks;
service Nimbus {
void submitTopology(1: string name, 2: string uploadedJarLocation, 3: string jsonConf, 4: StormTopology topology) throws (1: AlreadyAliveException e, 2: InvalidTopologyException ite);
void killTopology(1: string name) throws (1: NotAliveException e);
// need to add functions for asking about status of storms, what nodes they're running on, looking at task logs
string beginFileUpload();
void uploadChunk(1: string location, 2: binary chunk);
void finishFileUpload(1: string location);
string beginFileDownload(1: string file);
//can stop downloading chunks when receive 0-length byte array back
binary downloadChunk(1: string id);
// stats functions
ClusterSummary getClusterInfo();
TopologyInfo getTopologyInfo(1: string id) throws (1: NotAliveException e);
//returns json
string getTopologyConf(1: string id) throws (1: NotAliveException e);
StormTopology getTopology(1: string id) throws (1: NotAliveException e);
service DistributedRPC {
string execute(1: string functionName, 2: string funcArgs);
void result(1: string id, 2: string result);