blob: f50467cf2b927b6a4181f48bc158d6a4e1093ed5 [file] [log] [blame]
* util.h - Utility macros / prototypes for the runall utility
* $Id$
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed
* with this work for additional information regarding copyright
* ownership. The ASF licenses this file to you under the Apache
* License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file
* except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
* the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* implied. See the License for the specific language governing
* permissions and limitations under the License.
#ifndef RW_UTIL_H
#define RW_UTIL_H
Generates a non-terminal error message on stderr.
@param format printf () format string to display on stderr
void warn (const char* const format, ...);
Wrapper for exit (), providing a terminal error message on stderr.
@param state non-zero status code to exit () with
@param format printf () format string to display on stderr
void terminate (const int state, const char* const format, ...);
/* Note: RW_MALLOC should be used rather than malloc within the runall
utility. This macro calls the guarded_malloc function which performs
validation on inputs and outputs. guarded_malloc shouldn't be called
directly, as it needs file and line information, provided by RW_MALLOC.
#define RW_MALLOC(size) \
guarded_malloc(size, __FILE__, __LINE__)
Wrapper for malloc (), providing return value checking.
@param size number of bytes of memory to allocate
@param file name of file calling method
@param line line number in file method was called from
@return (non-null) pointer to allocated bock of memory
void* guarded_malloc (const size_t size, const char* const file,
const unsigned line);
#define RW_REALLOC(source, size) \
guarded_realloc(source, size, __FILE__, __LINE__)
Wrapper for realloc(), providing return value checking.
@param source pointer to memory block to reallocate
@param size number of bytes of memory to allocate
@param file name of file calling method
@param line line number in file method was called from
@return (non-null) pointer to allocated bock of memory
void* guarded_realloc (void* source, const size_t size,
const char* const file, const unsigned line);
Generates the name of a reference (input/output) file.
This function allocates memory which is to be freed by the caller.
@param data_dir location of example data directory
@param subdir example subdirectory to reference
@param mode type of file to generate name for (should be 'in' or 'out')
@return translation of 'data_dir/subdir/mode/target_name.mode'
char* reference_name (const char* data_dir, const char* subdir,
const char* mode);
Generates the name of the output file for the executable target.
This function allocates memory which is to be freed by the caller.
@param path of target to generate output name for
@return translation of 'target.out'
char* output_name (const char* target);
#endif /* RW_UTIL_H */