blob: 7547d2eb4678279d7b0113e21aeabc5b76448314 [file] [log] [blame]
* 0.cmdopts.cpp - test exercising the rw_runopts() and rw_setopts()
* utility functions
* $Id$
* Copyright 2005-2006 The Apache Software Foundation or its licensors,
* as applicable.
* Copyright 2005-2006 Rogue Wave Software.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#include <cmdopt.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
// global buffer containing the names of all callbacks (along with
// their arguments) called in response to each invocation to rw_runopts()
static char argstr [4096];
// the maximum number of callbacks to be invoked by a single call
// to rw_runopts()
// the values to be returned by each callback
static int retvals [MAXCALLBACKS];
// the cumulative number of callback invocations
static size_t ncalls;
// the exit status of the whole test
static int exit_status;
// the current line number
static int current_line;
// prints its arguments in a human-readable form to buf
static int
pargs (char *buf, const char *funcname, int argc, char *argv [])
_RWSTD_ASSERT (0 != buf);
char* next = buf + strlen (buf);
if ('\0' != *buf) {
next [0] = ';';
next [1] = '\0';
if (funcname)
next += sprintf (next, "%s(%d,{", funcname, argc);
next += sprintf (next, "%d,{", argc);
for (int i = 0; i < argc; ++i) {
if (argv [i])
next += sprintf (next, "\"%s\"", argv [i]);
else {
strcpy (next, "(null)");
next += strlen (next);
if (i + 1 < argc) {
next [0] = ',';
next [1] = '\0';
next [0] = '}';
next [1] = ')';
next [2] = '\0';
// verify that the number of calls hasn't exceeded the size
// of the array of return values
return retvals [ncalls];
static int
callback_imp (const char *cbname, int argc, char *argv[])
const int status = pargs (argstr, cbname, argc, argv);
return status;
static int
foo (int argc, char *argv[])
return callback_imp ("foo", argc, argv);
static int
bar (int argc, char *argv[])
return callback_imp ("bar", argc, argv);
static int
err (int argc, char *argv[])
return callback_imp ("ERR", argc, argv);
typedef int (cbfun_t)(int, char*[]);
static int opt_counts [4];
// hackery to allow passing int* and cbfun_t* in the same argument
static const union {
int *pint;
cbfun_t *pfun;
int ival;
} cntptrs [] = {
{ opt_counts + 0 },
{ opt_counts + 1 },
{ opt_counts + 2 },
{ opt_counts + 3 }
static void
test_opts (const char *expect,
int get_exp,
char *argv [],
int set_exp,
const char *argspec,
cbfun_t *f0,
cbfun_t *f1 = 0,
cbfun_t *f2 = 0,
cbfun_t *f3 = 0)
argstr [0] = '\0';
// reset all previously set options
rw_setopts (0, 0);
// set new options
const int set_res = rw_setopts (argspec, f0, f1, f2, f3);
if (set_res != set_exp) {
// convert function pointers to void pointers
// to avoid compiler error and warnings
union {
cbfun_t *pfun;
void *pvoid;
} uptr[] = {
{ f0 }, { f1 }, { f2 }, { f3 }
fprintf (stderr,
"line %d: rw_setopts (\"%s\", %p, %p, %p, %p) == %d, got %d\n",
