blob: 96a45629f70aa1011845f39cbc0ace83a80c4b11 [file] [log] [blame]
* - test exercising replacement operator new and delete
* $Id$
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed
* with this work for additional information regarding copyright
* ownership. The ASF licenses this file to you under the Apache
* License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file
* except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
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* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* implied. See the License for the specific language governing
* permissions and limitations under the License.
* Copyright 1994-2006 Rogue Wave Software.
#include <new> // for bad_alloc
#include <cstddef> // for size_t
#include <setjmp.h> // for longjmp(), setjmp()
#include <signal.h> // for SIGABRT, signal()
#include <rw_new.h>
#include <driver.h>
// program exit status
int exit_status /* = 0 */;
extern "C" {
volatile int line; // currently executed line
volatile int fail; // non-zero when line failed
jmp_buf env;
static void
handle_ABRT (int)
fail = 0;
longjmp (env, 1);
#define FAIL(code) \
fail = line = __LINE__; \
signal (SIGABRT, handle_ABRT); \
if (0 == setjmp (env)) { \
code; \
exit_status = 1; \
rw_assert (0, __FILE__, line, "expected assertion"); \
} \
else \
#define PASS(code) \
fail = -1; line = __LINE__; \
signal (SIGABRT, handle_ABRT); \
if (0 == setjmp (env)) { \
code; \
} \
else if (fail != line) { \
exit_status = 1; \
rw_assert (0, __FILE__, line, "unexpected assertion"); \
} (void)0
void test_new_delete ()
rw_info (0, __FILE__, __LINE__,
"exercising successful allocation and deallocation");
void *p = 0;
PASS (p = operator new (0));
rw_assert (p != 0, __FILE__, __LINE__, "operator new(0) != 0");
operator delete (p);
void *p = 0;
PASS (p = operator new (1));
rw_assert (p != 0, __FILE__, __LINE__, "operator new(1) != 0");
operator delete (p);
void *p = 0;
PASS (p = operator new (2));
rw_assert (p != 0, __FILE__, __LINE__, "operator new(2) != 0");
operator delete (p);
void *p = 0;
PASS (p = operator new (1024));
rw_assert (p != 0, __FILE__, __LINE__, "operator new(1024) != 0");
operator delete (p);
#define CATCH(code) \
try { code; fail = 1; } \
catch (_RWSTD_BAD_ALLOC) { fail = 0; } \
catch (...) { fail = 2; } \
rw_assert (!fail, __FILE__, __LINE__, \
"%s", 1 == fail ? "failed to throw" : \
"threw an unknown exception")
#define NOTHROW(code) \
try { fail = 0; code; } \
catch (...) { fail = 1; } \
rw_assert (!fail, __FILE__, __LINE__, \
"unexpected exception")
void test_bad_alloc ()
rw_info (0, __FILE__, __LINE__,
"exercising the ability of ordinary "
"operator new to throw std::bad_alloc");
rwt_free_store* const pst = rwt_get_free_store (0);
*pst->throw_at_blocks_ [0] = pst->blocks_ [0];
CATCH (operator new (0));
CATCH (operator new (1));
CATCH (operator new (2));
CATCH (operator new (1024));
void *p = 0;
NOTHROW (p = operator new[](0));
operator delete[](p);
void *p = 0;
NOTHROW (p = operator new[](1));
operator delete[](p);
void *p = 0;
NOTHROW (p = operator new[](2));
operator delete[](p);
void *p = 0;
NOTHROW (p = operator new[](1024));
operator delete[](p);
rw_info (0, __FILE__, __LINE__,
"exercising the ability of the array form "
"of operator new to throw std::bad_alloc");
*pst->throw_at_blocks_ [0] = std::size_t (-1);
*pst->throw_at_blocks_ [1] = pst->blocks_ [1];
CATCH (operator new[](0));
CATCH (operator new[](1));
CATCH (operator new[](2));
CATCH (operator new[](1024));
void *p = 0;
NOTHROW (p = operator new (0));
rw_assert (p != 0, __FILE__, __LINE__, "operator new[](0) != 0");
operator delete (p);
void *p = 0;
NOTHROW (p = operator new (1));
rw_assert (p != 0, __FILE__, __LINE__, "operator new[](1) != 0");
operator delete (p);
void *p = 0;
NOTHROW (p = operator new (32));
rw_assert (p != 0, __FILE__, __LINE__, "operator new[](32) != 0");
operator delete (p);
void *p = 0;
NOTHROW (p = operator new (4096));
rw_assert (p != 0, __FILE__, __LINE__, "operator new[](4096) != 0");
operator delete (p);
*pst->throw_at_blocks_ [1] = std::size_t (-1);
void test_mismatch ()
rw_info (0, __FILE__, __LINE__,
"exercising the ability to detect "
"allocation/deallocation mismatches");
// detect allocations by operator new() deallocated
// using (the array form of) operator delete[]
void *p = 0;
PASS (p = operator new (0));
FAIL (operator delete[](p));
PASS (operator delete (p));
void *p = 0;
PASS (p = operator new (1));
FAIL (operator delete[](p));
PASS (operator delete (p));
void *p = 0;
PASS (p = operator new[](33));
