blob: 375dd1e7e5c781b0230ea214ac6ff77702492db4 [file] [log] [blame]
* 0.process.cpp - test exercising the rw_process_create(),
* rw_process_kill() and rw_waitpid() functions
* $Id$
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed
* with this work for additional information regarding copyright
* ownership. The ASF licenses this file to you under the Apache
* License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file
* except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
* the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* implied. See the License for the specific language governing
* permissions and limitations under the License.
#include <string.h> // for strcmp()
#include <errno.h> // for errno
#include <rw_process.h> // for rw_process_create(), rw_waitpid()
#include <driver.h> // for rw_test()
static int _rw_child = 0;
static int _rw_timeout = 5;
static char arg1[] = "--child=1";
static char arg2[] = "--no-stdout";
static char* args [] = { 0, arg1, arg2, 0 };
static const int nargs = sizeof (args) / sizeof (*args) - 1;
static rw_pid_t _rw_pid = -1;
static int join_test (rw_pid_t pid, bool should_hang)
int result = 0;
const rw_pid_t ret = rw_waitpid (pid, &result, _rw_timeout);
rw_assert (-1 != ret, __FILE__, __LINE__,
"rw_waitpid() failed, errno = %{#m}");
if (-1 == ret)
return 1;
if (0 == ret) {
// set to ignore rw_error diagnostic
rw_enable (rw_error, false);
// time_out elapsed, kill the process
if (1 == rw_process_kill (pid)) {
// the process not yet terminated
// wait for process termination and remove the zombie process
rw_waitpid (pid, 0);
// enable rw_error diagnostic
rw_enable (rw_error);
rw_assert (should_hang, __FILE__, __LINE__,
"The child process unexpectedly deadlocked");
return should_hang ? 0 : 1;
rw_assert (!should_hang, __FILE__, __LINE__,
"Expected the deadlocked process, but process exited "
"with code: %d",
if (!should_hang)
rw_assert (0 == result, __FILE__, __LINE__,
"Process exit code: expected 0, got %d", result);
return result;
static int test_process_create1 ()
rw_info (0, 0, 0,
"Exercising the rw_process_create "
"(const char*, char* const []) overload");
const rw_pid_t pid = rw_process_create (args [0], args);
rw_assert (-1 != pid, __FILE__, __LINE__,
"rw_process_create() failed, errno = %{#m}");
if (-1 == pid)
return 1;
// save the pid for test exercising rw_waitpid() fail
if (-1 == _rw_pid)
_rw_pid = pid;
return join_test (pid, false);
static int test_process_create2 ()
rw_info (0, 0, 0,
"Exercising the rw_process_create (const char*, ...) overload");
const rw_pid_t pid = rw_process_create ("\"%s\" %s %s",
args[0], args[1], args[2]);
rw_assert (-1 != pid, __FILE__, __LINE__,
"rw_process_create() failed, errno = %{#m}");
if (-1 == pid)
return 1;
// save the pid for test exercising rw_waitpid() fail
if (-1 == _rw_pid)
_rw_pid = pid;
return join_test (pid, false);
static int test_process_deadlocked ()
rw_info (0, 0, 0,
"Exercising the rw_waitpid() with timeout and deadlocked process");
const rw_pid_t pid = rw_process_create ("\"%s\" --child=2 %s",
args[0], args[2]);
rw_assert (-1 != pid, __FILE__, __LINE__,
"rw_process_create() failed, errno = %{#m}");
return -1 == pid ? 1 : join_test (pid, true);
static int test_process_create_fail ()
rw_info (0, 0, 0,
"Exercising the rw_process_create() behavior "
"when invalid path specified");
// set to ignore rw_error diagnostic
rw_enable (rw_error, false);
const rw_pid_t pid = rw_process_create ("/\\/\\/\\", args);
// enable rw_error diagnostic
rw_enable (rw_error);
rw_assert (-1 == pid, __FILE__, __LINE__,
"rw_process_create returns %ld, expected -1",
long (pid));
if (-1 != pid) {
rw_waitpid (pid, 0);
return 1;
rw_assert (ENOENT == errno, __FILE__, __LINE__,
"errno: expected ENOENT, got %{#m}");
return ENOENT == errno ? 0 : 1;
static int test_waitpid_fail ()
if (-1 == _rw_pid) {
rw_info (0, 0, 0,
"The test, exercising the rw_waitpid() behavior "
"when invalid pid specified is disabled");
return 0;
rw_info (0, 0, 0,
"Exercising the rw_waitpid() behavior "
"when invalid pid specified");
// set to ignore rw_error diagnostic
rw_enable (rw_error, false);
const rw_pid_t pid = rw_waitpid (_rw_pid, 0);
// enable rw_error diagnostic
rw_enable (rw_error);
rw_assert (-1 == pid, __FILE__, __LINE__,
"rw_waitpid returns %ld, expected -1",
long (pid));
if (-1 != pid)
return 1;
rw_assert (ECHILD == errno, __FILE__, __LINE__,
"errno: expected ECHILD, got %{#m}");
return ECHILD == errno ? 0 : 1;
static int test_process_kill_fail ()
if (-1 == _rw_pid) {
rw_info (0, 0, 0,
"The test, exercising the rw_process_kill() behavior "
"when invalid pid specified is disabled");
return 0;
rw_info (0, 0, 0,
"Exercising the rw_process_kill() behavior "
"when invalid pid specified");
// set to ignore rw_error diagnostic
rw_enable (rw_error, false);
const int res = rw_process_kill (_rw_pid);
// enable rw_error diagnostic
rw_enable (rw_error);
rw_assert (-1 == res, __FILE__, __LINE__,
"rw_process_kill returns %ld, expected -1",
long (res));
if (-1 != res)
return 1;
rw_assert (ESRCH == errno, __FILE__, __LINE__,
"errno: expected ESRCH, got %{#m}");
return ESRCH == errno ? 0 : 1;
static int
run_test (int argc, char** argv)
if (_rw_child) {
rw_info (0, 0, 0,
"The child process: _rw_child = %i", _rw_child);
if (2 == _rw_child) {
// simulate the deadlock
while (true) ;
// compare number of parameters with expected
if (nargs != argc)
return nargs;
// compare the parameters with expected
for (int i = 1; i < argc; ++i) {
if (0 != strcmp (argv [i], args [i]))
return i;
return 0;
args [0] = argv [0];
int fails = 0;
if (test_process_create1 ())
if (test_process_create2 ())
if (test_process_deadlocked ())
if (test_process_create_fail ())
if (test_waitpid_fail ())
if (test_process_kill_fail ())
return fails;
int main (int argc, char *argv[])
return rw_test (argc, argv, __FILE__,
"", run_test,
"|-child#0 "
0 /*sentinel*/);