current_line, argspec,
uptr [0].pvoid, uptr [1].pvoid, uptr [2].pvoid, uptr [3].pvoid,
set_exp, set_res);
exit_status = 1;
argstr [0] = '\0';
// compute the value of argc from argv
int argc = 0;
for (; argv [argc]; ++argc);
// reset the number of callback invocations
ncalls = 0;
// reset the option counters
memset (opt_counts, 0, sizeof opt_counts);
const int get_res = rw_runopts (argc, argv);
if (get_res != get_exp) {
static char tmp [4096];
tmp [0] = '\0';
pargs (tmp, 0, argc, argv);
fprintf (stderr,
"line %d: rw_runopts (%s) == %d, got %d\n",
current_line, tmp, get_exp, get_res);
exit_status = 1;
if (strchr (expect, '#')) {
// when the expected result string contains the pound sign,
// treat the arguments as pointers to integers as opposed
// to pointers to callback functions and format the actual
// result as a sequence of integers at the given addresses
if (f0 == cntptrs [0].pfun) {
sprintf (argstr + strlen (argstr),
"%s%d", *argstr ? "; #" : "#", opt_counts [0]);
if (f1 == cntptrs [1].pfun) {
sprintf (argstr + strlen (argstr),
",%d", opt_counts [1]);
if (f2 == cntptrs [2].pfun) {
sprintf (argstr + strlen (argstr),
",%d", opt_counts [2]);
if (f3 == cntptrs [3].pfun) {
sprintf (argstr + strlen (argstr),
",%d", opt_counts [3]);
if (strcmp (argstr, expect)) {
fprintf (stderr,
"line %d: \"%s\" != \"%s\"\n",
current_line, argstr, expect);
exit_status = 1;
static char**
mkargv (const char *s0,
const char *s1 = 0,
const char *s2 = 0,
const char *s3 = 0,
const char *s4 = 0,
const char *s5 = 0,
const char *s6 = 0,
const char *s7 = 0,
const char *s8 = 0,
const char *s9 = 0)
static char argbuf [10][1024];
static char* argv [10];
argv [0] = s0 ? strcpy (argbuf [0], s0) : 0;
argv [1] = s1 ? strcpy (argbuf [1], s1) : 0;
argv [2] = s2 ? strcpy (argbuf [2], s2) : 0;
argv [3] = s3 ? strcpy (argbuf [3], s3) : 0;
argv [4] = s4 ? strcpy (argbuf [4], s4) : 0;
argv [5] = s5 ? strcpy (argbuf [5], s5) : 0;
argv [6] = s6 ? strcpy (argbuf [6], s6) : 0;
argv [7] = s7 ? strcpy (argbuf [7], s7) : 0;
argv [8] = s8 ? strcpy (argbuf [8], s8) : 0;
argv [9] = s9 ? strcpy (argbuf [9], s9) : 0;
return argv;
// convenience macros for brevity
#define A mkargv
#define B bar
#define F foo
#define E err
#define C0 cntptrs [0].pfun
#define C1 cntptrs [1].pfun
#define C2 cntptrs [2].pfun
#define C3 cntptrs [3].pfun
#define N(n) make_arg (n)
#define T (current_line = __LINE__), test_opts
static void
test_unknown_options ()
// +--------- expected result string (formatted by callbacks)
// | +----- expected value returned from rw_runopts()
// | | +-- second argument to rw_runopts() (argv)
// | | |
// | | | +---------- expected rw_setopts() result
// | | | | +------- rw_setopts() first argument
// | | | | | +-- rw_setopts() callbacks...
// | | | | | |
// V V V V V V
T ("", 0, A (""), 0, "", 0);
// exercise setting up the "unknown option" handler
T ("", 0, A (""), 1, "-", 0);
T ("", 0, A (""), 1, "-", E);