FAIL (operator delete (p));
PASS (operator delete[] (p));
void test_bad_delete ()
rw_info (0, __FILE__, __LINE__,
"exercising the ability to detect "
"deletion of unallocated storage");
char *p = 0;
PASS (p = new char);
FAIL (delete (p - 1));
FAIL (delete (p + 1));
PASS (delete (p));
char *p = 0;
PASS (p = new char [4]);
FAIL (delete (p - 1));
FAIL (delete (p + 1));
FAIL (delete (p + 2));
FAIL (delete (p + 3));
FAIL (delete (p + 4));
FAIL (delete[] (p - 1));
FAIL (delete[] (p + 1));
FAIL (delete[] (p + 2));
FAIL (delete[] (p + 3));
FAIL (delete[] (p + 4));
PASS (delete[] p);
void test_double_delete ()
rw_info (0, __FILE__, __LINE__,
"exercising the ability to detect double deletion");
char *p = 0;
PASS (p = new char);
PASS (delete (p));
FAIL (delete (p));
char *p = 0;
PASS (p = new char [32]);
PASS (delete[] p);
FAIL (delete[] p);
FAIL (delete p);
void test_corruption ()
rw_info (0, __FILE__, __LINE__,
"exercising the ability to detect memory corruption");
// corrupt (and restore) memory past the end of the allocated block
for (std::size_t i = 1; i != 8; ++i) {
char *p = 0;
PASS (p = new char);
// save the value of the byte past the end of the block
// and temporarily overwrite it with another value
const char save = p [i];
p [i] = ~p [i];
// expect operator delete to diagnose the corruption
// and call abort() without actually freeing the block
FAIL (delete p);
// restore the corrupted byte to its original value
p [i] = save;
// expect operator delete not to complain
PASS (delete p);
#define LEAK(code, bytes, blks) \
do { \
/* establish a checkpoint for memory leaks */ \
rwt_check_leaks (0, 0); \
code; \
/* find memory leaks since the last checkpoint */ \
std::size_t nbytes; \
const std::size_t nblocks = rwt_check_leaks (&nbytes, 0); \
rw_assert (blks == nblocks && bytes == nbytes, \
__FILE__, __LINE__, \
"failed to detect a leak of %d bytes in " \
"%d blocks: got %zu bytes in %zu blocks", \
bytes, blks, nbytes, nblocks); \
} while (0)
void test_leaks ()
rw_info (0, __FILE__, __LINE__,
"exercising the ability to detect memory leaks");
void *p = 0;
LEAK (p = operator new (0), 0, 1);
PASS (operator delete (p));
void *p = 0;
LEAK (p = operator new (1), 1, 1);
PASS (operator delete (p));
void *p = 0;
LEAK (p = operator new (1234), 1234, 1);
PASS (operator delete (p));
void *p0 = 0;
void *p1 = 0;
LEAK (p0 = operator new (32);
p1 = operator new (64), 96, 2);
PASS (operator delete (p0));
PASS (operator delete (p1));
void *p = 0;
LEAK (p = operator new[] (12345), 12345, 1);
PASS (operator delete[] (p));
void test_stress ()
rw_info (0, __FILE__, __LINE__,
"stress-testing replacement operators new and delete");
rwt_free_store* const pst = rwt_get_free_store (0);
std::size_t nblocks = pst->blocks_ [0] + pst->blocks_ [1];
std::size_t nbytes = pst->bytes_ [0] + pst->bytes_ [1];
void* ptrs [1000];
const std::size_t N = sizeof ptrs / sizeof *ptrs;
for (std::size_t i = 0; i != N; ++i) {
if (i % 2) {
PASS (ptrs [i] = operator new[](i));
else {
PASS (ptrs [i] = operator new (i));
for (std::size_t i = 0; i < N; ++i) {
const std::size_t j = (i * (i + 17)) % N;
if (j % 2) {
PASS (operator delete[](ptrs [j]));
else {
PASS (operator delete (ptrs [j]));
ptrs [j] = 0;
for (std::size_t i = 0; i < N; ++i) {
if (i % 2) {
PASS (operator delete[](ptrs [i]));
else {
PASS (operator delete (ptrs [i]));
nblocks = pst->blocks_ [0] + pst->blocks_ [1] - nblocks;
nbytes = pst->bytes_ [0] + pst->bytes_ [1] - nbytes;
rw_assert (0 == nblocks && 0 == nbytes, __FILE__, __LINE__,
"false leaks detected: %zu bytes in %zu blocks",
nbytes, nblocks);
static int rw_opt_no_new_delete; // for --no-new-delete
static int rw_opt_no_bad_alloc; // for --no-bad_alloc
static int rw_opt_no_mismatch; // for --no-mismatch
static int rw_opt_no_bad_delete; // for --no-bad-delete
static int rw_opt_no_double_delete; // for --no-double-delete
static int rw_opt_no_corruption; // for --no-corruption
static int rw_opt_no_leaks; // for --no-leaks
static int rw_opt_no_stress; // for --no-stress
int run_test (int, char**)
#define TEST(name) \
if (rw_opt_no_ ## name) \
rw_note (0, 0, __LINE__, "%s test disabled", #name); \
else \
test_ ## name ()
TEST (bad_alloc);
TEST (mismatch);
TEST (double_delete);
TEST (bad_delete);
TEST (corruption);
TEST (leaks);
TEST (stress);
return 0;
int main (int argc, char** argv)
return rw_test (argc, argv, __FILE__,
0 /* no clause */,
0 /* no comment */,
"|-no-new-delete# "
"|-no-bad_alloc# "
"|-no-mismatch# "
"|-no-bad-delete# "
"|-no-double-delete# "
"|-no-corruption# "
"|-no-leaks# "