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| <h1 class="page-title">Documentation</h1> |
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| <h2 id="getting-help">Getting help</h2> |
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| <p><strong>NOTE:</strong> The google groups account <a href="mailto:storm-user@googlegroups.com">storm-user@googlegroups.com</a> is now officially deprecated in favor of the Apache-hosted user/dev mailing lists.</p> |
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| <h3 id="storm-users">Storm Users</h3> |
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| <p>Storm users should send messages and subscribe to <a href="mailto:user@storm.apache.org">user@storm.apache.org</a>.</p> |
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| <p>You can subscribe to this list by sending an email to <a href="mailto:user-subscribe@storm.apache.org">user-subscribe@storm.apache.org</a>. Likewise, you can cancel a subscription by sending an email to <a href="mailto:user-unsubscribe@storm.apache.org">user-unsubscribe@storm.apache.org</a>.</p> |
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| <p>You can also <a href="http://mail-archives.apache.org/mod_mbox/storm-user/">browse the archives of the storm-user mailing list</a>.</p> |
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| <h3 id="storm-developers">Storm Developers</h3> |
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| <p>Storm developers should send messages and subscribe to <a href="mailto:dev@storm.apache.org">dev@storm.apache.org</a>.</p> |
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| <p>You can subscribe to this list by sending an email to <a href="mailto:dev-subscribe@storm.apache.org">dev-subscribe@storm.apache.org</a>. Likewise, you can cancel a subscription by sending an email to <a href="mailto:dev-unsubscribe@storm.apache.org">dev-unsubscribe@storm.apache.org</a>.</p> |
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| <p>You can also <a href="http://mail-archives.apache.org/mod_mbox/storm-dev/">browse the archives of the storm-dev mailing list</a>.</p> |
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| <p>Storm developers who would want to track the JIRA issues should subscribe to <a href="mailto:issues@storm.apache.org">issues@storm.apache.org</a>.</p> |
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| <p>You can subscribe to this list by sending an email to <a href="mailto:issues-subscribe@storm.apache.org">issues-subscribe@storm.apache.org</a>. Likewise, you can cancel a subscription by sending an email to <a href="mailto:issues-unsubscribe@storm.apache.org">issues-unsubscribe@storm.apache.org</a>.</p> |
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| <p>You can view the archives of the mailing list <a href="http://mail-archives.apache.org/mod_mbox/storm-issues/">here</a>.</p> |
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| <h3 id="which-list-should-i-send-subscribe-to">Which list should I send/subscribe to?</h3> |
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| <p>If you are using a pre-built binary distribution of Storm, then chances are you should send questions, comments, storm-related announcements, etc. to <a href="mailto:user@storm.apache.org">user@storm.apache.org</a>.</p> |
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| <p>If you are building storm from source, developing new features, or otherwise hacking storm source code, then <a href="mailto:dev@storm.apache.org">dev@storm.apache.org</a> is more appropriate.</p> |
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| <p>If you are committers and/or PMCs, or contributors looking for following up and participating development of Storm, then you would want to also subscribe <a href="issues@storm.apache.org">issues@storm.apache.org</a> in addition to <a href="dev@storm.apache.org">dev@storm.apache.org</a>.</p> |
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| <h4 id="what-will-happen-with-storm-user-googlegroups-com">What will happen with <a href="mailto:storm-user@googlegroups.com">storm-user@googlegroups.com</a>?</h4> |
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| <p>All existing messages will remain archived there, and can be accessed/searched <a href="https://groups.google.com/forum/#!forum/storm-user">here</a>.</p> |
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| <p>New messages sent to <a href="mailto:storm-user@googlegroups.com">storm-user@googlegroups.com</a> will either be rejected/bounced or replied to with a message to direct the email to the appropriate Apache-hosted group.</p> |
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| <h4 id="irc">IRC</h4> |
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| <p>You can also come to the #storm-user room on <a href="http://freenode.net/">freenode</a>. You can usually find a Storm developer there to help you out.</p> |
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| <li><a href="https://www.meetup.com/Apache-Storm-Apache-Kafka/">Apache Storm & Apache Kafka</a> <span class="small">(Sunnyvale, CA)</span></li> |
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