// exercise invoking the "unknown option" handler
T ("ERR(1,{\"-x\"})", 0, A ("-x"), 2, "- f", E, F);
T ("ERR(2,{\"-x\",\"-y\"});"
"foo(1,{\"-y\"})", 0, A ("-x","-y"), 2, "- y", E, F);
retvals [0] = 1;
T ("ERR(2,{\"-x\",\"-y\"})", 1, A ("-x","-y"), 2, "- y", E, F);
retvals [0] = 0;
retvals [1] = 2;
T ("foo(2,{\"-x\",\"-y\"});"
"ERR(1,{\"-y\"})", 2, A ("-x","-y"), 2, "- x", E, F);
T ("foo(3,{\"-x\",\"-y\",\"-x\"});"
"ERR(2,{\"-y\",\"-x\"})", 2, A ("-x","-y", "-x"), 2, "- x", E, F);
retvals [1] = 0;
static void
test_counted_options ()
// exercise options with a counter instead of a callback
T ("#1", 0, A ("-b"), 1, "b#", C0);
T ("#1", 0, A ("--cc"), 1, "|-cc#", C0);
T ("#2", 0, A ("-d", "-d"), 1, "d#", C0);
T ("#2", 0, A ("-e", "--ee"), 1, "e|-ee#", C0);
T ("#3", 0, A ("-e", "-e", "-e"), 1, "e#", C0);
T ("#1,2", 0, A ("-f", "-g", "-g"), 2, "f# g#", C0, C1);
// exercise counted options with a numerical argument
T ("#0", 0, A ("--n=0"), 1, "|-n#", C0);
T ("#1", 0, A ("--n=1"), 1, "|-n#", C0);
T ("#1", 0, A ("--n=+1"), 1, "|-n#", C0);
T ("#-1", 0, A ("--n=-1"), 1, "|-n#", C0);
T ("#2", 0, A ("--n=+2"), 1, "|-n#", C0);
T ("#-2", 0, A ("--n=-2"), 1, "|-n#", C0);
T ("#12345", 0, A ("--n=+12345"), 1, "|-n#", C0);
T ("#-12346", 0, A ("--n=-12346"), 1, "|-n#", C0);
// exercise counted options with a restricted numerical argument
T ("#0", 0, A ("--n=0"), 1, "|-n#0", C0);
T ("#1", 0, A ("--n=1"), 1, "|-n#0", C0);
T ("#1", 0, A ("--n=1"), 1, "|-n#1", C0);
T ("#2", 0, A ("--n=2"), 1, "|-n#1", C0);
T ("#1", 0, A ("--n=+1"), 1, "|-n#+1", C0);
T ("#-1", 0, A ("--n=-1"), 1, "|-n#-1", C0);
T ("#0", 0, A ("--n=0"), 1, "|-n#-1", C0);
T ("#1", 0, A ("--n=1"), 1, "|-n#-1", C0);
T ("#123", 0, A ("--n=+123"), 1, "|-n#+123", C0);
T ("#124", 0, A ("--n=+124"), 1, "|-n#+123", C0);
T ("#-125", 0, A ("--n=-125"), 1, "|-n#-125", C0);
T ("#-126", 0, A ("--n=-126"), 1, "|-n#-127", C0);
T ("#0", 0, A ("--n=0"), 1, "|-n#0-1", C0);
T ("#1", 0, A ("--n=1"), 1, "|-n#0-1", C0);
T ("#0", 0, A ("--n=0"), 1, "|-n#-1-0", C0);
// same as above but with an out of range argument
T ("", 1, A ("--n=1"), 1, "|-n#-1-0", C0);
T ("", 1, A ("--n=-1"), 1, "|-n#0", C0);
T ("", 1, A ("--n=0"), 1, "|-n#1", C0);
T ("", 1, A ("--n=1"), 1, "|-n#2", C0);
T ("", 1, A ("--n=+2"), 1, "|-n#+3", C0);
T ("", 1, A ("--n=-1"), 1, "|-n#0-1", C0);
T ("", 1, A ("--n=+2"), 1, "|-n#0-1", C0);
T ("", 1, A ("--n=-11"), 1, "|-n#-10--5", C0);
T ("", 1, A ("--n=-4"), 1, "|-n#-10--5", C0);
T ("", 1, A ("--n=-11"), 1, "|-n#-1-1", C0);
T ("", 1, A ("--n=-1"), 1, "|-n#0-32", C0);
T ("", 1, A ("--n=33"), 1, "|-n#0-32", C0);
static void
test_tristate ()
// +-- expected result string
// | +-- expected return value from rw_getopts()
// | | +-- command line arguments
// | | | +-- number of directives
// | | | | +-- cmdopt specification
// | | | | | +-- counter
// | | | | | |
// V V V V V V
T ("#1", 0, A ("--enable-foo"), 1, "|-foo~", C0);
