blob: 7f6aa367f01db8a2ab39f225a57167bb75e33ea6 [file] [log] [blame]
# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
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""" Multiple Non-Transferable Vote (MNTV) Based Voting Plugin """
import re, heapq
from lib import constants
def validateMNTV(vote, issue):
"Tries to validate a vote, returns why if not valid, None otherwise"
m = re.match(r"mntv(\d+)", issue['type'])
if not m:
return "Not an MNTV vote!"
numseats = int(
letters = [chr(i) for i in range(ord('a'), ord('a') + len(issue['candidates']))]
if len(vote) > numseats:
return "Vote contains too many candidates!"
for char in vote:
if char not in letters:
return "Invalid characters in vote. Accepted are: %s" % ", ".join(letters)
return None
def tallyMNTV(votes, issue):
m = re.match(r"mntv(\d+)", issue['type'])
if not m:
raise Exception("Not an MNTV vote!")
numseats = int(
candidates = []
for c in issue['candidates']:
debug = []
# Set up letters for mangling
letters = [chr(i) for i in range(ord('a'), ord('a') + len(candidates))]
cc = "".join(letters)
# Set up seats won
winners = []
# Set up vote matrix
matrix = {}
for key in votes:
vote = votes[key]
for letter in vote:
if not letter in matrix:
matrix[letter] = 0
matrix[letter] += 1
# Start counting
winners = [l for l in matrix if matrix[l] in heapq.nlargest(numseats, matrix.values())]
# Compile list of winner names
winnernames = []
for c in winners:
i = ord(c) - ord('a')
# Return the data
return {
'votes': len(votes),
'winners': winners,
'winnernames': winnernames,
}, """
- %s
""" % "\n - ".join(winnernames)
constants.appendVote (
'key': "mntv1",
'description': "Multiple Non-Transferable Votes with 1 seat",
'category': 'mntv',
'validate_func': validateMNTV,
'vote_func': None,
'tally_func': tallyMNTV
# Add ad nauseam
for i in range(2,constants.MAX_NUM+1):
constants.appendVote (
'key': "mntv%u" % i,
'description': "Multiple Non-Transferable Votes with %u seats" % i,
'category': 'mntv',
'validate_func': validateMNTV,
'vote_func': None,
'tally_func': tallyMNTV