T ("#1", 0, A ("--use-foo"), 1, "|-foo~", C0);
T ("#1", 0, A ("--with-foo"), 1, "|-foo~", C0);
T ("#-1", 0, A ("--disable-foo"), 1, "|-foo~", C0);
T ("#-1", 0, A ("--no-foo"), 1, "|-foo~", C0);
T ("#-1", 0, A ("--without-foo"), 1, "|-foo~", C0);
// the same tristate can be repeated any number of times
T ("#1", 0, A ("--enable-foo", "--use-foo"), 1, "|-foo~", C0);
T ("#-1", 0, A ("--no-foo", "--without-foo"), 1, "|-foo~", C0);
// the last tristate wins
T ("#-1", 0, A ("--use-foo", "--no-foo"), 1, "|-foo~", C0);
T ("#1", 0, A ("--no-foo", "--use-foo"), 1, "|-foo~", C0);
// set bits using a bitmap
T ("#1", 0, A ("--enable-foo"), 1, "|-foo~:0", C0);
T ("#1", 0, A ("--enable-foo"), 1, "|-foo~:1", C0);
T ("#2", 0, A ("--enable-foo"), 1, "|-foo~:2", C0);
T ("#3", 0, A ("--enable-foo"), 1, "|-foo~:3", C0);
T ("#4", 0, A ("--enable-foo"), 1, "|-foo~:4", C0);
// unset bits using a bitmap
T ("#-2", 0, A ("--disable-foo"), 1, "|-foo~:1", C0);
T ("#-3", 0, A ("--disable-foo"), 1, "|-foo~:2", C0);
T ("#-4", 0, A ("--disable-foo"), 1, "|-foo~:3", C0);
T ("#-5", 0, A ("--disable-foo"), 1, "|-foo~:4", C0);
// set bits in word 2
T ("#0,1", 0, A ("--enable-bar"), 1, "|-bar~32:0", C0, C1);
T ("#0,1", 0, A ("--enable-bar"), 1, "|-bar~32:1", C0, C1);
T ("#0,2", 0, A ("--enable-bar"), 1, "|-bar~32:2", C0, C1);
T ("#0,3", 0, A ("--enable-bar"), 1, "|-bar~32:3", C0, C1);
T ("#0,4", 0, A ("--enable-bar"), 1, "|-bar~32:4", C0, C1);
// enable bits 0 through 4 in C0 one at a time
T ("#1", 0, A ("--with-0"), 4, "|-0~0 |-1~1 |-2~2 |-3~3", C0, C0, C0, C0);
T ("#2", 0, A ("--with-1"), 4, "|-0~0 |-1~1 |-2~2 |-3~3", C0, C0, C0, C0);
T ("#4", 0, A ("--with-2"), 4, "|-0~0 |-1~1 |-2~2 |-3~3", C0, C0, C0, C0);
T ("#8", 0, A ("--with-3"), 4, "|-0~0 |-1~1 |-2~2 |-3~3", C0, C0, C0, C0);
// enable multiple bits 0 through 4 in C0 simultaneously
T ("#3", 0, A ("--with-0", "--with-1"),
4, "|-0~0 |-1~1 |-2~2 |-3~3", C0, C0, C0, C0);
T ("#7", 0, A ("--with-0", "--with-1", "--with-2"),
4, "|-0~0 |-1~1 |-2~2 |-3~3", C0, C0, C0, C0);
T ("#15", 0, A ("--with-0", "--with-1", "--with-2", "--with-3"),
4, "|-0~0 |-1~1 |-2~2 |-3~3", C0, C0, C0, C0);
// specify bit value
T ("#1", 0, A ("--with-0"),
4, "|-0~0:1 |-1~1:1 |-2~2:1 |-3~3:1", C0, C0, C0, C0);
T ("#2", 0, A ("--with-1"),
4, "|-0~0:1 |-1~1:1 |-2~2:1 |-3~3:1", C0, C0, C0, C0);
T ("#4", 0, A ("--with-2"),
4, "|-0~0:1 |-1~1:1 |-2~2:1 |-3~3:1", C0, C0, C0, C0);
T ("#8", 0, A ("--with-3"),
4, "|-0~0:1 |-1~1:1 |-2~2:1 |-3~3:1", C0, C0, C0, C0);
T ("#3", 0, A ("--with-0", "--with-1"),
4, "|-0~0:1 |-1~1:1 |-2~2:1 |-3~3:1", C0, C0, C0, C0);
T ("#7", 0, A ("--with-0", "--with-1", "--with-2"),
4, "|-0~0:1 |-1~1:1 |-2~2:1 |-3~3:1", C0, C0, C0, C0);
T ("#15", 0, A ("--with-0", "--with-1", "--with-2", "--with-3"),
4, "|-0~0:1 |-1~1:1 |-2~2:1 |-3~3:1", C0, C0, C0, C0);
T ("#-1073741824",
0, A ("--enable-f30"),
3, "|-f30~30:3 |-f28~28:2 |-f26~26:2", C0, C0, C0);
T ("#-2147483648",
0, A ("--enable-f30"),
3, "|-f30~30:2 |-f28~28:2 |-f26~26:2", C0, C0, C0);
T ("#-1610612736",
0, A ("--enable-f30","--enable-f28"),
3, "|-f30~30:2 |-f28~28:2 |-f26~26:2", C0, C0, C0);
T ("#-1476395008",
0, A ("--enable-f30","--enable-f28","--enable-f26"),
3, "|-f30~30:2 |-f28~28:2 |-f26~26:2", C0, C0, C0);
static void
test_optional_argument ()
// exercise an option with an optional argument
T ("foo(1,{\"-a\"})", 0, A ("-a"), 1, "a:", F);
T ("foo(1,{\"-a\"})", 0, A ("-a"), 1, "a:", F);
T ("foo(2,{\"-a\",\"x\"})", 0, A ("-a", "x"), 1, "a:", F);
T ("foo(1,{\"-ay\"})", 0, A ("-ay"), 1, "a:", F);
T ("foo(1,{\"-axyz\"})", 0, A ("-axyz"), 1, "a:", F);
T ("foo(1,{\"--a\"})", 0, A ("--a"), 1, "|-a:", F);
T ("ERR(1,{\"--ab\"})", 0, A ("--ab"), 2, "- |-a:", E, F);
// exercise the processing of two optional command line options
T ("foo(2,{\"-a\",\"-b\"});"
0, A ("-a", "-b"), 2, "a: b", F, B);
T ("foo(3,{\"-a\",\"x\",\"-b\"});"
0, A ("-a", "x", "-b"), 2, "a: b", F, B);
// exercise optional restricted numeric argument
T ("foo(2,{\"-n\",\"0\"})", 0, A ("-n", "0"), 1, "n:0", F);
T ("foo(2,{\"-n\",\"+1\"})", 0, A ("-n", "+1"), 1, "n:1", F);
T ("foo(2,{\"-n\",\"+2\"})", 0, A ("-n", "+2"), 1, "n:+2", F);
T ("foo(2,{\"-n\",\"\\-2\"})", 0, A ("-n", "\\-2"), 1, "n:-3", F);
T ("foo(2,{\"-n\",\"\\-0\"})", 0, A ("-n", "\\-0"), 1, "n:-3-0", F);
static void
test_required_argument ()
// exercise the processing of an option with a required argument
// the equals sign missing
T ("ERR(1,{\"--a\"})", 0, A ("--a"), 2, "- |-a=", E, F);
// required argument empty
T ("foo(1,{\"--a=\"})", 0, A ("--a="), 1, "|-a=", F);
// required argument contains funky characters
T ("foo(1,{\"--a=1\"})", 0, A ("--a=1"), 1, "|-a=", F);
T ("foo(1,{\"--b=1-\"})", 0, A ("--b=1-"), 1, "|-b=", F);
T ("foo(1,{\"--c=-2\"})", 0, A ("--c=-2"), 1, "|-c=", F);
T ("foo(1,{\"--d=1-2\"})", 0, A ("--d=1-2"), 1, "|-d=", F);
T ("foo(1,{\"--e=-1=2\"})", 0, A ("--e=-1=2"), 1, "|-e=", F);
T ("foo(1,{\"--f=-1=-2\"})", 0, A ("--f=-1=-2"), 1, "|-f=", F);
T ("foo(1,{\"--g=2,3\"})", 0, A ("--g=2,3"), 1, "|-g=", F);
T ("foo(1,{\"--h=3:4\"})", 0, A ("--h=3:4"), 1, "|-h=", F);
T ("foo(1,{\"--i=\"j\"\"})", 0, A ("--i=\"j\""), 1, "|-i=", F);
// exercise restricted numeric argument
T ("foo(1,{\"--a=1\"})", 0, A ("--a=1"), 1, "|-a=0", F);
T ("foo(1,{\"--a=1\"})", 0, A ("--a=1"), 1, "|-a=1", F);
T ("foo(1,{\"--a=2\"})", 0, A ("--a=2"), 1, "|-a=2", F);
T ("foo(1,{\"--a=3\"})", 0, A ("--a=3"), 1, "|-a=3-4", F);
T ("foo(1,{\"--a=5\"})", 0, A ("--a=5"), 1, "|-a=4-5", F);
T ("", 1, A ("--a=1"), 1, "|-a=2", F);
T ("", 1, A ("--a=2"), 1, "|-a=0-1", F);
T ("", 1, A ("--a=-1"), 1, "|-a=1-2", F);
T ("", 1, A ("--a=+123"), 1, "|-a=+2-3", F);
static void
test_repeated_options ()
// exercise repeated options
// only the first occurrence of each command line option
// causes an invocation of the callback, all subsequent
// ones will be ignored by default
T ("foo(2,{\"-a\",\"-a\"})", 0, A ("-a", "-a"), 1, "a", F);
// unlimited number of invocations
T ("foo(2,{\"-a\",\"-a\"});"
0, A ("-a", "-a"), 1, "a@*", F);
// no invocation (option is disabled)
T ("", 0, A ("-a"), 1, "a@0", F);
T ("", 0, A ("-a", "-a"), 1, "a@0", F);
T ("bar(1,{\"-b\"})", 0, A ("-a", "-a", "-b"), 2, "a@0 b", F, B);
T ("bar(2,{\"-b\",\"-a\"})", 0, A ("-a", "-b", "-a"), 2, "a@0 b", F, B);
T ("bar(3,{\"-b\",\"-a\",\"-b\"})",
0, A ("-b", "-a", "-b"), 2, "b a@0", B, F);
T ("bar(4,{\"-b\",\"-a\",\"-b\",\"-a\"})",
0, A ("-b", "-a", "-b", "-a"), 2, "b a@0", B, F);
// at most one invocation (default)
T ("foo(2,{\"-a\",\"-a\"})", 0, A ("-a", "-a"), 1, "a@1", F);
T ("foo(2,{\"-a\",\"-a\"})", 0, A ("-a", "-a"), 1, "a@1", F);
// at most two invocations
T ("foo(2,{\"-a\",\"-a\"});"
0, A ("-a", "-a"), 1, "a@2", F);
T ("foo(3,{\"-a\",\"-a\",\"-a\"});"
0, A ("-a", "-a", "-a"), 1, "a@2", F);
// inverted option (callback invoked iff option is not specified)
T ("", 0, A ("-i"), 1, "i!", F);
T ("foo(0,{})", 0, A (""), 1, "i!", F);
T ("", 0, A ("--j"), 1, "i|-j!", F);
T ("foo(1,{\"-k\"});"
"foo(0,{})", 0, A ("-k"), 2, "k l!", F, F);
int main ()
// +--------- expected result string (formatted by callbacks)
// | +----- expected value returned from rw_runopts()
// | | +-- second argument to rw_runopts() (argv)
// | | |
// | | | +---------- expected rw_setopts() result
// | | | | +------- rw_setopts() first argument
// | | | | | +-- rw_setopts() callbacks...
// | | | | | |
// V V V V V V
T ("", 0, A (""), 0, "", 0);
T ("", 0, A ("a"), 0, "", 0);
T ("", 0, A ("a", "b"), 0, "", 0);
T ("", 0, A ("a", "b"), 0, "", 0);
T ("", 0, A (""), 1, "f", F);
T ("", 0, A ("a"), 1, "f", F);
T ("", 0, A ("a", "b"), 1, "f", F);
T ("", 0, A ("a", "b"), 1, "f", F);
T ("", 0, A ("a", "f"), 1, "f", F);
T ("", 0, A ("f", "f"), 1, "f", F);
// exercise short and/or long options
T ("foo(1,{\"-a\"})", 0, A ("-a"), 1, "a", F);
T ("foo(1,{\"--a\"})", 0, A ("--a"), 1, "|-a", F);
T ("foo(1,{\"-a\"})", 0, A ("-a"), 1, "a|-a", F);
T ("foo(1,{\"--a\"})", 0, A ("--a"), 1, "a|-a", F);
// exercise the handling of unknown options
test_unknown_options ();
// exercise the handling of options with a counter
// instead of a callback handler
test_counted_options ();
// exercise the handling of options with an optional argument
test_optional_argument ();
// exercise the handling of tristate options
test_tristate ();
// exercise the handling of options with a required argument
test_required_argument ();
// exercise the handling of repeated occurrences of the same option
test_repeated_options ();
// exercise callback errors
retvals [0] = 1;
T ("foo(2,{\"-a\",\"-b\"})",
retvals [0], A ("-a", "-b"), 2, "a b", F, B);
retvals [0] = 0;
retvals [1] = 2;
T ("foo(3,{\"-a\",\"-b\",\"-c\"});"
retvals [1], A ("-a", "-b", "-c"), 3, "a b c", F, B, E);
retvals [1] = 0;
return exit_status;